Monday, August 25, 2014


I understand that Pius is making the rounds to the "communities" putting out fires, er, I mean answering questions. Hmmm. What questions could those be? Do you think it might have something to do with our extremely well-documented exposition of their liturgical and statutory violations? 

We've been exposing them all along, but at nearly a half million page views in just over a month, obviously there are a lot more people that are learning about them. Thus the Pius-scramble. 

You can expect Pius, his neo-priests and catechists, to use the same tired line that they have special permission from Rome. They know that they won't be asked by any of their poor legions to actually produce a document, so they'll figure they're safe and they probably are. 

Meanwhile, it should raise the suspicion of the rest of us that not one of these neo-priests, professors, catechists, or even the Archbishop have ever dared to engage me personally on the matter, nor have they made any attempt to disprove my claims.

At first, they could just ignore me as a guy with a "hate blog." But now, since they are quite willing to reference my "hate blog" and its contents in their sermons and even their addresses to school students, they should be quite willing to put me out of business once and for all. But they haven't...and they won't. 

The reason? They know what I have. They know that I have, in writing, a letter from one of their own, officially proclaiming their reason for disobeying the liturgical norms required of them on the manner of the distribution of Holy Communion. They also know that in that letter a certain Curia official, a Cardinal, is named as the source of this secret permission to disregard the liturgical books. 

If they confront me, they know I can produce the letter. But still, if they actually have such permission from the Cardinal, they should be emboldened to confront me. So why don't they? 

Two possibilities: 

1) The Cardinal NEVER gave such a permission and his name was only used by Kiko to make Kiko's own commandment appear authentic. And the exposition of Kiko's use of this Cardinal's name in that context could completely discredit Kiko in the eyes of the Vatican. 

2) The Cardinal actually DID give his okay to Kiko, but having no authority to personally circumvent what only the office of the Holy Father can actually permit, exposure of the Cardinal's illicit permission would place him and his office in jeopardy, and in turn jeopardize Kiko's influence, since the Cardinal is said to be Kiko's inside man in the Curia. 

Meanwhile, if the neocatechumens truly want to be assured that they are not outside the church in the manner of their celebration of the Eucharist, they have only to ask Fr. Pius to see the permission he claims to have.  


  1. If you have the document "officially proclaiming their reason for disobeying the liturgical norms required of them on the manner of the distribution of Holy Communion." Then do something concrete, not just blog it.

    1. And what would you suggest? They openly proclaim that Rome already knows what they are doing and because they are getting away with it, Rome supposedly approves. The only thing I can really do is to get the smart neo's to ask for exactly what I stated. They owe it to themselves and their families to know the truth. But I don't know if there are any left that even care.

      But speaking of "concrete": I hereby challenge (again) the Archbishop or any neo authority to produce the permission you say that you have. Their lack of response will be the response. And they can no longer just disregard me as a hate blogger, since I seem to be the subject of choice lately.

  2. WOW!! Now we understand why they refuse to confront you. I suppose it will only be a matter of time before this letter is exposed. Their lies are getting harder and harder to cover up.

    1. I don't know. One thing they are very good at is lying. And the other is covering up the lies.

    2. Sorry Tim. But history over the last 12 months tells us they are no good at lies. They have only gotten away with their outlandish claims because people are afraid to call them on it. Adrian telling his flock that to go against the Archbishop is to go against Jesus!
      They are horrible liars, but so convinced they can get away with it they no longer even care who knows. I sure hope Archbishop Krebbs is able to help us soon.

  3. Brothers and Sister in Christ,

    These people came to Guam offering deliverance, requiring you to leave yourself vulnerable, requiring you to reveal your most intimate details about yourselves. In turn you gave them this trust because they promised salvation and convinced you by using that which was familiar to you, our Catholic faith. Little by little they introduce variances, exceptions, alterations to our faith, under the guise of our faith and manipulated you into believing they were licit.

