Tuesday, July 15, 2014


"I am not violating any liturgical principles because the way the Neocatechumenal Way celebrates the liturgy has been approved by the popes from Paul VI all the way down to the present pope..."

- Archbishop Apuron to members of the clergy, Monday, July 14, 2014

"The Decree approving the celebrations listed in the 'Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way' has just been read. They are not strictly speaking liturgical but are part of the itinerary of growth in faith...It is the task of the celebration in the small communities — regulated by the liturgical books that must be faithfully followed, with the details approved in the Statue of the Way..."



Archbishop. PLEASE stop obeying and parroting your Neocatechumenal masters. The way YOU celebrate the Neocatechumenal liturgy IS NOT APPROVED. What is approved are the liturgical variants contained within your CHARTER, as Pope Francis recently put it. Your charter, the Statute of the Neocatechumenal Way, DOES NOT ALLOW YOU to distribute the consecrated bread BEFORE you yourself receive. Nor does it allow the communicants to continue holding the consecrated bread until all have received, sit, and then consume. What is it that you don't understand about:

"It is the task of the celebration in the small communities — regulated by the liturgical books that must be faithfully followed..."
- Love, THE POPE

The Popes DO NOT APPROVE of your celebration other than what is permitted in your Statute. As we can clearly see, as recently as 20 January 2012, Pope Benedict, in front of the whole world, approved ONLY those "celebrations listed in the Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way...that are NOT LITURGICAL. 

SERIOUSLY. WHY MUST WE PUT UP WITH THESE LIES, LIES, LIES! Unless you don't even know you are lying anymore. 


  1. Whenever he speaks of the Neo practices commented by the laity, it always is an "us vs. them" tone. Will he ever understand that as the Archbishop, there is no "us vs. them" when speaking to the laity?

  2. I honestly believe his faculties are failing him and must take leave...and be evaluated.
    Of course pray for him.

  3. The final sentence of this post — “Unless you don’t even know you are lying anymore” — may be the root of the problem. Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron is so deeply entrenched in the NeoCatechumenal Way and adheres to the “Do not question; just obey” mindset that he can no longer fathom anything but what he has been conditioned to regurgitate by his catechists. He has swallowed the lies without question as he has learned he must. And he repeats those lies as he has learned he must, all the while believing that he is speaking the truth.

    As Anonymous (July 15, 2014 at 4:34 AM) has observed, the Archbishop consistently adopts an “us vs. them” stance when addressing concerns about the NCW. At this point and time the Archbishop’s role as spiritual leader of the Church in Guam is strictly ceremonial since he obviously prefers his role as “Brother Tony” in the NCW. He will make the obligatory appearances at village fiestas — unless there is a conflict in schedule with another NCW function — and then quickly leave so as not to keep his brothers waiting. He will continue to celebrate the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass at the Cathedral-Basilica because it is expected of him to do so.

    However, the Archbishop has undoubtedly aligned himself with the NCW as demonstrated in his KOLG appearance in January 2006 — he is with “them” the Kikos/Kikobots against “us,” the Regular/Non-NCW Catholics. I, for one, am not willing to let the NCW spread unchecked under the direction of Kiko Argüello via his pawn Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron.

  4. So did Archbishop Krebs celebrate the Mass approved by all of these Popes while on Guam???

    1. No. He arrived on Sunday instead of Saturday, and you know how Neo's never have Mass on SunDAY.

  5. To all non-Neo priest and laity here is Diana's solution.

    A Couple Of Solutions
    It has been reported that the problems we have here in Guam are to be resolved by us rather than by Archbishop Krebs or the nuncio. Perhaps, we can start with the priests who are rebelling against the Archbishop.

    Solution #1: Priests made a vow of obedience to the Archbishop; therefore, they should cease all rebellion and start committing to their vow of obedience to the Archbishop with the faith and trust that God is leading the Archbishop just as He leads the Pope.

    Solution #2: To those priests who feel that the Archbishop gives more attention to the RMS priests - here is a solution: Become a "neo-priest". Then you can get the attention from the Archbishop all you want since that is your desire anyway. If your answer is no to being a neo-priest, then see Solution #1.

    As for the lay faithful who are rebelling against the Archbishop:

    Solution #1: Obey and respect your Church leaders, whom Christ has placed under authority and recognize that anyone who tells you go against your Church leader is already going against the Catholic Church.

    Solution #2: If you cannot trust your Church leader (whether it be the Pope or Archbishop), then pray to God to give you faith.

    Posted by Diana at 10:10 AM
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    1. Solution 1: Apuron must stop rebelling against the Church.

      Solution 2: See solution 1

    2. Thank God that some brave victims "went against their leaders" in our church's sexual abuse scandal. Our obedience to our bishop was NEVER meant to be absolute.

    3. You're the one who is rebelling against the Church who god sends his Shepard the archbishop see Diana's solutions if you don't want to follow your Shepard than why do you call you self a Christian

    4. Diana has re newed energy now archbishop Krebs left.

    5. 2:13pm kiko and the ncw are NOT a church, nor are they The Church. Kiko, thru the ncw -- which is nothing but a movement which kiko rebelliously crafted and connivingly concocted FROM WITHIN our Athentic Catholic Church -- is focused on his ONE, TRUELY PERSONAL and "ETERNAL" AMBITION of a take-over of THE One, True/Holy, Universal/Catholic and Apostolic Church ESTABLISHED BY CHRIST, OUR LORD, HIMSELF.

