Monday, September 19, 2016


In his interview with KUAM, Sunday, Fr. Jeff stated that Catholic Social Services and Kamalin Karidat will be at risk should Bill 326 be signed into law. He said this for obvious reasons. He wants to make it look like the bill will harm the poor. 

Fr. Jeff is either displaying his absolute ignorance and is thus wholly unfit to be a leader of any sort in the Catholic Church. or he is an outright liar, making him just as unfit. 

Catholic Social Services and Kamalin Karidat are non-profit entities, separate from the Archdiocese of Agana, just as is RMS. In fact, in 2014, after Apuron was shamed into publishing at least some financial data about the Archdiocese of Agana, he stated that Catholic Social Services and RMS would publish their own reports since they were "separate" corporations. 

In addition, most if not all of Catholic Social Social Services programs are federally funded. 
Catholic Social Service operates homeless prevention programs that provide one-month rental assistance to low-income individuals and families threatened with eviction for non-payment of rent. Catholic Social Service receives funds to provide homeless prevention assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. - GHURA
The Adult Day Care, Case Management Services, In-Home Services programs and one locallyfunded program, the Emergency Receiving Home, a protective services program, is contracted with Catholic Social Service (CSS), a faith based organization that has been in existence for over 35 years. The three programs, Adult Day Care, Case Management Services and In-Home Services were awarded this fiscal year, Fiscal Year 2015, for a period of three years; therefore, inclusive of the current fiscal year, Catholic Social Service will be the provider for the three programs for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017.  - Guam Department of Health and Human Services
For more, just google "Catholic Social Services Federal Funds"

Kamalin Karidat is privately funded and donated to by individuals and local businesses. It is a wholly separate non-profit 501(c)3 organization. (In fact, not only does Kamalin Karidat NOT receive funds from the Archdiocese, as some know, it is sometimes the other way around.) 

In either case, neither of these two entities, the only "social services" which the Catholic Church "provides." would be affected by the institutional liability contained in Bill 326 unless those organizations themselves are found to be complicit in aiding and abetting sexual predators within their organizations.

For three years, I and others, have been shaking our heads at the outright lies that pour forth from our so-called religious leaders. We are left wondering are they really that ignorant or or they really that evil and believe they can just play the people for fools. Fr. Jeff's statements make it all the more difficult to decide which.

One good thing that has come of the events of the last few days is the wake up call I have been calling for from the beginning. I have constantly tried to call people's attention to the fact that the Neocatechumenal Way is NOT the problem. It is the cancer which attached itself to the problem and fed off it, but it is not THEE problem. And simply getting rid of the Neocatechumenal Way will not solve anything. It would be like cutting out a tumor and leaving the real cancer behind. We are now seeing what the REAL cancer is. 


  1. For you, people og Guam, you are right, but for us, catholics from all the world, the proplem that harms us is not Guam, but the Neocatecumenal Way.

    1. I agree that the NCW has been the root of division. But the fact is, they've infiltrated the management and have tried to rewrite what Catholicism is to their gain. They need to be vetted from the top.

  2. I agree that the cancer has been the management at the top. Give them free reign and power and they'd take everyone down and sink the entire ship just to save their materialistic goods they've accumulated from the people who entrusted them with our souls. Just sad.

  3. Tear down the walls of evil!

  4. spot on, tim. more people are opening their eyes to the problems that long pre-date the arrival of the ncw.

    i find it difficult to believe how fr jeff could be so ignorant of those facts. so i'm inclined to believe that he really is trying to scare people into petitioning for the veto. leadership gone crazy.

    1. And ironic because a month ago Fr. Jeff gave an impassioned homily at the cathedral about the importance of integrity.

  5. Yeah, Fr Paul threatening no more Friary! Yet, more Division. Any abusive clergyman step forward. Maybe only decent thing you gave ever done.

  6. Friary is owned by the Capuchin Order a separate entity as well. This is also true of properties that are owned by the Note Dame sisters, Sisters of Mercy, and the Dominican nuns.

