Decent women, daily Mass goers, teetotalers, priests, and theologians: be warned: You are the problem! At least, that's what Kiko Arguello says in his manic 1967 manifesto, "The Gospel of the Wretched" more.
Those are the alien beings that will operate the flying saucer that Kiko is currently building in Israel. Only NCW followers will be saved. Sounds like another religious order that preaches the same concept.
Well done, Mr. White. The Gospel of the Wretched has been silenced for many years. Why? Too much vomiting? Please, it's me or Kiko showed terrible symptoms of illness in his Gospel? And the second thing, please, I would like to know some opinion of some bishop about that Gospel. Thanks.
Oh the all seeing eye just like the one found on U.S. currency. Must be the reason why he's so attached to it. He probably believes it all belongs to him. Pathetic.
It defies comprehension, how one would follow someone as twisted and delusional as the views and believes expressed in his writings. How is this possible that this man still has the ability to hobnail with the top prelates of our Church. I think i can answer my own question. It is the money and influence that he freely spreads. Wake up people.
He or she probably does care about Kiko's damage done to the universal Church but it's hard sometimes to think past one's own agony. When one has a severe headache or toothache one isn't feeling too much compassion for the suffering of others at that very moment. I, too, don't think too much about the suffering caused by the NCW in other places even I know I should.
The NCW will not leave Guam until Rome fully realizes the devastation they bring. And that means that concerned Catholics on Guam must think beyond just Guam and link up with others from around the globe. There is no other way. Myopia will fail. Sorry.
The NCW will not leave Guam until Rome fully realizes the devastation they bring. And that means that concerned Catholics on Guam must think beyond just Guam and link up with others from around the globe. There is no other way. Myopia will fail. Sorry.
Father Rudy Arejola is the perfect example of a former catholic priest that has sold his soul to Kikoism. With leaders like him, Tony Boy and Putrid Puis, who needs enemies. They love walking around their seminarians and followers like their s#it don't stink when in fact the Layon Landfill smells like a bouquet of flowers than the facade that they exhibit when they're out in public. The seminarians at the RMS are so desperate for a new and better life from whence they came, and all turn a blind eye to their NEO leadership on this beautiful island. Pathetic.
Just wondering why Rudely is always attacking Tim. How sad that he has honed in like a jealous wife. Rudely, haven't you gotten your soulmate already? Leave Tim alone, he has an important mission to do. Perhaps you should change stripes and really look closely at the threats to the Catholic Church in Guam. Maybe you can still salvage your reputation or whatever is left of it.
You have done good research to validate what has been revealed and discussed in the JW reference what the NCW really believes, and we are so very grateful for all your efforts on this matter. This paragraph from Kiko’s “All of this he has fulfilled in Jesus, since he, brothers and sisters, really entered with human nature into the divinity, into the Trinity. He has achieved transcendence, he has been resurrected by God and he has entered into the Promised Land.” is quite opposite what the Church teaches, that Christ in his divinity assumed human nature; He became flesh in the mystery of the Incarnation. CCC 515 “His deeds, miracles and words all revealed that in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily. His humanity appeared as “sacrament,” that is, the sign and instrument, of his divinity and of the salvation he brings.” Also CCC 262 “The Incarnation of God's Son reveals that God is the eternal Father and that the Son is consubstantial with the Father, which means that, in the Father and with the Father the Son is one and the same God.” It is impossible for God to come from human nature into the divine. Or perhaps a form of heresy known as Monophysitism teaching that Jesus’s humanity was totally absorbed by His divinity, but in fact possesses both divine nature and human nature.
As you have revealed in an earlier post, Kiko seems to dismiss the relevance of early church history from Constantine to Vatican 2, this is quite telling, since at Nicea and Constantinople the understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity was explicated, and formulated the truths of the Trinity that we profess in the credo, which I understand the NCW sometimes dismisses to recite. It is my opinion that the Professor at RMS teaching that “Jesus is a Sinner” really meant what he said and flows from Kiko’s erroneous catechesis.
