Friday, April 22, 2016


After more than two years of Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Archbishop of Agana, avoiding sincere requests for communication, urgent pleas to be heard, and many silent protests - which were all met with silence, shunning, and his stating that he doesn't know what the protestors are protesting, the hurt and anger of being shunned, marginalized, ignored, impugned, ridiculed, lied to, stolen from, and insulted for more than twenty years is now beginning to boil over into a  public rage. 

The protest last night at the airport at the arrival of the Gennarini's, the New Jersey thugs who are most responsible for propping up Apuron and enabling his cut-throat behavior and even ordering the evictions of Fr. Paul and Msgr. James, was really a protest about Apuron. And it is just beginning. 

Can you hear us now, Rome? Can you hear us now, Archbishop Hon (who said the Neo is "okay")? Can you hear us now, Tony?


  1. Majority of people who commented on the video are negative against the actions of the protesters, or is it "mob"? This might all backfire on Mr. Rohr and all his followers. I'm thankful that the protesters limited their assault on these poor people to being verbal, not physical.

    1. You are confusing apples and oranges.
      People have the right to protest. Many here believe it is their God given duty.
      Every action might backfire. It is a risk we all take.
      But this is rightful anger.
      It comes after twenty years of abuse. People are not taking any more abuse from thieves and liars.

    2. LOL 7:49. I've been getting the most vile negative comments for three years from you panty-wastes and our cause has only grown bigger and stronger. We are not surprised that the majority of people do not understand. They don't know who that man is. They don't know what he has done. They don't know how he has enabled the rape of this island. They don't know he is Apuron's boss. That's fine. The dogs bark but the caravan moves on. Bye.

    3. Poor people? Hardly, they have become obese by gorging on the coffers and property of the people of Guam.

      Don't insult our intelligence with any more language that pities the Gennarinis. It's just plain nauseating.

  2. These are the people who love their Catholic church?
    I love God, first. It was never a commandment to love the Church, but to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. That's the call of the Christian.
    This, this isn't Christian at all.
    This isn't our culture at all.
    ...and the Catholics who love their Catholic church, the sinners, the outcasts... find them this Sunday in the same churches at which your group protests.

    1. The havoc the NCW has wreaked on the Catholic Church here is not Christian!! Stop pretending like you Neos have done nothing wrong!! AND STOP PRETENDING YOU'RE CATHOLIC!! You Neos are full of SHIT!!

    2. I am not a neo... I am a baptized Catholic, a catholic who goes to Mass at the churches you protest.
      You stop pretending you're a Christian. Who is wrecking the church?
      I affirm, I am not a Neo, I am a member of your church, the Roman Catholic church, and I have to tell you, this Laity Movement Forward is the root of the division.

    3. Hahahahaha us "neos", damn Tim you really can brain wash people huh? "Your people" do more judging and name calling than the "Neos" have done for the past almost 3 years

    4. Yes, I'm really good. Thank you for recognizing that. LOL. Courage.

    5. Tim your looking sickly, hope everything is ok.

    6. Well anon at 8.38, you might go to mass, but you need to pray for more discernment.
      The Archbishop and the Neos have been wrecking the Church on Guam for 20 years. What have you done?
      The Laity Forward Movement is a consequence of this wrecking of the Church, not its cause.
      I certainly hope you are not a doctor, because I would worry about your diagnosis talents.
      Of course you are entitled to your opinion, as illogical as it is.
      Stop pretending that you are holier than the LFM, at least they are not sitting idly on the side, waiting for someone to come to the rescue, while the merchants, the money changers and the thieves are in the temple.

    7. 8:38 AM, you are so lost. Why don't you do your homework before you condemn other Catholics. It is clear that you are clueless on the Church issues that affect us. I have done my part and decided to make a stand against the mistreatment of our priests and the rest of the faithful.

    8. Anonymous person can say anything for anonymity provides little to no accountability or credence. But when it's stated " . . . this Laity Movement Forward is the root of the division," you actually say much about who you are.

