Friday, July 21, 2017


Posted by Tim

This is why I am not afraid of losing all of our material assets, even our churches and schools if we have to - especially since those buildings were the actual scene of so much filth and crime, as we are learning every day.

No, we are not afraid for our material assets to be reduced to rubble because it has happened before, and when it happened, the faith grew ever stronger. Would that we would have such faith, and "turn towards the Lord," again like that today!


  1. Okay start with Friary.

    1. Well, hello, Adrian. How's that canon law degree coming? LOL.

    2. What Canon Law degree? He will have memorized the locations of posh restaurants by the end of his "education" rather than a Canon Law degree. What will he use this degree for, anyway? His credibility is shot, and the only ones who will come to him are remnants of the pathetic NCW cult.

  2. A truly inspiring picture. Thanks for posting this, Tim.

    May we learn from our ancestors and build up what has been destroyed.

    1. The military bombardments of WW2 destroyed buildings. The moral bombardments of Apuron, Adrian, and David, destroyed souls.

  3. 2002 after typhoon Pongsona destroyed Santa Teresita Church the Holy Mass was said outside under a canopy. I don't think it brought discomfort to anyone. The Holy Mass resumed with Joy, gratitude and brought unity among the people.

  4. Rebuilding a physical structure, let alone an entire physical plant such as an Archdiocese, is a daunting task given the challenges of H-2 worker availability, drained financial leverage and competition with impending massive military build up. Yet this pales in comparison to the challenge of building up the trust and confidence of a people lied to, deceived under, and used in, the plot to allow the NCW to usurp the hearts and minds of an entire Archdiocese for this length of duration. What happened here on Guam was a grave tragedy that must never be repeated, and must be constantly guarded against by the vigilant watch of loyal Catholics. It is a Caveat Emptor of sorts that should be in the minds of anyone easily given to the wiles and deceptions of novelty and flattery. This entails incisive personal self-reflection on the part of any authentic Roman Catholic wishing to enhance personal sanctification and who genuinely desires to contribute to a collective build-up of the Roman Catholic Church. A compromised leadership easily given to the external allure of passing affectations and captivated by the external trappings of the office need not apply. The laity ought to remain vigilant and cautious of any "program" or way of life that caters to the tittilations of compromised leadership and cohorts. The internal cleansing starts in the heart of every Roman Catholic before anything else. We ought to search God's acquiescence with every step. Even well-intentioned or unadulterated goals can be compromised and will swerve from its original intent if not constantly guided by humility in prayer, openness to God's bidding, constant self-reflection and incisive heroic action. Cave Ne Cadas! Beware lest you fall. Onward Catholic Warriors!

  5. The KAKA Filled NEO CULT DUNGBAT's newest blog is so full of $#!+. The truth is that yes it was for a seminary, but not for that KAKA filled Half Baked Presbyter Factory. Glad to be in the winning side....

    Saturday, July 22, 2017
    Donor's Intent
    According to news report, the Yona property on which the RMS sits is one of the sites that will be sold as a result of the child abuse lawsuits. But did anyone check the laws on whether this piece of property can be sold? What makes RMS special is that the property was acquired through a donor. The donor contributed 2 million dollars with the intention that the money be used to house the Redemptoris House Seminary.

    On November, 2002, an anonymous donation of two million dollars was given explicitly and solely for the purchase of the Hotel Accion to house the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. That was the donor's intent, which is protected by law. It appears that the commission that is pushing for the sale of the properties for the Chancery is not taking into account the intention of the donor.
    Posted by Diana at 7:02 AM

    1. Sorry Mae Llanes, but your facts are off again. The Acciin Hotel was purchased by the Archdiocese BEFORE the $2 Million donation. The donation was used to pay down the debt, not to buy the hotel.
      The debt is long gone, and its time to put the seminary in the same category. RMS needs to become a part of our history, a failed experiment finally closed by a sane bishop.

    2. Yah, it's actually Tricky Little Dick making up this story. I know it's him because he was privy to the details of the bank loan used to purchase the property. As you say, the donation was given only to pay the debt, NOT purchase the property. It doesn't matter anyway. Selling the property is no longer a decision the archdiocese has any control over. The lawyers in the case are demanding that it be sold or the whole diocese will be put in bankruptcy court.

  6. Kiko birds can maneuver all they want. Will Byrnes ordain those brainwashed characters from all around the world?

    1. Once the kikos own the property they could do anything they want with it, including continuing as a neocat seminary for kiko-cardinals like O'Malley.

    2. Does Archbishop Byrnes not have a say in this? ie does O'Malley have authority/jurisdiction.

    3. O'Malley doesn't want anything to do with nasty, isolated Guam. The fake Franciscan's custom-made sandals are firmly attached to his cushy Roman lifestyle.
