Byrnes needs to immediately understand that he has parachuted into a war zone and that the neocats are desperate to recruit him to their side. He probably got caught by surprise this morning, but now that he is officially installed he needs to take charge before tonight's Mass and demand that there by NO theatrics, inside the church or out. Byrnes said that he wants to take this diocese "back to Jesus." Good. Eliminate the opportunities for people to make this about them...and that includes many on our side, too.
Who organized the "welcome" outside the Cathedral-Basilica?! I am a Chamorro, but the chanting and the near-naked men was very inappropriate. It would have been best to simply have the church choir greet him outside, and then sing an proper entrance song of joy in a procession. None of these chants, and the Neo guitars, tambourines and congas and bongos! No wonder we need to reform. Whoever organized this should be admonished and told never to do this again. We are not at an auditorium, welcoming the governor or some other political dignitary. This is the Cathedral-Basilica and we are welcoming shepherds of our Church, representing Christ and his apostles. Was it Fr. Paul Gofigan who authorized this exhibition? He should put his foot down and told the Neos to go to the Plaza de Espana to do their singing and dancing; and he should have canceled that display of ancient Chamorro chanting, which is not authentic, by the way. No such chants were ever performed hundreds of years ago. No such thing. SMH. . .
- I totally agree with Anon @ 11:45 PM - It is inappropriate to be dressed as some did. I was totally shocked when I saw the half dressed people in the church and outside. This is a House of Worship and not an auditorium as mentioned! I guess the NEOs are used to hold their worships in hotels and gymnasiums! Goodness people - this is 2016!
I did not understand anything that was sung either! What language was used because I did not understand any of the words and I am Chamorro!
Oh My! I hope that the new Archbishop will be exposed to the True Katolikus on Guam and not think that this is the why we celebrate our Masses on Guam!
In all fairness to those who organized this prayer service for the beginning of Abp. Byrnes episcopal ministry here on Guam, the half naked children who chanted, sang and welcomed Abp. Byrnes did not stay in the church for the prayer service. They exited quietly after their 'welcome'. Those who stayed for the prayer service changed into appropriate wear and reentered the church. For me, it was symbolic of those of our ancestors who welcomed Christianity. I am Chamorro and Catholic and I was not offended. I was moved to tears by the outpouring of love for our new shepherd.
i'm just watching the wednesday evening Mass now. i'm holding on to hope that the unity of which archbishop byrnes again speaks will be true Catholic unity.
i'm not sure about the traditional Chamorro parts both at the morning service and at the beginning of this Mass. it's not something i saw much when i was growing up. is it a recent development or was it something special for these services?
i'm encouraged that the altar was in line with pope benedict's changes, with the candles and the crucifix on it.
and i'm glad they used the roman canon too, the Eucharistic prayer i hardly hear on guam.
i'm also encouraged in seeing deacon steve martinez. i hope archbishop byrnes will value his service and counsel, unlike apuron.
watching the Mass reminded me how i'm not very fond of the agana cathedral's modern music selections. i'm not against modern liturgical music, but if they're using it, at least choose hymns that the congregation can sing. otherwise, it feels more like a performance. also, to me, music in cathedrals ought to be more solemn and more "great" than what you'd expect in a small parish church.
i'm discouraged in hearing "anthony my brother" at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. i assume the liturgical books say his name still has to be mentioned. it's not that we shouldn't pray for him, but he's lost the position of shepherd. i hope his name will no longer be mentioned after he's defrocked. to that end: pray on! march on!
I agree with Anon 12:12. I think the inclusion of children and adults attired in traditional clothing at the beginning of the service was a beautiful part of the welcoming prayer service for Abp Brynes. Our Church encourages our Catholic prayer services and liturgies to reflect the “genius and culture of the different peoples.” Read CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church) Nos. 1200 - 1209. CCC 1207 says it beautifully that “It is fitting that liturgical celebration tends to express itself in the culture of the people where the Church finds herself, though without being submissive to it. Moreover, the liturgy itself generates cultures and shapes them.” Also Vatican II lifted the requirement of celebrating mass in Latin, in large part so that the faithful could understand and be encouraged by the word of God. Words evoke feelings. If you hear and speak words you understand, the message hits you not only in your mind but also in your heart. To me, while Latin sounded beautiful and even “high brow” and where I parroted the mass responses from memorization, I couldn’t connect with the mass because I didn’t have the feel for the Latin. I was happy to hear that some of the hymns at the welcoming service were sung in Chamorro --- “Katoliku” being one of the hymns (one of my favorites).
