Sunday, December 25, 2022


By Tim Rohr

"The Catholic Encyclopedia estimates that given the population of Bethlehem at the time, Herod probably killed several dozen children. In the United States, abortion kills about 3 children per minute, so we probably kill an equal number of “Innocents” every 15-20 minutes. On Guam, we do that every 40 days or so. And history casts Herod as a monster?"

This is a column I wrote for the Umatuna (the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Agana) for publication on Christmas Day in 2011. While 11 years later we can celebrate the overturn of Roe v Wade, the fact is that there are now many "New Herods" lurking in the halls of government in the states and territories who can now enact laws to slaughter innocents anew. 


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