Posted by Chuck White
The Week, January 3, 2017
by Michael Brendan Dougherty
The Catholic Church has long been plagued by sickening scandals involving priests abusing children. And there is reportedly another scandal coming — this one of the pope's own making.
Two people with direct ties to the Vatican tell me that Pope Francis, following the advice of his clubby group of allies in the curia, is pressing to undo the reforms that were instituted by his predecessors John Paul II and Benedict XVI in handling the cases of abuser priests. Francis is pushing ahead with this plan even though the curial officials and cardinals who favor it have already brought more scandal to his papacy by urging him toward lenient treatment of abusers. Continue
Now I'm confused.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a confused world.
Fetzen Fliegen
A Remnant Newspaper Blog
Monday, January 2, 2017
No Mercy for Sex Abuse Victims
"During the 3 1/2 years of the Francis Papacy, the self-appointed Merciful One is not so merciful when it comes to the victims of clergy sex abuse. As Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio left a record of abysmal apathy and inaction to root out clergy sex abuse. This pattern lives on behind the Vatican walls."
"Police Arrest Predator Priest Ignored by Francis
In late November 2016, Argentine Police arrested 82-year old priest Rev. Nicola Corradi, 55-year-old priest Horacio Corbacho, and three other men. They are accused of sexual and physical child abuse at the Antonio Provolo Institute in northwestern Mendoza province.One of the priests Nicolás Corradi, who had been given a previous conviction for child abuse in Italy before being transferred to Argentina, gave orders that none of the children’s relatives were allowed to enter the school. Parents now believe this was part of the cover up.When the police raided the school in Argentina’s Mendoza province and they found pornography and about $34,000 in Rev. Corradi’s room.
Now at least 60 students of the Provolo institute in Argentina have now come forward seeking justice for the abuse they say they suffered at the hands of Fr. Corradi, another priest, the Rev. Horacio Corbacho, and three other men. According to FOX News Latino, the alleged victims of Rev. Nicola Corradi said they wrote a letter to the Pope Francis in 2014 warning him that the purported sexual predator had been reassigned to Argentina, the Pope’s home country.
Fr. Corradi, named by both Italian and Argentine victims as the sexual predator who raped deaf and mute children. Pope Francis could have stopped the horrendous abuse, but chose to ignore and suppress the cries for help. Victims understand that predators never stop abusing children and will travel across international borders to seek out more vulnerable children.
The victims are now speaking out saying that nothing was done then or later in 2014, when they told Pope Francis in a letter that Corradi was living in his native Argentina."From the pope down ... all of the Catholic Church hierarchy is the same. They all knew," one of the victims told The Associated Press through a sign language interpreter.
Place this scandal squarely at the throne of Pope Francis or perhaps, even earlier at the feet of Cardinal Bergoglio.
Protecting children is not rocket or even climate science. It’s really very simple, but you must care about children. Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, Pope Francis, pay attention. Pick up the phone, call the Police, and report that ‘a crime may have been committed against a child and it needs to be investigated by law enforcement."~Written by Elizabeth Yore
After Chuck White’s “I’m Confused!” comment, commenting on Tim’s “New Year’s Message” outlining Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 following horrendous Vatican corruption (Click here in JW. (rewind to 0:0:0); after reading Chuck White’s post: “A Child Abuse Scandal Is Coming For Pope Francis” (click here in JW); and now after reading Elizabeth Yore’s quote from a newspaper (Remnant) blog (above) – I, too, am doubly confused, like you - Chuck! Where will this all end? Is there a light in the tunnel?
DeleteThis whole scenario of cover-ups from the lowest level of church authority to the very top (the Vatican, the Papacy) is definitely a test on our Faith. Were it not for the assurance by Christ Himself when He gave us His Church that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it”, I’d say that we are in for pretty hard times ahead! I can only resort to prayer; the unraveling of events certainly do not foretell us much hope.
