The secret schema for the Neocatechumenal Way’s 2017-18 Beginning of the Year Convivence just arrived in my inbox from a friend in Europe. This Convivence occurs annually at the sect’s headquarters in Porto San Giorgio, Italy, and then is successively repeated throughout the world until the youngest of the Way’s communities celebrate it. This year it was occurred from September 28 through October 1.
Kiko outdoes himself, I assure you. Take, for example, his spiel on page 12...Read more.
FYI the MISSA SOLEMNIS was forbidden by pope pius X, XI and XII on their documents on sacred music, "It must be holy, true art, and universal... should not have instruments that are used in brothels like piano, string instruments and tamburines... "
ReplyDeleteChuck White’s post deals with sacred art generally, not what is or is not liturgically permitted. The papal prohibition on concert type music in the Mass, beginning with Pius X, does not address the quality, the beauty, or the aesthetic import of the mega-catalog of sacred works with the name “Mass” or “Missa” attached to them. These are stand alone works of art whether or not they may or may not be employed in the liturgy. Kiko’s commentary is a running diatribe against all art which does not resemble his, which is little more than a prostituted copy of his own prostituted idea of “the East.”
DeleteKiko is promoting his drawings through his propaganda, he probably dreams of the day when his drawings have replaced all the art in every church. A classic egomaniac with a delusion of grandeur.
DeleteThis is why the NCW is just a facade that he has created to promote himself.
What has long been part of the Church founded by Christ is all dying away according to Kiko, He has made himself the new Messiah come to give life back to the Church, therefore he institutes a new methodology of presenting the kerygma, with Kiko art, Kiko Music, Kiko catechesis, Kiko liturgy, presided upon by Kiko prebysters, Kiko Bishops, and Kiko Cardinals, with a world wide followers of Kiko Neo Catechumenal Way church.
DeleteHow many of our Guam NCW priests were at this Kiko self promotion?
ReplyDeleteLaughable how gullible these Kiko idiots are. And the opportunist Kiko no doubt took full advantage of the moment.
All his latest art work would have been on display for the world to purchase.
One buyer: “look how beautiful this icon art is! Isn’t it amazing how Christ looks so much like our Kiko. How blessed he is to have Kiko’s Old world charm. “
2x2 Partner: “Yes, even Mary has that same look as Kiko. They must really be related to him. Or at least that what my catechism said. “
One buyer: “Yes. The holy family does have Kiko DNA. Bro Pius confirmed it, and so did Diana. “
2x2 Partner: “we’ll take one of these and one of those. That’s all we can afford right now, until after the trash bag is sent around. Then we’ll buy one more to donate to the seminary in Guam. “
I hope when the RMS has moving sale I can get a few of the Kiko acrylic see thru chairs! For sale for sale!
DeleteThe prophet has spoken.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Camacho at 5:47 AM, I think you meant "The Profit-maker has spoken."
DeleteAs Janet B at 5:08 AM scripted, there were samples of Kikofied "art" — transformations of earlier icons by the masters as mentioned in the Thoughtful Catholic post Kiko's Icons from June 2014 — that his communities were "encouraged" to purchase and use to adorn their spaces.
Spoiler alert: I've updated the post to include this link to the whole agenda of the convivence. It's in Italian.
ReplyDeleteAwwww, in Italian. I speak French.
DeleteIn this "Year of Reparation" on Guam, maybe you can find something worthwhile that Kiko said -- rather than just picking at a few paragraphs out of a whole convivence.
DeleteKiko's "protestant-Jewish" heresy, and more so its sycophant abuse of our Church - specifically as demonstrated with the destruction of the Archdiocese of Agana ("Disaster") is exactly the cause and reason for the "Year of Reparation," an absolutely useless exercise if the disease is not named and rooted out.
Delete@ anon at 8.16. Ne t'inquietes pas mon petit. Mon Italien n'est pas mauvais, je pourrai t'aider.
DeleteLet's jump down to the second paragraph on page 16, where Kiko says:
DeleteLet's skip over to the second paragraph on page 16, where Kiko says:
"The other day I was told that in the area of Naples there are 300,000 [cases of] incest, only in the area of Naples. I do not say incest, the father who violates his daughter, millions and millions of [cases of] incest in all Scandinavia, sex, violence."
Those poor Neapolitans! To think that there are 300,000 cases of incest in that city, but less than 990,000 residents! One out of three!
And millions and millions of cases in Scandinavia.
Kiko says it, so it must be true, right?
Dear Chuck,
Deletelet's jump on page 50 of 2016 beginning of the year convivence:
Last year Kiko told that only in the area of Naples there are 350.000 cases of incest.
I'm from Naples, now I'm sure: Kiko is crazy.
Congratulations, Lino, to you and your fellow citizens of Naples. An overwhelming reduction of 50,000 incest cases in your city in just one year!
DeleteBeing blind means not knowing what you do not know. It took 30 years in the way listening to blatant rubbish like this before I woke up to the truth! Little hope for those poor gullible Neos still unable to see!
ReplyDeleteThis is the proof that this man has gone Ki-Ko-Koo-Koo. I pray that Pope Francis will stop this very damaging nonsense.
ReplyDeleteCorrection to previous...praying for Pope Francis to stop this nonsense!
ReplyDeleteIt's time to make a statement by demanding the removal of the KIKO Cult Art at the San Vicente Parish in Barrigada. This is free advertising for the KIKO's at the expense of parishioners that continue to sustain that church. KIKO Cult Zombies only put their donations into black trash bags that never gets audited by parish. Whereas the true Katolikos continue to sustain the parish through their weekly donations.
ReplyDeleteThen pastor Rodriguez-Salamanca misappropriated parish money with help from neo-village members (you know who you all are) to remodel that church. What happened to the rectory building funds?
DeleteIt would be great to obtain a list of each individual parishes finance council......or are there financial councils at all parishes?????
DeleteConvivience features Kiko's abominable, Charismatic-style "music". That type of gypsy shit still contaminates too many of our beautiful churches, along with the hideous red felt Sanctuary banners Charismaniacs love.
ReplyDeleteOh boy...Page VIII of the document shows they are pushing for the cause of beatification for Carmen Hernandez. I wonder who is in charge of fabricating fake miracles to push it forward?
ReplyDeleteThe fruits - - the fruits!
La Santa Carmen the Coarse. By accclaimation!
DeleteCarmen's personal fortune, plus that of her family, will buy her canonization from the greedy, corrupt Vatican. Canonizing a lay Catholic movement's founder legitimizes the organization forever, regardless of its message.
DeleteHeaven forfend!