Posted by Tim
Quite a few people have noted that Pius the Slimeball is back and in full gear, orchestrating new "Invitations to Joy," and saying regularly scheduled Sunday masses, at least at the Agat parish.
Pius the Slimeball is not incardinated in this diocese, so in order for him to say Mass he has to be granted special faculties. Per the "Handbook of Faculties, Archdiocese of Agana, pg. 3:
No doubt, Apuron gave the Slimeball "faculties for a period of time," and no doubt Pius still thinks he has them. He may be right. The removal of Apuron's episcopal authority by the pope in June of last year does not automatically cancel past actions and decisions prior to the removal of that authority.
While we know that Hon officially removed The Slimeball as rector of the seminary, we do not know if he also removed his faculties in this diocese. Such an act would require an Aviso (so we all would know), and no Aviso was published.
Thus it is up to Archbishop Byrnes, who now has that authority, to either REVOKE those faculties or continue to extend them. In either case, for the protection of the faithful and the avoidance of scandal, an Aviso is required.
By the way, it is curious that while Pius left the island about the same time as Hon did, he returned in full force with Byrnes arrival. Methinks I can hear Cardinal Felony-Filoni telling Pius: "No worries. I'll take care of Byrnes."
Sniff him out people. Report sightings of Putrid to chancery. Talk about balls.
ReplyDeleteI definitely recall that when Abp Hon removed Pius from the RMS, he also removed all his faculties. Even if it was never published in an Aviso, his faculties were removed!
DeleteJust because Abp Hon left, and was replaced by Abp Byrnes, that doesn't affect his status of no faculties, does it? Therefore, unless Abp Byrnes directly gave faculties to Pius, he is celebrating illicit masses and sacraments.
Hopefully, Abp Byrnes has learned a hard lesson about who is worthy of trust and who is not in the Adrian Cristobal fiasco. He should make clear if faculties have been re-instated to Pius or not. And if not, then he needs to sanction Pius for being a rogue priest.
If Abp Byrnes wants to reinstate credibility in theis Archdiocese his decisions have to be public, and his actions have to be justified.
So Abp Byrnes...did you reinstate Fr Pius' faculties to celebrate mass in Agat? And if so, is it temporary or did you mess up again by reinstating those faculties without consulting your councils who can tell you this man's history?
An anxious Guam awaits your clarification.
This is really rich. The notorious seminarians Gabe and Ashton who gave scandalous testimonies at the cathedral just happen to be away on itinerancy when the new bishop Byrnes comes to town. Sorry Archbishop they'll be gone for a couple of years. Beyond belief.
ReplyDeleteapuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT...
ReplyDeletethe statute that gives rms presbyters, like luis and others who are missing from is archdiocese, reason for traveling the world at our expense.
Art. 32 [Itinerant presbyters]
In the case of the secular clergy, or members of institutes of consecrated life or societies of apostolic life, these must have the express permission of their own diocesan bishop or competent religious superior, in due form.
The ordinary, in contact with the bishop who welcomes them, establishes the time frame of their availability, is periodically informed of their activity and ensures that the material and spiritual conditions of their ministry, lived in the spirit of being itinerant, are according to the provisions of the law.
apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT...
Eh, Tim, lots of stuff happens without Aviso. For sure, for sure.
ReplyDeleteWow! When is something going to be done about these non-Catholics running around our Archdiocese?! JW, CCOG and Thoughtful Catholic Blog (Chuck White's) have already shown clear evidence the NCW is not Catholic! Yet this leadership at the Chancery seem to sit on their duffs twiddling their thumbs on the porch watching the Archdiocese get destroyed by Pius the Pissant, and other Neocats who don't respect anyone other than their bosses the Gennarinis and Kiko while hiding their heresy. This is exactly the way the devil works! Keep everyone confused while they raid the treasury with the blessing of Felony Feloni! Rise up, let's picket on Sunday morning @ 9 AM in front of Cathedral-Basilica. Enough of this BS. . . Let's Move!! What gives with these signs for Invitations to Joy! Invitations to Joy my foot! They want your money! The NCW bosses and big shots are a bunch of con artists preying on the weaknesses of faith in people. Sad testimony of some of our clergy who are just plain lazy. So members of the Clergy and ARCHBISHOP BYRNES: Get rid of the NCW. And we can then have real JOY in our Archdiocese! Move it, move it, move it!!
ReplyDeleteNot only does this non-catholic religion infringe on its members to build up KIKO's empire; they steal from the parish by getting it to purchase ugly art; loud annoying music and surmountable supplies for their illicit liturgy. NCW OUT!!! PIUS OUT!!!
Deleteloud mouth priest been offered a free vacation one month Domus Galilaeae?
ReplyDeleteTime to pull the signs out .
ReplyDeleteGuam Pious Catholics want Pius out
Really big signs. Pio, out you go. Something really wrong about him.
DeleteI think the Barrigada Neo community will have its recruitrment drive in April. Let's meet this presbyter at that timne and give him a real banquet, (like a surprise blanket party). While no disrespect to the parish administrator is intended, I think Fr. Joel you are going to bend over to the pressure of Sammut and this group to spew their invitation to joy from the pulpit. What would Ste. Faustina teach about this situation pa'le? Will you disrespect her? So that the Neo message is not lost on anyone then, let's all at that time attend the Sunday mass and bring and sound the air horns to be really resounding.
ReplyDeleteDear Archbishop Byrnes.
ReplyDeleteunless you remove Pius you will be sued.
