Friday, March 14, 2014


Apologies to the faint-hearted, but when someone attacks me from behind their bush of anonymity, I feel licensed to name the perp whatever I want, and this one is an Idiot!

Here's what Anonymous Idiot says:
Tim you posted that you "have spent many hours conversing with the likes of Fr. Neil, Fr. Walsh, Fr. Ivan, Fr. Giovanni, Father Jim"... did you ask them about the practices of the Neocatechumenal. You attended the noon prayer and even had lunch w them - a great opportunity to get answers... or were they not issues then? 
Obviously this is not a question. It is an insult. It is a accusation that I am somehow too cowardly to ask serious questions. Well you're going to be sorry that you said this because until now I have been protecting the identity of Fr. Walsh as the priest who said "we have no choice" when it came to choosing between Kiko's orders and the Pope's. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.) Fr. Walsh will tell you exactly what we spoke of, and if he doesn't I'll produce a copy of the written conversations. I didn't want to have to go there, but then you're an idiot.

And as for Fr. Giovanni, ummm, I memorialized my argument with him over his rewriting of the Catechism to justify the NCW placement of the "table" (Kiko doesn't call it an altar) IN the middle of the church. Read it here. In fact, before speaking directly to Fr. Giovanni about his liberties with the Catechism, I spoke directly to the Archbishop about it. In fact, Idiot, I will post it here so you can read it. 

(Click here for a PDF)

And as for the others, go ahead and ask them. And then let me know when you are ready to come out from behind your bush.


  1. Could not be clearer. But I guess for somebody used to the shadows, it must bother our anon.

  2. you tim, you are the idiot. Anon is merely asking a question, not insulting you. again you blew it out of proportion. I will not log in anymore cause you are not informative anymore but a pitiful narcissist.

    1. But actually a "narcissist" is someone who is so concerned about himself and what others think of him that he won't attach his name to his personal attacks on others. So let me know when you get over yourself enough to actually talk to me in person.

    2. anon, you are a troll. you will not 'log in' anymore because other anon got taken to the shed.
      so,'s a question for you my dear...what do you think of this??
      & remember, a critical thinking process is a major part of NOT being deceived.

  3. Hehe next thing they'll be saying is "but we have pictures of the Pope and kiko". Here we go again, back to page one, they just keep going around I circles.

  4. I'm a bit fainthearted, so the "idiot" label seems harsh to me. Having said that, though, I am completely flabbergasted by the unwillingness of the members of the Neocatechumenal Way, across the board, to use their real names. They purport to be presenting the truth about adult Christian faith, right? They have the full backing of the Archbishop and the Magisterium, right? They won't be denied sacraments or marginalized in the See of Agana for speaking up, right? Their priests won't lose their faculties for speaking up, right? Or be summarily removed from their parishes, right? WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?

    1. They are afraid of what they know deep in their hearts - that their power will one day go away. Then they will be stuck with us - the majority.

    2. I would ask the same question about those who oppose the NCW. If it s obvious were wrong, and "going against the church" why not reveal yourself? I mean if their excuse is because of mistreatment etc. then that can be used as hard evidence to justify the unjust treatment shown to those who speak against the archbishop.

    3. Two of us have. Feel free to join us.

    4. Chuck, I told this also to Tim: our interpretation of the liturgical books allows us to follow contemplated consumption of the Eucharist, while your interpretation would not allow this. So this is a question of interpretation. We accept that differences in interpretation are possible. You should ask for an official confirmation for your interpretation from Rome. Unless you have this confirmation, we cannot accept it and just follow ours. We ask you to, please, respect our community based Catholic lifestyle.

    5. Dear Everybody, Zoltan's comment above says it all. They really believe this. It's up for interpretation. Where the GIRM says the consecrated bread is to be consumed "as soon as" it is received, for them, "as soon as" is up to interpretation.

      You see, Zoltan, this is why we believe you to be a different church. Protestant churches do what you do. They have no central magisterium, so they interpret things for themselves.

      And just an FYI, throughout the entire Catholic world, every communicant must consume the host "as soon as" he or she receives it. There is no going back to the pew, host in hand. So, it's not Chuck that has to ask for an interpretation. You are requiring the entire Catholic world to get an interpretation.

