Monday, November 23, 2015


I have had several comments sent both anonymously and confidentially that "this will not end well for Tony," and I have been fielding this kind of information for two years. 

At first I thought the comments only inferred that his past would be finally exposed and he would be unceremoniously deposed. But two more confidential emails after I posted frenchie's recent comment (copied below) have confirmed that a possible plan to throw Tony "under the bus," may not be a figure of speech. 

At the top, the NCW is a syndicate, a money-laundering syndicate and a gang of thugs (just look at who they make their "catechists" on the local level). 

There is blackmail here, through and through, and Apuron has no way of untangling himself. It has been known for awhile that he has "failed." No one was supposed to know about the Deed Restriction until he was dead or gone or both. No one was supposed to get wise to the real goings-on at RMS, but Presbyter Louie couldn't keep his mouth shut (ahem), and Wadeson got careless. 

Even with that they might have gotten away with it, but they themselves got too greedy when they went after Santa Barbara and the Cathedral. They had no idea that some amongst the laity would rise up. We were supposed to sit down, shut up, and obey. There wasn't supposed to be a blog, especially one that posts actual documentation of their lie after lie and theft after theft. 

Apuron has known for awhile that he is not "loved" by the NCW, he is only useful. They baited him with their fawning, with their applause, with their strokes. He was easy prey. But now that he is no longer useful...he knows he's in trouble...and Rome is the least of his worries. 

Maybe by exposing a possible plot here, we may make Kiko's thugs think twice. We want Apuron back healthy enough to sign on the dotted line and to set things right. However, this may be precisely the reason Kiko's thugs don't want him to come back. As Frenchie says, it allows Pius the Putrid to buy time. Even now The Putrid is on a somewhere. 

P.S. Those of you who know "frenchie," or even if you have only been following his comments, know that he has access to real intel in the highest halls of power. This isn't a joke. 

  1. Dear Anon, if you knew you were going to get hit with some of the worst scandals of your thirty years reign, you probably would go away for a while, to secure some of your ill gained fortunes and to relax a little bit before coming back in the proverbial lion's den.
    AAA knows what is coming with a one, two, punch that will destroy what little is left of his already very damaged reputation.
    He will be served by CCOG with their last attempt before a lawsuit, which will demonstrate once and for all, his conniving ways and his scheming methods.
    Then he will be confronted with the ghost of the 77 past, a moment he has dreaded for years, which Adrian, David and Pius have used to blackmail him in that tiny corner where he painted himself in.
    The king is naked, and unlike in the old adage, he knows it. He knows the NCW and their goons will throw him under the bus without hesitation.
    Some will say, he had it coming, which in a sense is right. But the time, money and energy wasted because of his sins and his lack of courage will haunt us for years.

    Actually Tony still has an option to save himself at least partially. He could go to the priests he persecuted and ask them for shelter, while he comes clean to the whole Archdiocese and the authorities, while being ready to finish his life where he belongs, but at least saving his soul.
    This is highly unlikely, first because he has demonstrated throughout his life that he is a coward, but mostly because he is a prisoner of Pius and the people around him. He knows he probably would not survived the night at his residence.
    Another heart attack in the tradition of the people that gravitated around the likes of Kiko, Carmen and the Gennarini's, who ended up that way, right at the right time.
    Actually they already kind of got us prepared for that, by leaking the stories about his heart condition......
    At least now you have the tools to discern the strings that manipulate the puppets of that tragic theater.

    Gennarini's and Pius might actually have orchestrated the whole affair, and spirited him away for a month, while they decided, as to best proceed.
    If Tony was to meet an untimely death on the road, (heart attack, car accident, mugging, you name it), the CCOG would have difficulty serving their last attempt at reconciliation, or at least the goons would gain time.
    They could point to living the past be, if a sexual abuse victim, would suddenly surfaced.
    Plus it would give them more time to influence Rome in putting one of their choosing, to replace Tony.
    The game of chess is never over with these evil people.

    So lets pray that Tony and his toyboy both come back swiftly and in good health, because if they do not, our problems could get a lot worse before they get better.


  1. Father Matthew BlockleyNovember 23, 2015 at 9:35 AM

    My prayer for Archbishop is that he will resign and dedicate himself to a life of prayer and penance to amend for the grave injustices abuse of power to intentionally hurt others.
    Prayer and penance is not a punishment it would be a sincere attempt to amend all pain he caused others.