Guam enjoys the advantage (which can also be a disadvantage at times) of celebrating mass usually in the European-American influenced form of mass because Guam Catholics are almost homogenously of the Chamorro culture, with the Filipinos running a very close second. Here in Seattle where I live, there are many cultures that comprise the Catholic Church. There is a commitment by the Archdiocese of Seattle, in its conformance with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ position, to respect and maintain cultural diversity in the Church. To that end, the Archdiocese and the parishes that comprise it are encouraged and supported to celebrate those different cultures in an Archdiocesan level and down to the parish level. This weekend, for example, our Archdiocese will celebrate the annual feast of La Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, the patron saint and mother of the Americas. This annual event begins with praying the rosary at one of the parishes, St. Mary Church, followed by a procession to St. James Cathedral. Someone in this string of commentary was turned off by some of the scantily clad native costumes worn by greeters/singers outside the Cathedral-Basilica commencing Abp. Byrnes’ welcoming prayer service. That version of “scantily clad” is nothing compared to what there is in native clothing at the Lady of Guadalupe procession here. You will see native American men and south and central American men in feathered headdresses and loin cloths only (yes! even in a cold December day) at the procession. That procession culminates down the nave of our Cathedral to begin that feast day mass. The limited clothing representing the indigenous Americans are not viewed as disrespectful the liturgy or to the Church, but viewed simply as the way that old culture dressed --- and that’s it! No other meaning is applied to it.
On the second weekend of December the Archdiocese will celebrate its annual Simbang Gabi commissioning mass. At this mass the liturgy music and most of the responses of the mass are sung entirely in Tagalog and about 120 parols representing the parishes of our Archdiocese come down the nave of the Cathedral one by one. It is a beautiful and colorful liturgy. I beg to differ with some the commentary in this string about the prayer service [the bongo drums gypsy commentary is whole other subject] in that the incorporation of the local island culture in Abp. Byrnes’ welcoming prayer service is special and is in keeping with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I wish I had been there to see it live and hear the live music and singing.
at least evangelical protestants have better music, and they believe in the Holy Trinity!
many bishops have been fooled by the neocats' numbers and the noise. but just because they call themselves catholic, it doesn't mean they are. i hope archbishop byrnes doesn't fall for the deception. he needs to understand what this group really is and what it teaches.
he still keeps talking about healing. but you can't heal error, other than through correction with the truth. the only remaining question is how to do it--that's a parental, fatherly decision.
I didn't even watch the video, but the sight of the neo community with their big sign and hoopla is extremely appalling. The division within our church is real and distinct. Archbishop Byrnes, you cannot appease both entities. Apuron chose the neos and left all others out to dry. You must now make your choice. In my opinion the two cannot ever co-exist in one church. There will always be a struggle for power. Now which side will you choose?
Kiko is a poet but has the form of religion without Holy Spirit power, therefore cannot attract complementary true charisms, therefore he uses the "power" he understood as a politics student and his acquaintances likewise.
As a whole, the NCW programme is not about personalities blooming. Occasionally some itinerants have in the past (in the UK) sort-of half-heartedly tried to allow it but the international leadership soon gets heavy with them about it. At a time of acute crisis like this, there is no question, the statement in the last three sentences of 2.49 sum it up exactly. I say this as a very long standing insider.
Uggghhh, I hate Kiko music. Too bad they're using the kids to bang on the bongos and shake the tamborines. The kids are npt being fed the word and are just being used as human shields for their NEO cult. Sad, very, very sad.
Human shields. Yeah it is similar where IS using human as shield against advancing Military in Iraq war. Here the NEO using children as human shied. Nice job dick head Eusedio. I agree with anon 4:21 so f--k off anon 6:43.
Poor little nieces and nephews. What a great role model you have in your Uncle or Aunt who can express their anger only using expletives! NCW = Rotten Fruit.
Hey 6:43 PM. I wasn't saying with them, I was saying about the adults using them in the frontlines as human shields. Your response back to me was in fact derogatory in itself. I didn't see anything wrong with my comment. I guess your movement doesn't like it when we speak the Truth.
3:27pm Be careful of what you say... it could come back to get you from behind. Maybe you don't care but just know that its your ass you're talking about.
From the vocabulary and terminology used 3:27 and 8:04 may be the same person..., as a matter of curiosity, I wonder if he came from the same area as Adrianne
OMG! It is harrassment and hostage situation. The Clergy was made to listen to this horrendous "kakaphony!" OMG - I was told the short fat lady in front with sunglasses is the girlfriend of a rude person! So she is a neo, that explains a lot.
Anonymous @ 6:44 - "lames ass dead songs"? I grew up in the CATHOLIC Church on Guam with those songs! I don't want to go to a CATHOLIC Mass and hear noise that may be used for the sound track of the next "Kill Bill" movie. Please answer a couple of questions for me...Why is it that when a neo posts on this site, he/she uses cuss words? Is that part of the "way"?
After 20 years here on GUAM, a mere 800 out of tens of thousands of Catholics chose to walk the WRONG WAY. What dismal statistics and such abject failure! My guess is that this horrible music has something to do with it. @ is your music that is dead. Go build your own church and spare our ears from that kilo trash.
Only 800 out of around 140,000 Catholics in Guam are in the NCW (after 20 years), that is less than 1% of the population. Why would you build a RMS factory when the NCW is relevant to less than 1% of the population??? It just doesn't make sense.
As I listen to the neo's signing "sihnan mami" my heart dropped thinking back in time about our beloved sihna's that have died who only knew how to celebrate the Holy Mass as the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church never having a chance to hear of the Neocatechumenal Way. Neo's stop singing that song our ancestral's are not here to defend themselves. What a sad song picked out to sing even if your're singing it for Arch. Byrnes or for the guest Bishops who basically we don't even know much about them at this time.