      Newsflash, Zoltan. We don't need an interpretation because the GIRM IS the final word. The whole world, Zotan, the whole Catholic world is required to consume the host immediately upon reception, including YOU, if you are Catholic. But apparently that is not the case. No surprise to us. You are outside the Church. Have fun. Take the Archbishop with you.

    6. Tim, take this to Rome then. What are you doing blogging about it. If it's this serious.

    7. Funny you should mention that. But Rome only pays attention when the battle gets too loud for them to ignore. Look at the Legionnaires of Christ. For 25 years Rome received complaints. And John Paul II responded by giving them ever greater recognition and protections. It took his death before we got a pope who shut them down. Meanwhile, the real war is fought here in the streets of this blog. The real value is ordinary people waking up and finally saying "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore." That's much more effective than waiting for Rome. But don't worry, there will be a stack of papers waiting for Apuron on his next ad limina visit.

    8. So what would happen if you are wrong? Would you accept it? Or would you find an excuse to back yourself up? Tim you are a funny man. You think vengeance will help? Actually it won't. And again I will say, you blog and interpretations are filled with hate not faith. You are a Christian without Christ.

    9. Ah, yes, the almighty judgment of the Neos. But on to more serious points. I have already requested the Archbishop to correct me. All he needs to do is show that there is legitimate permission for the neos to do as they do. And I have already said many times there will be no more argument. End of story. And it's the end of story because then the Archbishop will be ultimately culpable...maybe that's why he stays silent.

  5. Mr Rohr and mr white are so respectful with their statements. But at my time of life I can honestly say that stupid is the correct word. Idiot is a softer approach. Even the decisions made by the three on the hill are stupid leading our local church into problems now and in the future. One day Guam will thank mr Rohr and mr white for defending the truth of the catholic faith on Guam. Have the greatest respect for these two gentleman.

    1. Ha. Respectful? I don't know what your reading.

    2. I have backed up every claim with a document. You have backed up every claim with "Diana". I respect the actual teachings of the Catholic Church. You respect "Diana". That's what they're reading.

  6. Those who defend the neo are the idiots for they build a house on sand. It cannot last another ten years as it will sink.

  7. Could it be? This "epidemic" undercover identities of the neos might be because they were ordered not to come to this blog, BUT, because of "itchy fingers" and the fact that they're kept in the dark about the Truth by their "superiors", and their "catechists" and their "responsibles" who are all keeping tabs and an eye on the neos under them that they have to resort to an under cover identity: "anonymous" .

    The question might not be "What are they afraid of?" but could also be "Who are they afraid of" in the community? Esta!

  8. Please remember this weekend to with hold all donations to the bishops appeals in all churches of Guam. Parishes may take second collections to support the appeal. Please do not support the appeals. To do just encourages the archbishop to support rms. stop the money.

    1. I'm sending in my envelope, but it will be an empty envelope with my written explanation of why it is empty and will always be an empty envelope until that time when I can be assured that the neo hands are kept from dipping into contributions meant only for our Authentic Catholic Church which supports and teaches authentic Catholicism!.

    2. Keep it empty, that's fine.

  9. I am a neo member. I do read junglewatch. I pray that one day my family and I will be able to escape the community. At this time we have to stay with the community but in time I will escape the community. Thank you junglewatch . People inside the community also need help to get out.

    1. Just leave. What are you waiting for?

    2. ^ This sure sounds like a cult to me! Anon @ 11:48, what kind of help could be provided? What do you need? I am sure there are people here who would want to assist you in getting out.

    3. I understand what you are going through. As a former neo, I know how difficult it is to escape. Especially if you attend mass at the same parish in which the neos have control. It is also hard to leave because they become familiar with ways in which they can contact you. Most of them most likely know where you stay, too. And once you are able to stop going to their "word" and "eucharist" celebrations, if they ever see you out in public they will question why you haven't been going and then they will try to talk you into coming back. It is all too crazy, Rome must put a stop to it! Whoever you are, Anon, I will pray for you and your family

  10. Catechists and priests say family members will lose jobs in catholic employment on Guam if they don't stay in the community.
