Friday, July 25, 2014

Manovrine neocatecumenali a Guam

Manovrine neocatecumenali a Guam

La Yona property è un terreno con un edificio, in località Yona, a Guam, il cui valore catastale è circa 35 milioni di dollari. Costruito originariamente come albergo, dopo la chiusura dell'attività è stato ceduto alla diocesi locale.


  1. Whoa! unbelievable! straight from the horse's mouth.
    No wonder the Archbishop doesn't want to answer questions about the seminary

    1. Simple, just deny! Works very time.

  2. They are well informed in Italy thanks to Archie, king of pizza, content to let evil live in his house. Concerned Catholics all over the world watching you you Archbishop Apuron. End the DISRESPECT to our Church in Guam NOW!!!! Send the NEO packing and save your soul.

  3. Rosemary at 10:43. "Send the NEO packing!" - That's what I've been writing in the Jungle all this time. My assessment is that the archbishop's problems seem to ALL emanate from his association with NCW - Brian (?) Quitugua case; Paul Gofigan case; financial statement case; disunity among the local clergy; blatant favortism (if you're Neo, you're in; if you're not, you're out!); Madeson case; uproar of the people over the different theology/liturgy of the so-called "better-than-the-rest-of us" Catholics case; attack on our Chamoru culture in honoring our deceased; lies and cover-ups; and - of course - the RMS property case. Until the Archbishop distances himself from the NCW, disavows himself from the NCW, or better still BANS them from the archdiocese, his problems will continue to increase exponentially!

    Quit the Neo, Archbishop, and tend to your duties of serving your flock; ban the Neo from the archdiocese who continue to sow havoc among our people; or RESIGN as our archbishop, and go with the NCW elsewhere. OF COURSE, NONE OF THESE WILL HAPPEN, right? It will be a cold day in hell! The archbishop appears to be a very disillusioned person! The archbishop has already avowed that "no one can take me down" - I guess relying on the Papal Nuncio's statement to the assembled clergy: "Rome cannot help you; you have to solve the problem yourselves; build bridges". The only problem is that the archbishop's concept of that admonition is to build a "Bridge to Nowhere", or build a bridge that will widen the NCW's control of the archdiocese. Kiko has got got the archbishop where he wants him - he's got him by......

    As in the Madeson case, it took an action from SNAP to get the archbishop to act. Perhaps (?) it might require a civil action (like alienation of property or money laundering) for the archbishop to come to grips with reality. Hope it doesn't come to that. It will be pretty messy!!

    1. You don't know what you are talking about. What a bag of hot gas. Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true. Say something with faith.... Lets hear it....Can you say something good? You have nothing to say. You only want to destroy and tear down. First-ever seminary in the Islands and you and that disobedient conniving Monsignor want to tear it down. No! He wanted to sell it to pay all off all the financial wrongs that he's done.
      What an idiot you must be not see how completely wrong you are! In your case we can say the devil has won. I hope you don't have children who are watching and learning from you. What problems you will have with them if you do.
