Posted by Chuck White
Kiko Arguello is the master of the half-truth, and with few exceptions, he is very careful to avoid appearing to publicly contradict orthodox Catholic teaching. Here begins a series of posts on an egregious example of one such half-truth: the Neocatechumenal teaching, “
Do not resist evil.”
I was deployed in both Afghanistan and Iraq and later served three years as an advisor with NATO Training Mission Afghanistan. This is how the Muslims treat thier this cult a Trojan Horse infiltrating Islam into the Cathloic faith? Additionally, are the catechist instructing thier KAKA filled followers to not question their motives as they rob them of thier time and resources? My answer: for sure for sure....JOY
ReplyDeleteTheir tactic is that the abused woman is told that she must convert her husband into the WAY! Are these woman helped into a shelter or given some type of refuge within the community? If so, is it, I will return home IF and ONLY IF you join they WAY! Just asking.
ReplyDeleteNCW women of GUAM, you know who you are. Pius tells you not to read the "blogs". Here's hoping you read this outrage. No more condoned abuse! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. This topic may be one of the most important, Chuck. Keep at this till someone spills the beans. Women are suffering as we speak. The proud husbands are IN the communities.
Delete"Do Not Resist Evil." Part II is now out. Click here to read it.
DeleteI know this is completely off topic, but.....what the?
Yah, the big rabbi shindig, all expenses paid by you.
DeleteIt is off topic, but you can find more on the Kiko's grand confab with the Rabbis here, Here is what one rabbi had to say:
ReplyDelete"My rabbinic colleagues and I all felt that this group seemed like a Catholic Chabad. Chabad is the Chasidic sect whose mission is to bring Jews back to Jewish practice. Chabad sends emissaries anywhere in the world where they might find wayward Jews that they can bring back into the fold. The followers of the Way were doing this in the Catholic world.
Kiko not only had a big personality, he had a huge ego. He talked about himself at great length to us, his captive audience. [empahasis added] My first impression – one that never abated much – was that all of the rabbis were there, at least in part, as Kiko’s trophies to be displayed to the Vatican hierarchy that was there, as if to show how important the Neocatechumenal Way had become. [empahasis added] The building we were in was also clearly the fruit of Kiko’s work, and he described the hand he had taken in designing all of its features. And then – this is all still on the first day of the conference – an entire symphony orchestra had been assembled, along with an 80-voice choir, to perform for us a symphony that Kiko had composed on the theme of the suffering of the innocents at Auschwitz. The climax of the symphony was the choir joined by the audience repeating a rousing refrain of Shema Yisrael. I could see how much it meant to the Catholics assembled there to affirm that the God of the Jews is also their God, and that God is One. As I will explain, this is a huge and positive change in the Catholic Church, and is not to be taken lightly. By this point however I was ready for some fresh air. The Way had all the markings of a cult of personality. [empahasis added] Perhaps the remainder of the conference agenda would open up some space for actual dialogue."
That is not the only Rabbi that referred to the NCW as a cult, see the article By Rabbi Robert P. Tabak
"But here are some of my concerns: This movement supports very traditional gender roles. Couples who were leaders from various cities were always introduced with the number of children they had: eight, 9, 10, and in one video clip, 19. Kiko Argüello is the movement’s inspiration, receiving what verges on veneration. (His partner, Carmen, was ill and not present at the gathering.) His life story is a key text for this group, underscored by the three and a half hours of his lively presentation. His role has elements of a cult of personality."
If two rabbis can observe the cult characteristics of the NCW after such a short encounter, then what does this tell us?
"If two rabbis can observe the cult characteristics of the NCW after such a short encounter, then what does this tell us?", you are right. I think two eyes per rabbi observe more than two eyes of Cardinal Schonborn, obfuscated that the Way is not a cult because there are no cults into Church. Maybe they should recommend him a good optometrist.