This blog was meant to be more than just about the problems with the Archdiocese of Agana, and here's an example.
Isabella Stanley was born at 22 weeks at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in San Diego, California. Read the story here.
Both her and her parents were fortunate that she wasn't born on Guam. At GMH, she would/could have been been declared "non-viable" and left to die:
Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, Nursing Services Policy and Procedure Manual, Policy # 6301-II-C-31.00, Sec. II:
A. Newborn (sic) at the threshold (sic) of viability, with extremely low...gestational ages, especially those with gestational ages of 25 weeks +/-
According to Guam Public Law 32-030, Guam has twice the infant mortality rate of the rest of the United States. Could it be that other places try a little harder to save their children?
Thank you for posting this life-affirming story. It is a very sad fact that if Isabella Stanley had been born at GMH she probably would have been declared "non-viable." She would not have lived for more than a few hours (if even that long). She would not have been cuddled in the arms of her loving father and mother. She would not have been able to leave the hospital in her little stroller. She would not have been put in her little car seat to be taken home to her family. No, if she had been born at GMH Isabella Stanley would have been another statistic in the infant mortality rate at the hospital.
ReplyDeleteI praise and thank God that there are young people who have made it their mission to be the generation to end abortion, not just here on Guam but in the US Mainland as well. Tim Rohr may still be the media’s main “go to” layperson for stories related to the Catholic Church in Guam. But there are young people preparing to accept the torch for the fight for life waiting in the wings. On Ash Wednesday K57 talk show host Patti Arroyo welcomed as in-studio guests members of Guam’s Advocate for Life. It was wonderful to see (on TV) and hear (on the radio) the young voices of Jessica Rohr and Cody Lizama, along with Pat Perry who joined them in later in the segment, discussing pro-life activities!
It would have been great to have Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, who is supposed to be the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church on Guam, as an advocate for life on a regular basis, instead of just on the first Sunday in October at the annual March for Life. Since that is not the case, I pray that one day young people — like Jessica, Cody, and others who pray in front of the Guam Polyclinic — will become the faces and voices of advocates for life locally.
Thank you again for posting this story since it is proof to the NeoCat naysayers that JungleWatch was not started with the goal of “persecuting” the NCW. Despite the taglines “Please obey … I will not obey” which focus on the root of the current problems within the Archdiocese, JungleWatch truly does address important, vital issues — like saving Unborn Babies! — on our island of Guam.
The archbishops time would have been better spent defending life on Guam, than time wasted with all this neo . The archbishop has wasted time and money these past years. Please remember to hold back your donations this Sunday to the bishops appeal.
ReplyDeleteChallenge to Archbishop, priests, deacons, seminarians, nuns and lay Catholics start and maintain 24/7 rosaries in front of the abortuaries.
ReplyDeleteAbortion exists because evil exists and that evil exists in the midst of the choice to abort and in the midst of the act of abortion. Mother Theresa nailed it when she observed this about abortion: “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”
ReplyDeleteAbortion is an intrinsic evil. How can it not be when the act of abortion, simply and plainly is the murder of another human being -- an innocent and defenselessly helpless human being, who in the very early phase and stage of his physical development cannot even survive outside the nurturing environment of his mother’s womb.
That civilized and intellectual societies can even begin to consider (let alone legislate!) murder of defenseless babies when life of animals and insects, flora and fauna are legally protected and spared extinction is indeed, a poverty.
I am pro-life also. But, Tim, wouldn't you be happier if Kiko had never been born?
ReplyDeleteNo. I can't remember ever having more fun!
DeleteIt's good you went easy on 8:35 pm, Tim. If this was a battle of wits, they entered the arena unarmed.
DeleteA real pro-life advocate (and if you are, you should re-calibrate your logic) would have seen the fallacy of their comment and would not have pressed "submit."
835pm. That's a dumb statement. Get a life !