We know that the reality of the Trinity has always existed since it is a reality of God himself who is eternal, however this development of doctrine, or man’s grasp of God’s truth received through revelation had to come from the Church which is the pillar and foundation of truth. Kiko’s understanding of these truths apart from what the Church teaches is the reason it is flawed. It has no basis simply since it is a teaching of Man.
We can surmise that Kiko’s misunderstanding of the Trinity is the reason he missed the boat altogether when it comes to an understanding of who man is, simply since if he missed the point who God is, he will never come to know himself or the human person. After all we are created in the image and likeness of God, and it is quite important to know our creator if we are to know anything about ourselves.
The Church teaches us that the doctrine of the Trinity is the most essential and central teaching of our Christian Faith. CCC261 “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
If Kiko missed this important tenant of our faith, He missed the fundamental building block on which our Catholic faith is built on, that God is Trinity, in other words Kiko missed it all.
To our Catholic Brothers and sisters, Hold fast to the truth we have received from Christ through his Church.
When Kiko says, "he...really entered with human nature into the divinity, into the Trinity," is he not saying that when Jesus ascended into heaven, he returned to the Trinity as one person with both his human and divine natures? In this sense, the human did enter into the divinity. If that is what he means, it seems to square with Catholic doctrine, and would not make Kiko an adherent of monophysitism.
The problem, Timothy, is that this is all that Kiko says about the Trinity in vol. I of his Catechetical Directory that covers the initial catechesis and the first two years of the Way.
In fact, he uses the word "trinity" exactly once in the 427 pages of that book. So what we have, at best, is a half-truth. We also see this on page 11 of that volume:
” …He was a man like us and God was acting in him, performing signs so that it may be manifest that he was the Sent One of God, the Chosen One of God, for every prophet in Israel had to prove that he came from God, otherwise he was a false prophet. And he proves it with facts, performing miracles and uttering words that are fulfilled. The Father had to act in him to confirm that he was his envoy, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit to fulfill his mission."
Positive affirmations of the prior divinity of Christ are impossible to find in Kiko's work.
I would add that to say that Jesus "returned to the Trinity" is to say that he somehow first left it when he entered into history. It would follow that he was not fully God while on Earth, and thus not fully God when he offered himself on the Cross. That would be a heresy.
Even more dangerous than no education, is the little education that fools its recipient to think he/she knows all. This is exactly the main failure of Francisco Arguello. An average student, with little interest in Catholicism, but rather in its perverted evolution, the Marxist idealism. It is obvious that Francisco is lacking huge parts of the Catholic foundation, yet he goes on, aping one author and another, including a bit here, and a bit there, not really fully grasping the real concept of the Catholic faith, but yet continuing his deconstruction. If not for the Guidance of Carmen, who is a much better, albeit tainted theologian, Francisco would have remained what he is: a mediocre artist (none of his oeuvre actually is his, just a convoluted version of other people's work) It is not surprising then, that he relies heavily on quotes, and other peoples excerpts. Nothing in this man achievement is his, it is just a poorly put together compilation of other peoples' ideas, rehashed, reheated and rearranged to fit the test of the time Very, very sad. Thank you Chuck for lifting the veil on this mascarade.
Kiko is an artist alright, as in Con Artist. His faith formation took place much later in life when he was converted. I strongly suspect his conversion was just a maneuver to set himself up to infiltrate Rome and plunder as much as he can during his lifetime. He knows he's not really saving souls but he never had it so good being the NCW god.
Amazingly, these KAKA foreigners will say almost anything to keep the money flowing into their Sacrilegious CULT. They call this amazing. We call it sickening knowing that seminarians from both institutions are indoctrinated by KAKA filled wanna-be professors.
AnonymousDecember 12, 2015 at 1:25 AM Amazing! Most of the islands in the Pacific do not have a major seminary of their own. We have two. And yet some disparage this wonderful fact. Instead of feeling proud that Archbishop Apuron managed to erect two seminaries, they keep on their vilification trip.
