Janet B - Mangilao has left a new comment on your post "PDN: Concerned Catholics seeks removal of 5 church...":
What an amazing day on K-57 this morning! Tim called in to throw a bit of reality into the naming of Quitugua to two powerful councils. The average Catholic is asleep to the problems in our Church. They will only wake up when their personal world is rocked into reality.
But guess what. I think this is starting to happen with more people, as we see the cash spigot quickly going dry. This is a sure sign that people are finally catching on. But not all.
Sadly, our leadership is still asleep to the problems, having chosen a route of "make peace, not war". Fr Jeff himself said as much this morning in response to the reality Tim was painting. Fr Jeff doesn't see a war, he is just trying to make peace.
Well, Fr Jeff, how is that going so far? Your boss demanded that no more communities be formed back in March, for a period of 1 year. And within a short period of time the kikos formed several new communities. The Church declares a truce and the kikos continue to battle.
And we have seen this in the past. When the heat gets really hot on the kikos because of one of their many misdeeds, they quickly go dark, and scheme a new way to continue the same actions, "but let's just don't get caught next time". Or, more likely, they just deny and lie, even though the truth is right in front of the world to see.
The kikos don't need to fight a guerrilla war, hiding in the dark jungles. No, they are at war right in our faces. And their biggest weapon is "four popes have approved us". They don't need to hide and fight, because they can fight right in the open and no one in our Church leadership has the strength to stand up and say BASTA - ENOUGH!
Fr Jeff, they teach heresies and you do nothing. They steal millions of dollars in assets and you do nothing. They churn out fake priests and you do nothing. Their fake priests defy you and the bishop, and you do nothing.
Tell me Fr Jeff, how is peace working out so far?
Look at history, Fr Jeff. When war breaks out, does peace occur when one side lays down its arms and the other side continues its agression? No. The agressor eventually destroys the "peace makers" who laid down their arms and gave up the battle. What would have happened to Europe if the allies laid down their arms before Hitler was routed out? Europe would be in ruins, and eventually our brown skin would have made us Nazi targets as well.
Don't get me wrong Fr Jeff. We true Katolicos all want peace. The difference is that some of us are willing to fight to insure we have a true peace, while you still refuse to face the evil that has been raging in our local Church for so many years now.
And that evil is none other than the NCW. There is no other source of rancor or agression in our Church other than the NCW. But until you and Abp Byrnes recognize that reality, and join in the fight, eventually they will win the war. Even though they number less than one-half of one percent, they will win because their leaders have a strategy and their troops follow the leaders orders. Obedient to the end (but only to their catechists).
And on our side, the side of the Church, we have leaders who refuse to fight evil. Who refuse to fight disobedient priests. Who refuse to correct heresy. Who refuse to develop a plan to face the enemy. Who refuse to use superior numbers to motivate the faithful to save our Church. Who refuse to use truth as our greatest strength.
An ostrich is a huge bird, but is completely ineffective when it buries its head in the sand.
Quite frankly Fr Jeff, your call to make peace looks more like cowardice than a sincere attempt to fix a terrible problem. Especially in light of the attacks that continue to be waged against the Church.
The longer you continue to wage "peace in the face of aggression", the fewer resources you will have available to you. Do you see how the troops have started to withhold support? The finances are so bad now that you are forced to coerce it from unwilling donors by tripling assessments to the parishes, and starting assessments to the schools for the very first time.
And where will the parishes and schools get this needed cash for a Church unwilling to fight for survival? People aren't going to give just because of an assessment. Again, look at history Fr Jeff.
Europe was ablaze in World War II. Did America raise money for the war effort? Yes, but only after it entered into the fray after Pearl Harbor. And people gave, not because the government taxed the heck out of them. People gave because they believed in the effort to root out evil, and they saw that their government leaders were going in the right direction. People supported the country because the country fought for what was right and good.
How can the people of Guam support the Church, when the Church is not willing to fight for what is right and good?
Fr Jeff, you are a very emotional person. We have come to know you as the crying priest, and your homilies have touched many. BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR TEARS, NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION!
We ARE in a war, that is the reality. And now is the time the Church on Guam must fight. Before peace can be restored, the aggressors must be brought to submission. Thank God Eisenhower didn't stop fighting until the Nazi's and Japan finally laid down their arms.
Here is a quote from the top of the JungleWatch page to leave you with: “Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops, and your religious act like religious.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen, 1972
The people will support our leaders as soon as we see that our leaders are willing to also fight for what is “truly right and just.”
Are you going to have the k57 interview available in junglewatch. I missed out on the interview.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately K57 stopped posting podcasts of interviews on March 30.
