Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Program notes

The GOP is calling out the professional politicians and Frank Blas has answered.  Robert takes on talk show hosts as does Cumulus Media. We take a look at the $268,000-man, Dr. Cabera. GHURA Commissioners aren’t able to “save face” for Ray Topasña. Frank Blas takes on the Republicans who favor a citizens’ legislature. Jim W. and Bill 17-36 take on the AG. In Tall Tales v. Van, I take on an old liberal friend. Racism raises its ugly head when Vogue’s cover photo of Kamala doesn’t pass muster with wokesters. Shouldn’t the heirs of Frank Perez be singing the Give The Land Back To The Original Owners song? Guam v. USA heads for the Supreme Court. Angel Sablan’s endorsement of Jesse Blas is still relevant, per the Post. Dominion gives Sidney Powell a chance to prove her claims. Simon Black complements Prager by explaining the new theocracy. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • Underwood v. Talk show hosts GOES NATIONAL
  • Dr. Cabera v. Dr. Dombrowski
  • GHURA Commissioners v. Topasña
  • Frank Blas v. Part-time legislature
  • Jim W. v. the AG
  • Tall Tales v. Van
  • Kamala v. Vogue
  • Frank and Carmen Perez v. CLTC
  • Guam v. USA
  • Democracy v. Theocracy [D

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

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