    They are the ones who are at the core of this tragedy. These were the ones who separated you.
    Now it's you who is accountable from here on. You cannot claim ignorance any longer.

    Take back your faith.


  4. I've been entertaining questions from friends and relatives regarding the Neo, and explaining what is going on with the Archbishop and Fr. Paul, Msgr. James, Hotel Accion, Santa Rita, Saint Francis, etc., etc., etc. They are pissed off!

  5. Gerald... truly "entertaining"?... spinning webs of lies... you are truly a disciple of Tim Rohr.

    1. And you are truly a disciple of Satan. All cowards are.

    2. And your not Tim? Wishing someone to fall ill to Die.

      Manuel Ayuyu <<<< Am I still a coward?

    3. Oh so now you put your name? Is that your real one? But you were willing to impugn and criticize Mr. Taitano behind Anonymous? Right. Fall ill and die? Show me where.

    4. Photos on FB showing Cemetary Gates closed to families of the dead this morning. atty. Terlaje set your alarm for goodness sakes! Up and at'em. People ate pissed about that toooo! Very

    5. Maybe we are going to be charged and entrance fee!

    6. Heck, I'd much rather be called a disciple of Tim Rohr than one of kiko!!

    7. 11:17 You're just another kikonut who has fallen off the tree. People ask Gerald questions pertaining to our Church because he practices his faith and is a man of integrity. Can't say the same for you.

    8. Hey, wait a minute, 11:17. You sure sound like Apuron. Manuel Ayuyu...hmmm.

    9. To anon at 11.17 and 11.42: you my dear Sir, are one of the more vile type of fruits we get courtesy of your dear leader KiKo Arguello, the former communist turned Franquist and false missionary.
      The usual ones always deny the truth, the second group lies through their teeth, you "Attack" like a trained attack dog.
      Your attacks are free, missing any foundation, but most of all demonstrating the cowardice we have grown accustomed to.
      Return back in the shadows where you belong with Satan and all the evil spirits who wonder the world for the ruins of souls.
      Va de retro Satanas!!!

    10. Dear Manuel Ayuyu:

      Please state one fact that Mr. Rohr has made which is a lie.


    11. Anon 5:13 PM keep reading and stay tuned @ Diana

      Manuel Ayuyu ======> originally from Rota

    12. To C. Felix @ 2:57 pm: "Kikonut" That's brilliant!! Love it!! LOL!!

    13. Diana?...that Neo priest who pretends to be a girl? ...Houston we see the problem!

    14. Ah, now we see:

      Anonymous August 25, 2014 at 11:17 AM
      Gerald... truly "entertaining"?... spinning webs of lies... you are truly a disciple of Tim Rohr.

      It's Adrian. Should have known.

  6. Jose M well said. People of Guam allowed the archbishop to inflict this sect on our community. He was seriously at fault to allow the sect to enter the local church. Only the power of the people of Guam can now bring an end to this tragic period of history of the catholic church on Guam. Unfortunately, archbishop will be remembered for endangering our people.

  7. Hafa Adai Tim,

    Lies, smoke and mirrors, not answering questions and not producing this letter of approval and authority by the Vatican. I did my own research, and found the following on CNA, the Catholic News Agency, on Pope Benedict XVI's "approval":

    "Vatican approval for Neocatechumenal Way only applies to non-liturgical teachings"

    Vatican City, Jan 21, 2012 / 05:15 pm (CNA).- The Vatican’s approval of the Neocatechumenal Way’s forms of “celebration” only applies to non-liturgical prayers within their catechesis and not to the Mass or other liturgies of the Church.

    “With respect to the celebrations of the Holy Mass and the other liturgies of the Church,” communities of the Neocatechumenal Way must “follow the norms of the Church as indicated in the liturgical books – to do otherwise must be understood to be a liturgical abuse,” a Vatican official who requested anonymity told CNA on Jan. 21.

