Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Archbishop Michael Byrnes holds his second news briefing at the Hagatna Cathedral.

  • says this is about "pain"
  • up to us to bring about healing
  • starts in the heart, conversion
  • see past the pain of betrayal
  • see the face of Jesus
  • first order of business: meet with priests
  • victims support group (sister angela)
  • will apuron be facing jail time in the vatican
  • is filoni your superior
  • filoni oversees missionary dioceses
  • will meet with RMS on friday
  • will press be able to follow you on that tour
  • byrnes: that's up to the seminary

Hmmm. That last one is a problem. A reporter asked Byrnes if he had any plans to visit the seminaries. He replied he would be visiting RMS on Friday. The reporter asked if the press would be able to follow him on that tour. Byrnes replied: "I don't know. That would be up to the seminary."

While we can make some concession for the fact that Byrnes just got off the plane, this was a MAJOR FUMBLE (to reference his football analogy). Of course he has just conceded that he has no authority over RMS. Now, this is not true. Of course he does. However, combined with his "report to Filoni" comment from yesterday and the history of Filoni screwing with our diocese, this is really bad. I have hope he'll fix it. 

Also, and I understand why he's doing this, he's making this about "pain and healing." It's not. While certainly some do suffer, it is not some "wounding" by a friend or a falling out of relationship. It is about cleaning out the THIRTY PLUS YEARS of absolute EVIL in our diocese. Do you understand? EVIL, not just some damn "misunderstandings (to quote Msgr. Arroyo). We are NOT hurt! We are ANGRY. Angry that men with Roman collars used and abused us and our children. Byrnes is NOT going to fix this with sermons about pain and healing. Byrnes is going to fix this with TRUTH and JUSTICE. Let's hope he does. 

Note for Archbishop Byrnes: NO MORE PRESS CONFERENCES until you have time to understand what the hell is going on around here. SERIOUS. 


  1. the next test is whether archbishop byrnes will require the neocats to follow the liturgical norms as already ordered by the pope. i hope he doesn't say "that's up to them."

    1. From what I witnessed on KUAM prior to the prayer service; it seems that the NEO Cult are trying to kiss up to the Archbishop Byrnes with their Welcome to Joy music. The horrible sound of the screaming voices to a song not of the local language was a terrible way to welcome the New Archbishop into his new assignment. This was in no way compared to the liturgical music inside the Cathedral Basilica during the prayer service. This NEO Cult is truly not Catholic as they separated themselves behind their own banner before the service singing music in a language that is truly foreign from the local people of the Island. WOW.

    2. i just finished listening to archbishop byrnes's talk at the morning prayer service. he kept emphasizing unity. maybe he feels it's too soon to point it out, but the central expression of unity is the Eucharist, the Mass. this isn't simply about ethnic differences or differences in spirituality, as he mentioned. this isn't korean worship vs filipino worship vs chamorro worship. nor is it franciscan vs jesuit vs dominican. i hope he makes true unity through the Mass a top priority.

    3. Such a tragedy. I was thinking of the brilliant thing Fr. Paul Scalia did at his father's funeral. Everyone sat expecting to hear the son give a grand sermon about the father. Instead, Scalia never spoke of his father, he only spoke of Our Father. He turned everyone's thoughts to heaven and did not lower the moment to the earth.

      How wonderful it would have been had Byrnes, who is a scripture scholar, to have simply took his audience to heaven with him as did Fr. Scalia with his father's body laying before him. Unity follows Truth. It does not exist for its own sake. It is an inescapable by product of a leader leading.

    4. He will learn and learn quickly. Byrnes is hands-on. First thing he will feel with those hands is the blatant disrespect and disobedience the Neos showed to Hon. "Remember, Apuron is the Archbishop!" If Byrnes does anything which is not in their favor, they will repeat these words.

      Also, you're right Tim. He should understand the situation before he speaks and even speculates publicly on deep issues here. He's doing himself no favors right now and I hope he realizes that!

      Also, I'm so overjoyed to see Msgr. James at Byrnes' side at every public appearance. Alleluia! Apuron must be foaming at the mouth!

