Monday, August 4, 2014


The chancery is now saying that its going to be transparent and publish its financial reports. Well, what do you know. So what was all the "let's meet" b.s. a couple weeks ago. Of course, it turns out Archbishop Apuron was supposed to do this a long time ago. And he's condemning Msgr. James for financial mismanagement??? 

Note the date of the letter and WHO it is from. It's not the Concerned Catholics of Guam. 

If you have trouble reading this. Download the PDF here

BTW, the report is supposed to be sent annually to the Delegate's office. That's why Archbishop Balvo says "I have never received a report..."


  1. Wow! Archbishop Apuron speaks with a forked tongue. The man has no scruples. He does not practice what he preaches. This is just another flaring example of his hypocrisy.

  2. Where is this report that the Apostolic Delegate requested in 2011? So Apuron can ignore the Vatican representative's request (more of a kind demand), but he couldn't give Msgr. James time to clear his name and set the record straight?

    1. Right! Doesn't it remind you of a parable about two men who owed talents? Are you paying attention Archbishop!?

  3. Looks like the Archbishop Anthony needs to meet with Archbishop Balvo too and the Concerned Catholic who were asking for transparency? Has any of the "flag counters" come from the Sudan or Kenya where Archbishop Balvo is now the Nuncio? I am sure Archbishop Balvo would be interested in what is happening here on Guam even though he has no more authority in the area. What pisses me off is that this letter is THREE years old- THREE years.

  4. Fr. Matthew Blockley.August 4, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    It now Confirms that Archbishop Apuron has no respect for persons not even the Apostolic Delegate.

  5. Would this have anything to do with the grants given out to Mission Churches? Is this the reason why there was an urgent need to declare the island a mission island with the set up of the Seminary? Was this to cover is ass?

    No report given to the Nuncio who requested it three years ago! What now are you hiding from the Nuncio? Transparency and still there is none? Fanaggle the books to make it look like someone is at fault? HMM!

    Sumsing is very Applewong here! Getting caught left and right.

    Pius, you and your goons in New Jersery and the Kikolist itenerants stay out of our affairs. You people are not the Head of the Diocese, you are just a wanna B. It is not you who needs to answer to the affairs of the Church unless you are hiding sumsing and have interest in our Financial Affairs. HMMM....Sumsing is not only smelling fishy but instead has a stronger ordor like KIMCHEE!

  6. Tim do you work for CIA? You always seem to amaze me how you obtain these documents. It shows that the Archbishop's most trusted advisors can't be trusted as well. They are crumbling within. Archbishop resign now and save some dignity while you can!

    1. Well when even the Archbishop's closest advisors want his job, what do you think? I'm just the messenger. Pizza.

    2. I hope none of the other two stooges (David or Adrian) get the job or this story will never end.

    3. Lol - Archbishop and dignity in the same sentence.

  7. Archbishop Balvo became our Apostolic Delegate in April of 2005, I believe. So his letter says that no financial reports were given to him from the See of Agana for the six year period from 2005 - 2011.

  8. Janet B - MangilaoAugust 4, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    A long but very important read on the evil that has befallen our shepherd/servant:
    In the gospel of Matthew, Chapter 18, verse 23-35 Jesus said:
    “Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. And since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. But when that same servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii, and seizing him, he began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay what you owe.’ So his fellow servant fell down and pleaded with him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ He refused and went and put him in prison until he should pay the debt. When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all that had taken place. Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”

    Tony Baloney - you are that evil servant, the Church/Nuncio is the master, and you have treated Monsignor James, and Fr Paul, and so many others like the other man.

    What the future looks like for you is not a sweet ending. Stop, and get out while you can, and allow someone else to restore the injustices you have caused.

  9. Archbishop, it is good to have surrounded yourself with loyal grunts willing to do anything for you. But it also looks like you have someone in your ranks with a great deal of ambition for your job.

    Remember the last bit of good advice Caesar got from a dear friend...better watch your front!

    LOL - Pizza be with you!
    A close friend.

  10. How typical. Every time our leaders try to do something, they end up proving themselves even more evil with their merciless actions.
    Who knows what else Tim has, or what else will be sent to him?

    To all the so-called "friends of Tony" keep sending these little nuggets to Jungle Watch to reveal the true darkness that has clouded his heart.

    To all the real friends of Tony, about 500 kikos on Guam, and kiko families throughout the world: spare him further embarrassment and convince him to step down while the Neo still has a shred of dignity.

  11. Tim, I am rolling on the floor laughing. The irony is just to funny. I certainly hope the Nuncio sees the wry side of this!
    The picture of good ole Archie at the top of this post is a perfect 'before" picture. You are so good at gathering intel, can you please show us the "after" picture.

  12. Wow are lucky your boss treats you with more dignity and compassion and the boss of the clergy of Guam. I hear he is a real bastard and brutally unforgiving. As an image of Christ, Archbishop Apuron has turned out to be a complete failure.

  13. Am sure this post is already with the apostolic delegate.

  14. Quick! Someone give the arch a dictionary so he can learn the meaning of "transparency."
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  15. Love the pic of the arch with this post. Note the squinting beady eyes. I can almost hear him saying, "Nanny nanny boo boo..."
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  16. Arch's definition of "transparency" trans·par·en·cy / tranˈsparənsē/noun":

    noun: transparency; plural noun: transparencies

    the condition of switching the blame to other people, of whom you should really be grateful for, for doing YOUR job for the passed 20 years, specifically Msgr. James and staff, for all the financial woes in the Archdiocese, of which can be easily debunked by even a 3rd grader who adds, subtracts, multplies and divides

    lying to your teeth, planting spies to take over church money-making entities because your appeals just cannot cover your Preschool-Equivalent Seminary (sic) and other Neo expenses

    your true feelings for your own people, the Chamorros, your xenophobia towards Filipinos and all other hateful ways you have for NonNeos
    reflects every word and action that comes forth out of you: shady, deceitful, uselessness, brainlessness and all other -esness that we the TRUE Catholics of Guam can think of

    We see you, Arch and all your crooks.

  17. Tim, take a look at this. Some faithful of the Archdiocese of Boston have decided to go to the Pope regarding diocesan finances and their disagreement with Cardinal O'Malley. We are not alone.
