Monday, June 19, 2023

FATHERS DAY - 2014 AND 2023

By Tim Rohr

Fathers Day came and went. No big deal. Guys don't care about special days like girls do. Flowers and all that. I'm presently traveling and visiting relatives and marked the day with a decent smoke (cigar) with my brother-in-law. 

Was about to close out the day when something kept bugging me about saying something about Fathers Day on JW.  My first thought was to go after (JW style) the "war on fathers" that is rife in every corner of our modern culture, from Hollywood to our Courts. 

But I didn't have the energy for that, and then this popped up. It's a 2014 cover story in what was then the Marianas Variety. And while I rarely make JW about me, permit me to do so as the sun sets on Fathers Day 2023. 

(The copy is old and faded and not copied very well and a few lines are cut off. I typed out what I could read of the text.)

The ultimate father
Tim Rohr knows the definition of the word ‘father’ very well. He is a father of 11 children.
By Trina San Agustin Cruz
Sunday, June 15, 2015

FATHER, as defined in the dictionary is 1) a male parent; 2) a man who exercises parental care over other persons; paternal, protector or provider. However, a father is much more than that simple definition. A father is a person who teaches a son how to fish or play ball and/or a daughter how to change a tire or how to throw a proper punch to defend herself. A father also helps (missing text) and support the household.

Tim Rohr knows the definition of that word very well. He is a father of five boys and six girls (to total that up, that’s 11 children.) He first became a father in 1985, nearly 30 years ago. The age gap between his eldest and youngest is 23 years. Birthday celebrations in the Rohr household are traditionally consolidated into monthly birthday parties. 

Rohr and his wife, Leone, did not plan on having as many children. “Every child was unplanned, but wanted! As for our number 11, let’s just say we’re so glad we had just one more. And if you could see her, you would agree,” he said. When asked if they would have another he replied, “only if he or she was a beautiful and wonderful as the first 11 children.” Rohr said it’s not much different from how he was raised. “God, family, hard work, discipline, manners, take care of each other (it is all) pretty much the same,” he said.

When he first became a father 29 years ago, things were different. Life was different. It wasn’t as fast-paced and connected as society is today. 

Some parents today use tablets and smart phones to keep their children busy to allow themselves some free time to shop for groceries or even to take a peaceful shower. So how did Rohr and his wife keep their children busy? “By giving them plenty of brothers and sisters,” he said. Our children are each other’s best friends. They have always played together and now that some are getting older (missing text) businesses, they travel together, they participate in each other’s activities.

Even with the changes in society with time, words of encouragement will never change. Rohr says his children will say his best piece of advice to them all is “You can do it!” His additional words of wisdom to his children include “Never miss Mass and work for yourself.” 

It is with these words of love and support that he has sent off three children to start their new lives outside of the Rohr nest. His eldest child remains on Guam, but is flying solo. His second eldest is now resident of California, and one of his daughters is currently attending a college also in California. But how does any parent prepare for their children leaving the nest? He said there were no preparations on his end to let his children out of the coop. 

Rohr finds that always having child small enough to walk on his back is the best thing of being a father to 11 children. But aside from that they just make home life so interesting. "They are always entertaining. We’re never bored. You would have to be at our dinner table to understand," he said. He never though he’d be married and (missing text)...

But if he did then he’d have maybe just one or two. “I am so glad my life did not go as planned. It still doesn’t. But seriously, lots of people talk about trusting God. However, there is nothing quite like having a large family to make you do so,” he.added.

For first-time fathers, Rohr offers three simple pieces of advice. Be open to life, you can handle much more than you think you can, and God will provide if you do your part.

Rohr suggest that fathers should accept all the children God wants to send you. Stay together no matter what. Don’t worry about getting your children into college, be more concerned about getting them into heaven. Do that and you’ll be happy when you’re old.”  


Hang in there Dad's. Never give up. 

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