Thursday, January 18, 2018


Many people have been accused of things they did not do. And if they did not do them, they do not run. Apuron ran. To justify his running, he has trumped up stories from everything from being ousted by an evil Chinese gambling syndicate to now some people with a so-called power agenda and the "powers of darkness." More comments after this:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr. Ricardo Eusebio <>
Date: Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 2:12 AM
Subject: Apuron statement

To Guam media:

   I am forwarding a letter I received from Archbishop Apuron that he wanted published to the media. Please do so accordingly. Thank you.
R. Eusebio, M.D.,FACS

-----Original Message-----

From: Ricardo Eusebio []
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 12:00 PM
To: Dr. Ricardo Eusebio <>
Subject: Dr. Eusebio,

Dr. Eusebio,

Si Yu’os Ma’ase for all your prayers. May I ask that you send my statement below to the media. I do not want to reveal my email address.

May God bless you.

Statement from Archbishop Anthony Apuron :

I have been made aware of an interview given to a Guam news publication in which Mark Apuron accused me of committing an act of sexual abuse against him many years ago. As I lay sick after another surgery and I face the final judgment approaching evermore close, having lost interest in this world, God is my witness: I deny all allegations of sexual abuse made against me, including this last one.

All these events are helping me to direct my hope towards the only righteous judge, and for this I am very thankful. I am saddened, however, by the timing of this latest accusation that alleges an act which supposedly happened in incredible circumstances and surroundings. All these allegations have been mentored and promoted by the same source and this one seems particularly timed to influence the verdict of the Vatican trial conducted by the Holy See, as a last resort out of fear that I may be exonerated.
As the Church in Guam is being destroyed by people who have only their power agenda at heart, may God have mercy on us all and save His Church from the powers of darkness. I pray that the truth may prevail; I pray for my accusers: fill them with what they desire; as for me, when I awake, I will be satisfied with Your face, oh Lord (Ps. 17,15)


The plight of Cardinal Pell in Australia provides a perfect example of what one does when one believes he or she is falsely accused. After being accused of sexually molesting young boys, Pell, who was working and living in Rome at the time, immediately went home to Australia to face his accusers and exonerate himself. And while Pell went "Rome to home," by contrast, Apuron ran "home to Rome." 

So who are these people with a power agenda? Why doesn't Apuron just name them? Because he can't. Because there is no power agenda. Power over what? This dilapidated soon to be impoverished diocese at the edge of the world? Really? 

And destroy the Church in Guam? Huh? Even without the sex abuse allegations, Apuron's running of this diocese for three decades was - in the words of the Vatican appointed coadjutor bishop - a DISASTER