Posted by Bruce Williams
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." (Genesis 3:15)
The NCW downplays the role of the Mother of God, who by her FIAT, bore the Son of God, Jesus Christ. This was made possible by her "Immaculate Conception." Her womb became a spotless vessel for the God made man.
She is the Co-Redemptoris, the New Eve, whom the serpent has no power over. The NCW is an enemy of the Church and like a snake who hides in the grass, will be crushed beneath her heal.
The video below was sent by Andrew Camaco, who sent the first part of the amazing conversion of a Jewish woman, Rosalind Moss who is now a Nun, Mother Miriam. Her new order is the weapon against all heresy. Again a must see for all.
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