After listening to a tad bit of this racket and for a moment, just for a moment, I was placed in a trance-like state, and was about to sign my house over to my dog. Luckily for me, my dog barked really loud and I was brought back to reality. Whew, I almost gave my house to my dog. LOL!!
At times this morning outside the entrance of the Cathedral their neo-gypsy chant sounded like a requiem, or dirge-like lamentations! Then at other times it sounded like their typical gypsy, kinda-in-your-face deliriousness.
That Kiko racket is pretty scary stuff. If it was played at my funeral, I would either (1) Wake up and tell whoevers playing it to stop! (2) Wake up and scream "SHUT UP, SHUT UP"! (3) Haunt those playing it for the rest of their naturally lives and their off-spring.
After pondering on my above comment, I came to realize "what on earth was I thinking about"? I'm Catholic and why would I have Kiko music playing at my funeral? I tell you, listening to that Kiko racket will put you in a trance. I just want to thank my dog for barking again and bringing me back. After all, dog is God spelled backwards. LOL!!
Hey did you all notice that when the shell-blowing began the neo noise stopped? That's it! We should all invest in those shells and blow them when the neo noise begins anywhere and everywhere the neo noise happens.
frankly im used to chamorrow, English,Tagalog. But when i listened to those screaming ranting brats this morning I thought I was seeing Apurons days of darkest africa replayed. Absoloutely horrible. God Bless all the bishops they attempted to look happy. can only imagine what Archbishop Krebs was thinking! No style. Not even music. sounded like kids banging metal garbage lids screaming. Ncw adults should know better that to allow kids to do that. It reflects on the deplorable adult members of this sect.seriously it alpeals to trailor trash.
Ha ha ha! Is that Rude-ee that commented at 6:45 PM? Are you not supposed to be at he first Mass of Archbishop Byrnes with other priests and the Archdiocese? Why, rude-ee, you have to start bringing yourself and your cane to these archdiocesan events if you want to stay around a bit! Useless grumpy old man!!!
wow; the KAKA filled NEO CULT Dungbat has once again propagated another example of why this CULT is not Catholic. A lot of discussion can be formed as to why these NEO Cult Presbyters were removed from their positions. i pray that Archbishop Michael has the fortitude to stand up against the evil cult and ensure that they stop this illicit propaganda that continues to divide the Catholic Church in Guam. The continues to watch how this will unfold.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Looking Back With Hon According to the Guam Daily Post: To the community of the Neocatechumenal Way, Hon said he had another message. "Number one, I pray for them, I really pray for them," he said. Hon's second message to NCW followers was to be more open and inviting and that, in addition to having good intentions, the leadership within the NCW needed to develop a willingness to talk and open lines of communication. He explained that while he had undertaken efforts to contact NCW leadership, he was unable to really establish a dialogue with them. This is my response:
Dear Archbishop Hon,
Let us be honest here. It was NOT difficult to contact the leadership of the NCW. As a matter of fact, you removed him. Father Pius was the Head Catechist of the NCW in Guam and the Rector of RMS. You were able to contact him and tell him that you are removing him as Rector of RMS. Father Pius was obedient and stepped down.
What good intentions did you do? You removed the leadership of the NCW and targeted the parishes that have the NCW in them. You took out RMS priests without their knowledge. You never contacted them nor wrote them a letter, telling them of their new assignment. And you were fully aware of where to find them. The first time they learned of their new assignment was through the Umatuna.
Imagine waking up in the morning and opening up the Catholic newspaper only to find that you were assigned to a different parish or to DOC effective about TWO DAYS AGO! And to top it off, you replaced these priests who were walking in the Way with a Parochial administrator as if they were being removed for doing something wrong. These two priests have appealed their case, which you refused to listen. With all due respect, the person who was unwilling to talk and open lines of communication was YOU. Diana at 11:40 PM
Did Dungbat Diana forget that Father Paul left his residence only to come back and find himself locked out of his home and without a parish thanks to Putrid and Apu-on-the-run? What about that? You cry foul only when it's your Presbyters. Who cares about the real priests. Dungbat...such a hypocrite!
Nothing I say matters. It is actually who is instructing me to say these things is what's important. (He even sanctions me with a direct link to my blog on his own webiste)
My first paragraph will be a regurgitation of what I and other catechist are scripted to repeat to our communities as it is important that even if we falsify the narrative, we falsify in unity and with consistency.
I will then follow my first paragraph with an even more incredulous paragraph full of supposition and false theology coupled with fractured scripture with the context removed that only serves to dismantle my argument.
Next, I'll conclude with a false salutation and remind you that I am holy by exhibiting false humility.
Finally, I sign a fictitious name instead of validating it with my own, and in which I rationalize that action as a means to protect myself . . . primarily from litigation.
Yours truly, (unless you are critical of my savior, Kiko)
Diana, the Herald of Pius."