    5. Rey d...

      The test is set for Saturday evening, that's if he and his visiting guest are to attend the performance and celebration service of "invitation to joy" scheduled by the ncw community...

      Which turns out to be a logistical and spiritual concern for the communities, a decision must be made regarding which format of the celebration of the Eucharist to perform...

      Perform the normal and standard Saturday version, which is to stand waiting to be served by the rms presbyter, or the regular old Sunday version, which is to follow everyone in line up to the Catholic priest...

      Diana September 8, 2016 at 6:13 PM
      Dear Eileen,

      We do not hide how we celebrate the Mass in small communities.
      We have always be truthful about how we celebrate it.
      First of all, there is no such thing as a "Neo presbyter."
      I call them RMS priests only because they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.
      They are diocesan priests.

      In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ standing up.
      We do not consume His Body immediately.
      We are to hold His Body in our hands close to our hearts with adoration.
      After everyone has received the Body of Christ, the priest proceeds with "Behold, the Body of Christ......"
      And we respond with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you......"
      All the words are the same as it is in the regular Mass.
      But we consume the Body of Christ together with the priest.
      And yes, we consume His Body sitting down.

      Is what diana describes even Catholic...
      So how does the ncw accommodate individuals who want to receive Holy communion on the tongue...

      If Bishop Byrnes preference is to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, how will the ncw ever accommodate him...

    6. if byrnes attends one, they might ask him to preside. if he agrees and does it, it will be used by the neocats to the max for their propaganda. iirc, they did the same with pope john paul ii.

  2. So, we do not let up our efforts. It continues on. DEFROCK the monster apuron. Bring justice first Archbishop Byrnes. Then, and ONKY THEN, will the healing begin. BTW, where are the disobedient priest no balls and monkey boy?

    1. See you on the picket line this Sunday, Raymond.

    2. The march goes on...

      On the day when any Catholic Faithful can attend any Catholic Service on any given day it is scheduled, and if not the more or most important factor of all, well at least to me is the freedom of a quiet and open heart and be able to attend any Church Services at any of our Parishes on this garden paradise, we call home, that I call Home...

      Raymond, when that day comes, we can stand as soldiers and rejoice with all who stood by each other, and together as one loud and harmonious voice we can all say "Let us go to the house of the LORD”, so that together we stand before one altar…

      It is the obligation for all Catholics to attend and participate in “Sunday Mass” is built on the belief that without the Eucharist we cannot effectively be the Church for ‘cut off from Christ we can do nothing’.

      apuron OUT… apuron OUT… apuron OUT… apuron OUT… apuron OUT…

      In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ standing up.
      We do not consume His Body immediately.

      We are to hold His Body in our hands close to our hearts with adoration.
      After everyone has received the Body of Christ, the priest proceeds with "Behold, the Body of Christ......"

      And we respond with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you......"
      All the words are the same as it is in the regular Mass.

      But we consume the Body of Christ together with the priest.
      And yes, we consume His Body sitting down.

      apuron OUT… apuron OUT… apuron OUT… apuron OUT… apuron OUT…

  3. Exactly Tim! Truth and Justice is needed not some call for healing. Make the tough decisions and stand firm as the sole leader of our archdiocese. Display some of that Detroit toughness against the evils that plague this island and you'll gain my respect and heal our church.

  4. It's up to them(RMS), REALLY? I thought he's the board, the sole corporation, the coadjutor for the archdiocese of Guam. As for filoni, please come to Guam and let's see if you really want to mess with the tradional Catholic ways that were passed down from generation to generation. What works in other countries DOES NOT work here in Guam. Have the filoni come to Guam and see for himself how deep our faith has been before the NCW BULLSHIT infiltrated this diocese. You want healing then RID this diocese of the NCW and ban its practices within this archdiocese.

    Who are they to change any traditional teachings of the mass and impose their so called public confessions. Get the DRAMA of the NCW OUT..... SERIOUSLY!!

  5. Watch Diana pounce for joy on the "it's up to them" at RMS if the media can follow on Friday. Hey kikos, make sure to shine all your shoes and hide all the pornography in your rooms.... Bunch of pedophilias!