I know that prayer alone is not enough; God helps those who help themselves. Notwithstanding, I continue to encourage all to “stand firm in the faith” (“fortes in fide”). I will continue (and encourage others) to trust in His Words: “I will not leave you orphans!”. And I hope that our Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes (despite what others may think not too well of him, for reasons valid of not) will support and shepherd us, while the Holy Spirit guides the Universal Church through these rocky times. “Lord, save us; we are perishing!” (jrsa: 1/4/17)
Thanks, Joe. We need encouragement during these difficult times. From the beginning the church has had to deal with adversity - persecution from various religious and government leaders, adversarial religions, heresies, schisms, etc. The Middle Ages was no picnic for the church (We also have two popes, but one is retired!).
DeleteSo turmoil in the church is nothing new. If people of the past could see us today they might say, "What are you complaining about? We had it much worse! Do you want to trade places?"
To all FDMS alumni: Did you ever think our school motto would ever become so relevant? Fortes in Fide - Strong in the Faith Did you ever think we would have to "battle" with our church leaders and force them to do the right thing?
Holy Spirit guide us as we go through these troubled times.
very true Andrew. corruption in bishops is huge.
DeleteEvery month I become more suspicious about Pope Francis' behavior. Espascially about his protection towards the Neocatecumenal Way. It is scandalous that he is unable to pronounce a strong word of correction against this sect and here leader, idol and adored "saint" Kiko Arguello.
ReplyDeleteI still wait, hoping not to be wrong. If, in a reasonable period of some month, Pope Francis doesnt give signs of a real intention to clean the Vatican Curia, infected by NCW Cardinals, most of them puppets of Mr. Kiko Arguello, it will become clear that Pope Francis sold himself to negative powers and only a PUPPET-POPE OF WORDS.
About the child abuse affairs of Apuron and company, until no only "vatican silence".
Neverless, I will never abandon the Catholic Church, but fight from inside against this slum.
Daniel Lifschitz
Really you think the Pope is wrong? Your a closet protestant. LMAO.
DeleteAnd you are ignorant.
DeleteDear Anonymous LMAO,
DeleteI hope Pope Francis is Catholic, but i start to have some doubts. From the humble view of my "protestant closet" - I am a Jew, who became a "catholic closet", with the help of Father Pio, when I was 29 years old; devoted my life to evangelization in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Israel, Switzerland, Ethiopia, USA (6 years), and now (80) preach in January in Switzerland (Lugano) and in February in Rome, and hope Bishop Byrnes invite me to Guam, so "closet protestant" that I never opened my protestant mouth without the aprouval of the local Bishop - I say yes! I start to have some doubts about Pope Francis.
My to books against the satanic founder of the Neocatecumenal way, Kiko Arguello: "Kiko Arguello, saint or imposter?" (500 pages) and "Kiko, I want to speak with you..." (150) to be published in italian in January, end with the words:
"POPE FRANCIS WAKE UP!" Pope Francis, until now approuves this sect.
Yes, I hope he is sleeping; but if he is awake, then he is not any more catholic.
Greetings from the "closet protestant" Daniel Lifschitz
@9:15 Must be a NEO Clown, or perhaps just a hermit coming out from under his rock. As far as we know, the Pope is still human, and has a free will, and based on history, there were some not so holy popes. Soooo judging on his fruits, we can see some questionable actions.. He is only infallible in areas of faith and morals.
DeleteDear Daniel,
Deletewhen you say, "Pope Francis, until now approves this sect.
Yes, I hope he is sleeping; but if he is awake, then he is not any more catholic ", I tend to agree with you.
I would also apply this to the bishops that I know who until now support, or at least permit, the activities of the NCW.
It is my belief that most of them do not see, because they refuse to look. But it must also be true that some have abandoned their reponsibilities, and left their flocks to the wolves.