"There is no dialogue with a person who has already made up their mind on what they believe." - Diana, November 29, 2016 at 6:12 AM
Your letter is as fake as your religion. Imagine coming back from a meeting with an Archbishop and finding the locks to your office and room had been changed. Or imagine having a celebration for outstanding service and that same Archbishop handing out compliments only to have that same AB kick you out of your job and send you to another parish in an irrelevant position. Turn about is fair play don't you think "Diana"? So eat crap and die. You were lucky AB Hon was as ineffective as he was or the Moratorium on your fake religion would have taken effect if Hon had been more of the leader we needed him to be. You Neos showed that obedience only to those you choose to be obedient to, just ask Uduvaldo and Adrian. Pius was not a priest of this diocese, he should never have been here if Apuron had been a real leader. Hon did some things but not enough. He revealed what we have been saying all along, the RMS semenary is a sham but he did nothing with that information as he did nothing with Mother Dawn's information when he said he had known it all along. So have joy and courage in your heart Diana, because it will take a little while to convince AB Byrnes that a moratorium on the NCW on Guam needs to occur. Of course with Eusebio as your spokesman it may not take as long as I think. With all the false humility I can muster, I remain your servant, but "Silent No More!"
This must be the reason why ALL the NEOS sat at mass last night when there was a standing ovation for Hon. I'm sure that Archbishop Byrnes saw this.
The mass last night was so meaningful. I felt a Shepherd speak to his flock with sincerity that comes from his heart. His homily weren't a bunch of meaningless words that was read from a sheet of paper. This new Shepherd ACTUALLY LOOKED AT HIS FLOCK AND SPOKE WORDS OF WISDOM.
This was duly noted by the Archbishop as well as the guest Bishops and the Nuncio. Of course all those of us who attended saw it as well, including the clergy.
Fenchie, maybe this is why the visiting bishops scurried off right after mass. What the NEOS showed as their protest in the Mother Church was a shameful act to show publicly, especially to the visitors.
It's all good. The neo disdain for things Catholic and basic courtesy are there for the public to see. Their disrespectful demeanor leaves no doubt about "rotten fruits" who are available only for posturing at public events. Archbishop Byrnes is very observant, he is no buffoon like the fruitcake we had for thirty years, and will see to it that people conform to basic decorum and respect required for unity and reconciliation in an archdiocese torn apart because of the callous behavior and actions of proud and frivolous Apuron. Archbishop Byrnes addressed him in the required Mass prayer as "my brother Anthony" but we all know tony is a "sister."
Let's not forget that the NEOs are confused. They seem to have forgotten the Order of Mass since selling their lives to Kiko. They're more used to celebrating their rituals in hotels, social halls and in people's homes, not inside the Church.
The only thing that concerns me about Bp. Byrnes is that he's Charismatic. Crackpot liturgies with noisy junk music are their thing, so that aspect of the Neocats might not bother him.
With all the NEO "HOOPLA", one has to wonder where the heck was dumbass dick Eusebio, Adrian, David, Waldo and dacon tenorio? Oh I forgot, they had instructions from pius to play hookie and FaceTime with Luis and brother tony. Bunch of morons.
Eusebio was at the mass last night. He and his wifey made a Grand Entrance They walked in front of the sanctuary and stopped to kissy kissy some seminarians. Then he and his wife were escorted by a young neo to their SAVED seats up front each with a huge smile on their faces.
I have received several comments with the same link to the criticism of the program Archbishop Byrnes was involved with in Detroit. At this point I do not wish to address it. I'll say more later.
Thanks Tim. Couldnt make it this morning and maybe tonight. Hope you will have the recording of the mass also.
ReplyDeleteByrnes needs to immediately understand that he has parachuted into a war zone and that the neocats are desperate to recruit him to their side. He probably got caught by surprise this morning, but now that he is officially installed he needs to take charge before tonight's Mass and demand that there by NO theatrics, inside the church or out. Byrnes said that he wants to take this diocese "back to Jesus." Good. Eliminate the opportunities for people to make this about them...and that includes many on our side, too.
DeleteYes, Tim, this is all about THEM. They learned lessons well from Apuron and the Putrid Carmelite presbyter.
DeleteWho organized the "welcome" outside the Cathedral-Basilica?! I am a Chamorro, but the chanting and the near-naked men was very inappropriate. It would have been best to simply have the church choir greet him outside, and then sing an proper entrance song of joy in a procession. None of these chants, and the Neo guitars, tambourines and congas and bongos! No wonder we need to reform. Whoever organized this should be admonished and told never to do this again. We are not at an auditorium, welcoming the governor or some other political dignitary. This is the Cathedral-Basilica and we are welcoming shepherds of our Church, representing Christ and his apostles. Was it Fr. Paul Gofigan who authorized this exhibition? He should put his foot down and told the Neos to go to the Plaza de Espana to do their singing and dancing; and he should have canceled that display of ancient Chamorro chanting, which is not authentic, by the way. No such chants were ever performed hundreds of years ago. No such thing. SMH. . .
DeleteIt bears the hallmarks of Sr. Marian Arroyo
Delete- I totally agree with Anon @ 11:45 PM - It is inappropriate to be dressed as some did. I was totally shocked when I saw the half dressed people in the church and outside. This is a House of Worship and not an auditorium as mentioned! I guess the NEOs are used to hold their worships in hotels and gymnasiums! Goodness people - this is 2016!
