Sunday, July 8, 2018


Posted by Bob
July 9, 2017 was the fifty-fourth and final picket line mounted by LFM and CCOG at the Cathedral.  This badge commemorates all

the brave souls who participated. The badge was awarded to everyone who participated, be it for a single picket or for all fifty-four. All answered the call: "Stand up and be counted."

Wear your LIV Badge with pride!


  1. congratulations to all concerned

  2. I read liv instead of 54 on the badge at first. Liv means life in Swedish, my second language.
    Your struggle and perseverance gave life back to your island indeed.
    Wish you all a long and happy life!

    1. Hello Simonetta LIV is Latin numeral for 54.
      L = 50
      IV = 4


    1. From the time stamp and the location on the east coast, perhaps we have just been visited by a certain sexual abuser, that is on the run?
      Hello Adrian

    2. 3:20 AM, I can understand how you're inability to "stand up and be counted" can be cause you to feel ashamed when you see the LIV Badge--no wonder you're posting anonymously.

  4. No post.....COWARDS

  5. The Apuron case is still not over since a definitive decision has yet to be reached. Remember, his case is still pending an appeal and until that is concluded, the Church on Guam will remain under a cloak of uncertainty.

    I find it very ironic that when Apuron’s initial verdict of guilty was pronounced, the language of the Vatican’s release failed to state that it found any of his allegations of child sexual abuse to be credible and substantiated. The Vatican continues to fail the Catholic Faithful on Guam. The question now is just how long will we have to wait before a final decision is made by Rome? Also, will the verdict make it clear that Apuron’s guilt of child sexual abuse is “credible and substantiated”?

  6. Good Morning Vince,
    Two points:
    1) Yes it is ironic, how the verdict was released. This is the result of the all out efforts by the Neo's backers inside the Vatican, to clear their house pet. We on this site, explained at length the conflict that took place inside the Vatican, after the Congregation for the propagation of faith received the findings from Cardinal Burke's tribunal. Many a neo-backers are sitting on the council of the congregation, they pushed for a vote. (Actually, short of two loose canons, the vote was basically split in the middle)
    While the Pope did not want Apuron to be cleared for obvious reasons, a compromise (another one) was reached to find him guilty, but keep the ability for the neos to spin the verdict to their desire, and in doing so keep a semblance of reputation. We have seen, they did pretty well doing that.
    2) the decision has been reached. His appeal has not been accepted by the head of the congregation. They will keep it that way. De Facto the verdict stands. (The verdict would only be stayed, if the appeal was accepted) It most likely will remain that way until Apuron reached the age of 75 and is "retired". Then he shall be allowed to get his retirement, and while he cannot return on Guam, he like other abusers, will be able to keep his titles and finish his life under the protection of the Neos, somewhere on the west coast.

    1. Thank you Frenchie for your response which provides a plausible explanation as to why nothing seems to be occurring regarding Apuron’s appeal. It was my understanding based on media accounts that his appeal was accepted and the Catholic faithful on Guam would just have to wait until the decision is made by the Vatican. When Archbishop Byrnes addressed this with the media, he gave the impression that an appeal would occur that it’s not fair for the Archdiocese to be left hanging on and expressed the hope that a final decision would be reached soon.

      If you’re right and I have no reason to doubt you, then Apuron’s status based on the original verdict would stand and he would be allowed to remain a bishop (in disgrace) until he retires at the age of 75. He currently is 72, turning 73 in Nov. 2018. He, therefore, has 2 years and 4 months before he reaches retirement age. That’s a long time for his status to remain in abeyance. What galls me is that he has never admitted to any of the child sexual abuse allegations and the Vatican Tribunal has never indicated in its guilty verdict that it has found any of the allegations to be credible and substantiated. This will always be a sore point with me especially after the recent revelation of a retired cardinal (Cardinal McCarrick) who was credibly accused and substantiated for sexually abusing a teenage boy. In his denial, he accepted the action taken against him to be removed from public ministry. I don’t think there is much if any doubt that Cardinal McCarrick was clearly guilty of clerical sexual abuse. I also believe that the vast majority of the Catholic faithful believe that Apuron is guilty of child sexual abuse despite his persistent denial. As far as I’m concerned, as longer as he is never permitted to return to Guam in any capacity as an active cleric, I can accept his refusal to accept responsibility for abusive behavior over the years of his clerical/priestly life. Accountability has resulted in the sentence handed down and in the end, he will have to face his final judgement before God.

  7. You are correct Vince. Personally I never thought Apuron would admit to anything, for two major reasons. Like McCarrick, he is too proud and not courageous enough to face his accusers. That should have been obvious to everyone when John Toves first came to publicly accuse him of molesting his cousin. Apuron, knew John well, he knew he would not back down, he also knew what he did to his younger cousin P.(Actually many people at Duenas and at St Joseph knew of the story, and of the suicide attempts. What did he do? He went into hiding and left both Cristobal and Deacon Clarios do the denial for him. These are the actions of a coward. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Secondly, Pius and Gennarini, could not let Apuron accept any guilt, (they still don't, and still staunchly defend him)because the scandal would have been a huge setback for their inspirations.

    Unfortunately, the only consolation is that one day, he will face his maker, and ultimately, (short of a huge change of heart) he will end in the perpetual fires of hell. Frankly, he will have nobody else to blame but himself.
    It might be frustrating to the victims and the casual observers, but we must trust in God.
