Friday, December 16, 2016


> Greetings to All,
> One final picket before Christmas.....Sunday, December 18, 2016 from 9-9:45 AM in front of Cathedral Basilica. We had over 50 picketers last Sunday, let's double it for this Sunday. " Apuron Out " Remove and Defrock" Apuron Out" Remove and Defrock "  Apuron Out"  " Remove and Defrock"
> Be Vigilant And Always Be On Guard,
> Lou Klitzkie, LFM



    1. Such an idiot. Everyone of those people attends Mass, just not that one. LOL.

    2. Anonymous December 16, 2016 at 3:41 PM says: "GO INSIDE THE CHURCH NOT OUTSIDE SUNDAY!! MY GOD"

      A fool always shows their true colors. They are completely devoid of reason and logic. They even have a hard time expressing their true emotion! Sensible, cogent thoughts are always helpful so we can find some common ground.

      But when dealing with fools, such as most kikos, common ground just doesn't exist, so cogent thoughts on their part are completely absent. They cannot state any real defense of their cult, so they blurt mindless emotional half sentences.

      But at least this fool does not resort to profane language, such as Fr Rude-eeeee, and Fr Adrian Jokers Wild. So for this fool, anon 3:41, we thank you for sparing us, and we see that there is hope for you after your leaders are all gone.

      Anon 3:41, you really need to take a deep and honest look at the topics that have created the divide between your ilk and the regular Catholic church-goers.

      Kikos hide behind masks and throw spears at anyone who threatens their circle of security. Whether from outside or even inside, any opinion contrary to the catechist is strictly forbidden and immediately quashed.

      On the other hand, true Catholics love their Church, and are willing to publicly protest any person who threatens the peace and unity of our hallowed institution. We are not bound to one central leader, because we think for our selves, and we let our own conscience be our guide. That is why there has been an outcropping of several groups. The Jungle Nation is the herald of what is truly going on in our local Church. Tim, other contributers, and a vast array of commentators, insure that light shines into the dark corners of the NCW underworld. It has grown beyond a local blog, and has taken on global significance. Look at the "Welcome Visitors" to the right of the page and see that the world is watching and hoping that Guam succeeds in clearing the Church of the kiko scourge.

      Then there is the CCOG. They are the action and financial army fighting against the kiko incursion. So threatened by the purpose of this group (to help the Church clean itself up) that Apurun tried to sanction anyone participating in the group. Fearlessly, they continue on, knowing that when you are on the side of right, you have nothing to fear.

      The Laity Forward Movement: they got fed up with the old administration, and these strong willed women put together a formidable group of protestors. They have marched on RMS, and faithfully at the Cathedral. They still praise God by going to real Masses, not the fake ones help Saturdays at 7:30pm. Many are Cathedral faithful, who love their parish, but realize their conviction to fix the Church is more important than attending one specific mass.

      Silent No More popped up because one man saw the terrible travesty foisted upon a group of innocent boys, who because of a law had no recourse. This group of one quickly became a ground swell of support for justice to these victims. They realized that without recourse to the courts, the Church would do nothing to resolve this terrible matter Apurun allowed, and even participated in.

      And what does the NCW have to show? The Lying Lawyer Terlaje. The Quack Doctor Eusebio. The Monkey priest Uduvaldo. David the sly schemer. Adrian the Jokers Wild, Pius the Putrid, and Gennarini, the land grabbing mob boss. But even these leaders of your cult find truth elusive, or repulsive. So they resort to lies and deflections.

      Innocent members of the NCW need to look at the difference between the side that is righteous, and the side that is dangerous. It's time you decide who you want to be judged with for all eternity.

    3. Thanks, Janet B. Your "year in review" is well done! Think back to December 2015. Who would have predicted what the next 12 months would bring? Who would have known the shocking revelations, the painful accounts of abuse, the uphill battle to lift the statute of limitations, the desperate attempts of the NCW to maintain its grip on the Archdiocese, etc.? Who could have predicted the appointment of Apb Hon and Apb Byrnes and the sweeping changes they accomplished? At least one thing should have been obvious from the start: the local Catholic faithful are willing to stand up and speak the truth in the face of criticism, ridicule, official decrees, and any obstacle that got in the way. The world witnessed the brave victims and survivors, the tenacious protestors, the writers and bloggers publishing facts, and the community coming together to do the right thing. There is still much work to be done. However I am more optimistic now than I was in December 2015. Blessings to all who contributed in any way to the positive changes in the last 12 months. And may God continue to bless us in the new year.

    4. Is's just all about Tim rohr Church property ''MONEY'' Catholic faithful?? Hahaha LOL you go to one Church and picket the other right idiot Tim, who's going to benefit of this you?? more $$$$$$$$$-TIM 12 months and now have to sell Church property right ME,Me,Me,Me and I did it all Tim, not the picketers God not going to bless you

    5. Right. I'm making lots of $$$$! LOL

  2. Onward Chritian soldiers!

  3. When you believe in what you are doing and doing it for the right reason there are no regrets,

  4. what are the possible outcomes for apuron from the canonical trial? are we willing to accept anything less than a defrocking?

  5. Maybe our protest signs should only have one message for the whole world to see, not just Rome: DEFROCK APURON and no more signs of "Apuron Out!" which could mean our willingness to accept a lesser
    verdict (although we really have no say in the matter).