      Not so anonymous as you thought you'd pretend to be.

    9. Thank you for your concern, 9:19. Never felt better. LOL. Courage.

  3. Ummm Anyone seen the Archbishop?

    1. I don't think he'll return for this seminar. The pressure is too much for him to take without troubling his heart more. You would think he has more to be concerned about than his own life. It's a matter of not wanting to lay down at all for the other. Maybe the Cardinal or Mr. Gennarini would serve in place. What do you say Pius? More likely not, huh!

    2. Father Tony Apuron another priest the Holy Father spoke of who are half baked. Guess he was thinking of you when he said that the other day. What a shame to your parents. I'm thinking of the video of you telling about your life. You said that before ordination you felt like just riding off into the sun senses like John Wayne. Well, you are no John Wayne; but that was the the last good inspiration you've had that we can tell. Do it, just do it. Walk away from us. Now.

    3. 7:49 not to worry, that won't happen. OJ not necessary as body guard for old Putrid.

  4. We will not be distracted by anyone's negative comments.

  5. Anon 7:49am The mob you refer to is a true reflection of the fervor of the strength of our Faith and these are humble and non violent people. What I saw is a reflection of what we Catholics are ready to do to defend our Faith. The Neo's if smart should admit that the Guam (Pacific) experiment for the Neo's is doomed. We surprised them that we after all are not as dumb as they thought. The only advise I offer is admit that our Faith is so strong that nothing can shake it, not even an Archbishop of our kind. God Bless all of you who demonstrated your commitment to our TRUE CHURCH.

    1. True evangelization is announcing the good news.
      This isn't Catholic... this is not evagelization, either.
      This is not "defending our Faith."

    2. @8:35 AM. Hey stupid, what evangelization are you talking about? Why don't you take down that "Call to Joy" billboard at the Agana Cathedral-Basilica?! Don't tell me Apuron deeded it to your cult.

    3. I am talking about the Evangelization that our Holy Father Francis has called us to undertake... but you love your Catholic Church huh? Guess you don't hear of these things in your TLM hahaha.

    4. Defending the faith?
      More like offending the faithful.

      This is not defending the faith... this is defending allegations.

    5. LOL 11:26. There are about 15 adults who attend the TLM and NOT ONE OF THEM is involved in this protest. Duh.

  6. Oh boy, I've been following this for a while now and things are boiling over....we usually take any guests in warmly with open arms but in this case one has to know the reasons for this groups actions which has been building for years, the archbishop needs to do damage control at this point, the silence is not good for all involoved pro/anti neo

    1. How can the archbishop do damage control when he's responsible for the damages? He has ruined lives and damaged souls the past 40 years. Why be concerned about him when he never showed any concern for us?

    2. Guests? Did you see the Archbishop welcoming them? Did you see Adrian welcoming them? Instead, you saw other infiltrators like pius and edivaldo including the spanish professors, welcoming their fellow invader to the island.

      Don't use that language of "nice" anymore on us. You insult the intelligence of every sane thinker on the island.

      The Gennarinis are as invited to our island as guest as is the Zika virus.


    3. Its all revenge now to Archbishop. Had he have been kind kind just with priests none of this would have happened. He is an evil bastard and he must pay for what he did.


    4. Archbishop damaged alot of people. He hid behind his mitre. Now he hides behind NCW. We will fight him until the end.Monster worst kind.

  7. I was one of those people who was present to "greet" the Genarinnis and their entourage last night. For those who have negative comments about what we did, I offer an analogy to put it in context. Our island church has endured the abuses of the NCW for more than 8 years now. If your family was made to suffer abuse for that long, would you not attempt to do something to end it? Would you not protect your family? Would you not want the abusers brought to justice? Or would you suffer silently and allow those you love and want to protect to be hurt more?

    Yes, I go to mass every Sunday. Yes, I pray for a resolution for the conflict. And yes, come Judgment Day, I will have to answer for my actions, as do we all. But should God ask if I did anything to protect our Church, I can confidently answer, "Yes Lord, I tried." Speaking out against adversity takes courage. But we will continue our fight and hope that the throngs of you who believe in what we're doing, but are afraid to be seen or be heard, will stand with us. In the end, what we're doing is not just to save ourselves; it's to save us all.

