Thursday, March 3, 2016



  1. This is where this deceptive crook jail!!!! I can't beleive we spent all that money for his education and his Doctorate in Cannon Law... I wonder how much more was spent just for the diocese to allow him to get that degree considering how stupid and sickly he is.

  2. Is that you TIM ?????????

    1. LOL. Rude-ee. 1:50 AM. Can't sleep? Hmmm. Wonder why? LOL. Courage.

  3. He looks at home and at peace. Same deceiving look and this is one candidate to replace brother tony? What a waste of a canon law degree.

  4. Failed in everything he tried. A destroyer of the True Faith. No longer a priest in my eyes. But, still praying for him. Maybe he'll do some good as prison minister.

  5. I always thought David the vg would look good in stripes!
    Thanks for confirming this with the future picture of David behind bars.
    Not to worry david. They have free medical for felons.

  6. Deceiver.... Toka....

  7. Do not leave out the leader of the pack, Apuron oops, I'm sorry, he is an empty figure head. He is just responding to what he is directed to do by pius. He should resign, he has lost the respect of all but presbyters. He has "trashed" the rules that govern how the HOLY EUCHARIST is distributed. He has his own rules on where Baptism takes place. He affords his Neo cohorts the exclusive right to hold their services outside Churches. He has trashed ever rule of the Our Holy Mother Church. He is a disgrace to the Office he holds. Step down you are an embarrassment to our Church.. This is true because you no longer adhere to its precepts!!!!! Archbishop in name only. Everything else is an empty shell. Shame on you.

    1. A different sort of jail awaits Apuron.

  8. kiko's "new man" does not judge, does not resist evil, but has no problems with squeezing government officials, no?

  9. Poor, David. Yet more persecution. Cry, cry, cry, whine,whine, whine! "The Vicar General". The same VG Archie complains publicly about for years. Foolish David under obedience to Pius!! Foolish, I say!

  10. Don't give "VG" too much credit ..,, putrid is in charge.

  11. Correct Anon at 1.44!
    None the less, David is a willing participant in Pius and Genarinni cover up and shenanigans. While he lets idiot Adrian, do the public lying, and the insults, he is the one willing and able to do the paperwork cover-up.
    Of course Pius does the string pulling for his masters, and the three idiots continue to sell their souls for a meager price.
    The three of them know and understand their Faustian betrayal, but they are willingly doing it, for what they see as their own benefit.
    It demonstrates how delusional these three are, but in doing so they have inflicted strong damage to our Church on Guam. Lets pray it is not irreversible.
