Friday, December 16, 2016


I was perhaps a bit premature on the reference to the activities of a California law firm in my previous post. I have been aware of the actions of a "California law firm" representing the Archdiocese of Agana since as far back as when Apuron retained one to threaten John Toves into silence.

I also assumed that Attorney John Terlaje was only acting as an intermediary for the "California law firm." I made this assumption based on the appearance of Terlaje representing the Archdiocese of Agana in a letter from Attorney David Lujan dated 7/14/16 compared to a letter from Attorney Jeff Cook to Lujan dated 8/4/16 wherein Cook identifies himself as representing the Archdiocese in the sex abuse suits (thus causing me to think that Terlaje bowed out). 

However, the FOIA inquiry into the Bill 326-33, as released by Senator Frank Aguon, Jr.'s office and published by KUAM, clearly states that Attorney John Terlaje is Legal Counsel for the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Agana, a Corporation Sole.

And while there may in fact be an off-island firm involved in the current goings-on to undermine Public Law 33-187, there is no evidence of this yet. In fact, the only law firm holding itself out as representing the Defendant ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF AGANA, A Corporation Sole, is Attorney John Terlaje:

...who, in his FOIA to Aguon, says that he is asking in behalf of the Defendant, the ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF AGANA, a corporation sole (and that would be Byrnes):

I highly doubt that Archbishop Byrnes PERSONALLY intends to undermine the law, so I am going to let this sit until he comes back in January and can explain to us what is going on. But for now, I wanted to clarify the facts. Also, I want to extend an invitation as follows:

I do not need any credit or accolades for all that has happened here these last three years. But there is no doubt that Archbishop Byrnes is HERE and Apuron is NOT because of what I began on this blog three years ago. And while accruing the help of many along the way without whom we would not be where we are, it was still me and my family who have very visibly endured the curses, threats, and personal damage aimed at us, and which had we not been willing to suffer, Apuron would still be here and Byrnes would still not know where Guam is. 

And while I do not need or want the credit, I do need and want for this to be over. And thus I am hereby offering my services, my knowledge, my experience, my skill, and all of the energy I have expended to bring about this impossible turn of events, to Archbishop Byrnes. At the risk of sounding like I am making myself important, I believe, having lived the pure hell of this drama from the inside out for more than three years, and having seen more than anyone else, I am the one person who can help him and I am willing to do so. 

And while I have a feeling I will not be asked, I want my intentions to be public and clear. Meanwhile, we march. 


  1. Will the real Roman Catholic please stand up.

    1. We also kneel, genuflect, sit and sometimes prostrate.

  2. I believe Tim should be appointed to the chancery of the Archdiocese of Agana. His skills could best be used in this capacity.

    1. Tim did work at the Chancery Office when he first came to the island in the late 80's. I agree, as he did back then, he would make an extraordinary addition to the Chancery Office.


    1. LOL. And from Anonymous. (SMIRK)


    3. What about you,you,you,you,you, 11:28PM Anonymous IDENTIFY YOURSELF b****

    4. Anon 1:33 PM I have and they know who I am...At lease I left my initials...what's your excuse MAN !!..Feeling the heat uh MAN..LOL..Pl

    5. Anon 1:33 PM..I'll show mine if you show least I have my intials,,what's your excuse MAN or as you wrote..b****

    6. UMMMMM P L......Pussy Love Feeling the heat, or Feeling something LOL

    7. Anon 4:06 that all you can offer?? are a BIG both Men and Women...No wonder you resort to Young Boys..

    8. Anon 4:06.Pm..Give it up, you're only making a fool of yourselves and Dang,You are good at it're not going to win no matter how you slice the have entertained us enough..

    9. Correction:: fool of ..Get your Toy out and entertain're really beginning to bore me..Even Humpty Dumpty was disappointed...LMAO..

  4. I really expected that Archbishop Byrnes would seek out Mr. Tim Rohr and have a lengthy discussion on the major concerns of the Archdiocese of Agana, what with Mr. Rohr having documents to back up any and all of his statements. Now, I find out that Mr. Rohr is offering his services which means that Archbishop Byrnes has not talked with Mr. Rohr as of this time. Maybe Archbishop
    Byrnes only wants to listen to opinions and does not want to be confused by the facts.

    1. It seems Tim has a lot of documents, Anonymous 7:26 PM Maybe Tim Rohr, should use it to wipe his ass all the shit he writes and that the FACTS!!

    2. Instead of wasting hard earned money on an ESL teacher (as exemplified by the bad grammar of anon@3:53pm) the Archdiocese should hire an exterminator for this NEO Cult Presbyter factory. Just saying the Facts as I see it :)

    3. OH!! ESL eat shit loser that the facts as i see it

  5. This is what I admire about Tim he owns up if he makes a mistake. He is honest and trust worthy in all he does. Why do you think the Neo's are so frightened of him?

    1. The Way was designed to suit the superficial atmosphere of confusion surrounding the proceedings of the Council and the suppression of collaborative ministry and exploit the vacuums. Initially I was attracted as it seemed to invite me to think "a bit" (around me, as I suspect in much of the world, the Church hadn't had anything at all to say about faith). However it has emerged that this mirage is set in stone and that they are not willing for members to reduce their attendance to say once or twice a month in order to proceed outside their control into explorations of reality. Therefore, after pondering my move, I have left them behind where they want to stay.

      In the case of a minority who were half-way thinking before, and who continue to have independent influence (e.g publishing), the Way got luckier than it deserves if they continue in membership. It is to be hoped they will pursue the logic of their insights.

      The remainder of the "seniors" feel the draught of having only one bunch of wool to continue pulling over the eyes of archbishops and bishops worldwide. It's their conscience catching them out and driving them into panic over the prestige issue.

  6. Tim, Don't back down! Unless you sue the Archdiocese blind, you may as well fall on your sword right now and get it over with.

    In this case, you wouldn't be suing the true Church. You'd be demanding justice and compensatory damages from perverts who intentionally harmed you. Punitive damages might also apply.

  7. Maybe it's a good thing that Byrnes did not contact Tim for anything. As of now, Tim is free to sue the archdiocese as he once planned and should do.

  8. It seems to me that Archbishop Byrnes is being manipulated; too bad he does not seek the truth. Sue the Archdiocese, Corporation Sole.