DeleteTim, do you know why k57 stopped podcasts?
DeleteNo. A good question for Patti. Call this morning. 477-5757.
DeleteToo bad. I loved listening to the podcasts.
DeleteA few times I went to mass in my old parish, found out that "Bibi' Arroyo, or one of the neo-ncw presbyters will be participating in the celebration of the Eucharist and would try to leave the church but my wife and daughters would tell me that it is very embarrassing to leave, so I would sit there and try not to show my discomfort of looking at the neo-ncw at the Sanctuary.....jes
ReplyDeleteFr. Jeff Please get a hold of yourself. Stop being a cry baby sally. Get Quitugua, Adrian, Rudy, Alberto, Edulaldo, and Bibi out of these committees. I cant believe you leaders are making it seem like business as usual. Have you forgotten what Quitugua, Adrian, Alberto, Edulaldo, and the NEOS have caused in the archdiocese?These NCW priests have no allegiance to you or AB Byrnes, Their bishop is Apuron until such time as Apuron is derocked or removed. In the mean time they will be an impediment to moving the Church forward on the road to healing.
ReplyDeleteThe willingness to tolerate the intolerable just to avoid embarrassment is one the reasons the church is in the mess that it's in.
ReplyDeleteFather Jeff has always been known to play both ends towards the middle...what a waste!!!
ReplyDeleteI have told you before Jeff is useless. He is only happy stuffing his face with a two hunded pound lechon.
ReplyDeleteFr Jeff is a "good guy". Unfortunately, he's not a "great guy". Yes; he does appear to light both ends of the candle. He appears to be "a good mediator", but not quite adept at being a "gladiator". He appears to be good at "inafamauleg", but quite flabby at calling a spade a spade. He knows the inadequacies of those Neocats appointed to the Councils, but perhaps doesn't want to hurt their feelings by voicing out "you guys are the problem!", like an old monsignor stood up and bluntly told Apuron years ago "YOU, ARCHBISHOP, are the problem!" As a quasi-Chancellor (Apostolic Delegate), he should have spoken out and objected to the appointments, even at the risk of appearing not to support his boss AB Byrnes.
ReplyDeleteDave Sablan (CCOG), and Janet B have very lucidly explained why these Neocat appointments are counter-productive (or even outright wrong). Re-read their writings -- it's all there for everyone to see, except for those who refuse to take their blinds off.
TO REQUOTE: Here is a quote from the top of the JungleWatch page to leave you with: “Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops, and your religious act like religious.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen, 1972" --- Archbishop Byrnes, do the right thing. Right the wrong, before it gets out of hand! Listen to the voice of the people - it is the conscience of the Church!
Let's stop being nice guys. Satan and his supporters love to screw nice guys (Sorry, no pun intended here!). They cannot be allowed to take over our Archdiocese!
ReplyDeleteAgree stop being nice. Nice gets no where. You need a hate campaign against evil men.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering why we call David the Lurch. I googled meaning of Lurch it says an abrupt uncontrolled movement.
ReplyDeleteso I assume it means David makes uncontrolled movements. His crimes would certainly be controlled by Pius.
Google "Lerch"
DeleteYou can also google the Addams family. The 1960s comedy has a character that strangely resemble our Lurch, specially his lack of physical enthusiasm. ( I understand his seminarian colleagues gave him that nickname, and used Lurch's classic question: "you rang?". But that is where the similarity ends, since in the Addams family, Lurch is actually a fairly nice character. While our Lurch is a conniving, Machiavellian individual.
DeleteYes. The Lurch is evil beyond imagination. Byrnes needs to open his eyes and see evil as it really is.
DeleteDavid is evil, make no. I stake about it!
Poor Abp Byrnes. He has no idea who the bad guys are. But OMG.
ReplyDeleteFr Jeff you have no such excuse. You know evil and yet you refuse to drive it out. Shame on you. I think it is now time to drive you out if you refuse to advise on the tough moves that need to be made.
Abp Byrnes: the move is now up to you. You can wimp out and continue our ruin, or you can hold your advisors responsible. What say you?
We are in a battle. Our Church is under attack.
ReplyDeletePeace is the goal but we won't get there unless we are willing to fight for what is right. Evil feeds off passive feelings like Fr Jeff. He may not see this, but the kiko's sure do.
What we need is a St Michael to guide us in this battle.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing......"
DeleteA good way not to do nothing is to come to the Sunday picket.
DeleteThe very idea tha AB Byrnes leaves David as the sorry excuse fo rector at RMS for even a day tells us a lot. And if David quit! That would tell us even more when we see his successor. After all....isn't he a temp? To install another rector would be a sure sign things will roll along merrily at Yona.