The truth is that the majority of those who denigrate these seminaries, have never even been in any of them.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” (Søren Kierkegaard)
am i being too nitpicky, perhaps biased by the "Jesus is a sinner" episode, or is there really a problem with this statement on page 71 (page 67 in the pdf):
(They are not weak, they are Jesus Christ incarnate in sin.)
to me, this does seem to be a problem. while st paul in 2 cor 5 does say that Christ "was made to be sin" (or "became sin"), the orthodox (Catholic) interpretation is not that he became sin itself, but that he became a sin offering. Jesus identifies Himself with the suffering and took upon Himself the burden of our sins, but He doesn't become sin.
this problem seems to be a prevalent theme in kiko's manifesto, and not just with this particular sentence.
rey d, you are right, the reasoning in the Way is like that, exactly as Kiko says in his Gospel of the Wretches: Christ was incarnated in sin. So He was able to understand human being. The same reasoning as made when they say, in the Way, He was tempted to know, by first hand, what the temptations were. And then, inevitably, we have that "God loves me being a sinner", "God loves me despite my sins", etc. etc. Sometimes I think Kiko's ideas and predication on -using neocat language- Jesus, the Father, the Lord, the Spirit...are such a Gruyere cheese. He starts in a point and sudenly finds a hole, but this hole does comunicate with a litte way to another hole...and finally he goes out and the only important thing is that he stands in the cheese. His speeck is a complete chaos. And when you live in the Way, that chaos moves into your most deep. I remember felling that chaos very often. And I do know it was the same with all the people. But in the Way you are trained to "not think", "not ask", "not question"...and over all "obey". Obey without thinking, obey without asking, obey, obey and obey. Whom? Your catechists. They say "you must not think, let us think for you". It is not a metaphor. It is literaly. One of the sacred mantras in the Way is this: "that man who obeys never fails". I started reading Church's Doctrine because I was going mad with the Way's chaotic theology. And that was the reason I was expelled: the catechists of my catechists asked me to obey over the Church's Doctrine. And why did they ask me for that? Because I was not willing to obey when the Way goes against Church's Doctrine. It was clear. If both things had been just the same, I wouldn't have had any problem. The official Church wants the Way as shown in Statutes. But Statutes don't reflex what the Way realy is in his dayly living.
LAPAZ, you are so right in pointing out Kiko's chaotic theology and his demand for absolute obedience. Apuron tried the absolute obedience route but he did not factor in the reality that the laity are not bound to obey him, unlike the followers of the Way who must comply or leave.
i can't find the source reference at this time, but i believe it was ratzinger (either when he was pope or beforehand) who said that many of the problems today in Christianity, and in Catholicism specifically, is rooted in bad Christology. this includes problems not just in the liturgy, but in morality and social doctrine.
ultimately, Jesus Himself asks us the question: "who do you say that I am?" (matthew 16:15ff, etc)
i stand with the faith handed down by st peter and the apostles. what about you, neocats?
thanks for sharing this, chuck. it reveals more problematic stuff about kiko's thoughts.
ReplyDeleteneocats: beware! please seriously reconciler your membership in this community. its founders are preaching non-Catholic ideas.
also, what is up with the drawing of the person with the shaved head, which appears twice?
Those are the alien beings that will operate the flying saucer that Kiko is currently building in Israel. Only NCW followers will be saved. Sounds like another religious order that preaches the same concept.
DeletePops right out a couple of times, "I always wanted to have DINERO". Well, we knew that part.
ReplyDeleteWell done, Mr. White. The Gospel of the Wretched has been silenced for many years. Why? Too much vomiting?
ReplyDeletePlease, it's me or Kiko showed terrible symptoms of illness in his Gospel?
And the second thing, please, I would like to know some opinion of some bishop about that Gospel.