    1. Correct. Apuron shouting one day it all belongs to him. The next day after that Mass he fired Finance Council. OMGeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

    2. Archbishop Apuron said he wanted to remove the Dominican Sisters off Guam and retake the property. I was very alarmed so i sent work to the Dominican sisters and the Mother General. I was later informed that St.Dominic's home owned by the Dominican sisters Apuron could not claim the property as it is individual entity.
      Frankly Apuron only wants money property for himself and NCW for which he intended would one day own all church property on Guam. In 1997 pius told me in 20 years whole Archdiocese would belong to NCW. It nearly became true if not for Tim Rohr.

  7. Video makes Fr.Jeff look a part of Apurons evil set up of protecting child molestation inside Archdiocese.
    Father take vacation.

    1. Ya, Jeff, off to Bay Area for Vacay. Big black circles under your eyes. Not good.

  8. Can we start our own petition? to see who gets the most signatures.. it might not be easy.. compared to the 29 parishes soliciting signatures. I'm willing to go from house to house to do it. I guess that will also show Rome how much bigger the wedge of division has become thanks to Archbishop Hon. At this rate, the Governor might not sign it. I didn't expect any of this. It's such a shock! It's become far more worse.

    1. Papa Francis preach the other day n his Chapel about division and greed for money. Must have Apuron on his mind.

  9. I don't buy into this doom and gloom scenario. But for the sake of argument let's say the church needs money for all the lawsuits, including future lawsuits. This is where the seminary in Yona comes in handy. We can sell that seminary and the proceed from the sale should be enough to take care of the lawsuits. Even if all the clergy is guilty of abuse. And we can concentrate on cleaning the Church in Guam inside out. Problem solved. Stop the gloom and doom appeal. You know that is not true. Don't forget our Lord Jesus said nothing can prevail against it. Or have we conveniently forgotten. Gloom and doom. Come on, be honest with us. You know that is not true.

  10. One good thing that came out of this whole controversy is that it revealed the true colors of the clergy. It is so simple. The lines have been drawn and you cannot serve two masters: God or Mammon. I was suspicious when Father Paul and Father Jeff accepted their new leadership roles by Archbishop disHon. As Apuron before them, the lure of power, control and wealth was too enticing to turn down. We all rejoiced at first that our beloved priests were given redemption (or so, some thought) and replaced the NEO church leaders that most of us despised and blamed for all the disharmony and ills that have occurred. So far, I count three priests that did not read disHon's letter or support the petition for the Governor to veto the bill: Father Mike, Father Felix, and Father Richard. These priests have shown their true faith and courage. Thank you, pales.

  11. I did not know that Catholic Social Services is fully funded by federal funds. I think there is a fundraiser for them scheduled for this October, so they apparently don't really need the funding. No more funds to the church and CSS. I've been donating to another order on Guam, but they have now been branded traitors since they read the letters this weekend, so no more donations to them.

    1. CSS might have federal funds, but they still have areas that might be in need of contributions (ie: Alee Shelter)

    2. Fundraiser subsidizes the CSS director's off island jaunts.

  12. one more thing ... what really pisses me off about fr jeff's statements is that they're using the poor and the elderly as human shields!

    so sickening. fr jeff: please open your eyes!

  13. That is correct about true colors and are being manifested throughout the clergy. I live in the states and have been following junglewatch and other news coming out of Guam and how the people were supporting Fr. Paul Gofigan and once he got what he wanted he turned his back on the very people that supported disappointing he became.

  14. Father Gofigsn's ego was pumped up and that's all he needed. Now he turns his back on Tim and all of us at CCOG who fought for him. What a short memory he has and what poor example of a priest. He should be ashamed of himself.

  15. The neocatechumenal way is rearing its ugly head with their malicious lies and scare tactics that is used to coerce their followers to the rest of the island. They're even saying that GDOE will go bankrupt with the recent allegations with the superintendent. What next? McDonald's? Wendy's? Ross stores? Everyone on the island is going to go bankrupt? This cult is really going all out to save their beloved Tony.