DeleteI did not understand anything that was sung either! What language was used because I did not understand any of the words and I am Chamorro!
Oh My! I hope that the new Archbishop will be exposed to the True Katolikus on Guam and not think that this is the why we celebrate our Masses on Guam!
BiBa True Katolikus on Guam from Afar!
Opps! Meant to say "how" instead of "why" we celebrate our Masses on Guam!
DeleteSr Marian? Nah.
DeleteShe's director of the liturgy.
DeleteIn all fairness to those who organized this prayer service for the beginning of Abp. Byrnes episcopal ministry here on Guam, the half naked children who chanted, sang and welcomed Abp. Byrnes did not stay in the church for the prayer service. They exited quietly after their 'welcome'. Those who stayed for the prayer service changed into appropriate wear and reentered the church. For me, it was symbolic of those of our ancestors who welcomed Christianity. I am Chamorro and Catholic and I was not offended. I was moved to tears by the outpouring of love for our new shepherd.
Deletei'm just watching the wednesday evening Mass now. i'm holding on to hope that the unity of which archbishop byrnes again speaks will be true Catholic unity.
Deletei'm not sure about the traditional Chamorro parts both at the morning service and at the beginning of this Mass. it's not something i saw much when i was growing up. is it a recent development or was it something special for these services?
i'm encouraged that the altar was in line with pope benedict's changes, with the candles and the crucifix on it.
and i'm glad they used the roman canon too, the Eucharistic prayer i hardly hear on guam.
i'm also encouraged in seeing deacon steve martinez. i hope archbishop byrnes will value his service and counsel, unlike apuron.
watching the Mass reminded me how i'm not very fond of the agana cathedral's modern music selections. i'm not against modern liturgical music, but if they're using it, at least choose hymns that the congregation can sing. otherwise, it feels more like a performance. also, to me, music in cathedrals ought to be more solemn and more "great" than what you'd expect in a small parish church.
i'm discouraged in hearing "anthony my brother" at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. i assume the liturgical books say his name still has to be mentioned. it's not that we shouldn't pray for him, but he's lost the position of shepherd. i hope his name will no longer be mentioned after he's defrocked. to that end: pray on! march on!
I agree with Anon 12:12. I think the inclusion of children and adults attired in traditional clothing at the beginning of the service was a beautiful part of the welcoming prayer service for Abp Brynes. Our Church encourages our Catholic prayer services and liturgies to reflect the “genius and culture of the different peoples.” Read CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church) Nos. 1200 - 1209. CCC 1207 says it beautifully that “It is fitting that liturgical celebration tends to express itself in the culture of the people where the Church finds herself, though without being submissive to it. Moreover, the liturgy itself generates cultures and shapes them.” Also Vatican II lifted the requirement of celebrating mass in Latin, in large part so that the faithful could understand and be encouraged by the word of God. Words evoke feelings. If you hear and speak words you understand, the message hits you not only in your mind but also in your heart. To me, while Latin sounded beautiful and even “high brow” and where I parroted the mass responses from memorization, I couldn’t connect with the mass because I didn’t have the feel for the Latin. I was happy to hear that some of the hymns at the welcoming service were sung in Chamorro --- “Katoliku” being one of the hymns (one of my favorites).
DeleteGuam enjoys the advantage (which can also be a disadvantage at times) of celebrating mass usually in the European-American influenced form of mass because Guam Catholics are almost homogenously of the Chamorro culture, with the Filipinos running a very close second. Here in Seattle where I live, there are many cultures that comprise the Catholic Church. There is a commitment by the Archdiocese of Seattle, in its conformance with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ position, to respect and maintain cultural diversity in the Church. To that end, the Archdiocese and the parishes that comprise it are encouraged and supported to celebrate those different cultures in an Archdiocesan level and down to the parish level. This weekend, for example, our Archdiocese will celebrate the annual feast of La Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, the patron saint and mother of the Americas. This annual event begins with praying the rosary at one of the parishes, St. Mary Church, followed by a procession to St. James Cathedral. Someone in this string of commentary was turned off by some of the scantily clad native costumes worn by greeters/singers outside the Cathedral-Basilica commencing Abp. Byrnes’ welcoming prayer service. That version of “scantily clad” is nothing compared to what there is in native clothing at the Lady of Guadalupe procession here. You will see native American men and south and central American men in feathered headdresses and loin cloths only (yes! even in a cold December day) at the procession. That procession culminates down the nave of our Cathedral to begin that feast day mass. The limited clothing representing the indigenous Americans are not viewed as disrespectful the liturgy or to the Church, but viewed simply as the way that old culture dressed --- and that’s it! No other meaning is applied to it.
On the second weekend of December the Archdiocese will celebrate its annual Simbang Gabi commissioning mass. At this mass the liturgy music and most of the responses of the mass are sung entirely in Tagalog and about 120 parols representing the parishes of our Archdiocese come down the nave of the Cathedral one by one. It is a beautiful and colorful liturgy. I beg to differ with some the commentary in this string about the prayer service [the bongo drums gypsy commentary is whole other subject] in that the incorporation of the local island culture in Abp. Byrnes’ welcoming prayer service is special and is in keeping with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I wish I had been there to see it live and hear the live music and singing.
at least evangelical protestants have better music, and they believe in the Holy Trinity!