      Kiko is not only fiercely intent on taking over, but at all cost (targeting ordained Priests of The Church), is undoubtedly intent on slowly and connivingly destroying and rendering as unauthentic, The Core Teachings and The Core Liturgical practices of The Catholic Church established by Jesus Christ, by the kiko-altered practices and kiko-invented teachings.

      Kiko subtly recruits and deceitfully lures followers and members FROM WITHIN The Authentic Catholic Church. This is obviously motivated by kiko's history and roots in atheism; thus the basis for kiko's personal ambition and personal agenda, altered teachings of The Church and in establishing the ncw, FROM WITHIN The Authentic Catholic Church!

      For diana's information: WE THE FAITHFUL, are The Church; WE THE FAITHFUL, make up The Church which WE THE FAITHFUL are now defending, standing up for and are standing by! It is kiko and his minnions, and his ncw therefore, who go against The Authentic Catholic Faith and Church!

      Catechetical teachings say that the Archbishop is obligated to be loyal to The Authentic Teachings of our Catholic Faith and is obligated to serve the Faithfull followers of The Church -- us, who are The Church.

  6. '...and the floors of Hell are paved with the skulls of Priests, Bishops being the sign post....'

    Not only no but, HELL NO! Diana.
    Diana is referring to the Kiko Katholic church, not the Roman Catholic Church that Christ established.
    she's such a trickster.

  7. which saint said that? I forget, and bet Diana doesn't know either.


  8. Follow the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Father Matthew Blockley.

  9. Now, Diana's purpose is to up the readership of this blog! Nothing more! Sorry, there is another purpose. For comical relief!

    1. Yes, well, I appreciate her. For more than 6 months I have been talking about getting to 500,000 pageviews on July 16, the day this war broke out into the open. And looks like we're going to hit it right on the nose!

    2. You're going to hit the 500,000 Pageviews on the EVE of the First Anniversary of the Archbishop's Public Persecution of Fr. Paul Gofigan, Tim!

      Congratulations! And thanks to all the Kikos/Kikobots who helped Tim reach his goal!!

    3. Congratulations Tim half a million views on the eve of the Fr.Paul Gofigan persecution. Thank you for your service to the church.

  10. Tim just come on Saturday celebration sit in the front. Experience it yourself.

    1. Better yet, let's invite everyone. Time and place? BTW, why do we even have to ask time and place. Your eucharists are supposed to be public.

    2. Yeah come you might like it.

    3. Tim, this person is bluffing. Besides, your presence might cause a scandal by pointing out every liturgical violation that occurs!

    4. Janet B - MangilaoJuly 15, 2014 at 6:26 PM

      It would be disrespectful to interrupt the liturgy, no matter how illicit, when it is occurring. Better than that, video the mass and then post segments on you-tube, and send a copy to the congregation on the liturgy, or whatever their proper name is, and of course to our dear Archbishop.
      Or, if they don't want you to video their mass, have Catholics on the Move do a special on their illicit mass. Maybe Jen Dulla can do the "Special Report"!

  11. I think Diana is being funny.

    1. I don't think Diana is being funny. The Neo teaches that obedience, no matter the consequence, is to be followed because that is God's will. If your obedience produces harm and suffering on yourself, your family, or anyone else, that is again part of God's plan. So, all you victims of sexual abuse by priests and bishops, stop complaining and accept your harm and suffering with obedience, according to the Neo.

  12. From her (his?) comments, Diana's stupidity is so obvious it is laughable. Keep your comments coming, Diana. So we can all enjoy a good laugh!


    1. I believe it bothers you alot Frank instead.

  13. Best solution?
    1. Follow the norm.

    And what is the norm?
    Those that are being practiced by the universal Church, not just by some elitist group.

    2. Then after following the norm, remove what causes division and disunity.
    Remember, division and disunity is the work of the Devil.

    Who causes division in the Church in Guam?
    The Neo-Catechumenal Way!!!

    Bottomline: Neo-Catechumenal Way is a work of the Devil.

  14. A few words of wisdom for our dear Archbishop and Lady Di: it is alright to consciously decide to use the politic of the Ostrich. (sometimes, but rarely, it works)
    This being said, when your head is in the sand, one of the most private part of your body is left up in the air. That of course could be problematic......
    Unless, of course...!!!!
    oops!!! silly me!!!

  15. Division on Guam is Archbisjop Apuron and his neo .

  16. To Diana: You seriously need professional help. To allow any form of abuse to continue is against God's law-LOVE. Blind obedience does not equate to faithfulness.

    To Tim: Thank you for all you do.

  17. Diana is one sick individual.

  18. Diana never abuses her position.

  19. Come off your high horses all you COWARDLY NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY MEMBERS. You have the audacity to come here and comment and criticize but no balls to put your names. I will give you guys credit for understanding that GOD sends the shephard however our Shepard has a different GOD who sends him. KIKO! Talk about worshipping other gods. Commandment 1: I am the Lord your GOD. You shall have no other gods before me. KIKO is not GOD so your lifestyle of obedience to KIKO and not to our Holy Father who is indeed sent by our Lord is a testament to how you NCW members choose to disobey the 1st Commandment.

    Also for the record...Been there, Done that. All the way up to 2nd scrutiny. I highly doubt anyone here will see what you blind people see at your SECLUDED ELITIST EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION.

    Ken F

  20. Right on 9:45 PM. I was there like you, and I agree that the neocats are being taught to feel and think like cultic elitists.