    Pope Benedict XVI met with around 7,000 members of the movement in the Vatican’s Paul VI audience hall on Jan. 20 for an annual event to send families to mission destinations worldwide.

    The invitation issued by the movement to bishops for yesterday’s event stated that “the purpose of this meeting is that His Holiness will sign a Decree from the Congregation of Divine Worship recognizing the full approval of the liturgies of the Neocatechumenal Way.”

    Instead, approval for the non-liturgical practices of the group came by way of another source. It was Pontifical Council for the Laity that issued a decree of approval – after having consulted the Congregation for Divine Worship – for those “celebrations” present in their Catechetical Directory.

    In this process “the Neocatechumenal Way obtained no new permissions whatsoever,” said the official, who is familiar with the approval process for prayers and liturgies.

    “Essentially, the Pontifical Council is only approving these things that are found in the Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way, and in no way touches those things contained in the liturgical books.”

    He said that the decree served merely as an assurance that “there is nothing erroneous to the prayers that they use in the context of their catechetical sessions.”

    To be continued......

  8. continued from first post...

    The Neocatechumenal Way was founded in 1964 in Spain by Francisco “Kiko” ArgĂĽello and Carmen Hernández. It draws its inspiration from the practices of the early Catholic Church, providing “post-baptismal” Christian formation in small, parish-based communities. The movement is present all over the world, and has an estimated membership of more than 1 million people.

    Since its foundation, however, the group has been cautioned by the Vatican for inserting various novel practices into Masses organized by the movement. These include lay preaching, standing during Eucharistic Prayer, the reception of Holy Communion while sitting down, as well as the passing of the Most Precious Blood from person to person.

    “The Neocatechumenal Way has no such permission for any of these kinds of things,” said the Vatican official. He claimed that the Vatican still receives complaints about the group’s “non-compliance with the universal norms of liturgy.”

    He added that it should be clear that “yesterday’s decree has nothing to do with the widely seen liturgical innovations of the Neocatechumenal Way,” which “should be stopped immediately because they don't correspond to the law about the way the Mass and the sacraments are to be celebrated.”

    The only exceptions are two permissions granted which allow the group to move the sign of peace to before the presentation of the gifts and also to have communion under both kinds. Even these changes, though, still require the permission of the local bishop.

    “The Church’s liturgy is narrowly defined as the public worship of the Church” such as Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours, the official explained to CNA. Church norms for the liturgy, he said, are “found in the approved liturgical books and the Neocatechumenal Way is bound to observe these no differently than any other group within the Catholic Church.”

    What yesterday’s decree approved are “those things in the Directory not included in liturgical books,” which is “the equivalent of approving the prayers of, for example, the meetings of the Knights of Columbus or of a confraternity or perhaps of the prayers that a group like the Missionaries of Charity pray after Mass.”

    During Pope Benedict's meeting with the movement on Jan. 20, he praised them for helping “those who have already been baptized to rediscover the beauty of the life of faith, the joy of being Christian.”

    He also cited their statutes as he gave them guidelines for the celebration of the liturgy, saying that for members of the Neocatechumenal Way, “the progressive growth in faith of the individual and of the small community should promote their integration into the life of the greater ecclesial community, which finds its ordinary form in the liturgical celebration of the parish, in which and for which the Neocatechumenate is implemented.

    “But also during the way, it is important not to separate oneself from the parish community, and particularly in the celebration of the Eucharist which is the true place of universal unity, where the Lord embraces us in our various states of spiritual maturity and unites us in the one bread that makes us one body.”

    The Statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way were given approval by the Vatican in 2008, while its Catechetical Directory was approved two years later, after consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

    The report can be found here:

    I would very much like to hear Diana and other members of the NCW, refute or spin this report by the CNA.

    1. They already have, many times. For them it doesn't matter what the pope says. It's what Kiko says. I even have, in writing, one of the professors at RMS stating that this is so.

