Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Contrast what Fr. Jeff said today in the Q and A with what Attorney Ed Terlaje said in 2011:

Fr. Jeff: "There has never been a dispute that the Archbishop of Agana was in charge of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary and its incorporation. That was never under dispute. "

Attorney Ed Terlaje's opinion memorialized in the agenda for the AFC meeting of September 7, 2011:

At the very heart of this whole issue was whether or not the Archbishop retained control of the property. So after all this, all this hell, all this work, all this money, all this...., we are on the cusp of slam dunking this and smashing through with the TRUTH, Jeff completely annihilates the very premise of everything we have done by giving the NEO's the argument they have made all along: that Apuron retained control of the property. 


The good news is that a grant deed was executed and title to the property is firmly back in the name of the Archdiocese of Agana. The bad news is we still have to fight the Neo propaganda. 

This is what happens when you put nice guys in charge of stuff when you need competent people. This issue IS SO DAMN CRITICAL. It was a slam dunk. My job could have been over. Now it's NOT. 



  1. I guess we have to turn the old saying around:

    Every silver lining has a dark cloud inside.

  2. My sleeves are still rolled up and I haven't removed my sh#t kickers yet!

  3. Fr. Jeff, I can't believe your TOTAL LACK of understanding on this
    issue in spite of all the damning evidence. God help you! Ann A.

    1. Jeff only thinks of Jeff what is best for him. Absoloute disgrace. He openly supported the deplorable former bishop in his immoral life style. He needs to get out the chancery out of sight. As long as he stays in public view he will be blasted shamed. Any priest nun who covered up child abuse needs to be on the front page of PDN with their pathetic Apuron.

  4. Do they actually think just saying it makes it so? The Neo's aren't going to roll up their tent and walk away. Jeff what were you thinking? It's true he is a nice guy but totally incompetent.

  5. Seems like every time Jeff reads a Press Conference from The Archdiocese, he inserts his opinion on a subject he is not entirely familiar with. I wish he would just be honest and say I do not know and seek answers, instead of blurting out comments that undermines the truth of the matter. He should listen more and speak less, loose lips sink ships.

  6. Yes, we had quite a bit of good news today.
    Yes, we have testimony from Mother Dawn Marie.
    Yes, we have concrete action from Abp Byrnes regarding the Yona property.
    And YES, our work continues. There is no time to rest. We must root out the underlying cause of the many problems in the Archdiocese.

  7. Frankly the Press Conference conducted today by Fr.Jeff was an utter disgrace. This is a priest who knowingly supported Apuron when he knew the full truth. A person who supported the dictator contributing to covering up the evil has no place delivering a press conference to the people of Guam.so many untruths in the answers he gave. Lyin Jeff.
    we respect Archbishop Hon and the good he has done. Archbishop Byrnes made the First step to healing.
    Mother Dawn whom I consider a modern day hero reformer of the deplorable Archdiocese should be thanked by all for speaking the truth .
    Apuron created 40 years of living hell and anyone priest or nun who contributed to covering up his mess has no place in the leadership of the church on Guam.
    Best thing Jeff can do is go enroll in the new Paradigm gym spend at least two hours a day on a life fitness machine and shut his mouth.

  8. As you can see, Jeff's "never in dispute" is in absolute contradiction with what he had just read: "These documents have been filed and recorded with the appropriate Government of Guam agencies, to effectuate the reversion of the Yona property back to the full control and governance of the Archdiocese of Agaña. "

    "Back to the full control and governance." Ummm, so does that mean that the Archdiocese of Agana at some point LOST "full control and governance?" Geez! SMH

    I do not think that Jeff consciously meant any harm. HOWEVER, his "I love the archbishop" has to always be considered when such horrible Apuron-defending statements spill from his mouth.

    Archbishop Byrnes, do yourself a favor. Some priests are simply NOT meant to be administrators. Jeff is one of them. He's a good priest. Put him somewhere where he can be just that....for his own salvation.

    1. Jeff's always been like that in school.

  9. Fr.Jeff's read statement was acceptable. It was well composed. Problem with Jeff was the question answers. I did not see a connection between the statement and his answers. This led me to doubt if he composed the statement.It is clear by his answers to the questions he does not support what he read.
    Now the statement is in the right direction. I just dont believe jeff is the right person to be reading statements on behalf of Archbishop Byrnes since Jeff covered up much of Apurons evil. In many ways jeff is an accomplish to the evil and a supporter of the RMS. The seminary that produced Luis Camacho. Close down RMs remove Apuron and healing begins.

  10. Add this task to the list of tasks which call for your attention and address, Archbishop Byrnes: an entire revamping of the executive and clerical, administrative staff at the Chancery; not meaning the secretarial or the receptionists' pool. This task will do wonders in bringing back and reviving the confidence and trust which the faithful lost in our local Church's hierarchy and in the executive staff who work at the head office of our local Church at the Chancery.

  11. Stolen property is stolen, regardless of whether "deeds" OR "certificates" bear the name of the rightful owner or the thief. They are only part of the evidence and only in the context of all the goings-on.

  12. Wonder if Fr. Jeff was told to say that. . . but, it was his answer to a question from the press, so he had to have believed it all along that the Archbishop of Agana had control of the RMS corporation. He had the Bronze opinion. At a CCOG meeting, we were advised that Bob Klitzkie, Richard Untalan and Dave Sablan explained the RMS corporation and its absolute control and ownership of the Yona property at a meeting in August with Archbishop Hon, Fr. Jeff and the Presbyteral Council of the Archdiocese. So, why would he say that. . .?! Freudian slip. . .I hope he is not a neo-sympathizer. He's not the right guy to be talking about a legal issue, unfortunately.

  13. Documents are filed, so now it is public information. Would like to see those documents. I am sure it was well-written and water- and air-tight, since Ed Terlaje and Richard Untalan and Champ Calvo--all attorneys--have a strong interest in doing the right thing. Must not forget Bob Klitzkie and Jacques Bronze whose efforts set the basis for all that needed to be done to effectuate the return of the Yona property back to the patrimony of the Archdiocese of Agana

    Next project: CLOSE THE SEMINARY and send all the foreign seminarians to proper seminaries, but have their home diocese's bishop pay for their formation. We will take care of sending to a proper seminary in the USA, our own seminarians who are from Guam or who commit to serve our Archdiocese if they are from somewhere else. If any of the foreigners want to stick around, they must be properly vetted and must speak good English and demonstrate good moral character among other traits.

    We need to investigate this Neocatechumenal Way organization and what they do with funds from the Archdiocese and the parishes who have neo-presbyters as pastors. We need to show the truth and facts of this organization to Archbishop Byrnes to show they are NOT CATHOLIC.

    1. So where does Juicer Edivaldo fit in? He does not have the goods even if he has excellent gab ridiculousness. The carnival is seasonal so he has to find employment in between the 4th of July circus. I think he is more suited to act as court jester for kiko arghs.

    2. The "Juicer does not fit into any part of the Catholic Church in Guam..., Maybe Iglesias de Christo, (I don't think so), just don't put him close to Chalan Pago Parish Church.
