Friday, January 15, 2016


The once beautiful and sacred space of the Pigo Mausoleum when it was under the management of Msgr. James is now - under the Neo-cult - a storage shed.


  1. Oh my gosh that's horrible!!!!!

  2. very typical of brother tony, for a money starved neo, these photos represents a num-nut "walking over dollars, to pickup dimes"

    this very neo mindset, will happen to brother tony in the near future, he will get to feel what its like to not be need, to have outlived their usefulness, then being cast aside, an empty shell of what could have been...

  3. Budget cutbacks.....

  4. To the neocult, they don't care for the dead, they only care about the money which funds every crook under their payroll and their weekend retreats.

    Only fools would pay in advance for their burial plots at any Catholic cemetery under this present diocese. It's no wonder why other non-catholic cemeteries are overflowing. Must be nice that brother tony flies practically every month off island and is clueless at why people protest when it's facts like this which he doesn't care to acknowledge under his watch.

  5. NEOs don't believe in a budget. They already know that that the parishes will pay regardless. They just don't want to do the work...More money for thier pockets at the expense of the local people.... This is the result of having a bishop that will support what ever needs the NEOs need and will punish the local priests that do do support thier mission...For sure....For Sure...Joy!

  6. This is an unbelievable offense! I attended Carmelite burial at San Isidro. They ruined the nuns cemetery too. Horrible. It was nice before. When will something happen to STOP THIS ALL? My God!