ReplyDeletemany bishops have been fooled by the neocats' numbers and the noise. but just because they call themselves catholic, it doesn't mean they are. i hope archbishop byrnes doesn't fall for the deception. he needs to understand what this group really is and what it teaches.
he still keeps talking about healing. but you can't heal error, other than through correction with the truth. the only remaining question is how to do it--that's a parental, fatherly decision.
unbelievable racket when i watched this.Absoloutely horrible. If ncw must do this at least educate children to sing.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even watch the video, but the sight of the neo community with their big sign and hoopla is extremely appalling. The division within our church is real and distinct. Archbishop Byrnes, you cannot appease both entities. Apuron chose the neos and left all others out to dry. You must now make your choice. In my opinion the two cannot ever co-exist in one church. There will always be a struggle for power. Now which side will you choose?
ReplyDeleteKiko is a poet but has the form of religion without Holy Spirit power, therefore cannot attract complementary true charisms, therefore he uses the "power" he understood as a politics student and his acquaintances likewise.
DeleteAs a whole, the NCW programme is not about personalities blooming. Occasionally some itinerants have in the past (in the UK) sort-of half-heartedly tried to allow it but the international leadership soon gets heavy with them about it. At a time of acute crisis like this, there is no question, the statement in the last three sentences of 2.49 sum it up exactly. I say this as a very long standing insider.
Uggghhh, I hate Kiko music. Too bad they're using the kids to bang on the bongos and shake the tamborines. The kids are npt being fed the word and are just being used as human shields for their NEO cult. Sad, very, very sad.
ReplyDeleteFuck you 4:21PM how dare you say stuff like that with my lil nephews and nieces.
DeleteHey "Fuck you" at 6:43, why don't you leave your name and number so 4:21 can apologize? Oh yah. LOL
DeleteHow about 666- Fuck-Rohr
DeleteThe Truth hurts and there you have it. The fruits of the neocatechumenal way are rotten fruit.
DeleteHuman shields. Yeah it is similar where IS using human as shield against advancing Military in Iraq war. Here the NEO using children as human shied. Nice job dick head Eusedio. I agree with anon 4:21 so f--k off anon 6:43.
DeleteThese NEOs really like to use the triple sixes. It's the area code for their profit Kiko. LOL!!
DeleteWe should pray for those kids who are being groomed to be cult members and may never know the life giving truth that the Catholic Church offers them.
Delete6:43 PM must be a woman. No man will ever use the word "lil" in lieu of "little".
DeletePoor little nieces and nephews. What a great role model you have in your Uncle or Aunt who can express their anger only using expletives! NCW = Rotten Fruit.
DeleteHey 6:43 PM. I wasn't saying with them, I was saying about the adults using them in the frontlines as human shields. Your response back to me was in fact derogatory in itself. I didn't see anything wrong with my comment. I guess your movement doesn't like it when we speak the Truth.
Delete666-Fuck-Rohr that a good one!!
DeleteThanks RUDE-EE. Your swearing at me always increases click on my DONATE button. Thanks.
Delete3:27pm Be careful of what you say... it could come back to get you from behind. Maybe you don't care but just know that its your ass you're talking about.
DeleteMaybe 3:27pm can hook up with 8:04pm and play NCW.
DeleteFrom the vocabulary and terminology used 3:27 and 8:04 may be the same person..., as a matter of curiosity, I wonder if he came from the same area as Adrianne
DeleteOMG! It is harrassment and hostage situation. The Clergy was made to listen to this horrendous "kakaphony!" OMG - I was told the short fat lady in front with sunglasses is the girlfriend of a rude person! So she is a neo, that explains a lot.
ReplyDeletePlease make that horrible noise stop! You can't even call it music.
ReplyDeleteBetter than your lame ass dead songs.LOL
DeleteLOL. At least ours has more than one composer. LOL
DeleteGreat comeback Tim! LMFAO!
DeleteAnonymous @ 6:44 - "lames ass dead songs"? I grew up in the CATHOLIC Church on Guam with those songs! I don't want to go to a CATHOLIC Mass and hear noise that may be used for the sound track of the next "Kill Bill" movie.
DeletePlease answer a couple of questions for me...Why is it that when a neo posts on this site, he/she uses cuss words? Is that part of the "way"?
After 20 years here on GUAM, a mere 800 out of tens of thousands of Catholics chose to walk the WRONG WAY. What dismal statistics and such abject failure! My guess is that this horrible music has something to do with it. @ is your music that is dead. Go build your own church and spare our ears from that kilo trash.
DeleteOnly 800 out of around 140,000 Catholics in Guam are in the NCW (after 20 years), that is less than 1% of the population. Why would you build a RMS factory when the NCW is relevant to less than 1% of the population??? It just doesn't make sense.
