Saturday, June 17, 2017


There are 34 priests incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agana. Of these 34, 24 (71%) are Neo’s. Of the 24 Neo’s 16 are not on Guam or are at RMS, i.e., not involved in the running of the Archdiocese of Agana. 24 minus 16 leaves 8 or 24%. 

By permitting priests who have nothing to do with our archdiocese, some of whom have been gone for years, some of whom refused to respond to anyone but Apuron, some of whom are hiding (Apuron and Luis Camacho), Fr. Jeff and Archbishop Byrnes have permitted 24% of the Neo priest to become 71%. 

Canon Law may require that all priests incardinated in a diocese have a vote in the election of the presbyteral council, but anyone with a brain would assume that these priests must be in good standing and not deserters, perverts in hiding, or priests who refused to accept their assignments so they were awarded with travel and furthering their education. 

According to this list, and per what Fr. Jeff told us on the radio today about who voted, we have to assume that Apuron and Luis Camacho both voted, and of course, voted for David C. Quitugua, who Byrnes then further promoted to an exclusive position on the College of Consultors.

Note: Louis Brouillard is incardinated but since he most certainly was left out of the vote, he is not included in the count. 
Note: This list was made from the 2016 Archdiocesan Directory. If there are updates, please advise and we will update the spreadsheet.
Note: It is very obvious that they voted to keep Msgr. James Benavente OUT. 

This is a link to the spreadsheet.


  1. I was wondering why Monsignor James, or even Fr. Paul, were not part of the selection. This "deck" needs to be reshuffled.

  2. CAAB Byrnes and Fr. Jeff have added an international dimension to the term "gerrymandering."

  3. This is the result of two decades of "making peace". A Catholic does not "make peace" with heterodoxy. A Catholic does not "make peace" with cults of personality. A Catholic does not "make peace" with sects. And weeping won't help either.

    1. Chuck, can you dig up and report on the Alpha movement which archbishop Byrne's supports? I read some thing about it in Church Militant that leads me to believe we may have another battle front in our Church locally.

  4. WOW; and we will continue to be in the never-ending losing stream as the KAKA Filled NEO Cult Presbyter Factory is aimed at continuing to churn out NEO Cult Presbyters that have to be incardinated into this Archdiocese. All at our expense as we continue to foot the cost of housing tis KIKO-Bot Scam. SMH

    1. What is standing of for Diaconate candidates who Apuron missed ordaining? Preston and companions? Status?

  5. very important point Tim and Chuck. Through increase of numbers in neo incardinated priests over 20 years neo will always win on votes because they have numbers which are a block vote. This is is why it will be very hard for Archbishop Byrnes to govern Archdiocese.
    I don't see peace possible in Agana for many years to come. Once RMS closes I suggest people make their lives a living hell so they want to leave.

    1. That's just it. RMS isn't going to close.

    2. Julio and Miguel. No Pastoral experience. What kind of formation can they offer?

    3. Tim, did you get that info from Filoni?

    4. Whatever happened to the report of the committee by AB Hon which reported that the RMS is deficient in its formation program, and recommended that the institution be shut down. Hope this did not get swept under the rug again like most problems identified within the church. Is AB Byrnes still analyzing the report? or did it fall into a case of analysis paralysis syndrome.

      Didn't AB Byrnes say the RMS property is on the list of assets to be liquidated to pay for settlements? What does that mean for the RMS seminary then?

    5. The seminary exists independent of the Yona property. Most likely it will be moved to Malojloj. Still the head of the snake.

    6. No way Malojlij? Not nearly large enough. Kikobird paintings down there? Noooo.

    7. Then let some other dumb ass bishop ordain them but not incardinate Agana.

  6. Tim, thanks for the complete listing of incardinated priests for the Archdiocese of Guam, including our Capuchin priests at the Friary. It really helps to put things in a better perspective and to clearly see what a monumental job we have to clean up our Catholic church here on Guam. What do you mean RMS isn't going to close? I thought it was on the top of the list of Archdiocesan properties to be sold, to include the chancery and other properties that are not parish churches or schools. Are you privy to information that has not been disclosed? Then maybe we should change up our signs at the picket line or change our picket site. ( A return to RMS seminary or the Chancery, perhaps?) It seems like we have taken two steps forward but four steps back! Unbelievable!