This sick Kiko has sickened many with his vomit.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately Kiki has also sickened our Archbishop.
Lord help them and us.
Oh the all seeing eye just like the one found on U.S. currency. Must be the reason why he's so attached to it. He probably believes it all belongs to him. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteIt defies comprehension, how one would follow someone as twisted and delusional as the views and believes expressed in his writings. How is this possible that this man still has the ability to hobnail with the top prelates of our Church. I think i can answer my own question. It is the money and influence that he freely spreads. Wake up people.
ReplyDeleteI only care about Guam..Get this Kiko out of our island and let those in other places deal with him as they please.
ReplyDeleteAnon @12:09pm: then for you, is the Catholic Church truly universal? Do you believe in the reality of the Communion of Saints?
Delete@ 12:12 to your questions yes and yes-the Communion of Saints also in the creed.
ReplyDeleteThen why do you care only about Guam?
DeleteHe or she probably does care about Kiko's damage done to the universal Church but it's hard sometimes to think past one's own agony. When one has a severe headache or toothache one isn't feeling too much compassion for the suffering of others at that very moment. I, too, don't think too much about the suffering caused by the NCW in other places even I know I should.
DeleteThe NCW will not leave Guam until Rome fully realizes the devastation they bring. And that means that concerned Catholics on Guam must think beyond just Guam and link up with others from around the globe. There is no other way. Myopia will fail. Sorry.
DeleteThe NCW will not leave Guam until Rome fully realizes the devastation they bring. And that means that concerned Catholics on Guam must think beyond just Guam and link up with others from around the globe. There is no other way. Myopia will fail. Sorry.
DeleteJust touched down. I'm BAAAAA-CCCKKK.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!!
DeleteHurray! The anti-NCW movement will start to pick up steam again!
DeleteAss hole......BAAAAA-CCCKKK
DeleteMorning, Rudy.mdid u miss me :)
DeleteAnyone had Spanish II and can translate Kiko miserable book?
DeleteFather Rudy Arejola is the perfect example of a former catholic priest that has sold his soul to Kikoism. With leaders like him, Tony Boy and Putrid Puis, who needs enemies. They love walking around their seminarians and followers like their s#it don't stink when in fact the Layon Landfill smells like a bouquet of flowers than the facade that they exhibit when they're out in public. The seminarians at the RMS are so desperate for a new and better life from whence they came, and all turn a blind eye to their NEO leadership on this beautiful island. Pathetic.
DeleteRude Rudy doesn't know any more about Kikoism than he does Catholicism. Joke.
DeleteCorrection on my last post. I referenced them as leaders when they are nothing more than mortal men. Leaders they are NOT!!
DeleteJust wondering why Rudely is always attacking Tim. How sad that he has honed in like a jealous wife. Rudely, haven't you gotten your soulmate already? Leave Tim alone, he has an important mission to do. Perhaps you should change stripes and really look closely at the threats to the Catholic Church in Guam. Maybe you can still salvage your reputation or whatever is left of it.
DeleteFor those who want to read this miserable Gospel in spanish:
ReplyDeleteYou have done good research to validate what has been revealed and discussed in the JW reference what the NCW really believes, and we are so very grateful for all your efforts on this matter. This paragraph from Kiko’s “All of this he has fulfilled in Jesus, since he, brothers and sisters, really entered with human nature into the divinity, into the Trinity. He has achieved transcendence, he has been resurrected by God and he has entered into the Promised Land.” is quite opposite what the Church teaches, that Christ in his divinity assumed human nature; He became flesh in the mystery of the Incarnation. CCC 515 “His deeds, miracles and words all revealed that in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily. His humanity appeared as “sacrament,” that is, the sign and instrument, of his divinity and of the salvation he brings.” Also CCC 262 “The Incarnation of God's Son reveals that God is the eternal Father and that the Son is consubstantial with the Father, which means that, in the Father and with the Father the Son is one and the same God.”