Our best hope is in the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Destroyer of all Heresies. Let us redouble our prayers to her, most notably, the Rosary. Through her, the NCW evil will be defeated, the Pope converted and the triumph of the Church, through the Two Hearts, will be realized.
Again, my admonition: DO NOT TURN TO ROME.
ReplyDelete"Is coming"?! The Abp. Wesolowski setup last year is as dirty as it gets.
ReplyDeleteWatch for a rash of early episcopal resignations for phony health reasons.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe this story. Sounds like Fake news. As for what happened in Argentina, we can't expect Pope to be involved personally in every diocese.
ReplyDeleteThe whole Church needs to wake up. I don't understand why the police haven't arrested this AB Apron? As for the NEOS .. the church has no idea what they are getting into. They happily don't tell the truth and mislead to defend their cult. Where there are lies is the Devil. Pope said that .. I've decided to leave the church. It's all to annoying and upsetting. AB Byrnes is just going to be a puppet.. I say get the police involved ASAP?
ReplyDeleteCannot. Criminal statue of limitations has expired.
DeleteDon't leave the One, Holy, Catholc, and Apostolic Church. Then the bad guys win.
DeleteInstead we need to persevere in prayer and faith.
And work to expose and refute the evil of the NCW Cult.
To Anon @5:01: Don't leave the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church because of your assessment of Pope Francis. He may be what you perceive him to be, and he may not be perceived even by many Catholics as an effective Shepherd of Christ's flock, but remember HE IS NOT THE CHURCH. WE (you and I) are the Church. So do not abandon us!
DeleteResort, instead (as Anon @1:45pm stated"), to higher hopes = "Our best hope is in the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Destroyer of all Heresies. Let us redouble our prayers to her, most notably, the Rosary. Through her, the NCW evil will be defeated, the Pope converted and the triumph of the Church, through the Two Hearts, will be realized." Recall the "miracle at Lepanto" and how the Church - and perhaps all of Europe - was saved through the intercessory power of Mary.
For some reason or other, the admonition of 2 Chronicles 7:14 keeps coming back to me: "If My People, who are called by My Name (that's us!) shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my Face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins: and will heal their land." And as Tim often admonishes ("Don't look to Rome!"). Look up to Heaven instead, and beseech St. Michael the Archangel to defend us in battle against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. Christ did say to us "he who perseveres to the end, shall be saved!" Don't give up now! Give in, instead, to the invisible and invincible power of the Holy Spirit. Trust in Christ's promise that "the powers of Hell shall not prevail against His Church". But - of course - IN HIS TIME, not in ours. (jrsa: 1/5/17)
Good advice, You must not leave the true Church of Christ because of the evil works of some of its members, The fact that they chose to follow their will and not the teaching of Christ does not invalidate the truth of Christ and his Church. Stand firm in the truth the way and the life - Stand firm in Christ.
DeleteThe victims didn't.
DeleteExcuse me,
ReplyDeletedo Neo's in Guam eat neo-cake-chumenals and celebrate Banana Liturgies?
I'm not leaving because of the pope. Thanks for ur words. I'm fed up with the neos and this child abuse stuff not being properly sorted out. EVEN the elect will be deceived. By.kiko !
ReplyDeleteThe "elect" are those who "elect" not to be deceived. But that takes work. To freely "elect" to be "fed up" and reject Christ's church...Christ promises a very unhappy end...or shall I say "eternity."
DeleteFrancis had an awful reputation for allowing pedophile clergy in Argentina to skate. His neglect in handling the Chilean bishop's case is disgraceful and he quietly let the Archbishop in Granada, Spain off the hook. On the subject of child abuse, Francis is &h. all show and no go.
ReplyDeleteYes, all show and no go when it comes to the Vatican getting its act together. Change is slow in coming but people must shake off their thinking that those in the Vatican can make things better for our Church. We must continue to demand change instead of expecting the Vatican to change itself for the better. The smoke of Satan is present in the curia. It is up to us to help drive it out.