  6. TRUTH and JUSTICE is right Tim!! As someone who lived under Bernard Cardinal Law (of Boston infamy) in a religious congregation that kissed his butt at every turn, I later left religious life (remaining a faithful Catholic)and was HORRIFIED to learn that priests from the chancery who had said mass in our chapel had then been abusing altar boys in their spare time... all with Law's knowledge. I remember the utter betrayal I felt when the Boston news broke. This is your chance to be on the RIGHT side of history, Archbishop Byrnes. Have the strength and courage to call this what it is, an obscene and filthy injustice towards innocent children by those who publicly claim to be called to a holy vocation in the priesthood. The worst kind of injustice and scandal, and deserves to be dealt with as such.

  7. While in Detroit Archbishop Byrnes said he's unfamilar with Guam and the people also he's not too familar about the Neocatechuminal Way. For now, less talk and stop taking orders from the vatican or giving them feedbacks such as(Filoni). The people of Guam knows too well the pain they received since during WWll. Today, pained by the church is still there although dealing with that pain for so long and unfixed it's become more that just a pain. The Vatican needs to stop throwing away their Weeds expecting to land on Guam for use to plant. We will not plant any of your dirty weeds on our beautiful island called Guam.

  8. media should be allowed to accompany Archbishop to seminary. He is in charge. He have the impression he is not responsible for seminary.

    1. He should say, "depending what I say nearer the time". It is the only yet-to-be-renamed RMS anywhere in the world that is diocesan.

  9. "Hon's second message to NCW followers was to be more open and inviting and that, in addition to having good intentions, the leadership within the NCW needed to develop a willingness to talk and open lines of communication. He explained that while he had undertaken efforts to contact NCW leadership, he was unable to really establish a dialogue with them."

    Such a different message than when he first arrived. I'm glad someone like him came to Guam to experience first-hand what the Neo has tried to destory. Now he brings the terrible experience the Neos met him with to Rome and the Holy Father. The Holy Spirit is working in this Archdiocese, this is evident.

    Adios, Abp. Hon. I'll visit you when I make a pilgrimage to the Vatican.

  10. I hope Guam will benefit from Archbishop Byrnes leadership and imput. Let us pray God give him wisdom to bring about the healing of so many hurting people.
    Flipping from JW to Diane to catch the "news," I cringe at some of the language on both sites. How I wish those contributing to the blogs would watch how they voice their opinions. Surely, there is enough words in one's vocabulary that vulgar language would be edited out.
    But, I do want to say that I believe the members of the NCW are not all bad. That is why Archbishop Byrnes will allow them to exist in parishes in Guam. That is why the Popes, too, have allowed them to exist in the Church worldwide. The Popes will not cast out 1 million members who love Jesus, who love Scripture, who love to evangelize and go on missions, who have young people willing to be priests and nuns, etc. The Church welcomes everyone in - Prisoners, Gays, Lesbians, Re-married Divorced, Thieves, Adulterers, etc, etc - so to think the NCW would be cast out is nonsense. But just like the others, once they see and know the TRUTH, their open heart WILL ACCEPT CORRECTION. They just need an open heart to accept correction - just like all movements (or groups or individuals)in the Church. Hopefully, their hearts will be softened. (Especially in the area of Christ's Mass)
    Many of my friends belong to the NCW. Slowly they are seeing how divisive the Way is - (eg: if I went to "their Mass" I would not be able to receive Communion as I receive on the tongue.)
    Dear Archbishop Byrnes, if you are reading this, please make the NCW release their approved Directories to the public for scrutiny. The NCW, contrary to what they say, do not following the approved 2008 Statutes; therefore, there is good reason to believe they are not following the approved Directory (13 volumes). Their followers have a right to know.

    1. Error has no rights. This fact has nothing to do with the people who are misled. It has to do with those who are misleading. The Church has a DUTY to stamp out error. It used to.

    2. Correcting or admonishing error in the NCW does not equate to meaning that the Pope will "cast out" anyone. The Church, as Christ, always invites people to convert, revert and remain in the Church.