It is impossible for God to come from human nature into the divine. Or perhaps a form of heresy known as Monophysitism teaching that Jesus’s humanity was totally absorbed by His divinity, but in fact possesses both divine nature and human nature.
As you have revealed in an earlier post, Kiko seems to dismiss the relevance of early church history from Constantine to Vatican 2, this is quite telling, since at Nicea and Constantinople the understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity was explicated, and formulated the truths of the Trinity that we profess in the credo, which I understand the NCW sometimes dismisses to recite. It is my opinion that the Professor at RMS teaching that “Jesus is a Sinner” really meant what he said and flows from Kiko’s erroneous catechesis.
We know that the reality of the Trinity has always existed since it is a reality of God himself who is eternal, however this development of doctrine, or man’s grasp of God’s truth received through revelation had to come from the Church which is the pillar and foundation of truth. Kiko’s understanding of these truths apart from what the Church teaches is the reason it is flawed. It has no basis simply since it is a teaching of Man.
We can surmise that Kiko’s misunderstanding of the Trinity is the reason he missed the boat altogether when it comes to an understanding of who man is, simply since if he missed the point who God is, he will never come to know himself or the human person. After all we are created in the image and likeness of God, and it is quite important to know our creator if we are to know anything about ourselves.
The Church teaches us that the doctrine of the Trinity is the most essential and central teaching of our Christian Faith. CCC261 “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
If Kiko missed this important tenant of our faith, He missed the fundamental building block on which our Catholic faith is built on, that God is Trinity, in other words Kiko missed it all.
To our Catholic Brothers and sisters, Hold fast to the truth we have received from Christ through his Church.
God Bless.
* tenet of our faith . . .
DeleteWhen Kiko says, "he...really entered with human nature into the divinity, into the Trinity," is he not saying that when Jesus ascended into heaven, he returned to the Trinity as one person with both his human and divine natures? In this sense, the human did enter into the divinity. If that is what he means, it seems to square with Catholic doctrine, and would not make Kiko an adherent of monophysitism.
DeleteThe problem, Timothy, is that this is all that Kiko says about the Trinity in vol. I of his Catechetical Directory that covers the initial catechesis and the first two years of the Way.
DeleteIn fact, he uses the word "trinity" exactly once in the 427 pages of that book. So what we have, at best, is a half-truth.
We also see this on page 11 of that volume:
” …He was a man like us and God was acting in him, performing signs so that it may be manifest that he was the Sent One of God, the Chosen One of God, for every prophet in Israel had to prove that he came from God, otherwise he was a false prophet. And he proves it with facts, performing miracles and uttering words that are fulfilled. The Father had to act in him to confirm that he was his envoy, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit to fulfill his mission."
Positive affirmations of the prior divinity of Christ are impossible to find in Kiko's work.
And there's more, which you can read here.
I would add that to say that Jesus "returned to the Trinity" is to say that he somehow first left it when he entered into history. It would follow that he was not fully God while on Earth, and thus not fully God when he offered himself on the Cross. That would be a heresy.
DeleteEven more dangerous than no education, is the little education that fools its recipient to think he/she knows all.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly the main failure of Francisco Arguello.
An average student, with little interest in Catholicism, but rather in its perverted evolution, the Marxist idealism.
It is obvious that Francisco is lacking huge parts of the Catholic foundation, yet he goes on, aping one author and another, including a bit here, and a bit there, not really fully grasping the real concept of the Catholic faith, but yet continuing his deconstruction. If not for the Guidance of Carmen, who is a much better, albeit tainted theologian, Francisco would have remained what he is: a mediocre artist (none of his oeuvre actually is his, just a convoluted version of other people's work) It is not surprising then, that he relies heavily on quotes, and other peoples excerpts. Nothing in this man achievement is his, it is just a poorly put together compilation of other peoples' ideas, rehashed, reheated and rearranged to fit the test of the time
Very, very sad.
Thank you Chuck for lifting the veil on this mascarade.