    1. Be more specific! I don't get it, what abuse?! Speak louder instead of claiming abuse, tell your story of "abuse"

    2. Thank you so much Becky for your strong stand.

    3. 9:18AM. True, we should be more specific. It is not the rank and file NCW members who are the cause of the abuse (though they enable it), it is the cult leaders who have swindled away a mega-million dollar asset, who have seen to the expulsion of Fr. Paul and Msgr. James and the trashing of their names without the due process required by Canon Law. It is the lying to us in the Umatuna almost weekly especially the publication of the false certificate of title. It is the stamping on Aaron Quitugua who wished not to have a neo-formation. It is the lying to us for more than a decade about the actual nature of RMS (to form priests ONLY for the NCW). It is the gross mistreatment of priests by Apuron who are not supportive of the NCW. The list goes on and it's only the beginning.

    4. Anon at April 22, 9:18 AM .... you should ask the RMS. But I am sure they want to bury it.

    5. For Anon @ 9:18, are you kidding me? Unless you're living under a rock or are part of a "community" that has had the wool pulled over their eyes, the list of abuse continues to grow. Just follow the multiple links that Tim has posted to EDUCATE YOURSELF about what the NCW has done to abuse our people, our clergy, and our beloved church. And by the way, people who post rebuttals to comments as "anonymous," are, in my words, cowards. Put some backing into your remarks by posting who you are.

    6. Tim, let us not forget the countless others whose inheritances were swindled away by this group
      conniving some of our elders, which have left heirs out in the street empty handed. Countless amounts of properties handed over to them, family members harassed and manipulated to sign over properties to give to the vile called NCW.

  8. Rome is culpable for the spread of the Neo cancer that has polluted Guam's diocese. The protests will be viewed as "disrespectful" by the uniformed observer, and Tim's right, they must be informed. The Kiko's, Gennarani's and culprit's of this hijacking of Bride of Christ have been served a message by the "Church Militant", LEAVE Guam and take your vermin with you! St. Michael defend us in battle..

    1. Correct. Make sure all your friends go on the social medias to counter the Kikos. This is an information war.

  9. Your Excellency Hon Tai Fi you were wayyyyy off base. Missed the point by miles and miles.

  10. Just wondering if there will be a protest outside the GATES of RMS?

    1. Been there, done that today. Call us if you want to be informed of the next one. LFM numbers to call are on the upper right hand of this blog.

  11. Kudos to the Gennarinis for turning the other cheek and not retaliating. By following what Jesus has taught, he has gained the support of the majority of Catholics and even non-Catholics on this island. He has shown how a real Christian is supposed to behave.

    1. Yes, yes, Kudos to the Gennarini's. LOL. He didn't need to say anything. He already has millions and millions of our dollars. What is there to say? He has already done all his dirty work years ago. He was only here to insure that his crime operation can continue. He's a smart man. He knows what he's doing. Smart men don't make public statements, especially crooks. They do all their dirty work in the dark and then smile for the cameras. Can't wait to see him on the stand.

    2. So goes another courageous anonymous comment.

      Don't be fooled by the Gennarinis. They are scheming as we speak and will retaliate through the only way they can, through their cathechist in how to address this to the communities. Then they will use the communities to do their dirty work, just like all of you are doing on KUAM and PNC facebook pages.

      We know that they use all of you because some of you have been able to break free from the conditioning and expose the workings of Pius and his ilk.

      So, no matter how much verbosity you exhibit or how many passages of scripture you manipulate, rotten fruit is rotten fruit and the NCW leadership has just stepped in the mess of their own making.

    3. Drunk on your own words, anon at 10.37? If any kudos for turning the other cheek are deserved, it would be for our local priests, and the faithful on Guam, who have been slapped in the face for twenty years.
      They have shown what true Catholics do....
      As for your fortune cookie, moralistic blah, blah, you can put in where Genarinni does not shine.

