Friday, November 6, 2015


....the article remembering Archbishop Flores appearing in the U Matuna the week AFTER we noted that the U Matuna had entirely skipped any mention of his 30 year death anniversary, how much you want to bet that we are going to see the missing Aviso in this week's U Matuna even though according to Diana Susanna the "aviso" to the neos was announced last month? For the record here is a screen shot of the official avisos from the archdiocesan website. There is no Aviso regarding the appointment of Pius the Putrid.

And what? No story about Harold going "in mission" as he "announced" on October 21. What? Don't you rate with these guys?? They got their picture in the paper and a whole story about their wonderful work "somewhere."

(BTW. 2 years now and we haven't heard hide nor hair of these guys.)

But then of course we know you are not going "in mission"...unless of course "in mission" means carrying "Tony's" bags (and that's being nice).


  1. Last Sunday we noticed there were lots of cars and people entering the "Boys Chapel" at FDMS. Was there some special mass going on? Now that I think about it, was it for Tony's bday? Anyways, I thought there was some mention a while back about not having any services there unless permission was granted by Tony. Just curious. I live nearby; maybe I wouldn't have to drive all the way to Hagatna to catch mass there if there's a mass around the corner. Parishioner of fan of Tony

    1. For the record, it was a special Mass for the eternal repose of all departed FD alumni, family, and friends. It was simply a tribute to the goodness of these people and an act of entrusting their soul to the eternal love of the Father. Nothing more, nothing less. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

    2. Yes; and it was done very nicely and solemnly, with a member of each decade's alumni coming up to read off the names of the deceased alumni. I commended Father Jeff (and his staff) for the foresight of coming up with an idea like this. Father Jeff assured me he plans to make this an annual event. Listening to the names as they were read brought back nostalgic memories of my classmates and of my students. Go, Friars, go! Keep up the Faith! Fortes in Fide - indeed! - jrsa.

  2. F.D. Mass of Thanksgiving.

  3. Yes, I was distressed on Wednesday when I went to the chancery to leave off a letter for Fr. Pablo to find out that Fr. Pius is temporarily the rector of the seminary. Many years ago I asked Fr. Pablo in a letter to talk to two NCW volunteers who kept pressuring me to become NCW. I asked him to tell them to stop. He did and they stopped the proselytizing. I really appreciated his intercession. I had hoped on Wednesday that after reading my letter he would talk to a verbally abusive NCW volunteer and ask her to behave in civil manner. Now I know he's not available to turn to.