Kiko is an artist alright, as in Con Artist. His faith formation took place much later in life when he was converted. I strongly suspect his conversion was just a maneuver to set himself up to infiltrate Rome and plunder as much as he can during his lifetime.
DeleteHe knows he's not really saving souls but he never had it so good being the NCW god.
Amazingly, these KAKA foreigners will say almost anything to keep the money flowing into their Sacrilegious CULT. They call this amazing. We call it sickening knowing that seminarians from both institutions are indoctrinated by KAKA filled wanna-be professors.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousDecember 12, 2015 at 1:25 AM
Amazing! Most of the islands in the Pacific do not have a major seminary of their own. We have two. And yet some disparage this wonderful fact. Instead of feeling proud that Archbishop Apuron managed to erect two seminaries, they keep on their vilification trip.
The truth is that the majority of those who denigrate these seminaries, have never even been in any of them.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” (Søren Kierkegaard)
am i being too nitpicky, perhaps biased by the "Jesus is a sinner" episode, or is there really a problem with this statement on page 71 (page 67 in the pdf):
ReplyDelete"Ellos no son débiles, son Jesucristo encarnado en el pecado."
(They are not weak, they are Jesus Christ incarnate in sin.)
to me, this does seem to be a problem. while st paul in 2 cor 5 does say that Christ "was made to be sin" (or "became sin"), the orthodox (Catholic) interpretation is not that he became sin itself, but that he became a sin offering. Jesus identifies Himself with the suffering and took upon Himself the burden of our sins, but He doesn't become sin.
this problem seems to be a prevalent theme in kiko's manifesto, and not just with this particular sentence.
am i off-base here?
rey d, you are right, the reasoning in the Way is like that, exactly as Kiko says in his Gospel of the Wretches: Christ was incarnated in sin. So He was able to understand human being. The same reasoning as made when they say, in the Way, He was tempted to know, by first hand, what the temptations were.
DeleteAnd then, inevitably, we have that "God loves me being a sinner", "God loves me despite my sins", etc. etc.
Sometimes I think Kiko's ideas and predication on -using neocat language- Jesus, the Father, the Lord, the Spirit...are such a Gruyere cheese. He starts in a point and sudenly finds a hole, but this hole does comunicate with a litte way to another hole...and finally he goes out and the only important thing is that he stands in the cheese.
His speeck is a complete chaos. And when you live in the Way, that chaos moves into your most deep. I remember felling that chaos very often. And I do know it was the same with all the people.
But in the Way you are trained to "not think", "not ask", "not question"...and over all "obey". Obey without thinking, obey without asking, obey, obey and obey. Whom? Your catechists. They say "you must not think, let us think for you". It is not a metaphor. It is literaly.
One of the sacred mantras in the Way is this: "that man who obeys never fails".
I started reading Church's Doctrine because I was going mad with the Way's chaotic theology.
And that was the reason I was expelled: the catechists of my catechists asked me to obey over the Church's Doctrine.
And why did they ask me for that? Because I was not willing to obey when the Way goes against Church's Doctrine.
It was clear. If both things had been just the same, I wouldn't have had any problem.
The official Church wants the Way as shown in Statutes. But Statutes don't reflex what the Way realy is in his dayly living.
LAPAZ, you are so right in pointing out Kiko's chaotic theology and his demand for absolute obedience. Apuron tried the absolute obedience route but he did not factor in the reality that the laity are not bound to obey him, unlike the followers of the Way who must comply or leave.
Deletei can't find the source reference at this time, but i believe it was ratzinger (either when he was pope or beforehand) who said that many of the problems today in Christianity, and in Catholicism specifically, is rooted in bad Christology. this includes problems not just in the liturgy, but in morality and social doctrine.
Deleteultimately, Jesus Himself asks us the question: "who do you say that I am?" (matthew 16:15ff, etc)
i stand with the faith handed down by st peter and the apostles. what about you, neocats?