  12. Perhaps this wasn't the best way to go about your protest.
    I'm not a Catholic, but I do belong to a Christian church.
    This has really shaken me. You people call yourselves Christian?
    If your heirarchy ends with the pope in Rome and he hasn't done anything about it, why do you continue to protest?
    Isn't what makes a catholic one who is also obedient? Which is why your church has lasted for centuries. From the looks of it, your small segmented group are more protestant than I am. Brood of vipers! Stop claiming you love your Catholic church, because this is not LOVE!

    1. Oh look! Another judgmental outsider that has nothing better to do than stick their nose in our business.

    2. @1:24 PM, you're not Catholic so stay out of our business. Bye!

    3. Oh Brave Anonymous Christian @1:24pm, if we follow your reasoning then the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and even the brave Harriet Tubman should have stayed at home and sat on their thumbs...

      Christians can and should non-violently resist the evils of corruption and abuse... Read more.

    4. Many people commenting on KUAM Facebook page. Most of them don't understand what's been going on and some feel sorry for the old men, Pius and Giuseppe. People from other places commenting as well, some obviously Neo. Crazy how people are so quick to condemn the protesters when it is none of their business.

    5. Yes, the neos are out in force, trying to make it look, as if they are the majority. People need to go and voice their side of the issue. Many are doing it, but not enough.

    6. Really now, 1:24 PM, check the history of this discontent rather than make judgments on a single instance. Please inform yourself by doing your research rather than joining the bandwagon. What should concern you is your narrow vision of love wherein everyone is saying kumbaya although a huge gap separates them. Protestant? I think you are a NCW adherent, conditioned to defend your neo masters. And, yes, you and your fellow kiko-worshiping group are neo-protestants!

    7. Yeah, but whoever is Augustus, is giving it back.

  13. Very easy to turn the other cheek, when you have been gifted 50 million dollars worth of asset; this is only one source how about the money raised for Sta. Rita where, o where did it go???

    1. They are all here to suck us you with more Money and question their neo leaders, how come the other Parishes have not been converted. All I say, catch your 1st flight out of here. THIS IS OUR ISLAND AND OUR CHURCH SO RETURN ALL THAT YOU HAD TAKEN and LEAVE.

  14. Hello everybody,
    again congratulation on making a stand. Now do not be surprised by the neo's reaction. They knew this was bound to happen, may be not last night and the way it did happen, but they knew opposition is ramping up.

    Pius has instructed his troops for a few weeks now. They are going over the social media in full force, and their cohorts outside of the island are joining in.
    This is a technique they have developed in other countries, when under fire.

    Remember Deny, Deflect, Destroy. Not always in that order.
    After last night, there was mostly a lot of Deflect and Destroy.

    I would humbly subject that within your family, each of you designate one or two persons to monitor and post on all these sites, to counter their propaganda. You have very good points already made on placards.
    Now you need to get help to have an internet watch of family, friends, and supporters, here on Guam, and in our large families on the mainland to take that task on. (this is the modern communication warfare)
    We have drawn the proverbial line in the Sand. Now we have to be ready to defend it. All in a peaceful and Catholic spirit. But one of strength.

  15. Yes Frenchie we keep on here ....they have tons of commenters at the ready to comment how rude we are. They did they same for signing petition against Pius the putrid. They gave the order and voila ! 50,000 names. ! Pius' platoon. Our petition gave little persuasion to that MALTESECarmelite Provincial. Did you hear that?? MALTESE. HMMMMMM. MALTESE?

  16. If you are anonymous you become irrelevant. Please join us and step forward. We need you to stand up and be counted, now more than ever. The Neos are banking on your anonymity. For your anonymous neo supporters, I know you are cowards anyway, so disregard. Except for Zoltan, at least he has gonads big enough to step forward and defend his cult.

  17. wow, amazing events. i've been away for a few days so i'm just slowly catching up. bravo, guam Catholics. keep up the fight.