DeleteAs I listen to the neo's signing "sihnan mami" my heart dropped thinking back in time about our beloved sihna's that have died who only knew how to celebrate the Holy Mass as the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church never having a chance to hear of the Neocatechumenal Way. Neo's stop singing that song our ancestral's are not here to defend themselves. What a sad song picked out to sing even if your're singing it for Arch. Byrnes or for the guest Bishops who basically we don't even know much about them at this time.
ReplyDeleteAfter listening to a tad bit of this racket and for a moment, just for a moment, I was placed in a trance-like state, and was about to sign my house over to my dog. Luckily for me, my dog barked really loud and I was brought back to reality. Whew, I almost gave my house to my dog. LOL!!
ReplyDelete@ Anon November 30, 2016- ahahahaha. Thankyou for the morning laugh. Have a great day! :)....and God bless that dog.
DeleteAt times this morning outside the entrance of the Cathedral their neo-gypsy chant sounded like a requiem, or dirge-like lamentations! Then at other times it sounded like their typical gypsy, kinda-in-your-face deliriousness.
ReplyDeleteThat Kiko racket is pretty scary stuff. If it was played at my funeral, I would either (1) Wake up and tell whoevers playing it to stop! (2) Wake up and scream "SHUT UP, SHUT UP"! (3) Haunt those playing it for the rest of their naturally lives and their off-spring.
DeleteAfter pondering on my above comment, I came to realize "what on earth was I thinking about"? I'm Catholic and why would I have Kiko music playing at my funeral? I tell you, listening to that Kiko racket will put you in a trance. I just want to thank my dog for barking again and bringing me back. After all, dog is God spelled backwards. LOL!!
DeleteHey did you all notice that when the shell-blowing began the neo noise stopped? That's it! We should all invest in those shells and blow them when the neo noise begins anywhere and everywhere the neo noise happens.
ReplyDeleteThey were told to quiet it down because real music was about to be played.
DeleteI couldn't even understand their music. Are we not on USA soil? Is this the new local music or language? Such noise....
ReplyDeletefrankly im used to chamorrow, English,Tagalog. But when i listened to those screaming ranting brats this morning I thought I was seeing Apurons days of darkest africa replayed. Absoloutely horrible. God Bless all the bishops they attempted to look happy. can only imagine what Archbishop Krebs was thinking! No style. Not even music. sounded like kids banging metal garbage lids screaming. Ncw adults should know better that to allow kids to do that. It reflects on the deplorable adult members of this sect.seriously it alpeals to trailor trash.
DeleteThe NCW song played made no sense. Did brother tony write that from ROME?
ReplyDeleteNo, Kiko wrote it from home.
DeleteBeautiful Music Beautiful Kids hey Tim I thought I seen your kids there, you people got a lot of Hate the Jungle haters LOL
ReplyDeleteLOL yourself, Rude-ee. Gotta admit. We're pretty damn effective! Smile :)
DeleteYou're into kids too Rudee? You're a very sick man, very sick......
DeleteHa ha ha! Is that Rude-ee that commented at 6:45 PM? Are you not supposed to be at he first Mass of Archbishop Byrnes with other priests and the Archdiocese? Why, rude-ee, you have to start bringing yourself and your cane to these archdiocesan events if you want to stay around a bit! Useless grumpy old man!!!
DeleteAnonymous December 1, 2016 at 1:28 AM. Why are you screaming and Church is spelled with a "u", not an "i".
DeleteKuam live mass has no sound.
ReplyDeletePour blue paint over all the neo gypsy noise makers and you have our own local "NCW Blue Man Group"!
ReplyDeletewow; the KAKA filled NEO CULT Dungbat has once again propagated another example of why this CULT is not Catholic. A lot of discussion can be formed as to why these NEO Cult Presbyters were removed from their positions. i pray that Archbishop Michael has the fortitude to stand up against the evil cult and ensure that they stop this illicit propaganda that continues to divide the Catholic Church in Guam. The continues to watch how this will unfold.
ReplyDeleteWednesday, November 30, 2016
Looking Back With Hon
According to the Guam Daily Post:
To the community of the Neocatechumenal Way, Hon said he had another message.
"Number one, I pray for them, I really pray for them," he said.
Hon's second message to NCW followers was to be more open and inviting and that, in addition to having good intentions, the leadership within the NCW needed to develop a willingness to talk and open lines of communication. He explained that while he had undertaken efforts to contact NCW leadership, he was unable to really establish a dialogue with them.
This is my response:
Dear Archbishop Hon,
Let us be honest here. It was NOT difficult to contact the leadership of the NCW. As a matter of fact, you removed him. Father Pius was the Head Catechist of the NCW in Guam and the Rector of RMS. You were able to contact him and tell him that you are removing him as Rector of RMS. Father Pius was obedient and stepped down.
What good intentions did you do? You removed the leadership of the NCW and targeted the parishes that have the NCW in them. You took out RMS priests without their knowledge. You never contacted them nor wrote them a letter, telling them of their new assignment. And you were fully aware of where to find them. The first time they learned of their new assignment was through the Umatuna.
Imagine waking up in the morning and opening up the Catholic newspaper only to find that you were assigned to a different parish or to DOC effective about TWO DAYS AGO! And to top it off, you replaced these priests who were walking in the Way with a Parochial administrator as if they were being removed for doing something wrong. These two priests have appealed their case, which you refused to listen. With all due respect, the person who was unwilling to talk and open lines of communication was YOU.