Sue? For what exactly? Calling us all not evangelized? Hahaha
DeleteYeah, sue him for a hate crime. Whose clothes did you and your pals burn on n the jungle Pius? It's not a secret. It's a hate crime.
DeleteTime to oust Pius.
ReplyDeleteIn the third place, Father Pius is staying in Guam. Thus spoke Diana. Where will his residence be? At the RMS?? Hmmmm? Guess he won't be camping out at the Archbishops house anymore. Ric, is he at your place? Taking a bath in your pool? Repeat: Pius is staying in Guam. would think the faithful of Agat would rally behind their boys and protest this guy out of their parish.
ReplyDeleteIs the Neocatechumenal Way recognized as part of the Catholic Church? If it is recognized by the Holy See, then who are we to judge this group?
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly the type of blind, clericalist stupidity that trashed the archdiocese over a 30-year period. That attitude bought all of the lies that came out of Apuron's filthy mouth without question.
DeleteUnfortunately, the diabolic NCW is recognized as part of the Catholic Church. However, Rome NEVER approved their heretical catchesis, liturgical abuses and cult behavior. They are Catholic on paper only, not in practice.
The NCW is NOT recognized as part of the Catholic Church. It only recognizes it as an "itinerary"of faith formation within the Church so long as it conforms to its "regulatory charter of reference," as Pope Francis called it, which was imposed upon it in 2008.
DeleteHe is a cockroach we need to spray to get rid of roach infection.
ReplyDeleteYour Excellency, please do not send Fr. Edwin “Pius” Sammut, O.C.D., to Rota, CNMI.
ReplyDeleteLet us pray that the people of Luta, Belau, and Chuuk may remain remain strong in their Catholic faith and resist the impending onslaught of the NCW Cult invasion there.
Pius answers to his Carmelite Provincial first, then to Byrnes. He can do whatever he pleases with the Neocats.
DeleteReligious Order priests are literally free agents where I live. Even those who openly support abortion and homosexuality. The bishop can't do anything to them and they're simply ignored by the Provincials.
Actually he answers to no one. His provincial is glad that he is gone. It's up to Byrnes whether he will permit this bag of disease to continue in our diocese.
DeleteThe NCW operates under the aegis of Rome precisely because of that 2008 charter which formally recognizes them. They commit their abominations in Catholic churches.
DeleteWithout further delay, Byrnes needs to come down on the Cathedral Rector and his diabolic Neocats like thunder out of China for desecrating the Mass. Tell them in no uncertain terms that if one more episode of it occurs, all of them are out of there! That shouldn't take him more than a few minutes.
I haven't seen a bishop tolerate that type of offense since the 1980's.
Stop persecuting Pius. It makes him feel special.
DeleteTouchee, feelee, buy me drinkee-kind of special?
DeleteDear CNMI lawyer, unfortunately if your new Bishop invites him over, there is nothing you can do.
DeleteSince your Bishop has similar propensities with Apuron: fame, honor and could end up with Pius in Rota before you know it.
Perhaps it is time to have a picket in front of your Cathedral
Send Stinky back to where he came from. Simple.
ReplyDeleteSend him away on a container ship to Europe. He'll stink up business class. Long time to rest up on the ship dreaming about all his women. (Or men) . Adios, Putrid.
ReplyDeleteThink he'll go to Europe? Doubt it. He'll run to his Guam girls in New Jersey. Fraud.
DeleteGo home pius you wet slimeball.
ReplyDeleteOnce at NCW event (before I knew to keep away) I was there when Putrid got out of the car he was being chauffeured in said in his heavy Maltese accent, "I feel elegant today." But due to his accent it sounded as if he were saying, "I feel arrogant today."
DeleteWe have to be careful. Pius stole our women and some ship away to his place in Malta. What happened, why can't they return to Guam ?
DeletePius shipped our young girls to Morristown New Jersey Carmelite Monastery. since learnt Morristown Carmelite Monastery is not a formal Monastery belonging to the Union of the Carmelite Order. Fake house where residents are not real nuns.
DeleteThey are real nuns. Never will be here again. Off to Malta we hear from one family.
DeleteWe had two Maltese parishes here, but not any more. One faded and merged into the other as the older, native Maltese parishoners died or moved away. No loss. They were arrogant, insular and racist. Reeking Pius would have fit right in with them.
ReplyDeleteMaltese aren't the only problem where I live.
DeleteAll of the parishes in this diocese that are dominated by foreign-born ethnic groups are insular and overtly racist. They dislike Americans in general. Neocats are found almost exclusively among Hispanics and Filipinos.
All of these unpleasant ethnic churches have earned the dislike of local Catholics. The elitist bishop is anti-social too, so no one cares. His USCCB-mandated Ethnic Ministries Office is a joke.
Anybody see Putrid evangelizing this weekend? Beautiful weekend to evangelize. Uh, huh. Uh, huh.
DeleteFather Pius's webpage has quotes from past Popes praising the NCW, however, if you conduct a quote search from these past Popes, you will just get a link to another NCW webpage with another link that lead to nowhere. This really says a lot about the honesty from this very wicked human being that is continuing to lie to the very souls that he's supposed to save. Father Pius is nothing but a liar. Wake up NCW communities and use your Spirit of Discernment to release you from the NCW bondage.
ReplyDeleteYou know what they say about men with big noses? Maybe that's the reason why Tony bows down to him.
ReplyDeleteTony boy liked the NCW because whenever the men greeted each other, they would kiss each other on both cheeks. Kiss, kiss, clap, clap, for sure, for sure. It's a Neo thing.