      Those in the NCW who refuse to adhere or conform to the teachings and liturgy of the Church after correction are the ones who have cast themselves out.

    3. I sent this at 5:14 PM, has yet to be posted...

      My Dear diana…
      Since you provide a venue and an insider’s view to ncw communities, I’d hope you’ll post this comment, so that others might get a chance to digest and respond,… Thank You in advance…

      If healing and unifying the divides within the Catholic Church, require the ncw leadership to provide the proof of the "Rome has approved it – even the way we’re receiving Communion” document…

      diana, what would the ncw do or say??? you described and stated the following…

      DianaSeptember 8, 2016 at 6:13 PM
      Dear Eileen,

      We do not hide how we celebrate the Mass in small communities. We have always be truthful about how we celebrate it. First of all, there is no such thing as a "Neo presbyter." I call them RMS priests only because they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. They are diocesan priests.

      In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ standing up. We do not consume His Body immediately. We are to hold His Body in our hands close to our hearts with adoration. After everyone has received the Body of Christ, the priest proceeds with "Behold, the Body of Christ......" And we respond with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you......" All the words are the same as it is in the regular Mass. But we consume the Body of Christ together with the priest. And yes, we consume His Body sitting down.

      Yes, you can attend the Saturday night liturgy and not walk in the Way. We had others attend the Eucharist, but they are not walking in the Way. We simply let them know that whatever is said in the echoes cannot be taken out of the room.

      Since anyone and everyone is said to be welcomed to attend service, would concession be given to individuals having a preference to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, so how will they be accommodated, I have always had this preference to receiving Holy Communion…

      diana, once again I say, Thank You…

    4. 3.24 p.m, your comment has many interesting points I wish to pick up on.

      - No bishop or Archbishop heals. God does. My diocese is 20 years in, every painful rocky day of it, wihout even any molestations or property theft. Drop the idea of being in a hurry, now. In 50 years time you will all be able to talk freely of these things. When our row was at its most acute I counted 8 factions which all of them left me in a minority of one.

      - It isn't for Popes to "allow people to exist in the Church" in terms of a decision making process. It's typical Catholic to overestimate the Pope's powers. He accepts their presence passively (but warmly) the same as you do. I can guarantee you he is less complacent about whichever of their practices are wrong, than you are.

      - NCW programme members who go "on mission" go on NCW mission

      - I agree open hearts embrace correction - at their own speed. From deciding the Way was no good, to dropping out, took me 20 years, and I wouldn't have welcomed anyone hassling me about my pace. I am low profile and fly beneath the radar and out of everyone's face. Each of your local members, especially the quieter ones, is probably in a very unique position really.

      - Wednesday Bible studies are in my experience a different kettle of fish than the other NCW programme activities - but then my experience might be different from most. My itinerants were nuanced and seem to be regarded by the international leadership as slacking.

      - Tim and friends have already done all NCW programme members worldwide an inestimable service by publicising all NCW programme related documentation (including the basis of spoken presentations) including that "addressed" to civil authorities, to church authorities, to individuals. Individuals like myself with inside experience are supporting this effort, it's heartening you acknowledge it is so admirable.

      - That there are pervasive mismatches is in addition to much in the claimed "approved" versions being contrary to normal Christian living.

      - It's a turn up that you are invited to their purported "eucharist" but you should not attempt to receive "communion" at it.

    5. Diana 6.13 p.m, in many localities non-members are constructively uninvited to Saturday liturgies. It's good that there are exceptions but this is in danger of merely aiding deniability. (In fact parishioners should be invited to the Wednesday ones too.)

    6. There is nothing harsh about what Jose says (4.45 p.m) at all. If you grow lots of good plants the weeds get crowded out. I recommend lots of Bible study groups and free style intercession groups to help keep up your relationships, especially for those who might be more lonely. You have enough parishioners on your island, to set up one on every street corner, which they could go to if they wanted, and they wouldn't even have to join the NCW programme! It would indeed embody chance to adhere and conform.

      Please implore God for enough facilitators soundly formed.