    1. Currently there is reason to believe that even if the property is sold the seminary will remain. Working on it.

  7. Here are the details on the make up of the Presbyteral Council: 3 are appointed by Archbishop Byrnes. Giving Archbishop Byrnes credit that he DID NOT appoint any NEO PRESBYTERS, we can safely say he appointed 3 priests who should be prepared to fight against anything trying to undermine the Church through the matters that are addressed by this Council.

    Archbishop Byrnes and Fr. Jeff San Nicolas are automatic members because of their office, Archbishop of Agana and Delegate to the Co-Adjutor Archbishop of Agana, respectively; and we can safely say they are not NEOs.

    That means 10 seats on the Council are to be filled by priests elected to the Council. So, from the list of members of the Council, of the ten elected, the following five are NEO PRESBYTERS: 1. Melchor Camina; 2. Rudy Arejola; 3. Julio-Cesar Sanchez; 4. Jose-Alberto Rodriguez-Salamanca; 5. David C. Quitugua. A "fence-sitter" and weak pastor who allows the NEOS to do as they please in his parish of San Vicente, Barrigada is: Joel Delos Reyes, the Chairman of the Council, who only cares about his Devine Mercy trips to Europe and selling his book.

    If there is to be a vote on any issue in that Council, I strong suggest to the NON-NEO PRIESTS: 1. Father Patrick Castrol 2. Father Tom McGrath; 3. Father Jeffrey San Nicolas; 4. Monsignor Brigido Arroyo; 5. Father Richard Kidd; 6. Father Romy Convocar; 7. Father Mike Crisostomo; and 8. Father Paul Gofigan; and 9. Archbishop Michael Byrnes, to form a coalition bloc and vote on what is good for our Church--that must be their focus and mission solely.

    1. Not sure about Arroyo, but I hope he is not a NEO.

    2. If Arroyo goes with the Neos and delos Reyes does the same, the vote will come down to 8-7, still against the Neos. So, not so big of a majority, but the non-Neos must remain steadfast and together. If we are to trust Arroyo and delos Reyes, they must pledge to follow the Archbishop always on his advice.

      The Archbishop must start the ball rolling to remove these Neo presbyters from Guam! Have another bishop take them. Remove them from being incardinated here, so we do not have to pay for any mission work that they do, since they are not priests for the Archdiocese of Agana.

    3. Trust Arroyo and delos Reyes????? WTF?

    4. Proven. Arroyo Apuron devotee. Period.

    5. Monsignor Bibi a strong Neo to his roots. Even if retired he was still voted in because he is a neo cultist. Birds of a feather ..............

  8. One of my first days in 2014 was to speak my mind to Father JEFF. Witnessed by two CCOG members I told him he had no balls.

    Quitugua is ill suited. He as well needs to move on for his crimes.

    1. Quitugua best to return to Chicago work there. He is hated in Guam.

    2. What? Quitugua work? He is no good except in malingering, pretending he is sick so he can stay in his room and not face any other human being.

  9. Once again the fruits of the NCW are here for all to see. The numbers (stats) speaks for themselves, with this many NCW "priest" in the Guam archdiocese it is no surprise why the church in Guam is in such a bad state. This is proof of what the NCW truly is, a Protestant-Judeo Heresy masquerading as a Charism. I hope that Church (worldwide) notices this and wakes up to herself.

    1. It is the legacy of an Archbishop who totally drank the Kiko kool-aid. Apurun had no clue what he was doing and the NCW totally took advantage of his naïveté.
      Byrnes deserves a chance, but if he fails he is just another Filoni pawn willing to sell the Church to an alternate faith.
      Abp Byrnes- the ball is squarely in your court. What day you?

  10. This is outright thievery by the neos and they are getting away with it? Spn2

  11. High and rising proportion of neos on Guam! Job done Kiko!-You have your show case! WAKE UP WORLD

  12. Tim can u explain this is simple terms? Have we lost ?

  13. Why not boycott all the neo masses and just attend masses where REAL priest celebrate the Eucharist at?

    1. Agreed; everyone needs to look at the list; everyone needs to boycott the church where there is a NEO Cult Presbyter listed.

