There is a bit of an uproar over the news that "the Vatican" may soon render "Humanae Vitae" obsolete.
Humane Vitae is the 1967 Encyclical Letter, promulgated by Paul VI, upholding the Church's ancient ban on birth control, or more precisely: "the intrinsic unlawfulness of every action that intentionally separates 'the unitive significance and the procreative significance which are both inherent to the marriage act'” (HV, 12).
The "conservatives," of course, are crying "foul." But there is a reason why 43 years after the promulgation of this letter, that 1) Humanae Vitae has been almost universally ignored, and 2) Vatican liberals are seriously looking to dump it.
But, in my little opinion the Vatican libs need not work so hard to discredit it. HV was fatally flawed from the outset...which is 1) why it has always been so roundly ignored, and 2) HV remains at the center of the implosion of the Catholic faith worldwide.
I wrote about it here.