  2. This is very worrisome as no one wants the archbishop harmed physically. To have some harm come to him while in a foreign country would be a nightmare. He is friendless in Medellin. Is Harold a friend or a watchdog? If the archbishop reached out to the priests he's harmed, I believe they would help him. I hope the archbishop returns safely to Guam in light of frenchie's Intel.
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  3. Is the archbishop still in Medellin?

    Embassy Messages for U.S. Citizens
    Latest Message for U.S. Citizens

    Personal Security and Emergency Preparedness
    In light of the on-going terrorist attacks in Paris, the U.S. Embassy Bogota would like all U.S. citizens in Colombia to review their personal security and emergency preparedness.

    We remind all U.S. citizens and family members to practice good situational awareness and keep track of what is happening around you. Monitor local media. If you encounter something or someone suspicious, do not attempt to investigate or interfere. Leave the area immediately and inform the police as soon as possible.

    Personal security and emergency preparedness is a continuous process and U.S. citizens and family members must take an active role.

    1. Harold is a street wise guy of the city of Medellin.

    2. That is correct. ... the question is where his loyalty lies? Most likely he is more a minder in the putrid pawn, rather than Tony's friend

  4. Belgium terror......impending threat. Tony terror ...impending threat. Give it up, Tony.

  5. are neocat public "confessions" protected from court inquiries the way real confessions are? that would be an interesting test.

    if it turns out to be open to court inquiry, the skeletons will be scrambling.

  6. Fly on the wall reporting from family compound of Fr Pedro Durango in the hills outside Medellin Colombia:
    First the players:
    AAA=Archbishop Apuron
    PAID=Pedro All In Durango
    FAM=Durango Clan
    PHC=Presbyter Harold Colorado
    DUM=David Underhanded Messenger the VG
    TPA=Travel Agency
    FAT=Fr Adrian Terrible
    The setting:
    Several conversations and phone calls recently heard from a frazzled cultist follower (AAA)

    AAA: So Pedro, introduce me to your family, okay?
    PAID: Sorry Tony, they don’t speak English.
    AAA: Hola! Que pasta?
    PAID: (to his family under his breath) idiota
    FAM: (all laugh and mumble something while nodding in agreement)…..
    PAID: My family all say they are so honored to meet such a holy man, a great leader.
    They have read much about you!
    AAA: (thrusting fist forward) I am so happy. Would they like to kiss my ring now?
    PAID: (to family in Spanish) Cuidado, his hands are known to be dirty.
    AAA: (basking in the attention) God bless you all! You are good people.
    FAM: (to PAID in Spanish) Quick, get rid of him! We have important business to tend to.
    PAID: Tony, my family is very tired after the huge meal you treated us to with your Archdiocese
    Credit card. They must take siesta now.
    AAA: Yes. They beans are getting me too. I can go to my room and make some calls, okay?
    PAID: Thank you so much for bringing me back to my people for all these first masses. The family
    In Guam and here have been so generous. I don’t know how to thank you.
    AAA: I’ll find a way. But for now, remember that 60% of whatever was given to you belongs to
    The Way. I’ll take the money and give them your portion, okay?
    PAID: Yes, brother Tony, if that’s what the responsibles say.
    AAA: Bueno slumber
    FAM: (all laugh in amazement) Adios Antonio
    AAA: Come Harold. To our room. I’ve got some important calls to make.
    PHC: Yes Brother Tony. The Durango Clan sure seems to like you. (idiota)
    FAM: (after Tony leaves, and in very good English) Pedro, is he really as dumb as he seems. He is
    So full of himself, demanding we kiss that stinky ring. And why does he extort 60% of what
    the people have given to you?
    PAID: It is a small price we pay for living in America. All the new presbyters have to give him a lot.
    Don’t worry, the people are very gullible and generous, but we all under-report to Tony.
    FAM: That’s our boy! Now, will we be able to continue mailing you packages to the RMS in Guam?
    PAID: Yes, the seminary is the perfect cover for the family business. And if we want to expand, I
    Simply go wherever you want, and I’ll tell people I’m on mission.
    FAM: So we must make sure he stays as Obispo, then. No one else would allow us this access
    without suspicion.
    PAID: Yes, but very powerful people want the Archbishop out.
    FAM: You mean Tim Rohr, and CCOG? They are nothing!
    PAID: Believe me, they are the least of our problems. They are no threat to our plans. But some very
    powerful clerics at the very highest levels are starting to see what a liability “el idiota” is to
    their cause of the Way. He could ruin it all for them. That is why we have to protect him.
    Kiko is ready to make him the modern day sacrificial lamb.
    FAM: Then we have much work to do to keep him from harm, even if he is his own worst enemy.
    PAID: Si, verdad!

