Sunday, January 8, 2023


By Tim Rohr

Civil Beat, a Honolulu-based publication, has posted a mostly well-written article about the abortion debate in Guam. 

The article quotes pro-abortion attorney Vanessa Williams as saying: 

“I’m a Chamorro, I’m Indigenous, I’m from Guam, born and raised here; I’m a Catholic, I was baptized and raised in this community." 

The article then goes on to say: 

But she disagrees with the idea that the church’s stance on abortion should affect access to the procedure on Guam, so much so that she currently serves as local counsel for the ACLU lawsuit that enabled the abortion pills by post.

That Williams and others like her continue to take aim at "the church" (the Catholic Church) as a significant opponent, indeed, sometimes the only opponent, is a classic example of what radio talk show host Bob Klitzkie often refers to as "systemic rice-ism" - a play on words that began when someone wrote a letter to a local paper pointing out that what we call "red rice" is actually orange and the paper responded with the equivalent of "shut up." 

The dust-up over the actual color of "red rice" led Klitzkie to use it as an ongoing metaphor for "truth v narrative."

That the pro-aborts continue to hang on to the "the narrative" that the "rice is red," i.e. that the Catholic Church is the bad boy in the battle over abortion, is telling. And it is telling because it is not true. 

In fact, as demonstrated several times on this blog, and most recently here, the Catholic Church at the highest levels has been in bed with pro-aborts for decades - which is why the most prominent pro-aborts in our government, from Biden all the way down to Gov. LLG are stridently, publicly, and sometimes viciously pro-abortion. 

That Williams and others continue to bang on their "rice is red" drum is telling because it tells us they have no argument to support the direct killing of helpless, innocent, defenseless tiny human beings and can only continue to divert attention away from their bloody business by pitting the public against the "mean old church" - a strawman argument if there ever was one. 

In fact, Williams should be sending a thank you letter to Pope Francis and crediting the church she so often vilifies as an important ally because of Francis' recent amendment to canon law - which will be addressed in a future post. 

Civil Beat not off the hook

And not to let Civil Beat off the hook for its own "rice is red" take:

Reporter Anita Hofschneider, titles a subsection of her article: "Faith Underpins Support For Ban." She goes on to write:

The fact that abortions may become much harder to obtain is good news to Pat Perry, a Guam resident who is a member of the Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee.

“You can’t say that killing an innocent human being is ever a right,” she said. “I truly believe that Sen. (Elizabeth) Arriola’s bill, when she first introduced it back in 1990, it was perfect.”

Perry’s conviction comes from the strength of her faith, a common perspective on Guam where an estimated 90% of residents are Catholic and the church is often intertwined with Indigenous Chamorro culture. Back in 1990, Guam’s former Archbishop Anthony Apuron threatened to excommunicate senators who opposed the abortion ban.

From what Hofschneider reported, the only thing that ties Perry's statement to Catholicism is that she is a member of the Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee, but Perry reportedly says nothing about her Catholic faith. Perry simply states: “You can’t say that killing an innocent human being is ever a right.” That's not a religious belief. Our own secular laws say the same thing. 

Given the penchant for the media generally to "pin the tail on the church," had Perry actually said something relative to Catholic Church teaching, we can assume that Perry would certainly have been quoted, and Hofschneider wouldn't have had to reach back to Apuron's absurd threat from thirty years ago for a "tail" and a "pin."

Additionally, Hofschneider, while pointing out that "an estimated 90% of residents are Catholic and the church is often intertwined with Indigenous Chamorro culture," neglects to mention that Chamorros, in the face of their rapidly declining population, account for nearly two-thirds of all procured abortions. 

This is a fact Hofschneider knows well - but apparently, like Williams, wants to maintain that "the rice is red." Maybe someday a reporter will do the real story: Why Chamorros (now spelled CHamoru), led by their own CHamoru governor and "baptized" Catholics like Vanessa Williams, are racing to self-extinction by killing their own. 


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