  11. Perhaps Archbishop Byrnes remark "that's up to the seminary" is the way the Archbishop will determine the Seminary's openness or secretiveness as to what goes on. The Seminary's response will way a lot.

  12. Tim at 3:50PM
    Do people who are misled (blind) have no right to know??? Do you think the blind who follow the blind, want to fall into the pit along with their leaders?
    Could they not be the very people who protest the errors and replace their errant leaders if their leaders refuse correction?
    Then there could be a "New"catechumenal Way instead of the Neocatechumenal Way. Amen??

    1. @4:17, you made no sense. You must be in remedial ESL class. Oh wait, I don't think the have that class at RMS.

    2. 4.17 and 4.45 p.m, I tried this 30 years ago when I joined and kept trying it. No-one else was up for it. Sunday convivances aren't suited to conveying feedback or guidance from members. They are only suited to continuing the pattern envisaged by the international leadership. NCW programme leaders don't get replaced, that's just the phenomenon. If there are rotations locally, the tendency is towards less original thinkers. Tim didn't say at 3.50 p.m that people like me didn't have rights, he said the exact opposite. You think what is in your head is neat, but it doesn't concretely amount to a solution. Hence "kinda" just about sums it up !!!

  13. Tim @4:23
    I had to chuckle.
    First time..... a man of few words! Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side...kinda.

  14. Much of what angers and aggravates is now in court and will be resolved or fixed there. Some other matters have been fixed outside of court. What is left for Archbishop Byrnes to fix with truth and justice?

  15. If you believe that God can't help the NCW turn from their wicked ways, then there is no help for you or me either. There are more sins that will get one into Hell than foolishly accepting the deceptions of the NCW. May God have mercy on all of us.
    Question: When was the last time you spent an hour at Eucharistic Adoration for the Neocatechumenal Way to shed their disobedience.

    1. You fail to distinguish between people who are misled and the heresy itself.

  16. Austin: you said ...I can guarantee you he is less complacent about whichever of their practices are wrong, than you are.

    Just to let you know, I have NEVER been complacent about the errors of the NCW, but my heart goes out to them because I see how "stuck" in the Way's erroneous practices they are.... just like you were. Don't give up on them. If we believe that many of the NCW practices are horrible, then we'd better be praying and fasting for their conversion just like we are called to do for all sinners that have rejected the Truth or have placed TRUTH on the back burner. If St. Monica could pray for her son for 40 years, and never give up..... Look at the great Saint he became because of a change of heart. Of course it is God who changes hearts, but our persistent prayers are of great value.

    1. Ah yes. And now with the righteous lectures. Why not shut up and pray for Austin.

  17. RE:Could they not be the very people who protest the errors

    Why can't the questioning NCW members start by kneeling in adoration of Jesus at their Mass during the Eucharistic Prayer. Here I caution those in JW who say their Mass is invalid - because if you deny Jesus of adoration, when He is truly being made present, you also sin by denying TRUTH Himself.

    1. LOL. A theologian. And an anonymous one. Useless.

    2. @ 12:53 AM
      You begin with a premise based solely on your own assumption and then conclude as if your assumption is truth. What facts led you to your question?
      I can safely assume, by your line of questioning, you don't know a single person you seem to address in your question.

  18. In his press conference, Archbishop Byrnes said he will visit the seminaries (plural) on Friday. You know, the TWO seminaries that apuron had the audacity to brag about straight to Pope Francis' face? Never mind what he will find (or not find) at the Yona seminary, but what do you think he will find at the Malojloj "seminary", besides it being one big lie? Oh Joy!

  19. Tim, what do you think of the Alpha new evangelization program.

    1. I am against all "evangelization PROGRAMS." Christ did not leave us a program. He left us men who wrote the Gospel in blood.

      I know that Byrnes was involved with this in Detroit and that there are many detractors of the program itself. I really don't care right now about it. He has some really bad stuff sitting in front of him. Let's see what he does about it.

    2. Thanks for your response, Tim. The problem I have with all these new evangelization programs is that the programs compromise Catholic faith/teachings as I've learned the 12 years in Catholic Schools. I'm now 64 years old I cannot accept "watered down" Catholicism as promoted by these programs.
