Thursday, October 5, 2017


It's instructive to note that apparently The Diana thinks that we poor little lay people have and had more influence on local decisions by this Archbishop than her massively powerful friends in the Vatican, including one so powerful he is called "The Red Pope." 

Actually, it appears Filoni-Baloney actually helped Byrnes make his decision. Since Filoni-Baloney demanded that Byrnes keep the named institutions "housed" on the property, he decided not to argue with Filoni-Baloney and just close them. Solution? Easy. 

By the way Filoni-Baloney's interference in our affairs proves Dave Lujan's point about Vatican control of this diocese and easily exposes the Vatican to liability. 


  1. By the way Filoni-Baloney's interference in our affairs proves Dave Lujan's point about Vatican control of this diocese and easily exposes the Vatican to liability.

    Fortunately for the people of the Archdiocese and for the Vatican, the action by Archbishop Byrnes proves exactly the opposite with respect to this putative “control” of the Archdiocese and of the Archbishop asserted by Mr. Lujan.

    The facts on the ground on Guam and around the world conclusively prove that a diocesan bishop is not an “employee” of the Vatican nor of the Pope, no matter how much his actions are subject to canon law and valid ecclesiastical authority.

    Likewise, a diocese is not an instrumentality of the Vatican, which has a separate political and juridical existence under international law. Federal case law recognizes this distinction.

    Allegations of the particular church as alter ego for the Vatican are a Protestant canard, with minimal to no legal value for settlement purposes. In fact, they make it even more likely the Archdiocese of Agaña will be left to twist in the wind.

    By the way, someone should charitably inform His Excellency about the proper pronunciation of the name of his Archdiocese. In his press conference about the closure of RMS, he sounded like a military transferee on island for a less than a fortnight: “Ugh-ANN-yuh” rather than the preferred “Uh-GAHN-yuh” (or Hagåtña).

    1. Filoni’s directive to Byrnes and his implied authority in the matter he addressed was in regards to the alienation of the property, NOT the closing of RMS.

      Lujan’s interest is not the status of the named institutions but the disposition of the property which will be the centerpiece of mediation.

      And while I agree with the rest of what you posit, if Filoni attempts to block the sale of the property, I believe the hawks will see an opportunity that has nothing to do with “employer-employee.”

      As for Byrnes’ pronunciation of Agana, that’s what he has a Communications Director for, one Tony Diaz.

    2. To clarify, it is the Archdiocese of Agana, and not the Archdiocese of Hagatna. Similar to Agana Heights and not Hagatna Heights. Some names have changed, others have not.

    3. I don't know about you but I am tone deaf and also I am not able to speak in any language other than English. I would congratulate Archbishop Byrnes on making an attempt to greet Guamanians (?) as best he can. Unfortunately being a nice guy does have its downfalls, even if you are a priest. Leaders do have to be "different" I know but are not we all, priests and lay, supposed to be nice guys, at least where matters of faith are concerned? Equally that does not stop us from being tough when necessary and at the same time. David Taranto, Melbourne, Australia.

    4. I am sorry . Perhaps not Guamanians but Chamorro.
      David, Melb, Aust.

    5. Archbishop Byrnes has few but powerful and carefully culled words to describe the neo-tards: “They betrayed my trust,” in reference to the disobedient priests; “Apuron’s return will be a disaster,” to assuage the fears of the faithful; and “The rms seminary is unsustainable,” to address the complex issues surrounding the anomalous goings-on at the “institutes” of learning. This is a brave man for whom my respect grows stronger and my confidence more stable in the hope that he, along with sincere people around him, will bring this church nightmare to a halt, and lead the archdiocese towards a more credible identity and a more effective voice of Jesus in today’s society.

  2. Whoa! Where did you get that, Rohr? A Trump leaker?

    1. Why don't you check with the 4 fired priests. They each had a copy and at least one of them decided to brag.

  3. PDN poll...grade Byrnes! Ahhh, ha! Pius pressed his international NCW F way over 50 %. Poor old Putrid. Give it up already. Wow, stench worse than ever. Phewww.

  4. Good job NCW. The more you vote F the greater his visibility to your ugliness and evil nature.
    Consider this poll the shot in the foot heard around the world.
    Stupid is as stupid defines the NCW once again.

  5. Could Yona property be returned to the Carmelites?

    1. The right thing to do would be to return the donation to the Nuns. Why should their donation be used for compensation? No respect. They won't ask. Do the right thing.

  6. Wondering if Filoni will ever comment about the Gennarini's Declaration of Deed Restriction, which didn't feature any "consent of Diocesan Finance Council blah bla permission of the Holy See blah blah blah".

    1. Exactly. “Alienation” rears its head in ncw dreamland only when it does not benefit them. Yet not a peep when valuable property is secretly and illegally transferred to the Gennarini collection of ill-gotten wealth.

    2. Of course it will not be spoken of. The transfer/sale of the Yona property to the NCW came with a price. First in souls, but do we know how much had to be paid to Cardinal Felony? Maybe the terms of the deal were such that if the property is sold outside the NCW-sphere, the Red Pope would have to pay back the fee he collected.
      So tell us, Felony, how much did you receive from that transaction?

    3. "Yet not a peep when valuable property is secretly and illegally transferred to the Gennarini collection of ill-gotten wealth."

      This bears repeating, any number of times.

  7. It's obvious that powerless locals haven't influenced anything in the Faithful's favor and they remain unable to do so. Everything in the Archdiocese is as screwed up as ever. Filthy Neos are still in business, doing whatever they please. The only significant difference is Apuron's physical absence, but that could change.

    1. LOL. "Powerless locals."

    2. Aside from the change in Apurun's physical absence, there has also been a change in his physical appearance!
      From just having an ugly heart, he now has ugly on the surface to worry about as well.
      For a man so vain about his looks, this must be an excruciating reality to face in the mirror.

    3. @Anon at 6:26 AM, as of December 2017, the RMS will be closed. That's a huge statement. I don't think the 'locals' you speak of want power and certainly not over their Archbishop. They want a shepherd who will lead them and be true in the Faith like Archbishop Byrnes. Disagree or not, he has determined the RMS is not good for the Church in Guam, a responsibility he bears alone. May he continued to be guided by the Holy Spirit and lead us out of this mess.

    4. RMS closure means nothing unless the property is bought by a person or entity that is totally unrelated to the NCW. That cannot be guaranteed.

    5. The property did not produce the heretics. The seminary did. We don't care what happens to the property. It's dirt and concrete.

    6. That has to be the dumbest thing you ever said. Anyone knows that "property" means RMS and the land it sits on. Try selling the building without the land and see how far you get.

    7. The seminary exists by decree, apart from the building or the land, i.e. "the property." SMH