Diana at 11:40 PM
Did Dungbat Diana forget that Father Paul left his residence only to come back and find himself locked out of his home and without a parish thanks to Putrid and Apu-on-the-run? What about that? You cry foul only when it's your Presbyters. Who cares about the real priests. Dungbat...such a hypocrite!
DeleteWhat about Adrian Cristobal. He's not being obedient.
Delete"Dear Abp Hon,
DeleteNothing I say matters. It is actually who is instructing me to say these things is what's important. (He even sanctions me with a direct link to my blog on his own webiste)
My first paragraph will be a regurgitation of what I and other catechist are scripted to repeat to our communities as it is important that even if we falsify the narrative, we falsify in unity and with consistency.
I will then follow my first paragraph with an even more incredulous paragraph full of supposition and false theology coupled with fractured scripture with the context removed that only serves to dismantle my argument.
Next, I'll conclude with a false salutation and remind you that I am holy by exhibiting false humility.
Finally, I sign a fictitious name instead of validating it with my own, and in which I rationalize that action as a means to protect myself . . . primarily from litigation.
Yours truly, (unless you are critical of my savior, Kiko)
Diana, the Herald of Pius."
"There is no dialogue with a person who has already made up their mind on what they believe." - Diana, November 29, 2016 at 6:12 AM
Dear Diana,
DeleteYour letter is as fake as your religion. Imagine coming back from a meeting with an Archbishop and finding the locks to your office and room had been changed. Or imagine having a celebration for outstanding service and that same Archbishop handing out compliments only to have that same AB kick you out of your job and send you to another parish in an irrelevant position. Turn about is fair play don't you think "Diana"?
So eat crap and die. You were lucky AB Hon was as ineffective as he was or the Moratorium on your fake religion would have taken effect if Hon had been more of the leader we needed him to be. You Neos showed that obedience only to those you choose to be obedient to, just ask Uduvaldo and Adrian. Pius was not a priest of this diocese, he should never have been here if Apuron had been a real leader. Hon did some things but not enough. He revealed what we have been saying all along, the RMS semenary is a sham but he did nothing with that information as he did nothing with Mother Dawn's information when he said he had known it all along. So have joy and courage in your heart Diana, because it will take a little while to convince AB Byrnes that a moratorium on the NCW on Guam needs to occur. Of course with Eusebio as your spokesman it may not take as long as I think. With all the false humility I can muster, I remain your servant, but "Silent No More!"
This must be the reason why ALL the NEOS sat at mass last night when there was a standing ovation for Hon. I'm sure that Archbishop Byrnes saw this.
DeleteThe mass last night was so meaningful. I felt a Shepherd speak to his flock with sincerity that comes from his heart. His homily weren't a bunch of meaningless words that was read from a sheet of paper. This new Shepherd ACTUALLY LOOKED AT HIS FLOCK AND SPOKE WORDS OF WISDOM.
This was duly noted by the Archbishop as well as the guest Bishops and the Nuncio.
DeleteOf course all those of us who attended saw it as well, including the clergy.
Fenchie, maybe this is why the visiting bishops scurried off right after mass. What the NEOS showed as their protest in the Mother Church was a shameful act to show publicly, especially to the visitors.
DeleteIt's all good. The neo disdain for things Catholic and basic courtesy are there for the public to see. Their disrespectful demeanor leaves no doubt about "rotten fruits" who are available only for posturing at public events. Archbishop Byrnes is very observant, he is no buffoon like the fruitcake we had for thirty years, and will see to it that people conform to basic decorum and respect required for unity and reconciliation in an archdiocese torn apart because of the callous behavior and actions of proud and frivolous Apuron. Archbishop Byrnes addressed him in the required Mass prayer as "my brother Anthony" but we all know tony is a "sister."
DeleteLet's not forget that the NEOs are confused. They seem to have forgotten the Order of Mass since selling their lives to Kiko. They're more used to celebrating their rituals in hotels, social halls and in people's homes, not inside the Church.
DeleteThe only thing that concerns me about Bp. Byrnes is that he's Charismatic. Crackpot liturgies with noisy junk music are their thing, so that aspect of the Neocats might not bother him.
ReplyDeleteWith all the NEO "HOOPLA", one has to wonder where the heck was dumbass dick Eusebio, Adrian, David, Waldo and dacon tenorio? Oh I forgot, they had instructions from pius to play hookie and FaceTime with Luis and brother tony. Bunch of morons.
ReplyDeleteEusebio was at the mass last night. He and his wifey made a Grand Entrance They walked in front of the sanctuary and stopped to kissy kissy some seminarians. Then he and his wife were escorted by a young neo to their SAVED seats up front each with a huge smile on their faces.
DeleteSee my post on this today.
DeleteI have received several comments with the same link to the criticism of the program Archbishop Byrnes was involved with in Detroit. At this point I do not wish to address it. I'll say more later.
ReplyDeleteForcing defenseless minors into that disgraceful Neocat circus is child abuse.