Poor Diana does not even know the difference between a parish and a diocese:
DIANA: "The Archbishop does indeed have the final decision on the Parish Finance Council."
Ummm, no. The Archbishop does NOT even preside over the Parish Finance Council. The PASTOR does! That's why it's called a PARISH finance council and NOT a DIOCESAN finance council! SMH.
Per Can. 537, the only involvement of the diocesan bishop in the operation of the parish finance council is to issue "norms" and is only to "assist the pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish:"
"In each parish there is to be a finance council which is governed, in addition to universal law, by norms issued by the diocesan bishop and in which the Christian faithful, selected according to these same norms, are to assist the pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish..."
By contrast the DIOCESAN finance council is very different in that the bishop needs the consent of the finance council to "alienate the good of the diocese:"
Can. 1292 §1. ...when the value of the goods whose alienation is proposed falls within the minimum and maximum amounts to be defined by the conference of bishops for its own region, the competent authority is determined by the statutes of juridic persons if they are not subject to the diocesan bishop; otherwise, the competent authority is the diocesan bishop with the consent of the finance council, the college of consultors, and those concerned. The diocesan bishop himself also needs their consent to alienate the goods of the diocese.
Art. 5. § 2. Diocesan and parochial Pastoral Councils and Parochial Finance Councils, of which non-ordained faithful are members, enjoy a consultative vote only and cannot in any way become deliberative structures. Only those faithful who possess the qualities prescribed by the canonical norms may be elected to such responsibilities.
Notice the particular council this section leaves out.
It states that Diocesan and parochial Pastoral Councils and Parochial Finance Councils enjoy a consultative voye and cannot in any way become deliberative structures. Notice that DIOCESAN FINANCE COUNCILS are not mentioned because in fact DIOCESAN finance councils DO in fact enjoy a deliberative vote in certain cases such as that which is denoted in Can. 1292.
Dear Diana. You are right to keep your pseudonym. I'd do the same if I was that ignorant.