    This is Spanish McFly on the wall reporting from Medellin. Updates coming shortly on his excellency’s future travel plans.

  7. Fly on the wall reporting from family compound of Fr Pedro Durango in the hills outside Medellin Colombia:
    First the players:
    AAA=Archbishop Apuron
    PAID=Pedro All In Durango
    FAM=Durango Clan
    PHC=Presbyter Harold Colorado
    DUM=David Underhanded Messenger the VG
    TPA=Travel Agency
    FAT=Fr Adrian Terrible
    The setting:
    Conversation continues back in the suite:

    PAID: Yes, but very powerful people want the Archbishop out.
    FAM: You mean Tim Rohr, and CCOG? They are nothing!
    PAID: Believe me, they are the least of our problems. They are no threat to our plans. But some very
    powerful clerics at the very highest levels are starting to see what a liability “el idiota” is to
    their cause of the Way. He could ruin it all for them. That is why we have to protect him.
    Kiko is ready to make him the modern day sacrificial lamb.
    FAM: Then we have much work to do to keep him from harm, even if he is his own worst enemy.
    PAID: Si, verdad!
    AAA: (back in the room) Harold, does Pedro have two fathers?
    PHC: No, why do you ask?
    AAA: I know his last name is Durango, but I also hear people talking about the family “Cartel”.
    PHC: No, it’s like in Guam, where families have nicknames. Pedro’s family has a nickname. It’s just
    Innocent humor mostly.
    AAA: Oh, that’s nice. Can I also refer to them as the Cartel family?
    PHC: (silently thinking: idiota) In Colombia that would be considered rude if you are not family.
    You shouldn’t mention it anymore.
    AAA: (pause…)Are you related to Pedro? I heard you call them by Cartel in Spanish, I think.
    PHC: Um, his father and my father were both adopted by Don Escobar after our non-kiko parents were killed. So Brother Pedro is named after his adopted grandfather.
    AAA: How sad. Lucky thing Pedro got this new family. You too!
    PHC: (under his breath) idiota!
    AAA: Colombia is certainly such an interesting country. The boys here all seem to like me. I’m thinking of extending my stay. Do you think it is safe for me here, if the family takes care of me?
    PHC: The family definitely will take care of you.

    This is Spanish McFly on the wall reporting from Medellin. Updates coming shortly on his excellency’s future travel plans.

    1. You mean shit fly on the wall ?? any body got a Fly swatter

  8. Michael Voris stated clearly: (From the Book of Daniel) "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace."

    This supremely idiotic notion that all or most men are saved is the first thing that must be resisted, and resisted mightily. The widespread, unofficial, yet very real, quiet acceptance of this demonic-inspired rot is arguably the single most dangerous axiom bandied about in the Church these days.When resistance is shown, remember that moment of confrontation, then you can consider it a done deal that you will meet the enemy face-to-face. Resist him, with everything you've got — everything.
    You are fighting with a holy zeal inspired by love of God, with a desire for justice. Never lay that down. Ever. Resist and advance.

  9. The locals following this idiotic cult on Guam should wisen up and protect their archbishop/brother Tony if this were the case. The tragic selling off of the Archdiocese to ncw influence is turning out to be the single most destructive decision by the Archbishop of Guam. The cult ingratiated itself through a gradual prepping of apuron who is too dull and dumb to think critically and strategically on the long-term effects of his miscalculation. Local neos should go beyond the position of an embattled citadel and the persecution complex in order to see clearly that they too have been conned to participate in a malicious scheme of a global scale.

    They should participate in the protection of the archbishop and Guam Church patrimony and look beyond the increasingly bitter arguments that divide the local people of Guam. We are brothers and sisters on this island, we have always learned to co-exist with non-locals and thrived on our inafa'maolek to welcome and affirm strangers who contribute to the progress of Guam. NCW changed that goodwill, making us suspicious of their intent. Are we going to allow these foreign neo oppressors (church figures, no less) who seem intent on dividing families, alienating loyalties and property, and many other damaging factors that are alien to our culture? Wake up, Guam!