  14. I wholeheartedly agree. Every additional stand is a message to the Vatican. They are no longer to take us for granted, this is one of the many things we need to do.

  15. The Neos have infiltrated not just this diocese and have manipulated Rome into producing priests without proper vetting. Their numbers have increased within the church because of the quick track production system. Their sermons make no sense and their preachings lack a point.

    Boycot any funds and church's that have neo priests. This is the greatest msg we can show to Rome along with prayers that they'll hear our plight and understand why we are trying to protect our beloved church and our God.

  16. Many of us have been saying forever that Neocat churches should be totally boycotted. Let all of them go bankrupt! No faithful Catholic should go near any of them. That includes the Cathedral if it continues to tolerate Neocat liturgical abuses. Fill collection baskets only in churches that are loyal to the Magisterium.

    As a US mantra went in churches where Vatican II abuses prevailed years ago: "No doctrine, no dollars!" A man on the Mainland even put an obviously altered US dollar bill graphic on his website with that phrase on it. He posted the colored image for free downloading by anyone who wanted to use it. Thousands of them were photocopied, cut to dollar bill-size and stuffed into collection baskets at nationwide churches that had gone wild. There was no way the grossly fake dollar bills printed on copy paper and roughly trimmed could be used for legal tender, so no one could be charged with counterfeiting. In most cases, the fake money made its intended point.

    1. The problem is that these parishes churches are our churches, built by the blood and sweat of our ancestors that have gone before us. the NCW is a parasite that has infected these local parish churches. I say support your parish church, make noise to AB Byrnes to express your displeasure against the NCW presbyters in your parish, kick them out of Guam.

  17. Bottom line: apuron really and royally messed up the Archdiocese. The list of clergy says it all. He needs to be defrocked so the Church can regain a measure of decency and credibility. Then we go to war on these neobots. They need to be saved from themselves and their false catechists. It is the very incursion of neo-catechumenal way into the fabric of our lives, and the unchallenged partiality of apuron towards these neoturds that bred abuses and ensuing conditions.

  18. Janet B - MangilaoJune 20, 2017 at 5:52 AM

    Abp Byrnes: remember the famous Rodney King quote to quell the riots? "Can't we all just get along?"

    Didn't work then and it doesn't work now. You know why?

    Because the Kikos don't want to get along. They just want to take over our poor native souls and have us join their march to darkness.

    Sorry, we love our God and our Church. We respect both enough to follow not by logic but by faith. And what we see from Kiko is a twisted knowledge which merely follows the catechisms of an ego-maniacal Spaniard who exalts himself and humbles the Lord.

    Sorry, but that's not my brand of faith. As for me and my family, we choose to follow the Lord.

    And, dear Archbishop Byrnes, we are all praying you choose to do the same. We pray you see the falsehood of their "Way" before our ( and now your) Church is completely consumed by the scourge.

    1. Just as surely as you must be familiar with one of Trump’ campaign slogans: “drain the swamp”, you surely didn’t have that in mind in re-structuring your Chancery Councils. I think you have conversely managed to put more crocodiles into the Church’s swamp with your recent action. It appeared in the beginning that you were out to save the people you claim to belong to – remember the claim you made: “I belong to you!” Nice words; but short lived! Archbishop Byrnes, you did not put your money where your mouth was.

      I speak in allegories, but the reality is this. Unless you put the brakes on, this speeding train is headed for disaster, because if you expect us to “buy in” to the Kiko-Filoni kumbaya plan (please just learn to live with us!) then expect something worse to happen. Re-read (and let sink in) Janet B’s recent comment re Rodney King’s ill-advised kumbaya formula: “Can’t we all learn to get along?” It ain’t gonna work! So what is it going to be, Arch – them or us? The right way, or the nice and easy way?

      PS: Just finished reading Tim’s (6/20) blog re Msgr James resigning from his Hon-appointed position! Wow! What a travesty! Signs of things to come! Things could get worse before they get get better. Act now, Archbishop Byrnes, before it is too late! Or is is already too late??