    2. So its okay for Kiko to disobey the Pope, but if a Filipino diocesan priest here chooses not to support a NCW community in his parish, he is told by the Archbishop that he only has a year left in the parish/diocese? Sounds very hypocritical. Shame on you, Archbishop, for resorting to bullying the priests in your diocese when they choose not to support the NCW, when your "prophet" Kiko, chooses to disobey and defy the Pope and the Vatican. Look at the division amongst your flock in your Archdiocese. Where is "Servus Tuus", YOUR PLEDGE " of your future service to the People of God in the Archdiocese in imitation of Jesus Christ, the humble servant of his Father in heaven."? Sounds like nothing but lip service. As the Shepherd for this Archdiocese, how can you continue to sit back and let this division grow? Stand up, and be the man of God that you were ordained to be, and UNITE your Father's people! His people are crying out for your help! If you cannot and will not, then you MUST let someone else do it. There is no shame in saying you can't or don't know how. The shame lies in knowing that you can, but you choose NOT to unite us.

    3. Archbishop Apuron, what say you? No Rebuttal? bwahahahaha

    4. No rebuttal because he knows he got caught in a lie and he knows he has reduced himself to being nothing more than a schoolyard bully! Shame on you, Archbishop! He should change "Servus Tuus" to "Servus Kiko" or "Servus Neo". I truly believe that if he owned up to his mistakes, asked for forgiveness from his brother priests and the people, and be the man and leader he was ordained to be, the healing process would begin. But my faith in and respect for him as the leader of our Archdiocese has waned progressively over the years... I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but it seems like he's made his choice. This is truly a dark time for our faith community.

    5. Great article link, Tripudio!

      "In reality, the danger feared by Benedict XVI and by many bishops – as demonstrated by the many complaints that have been made to the Vatican – is that the particular ways in which the Neocatechumenal communities all over the world celebrate their Masses may introduce into the Latin liturgy a new de facto "rite" artificially composed by the founders of the Way, foreign to the liturgical tradition, full of doctrinal ambiguities and a source of division in the community of the faithful."

    6. There you go, it's happening on Guam; we are not the first.


    1. My dear Anon,
      I do understand your frustration, but as a word of wisdom, let me remind you the adage:
      "There is no more deaf, that the one who does not wish to listen"
      I am afraid our Archbishop has to be put in that category......and that is the least of our concern in this regard.

  10. I absolutely refuse to be any part of the NCW and will continue to strongly oppose its introduction and proliferation into Guam as much as I can. I will continue to ardently pray to Our Lord to answer the prayers of the Guam Catholic Faithful who wish to remain with the One True, Catholic, Holy and Apostolic Church. I will also continue to pray for Archbishop Apuron to become enlightened and reverse the course he is taking. This fight will continue as the NCW will never be accepted into the Guam Archdiocese.

    1. My dear 4:05 friend. You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in your assessment of the "fight" we are now in. As long as the Archbishop (who is the anointed head of the Catholic Church in Guam) remains obstinate in his choosing to support the NCW over and against his own Catholic Faithful, there will be no peace! The Catholic Faithful here will never accept the NCW as its religion, despite the fact that its very own Shepherd has abandoned them (giving them only token shepherding - pontificating at Fiesta Masses, administering confirmations, and saying one Mass on Sundays at the Cathedral (did I miss anything else). If the objective of the NCW is to proselytise us, they can abandon that resolve because it will never happen. The Catholic Faithful will never as a whole follow Apuron down the road to perdition. The Shepherd needs to repent, reform, and return to his flock (or quit). Absent that, the deadlock continues; the fight will continue. No amount of rhetoric is going to do it!

  11. Anon 4:05 PM uhhhh it's 2014, it's been accepted since 1995. LOL!

  12. A neocat writes in defense of the arch: "Archbishop never said to follow kiko but what the Church teaches".

    Why then does the neo have a separate mass for themselves away from the main congregation? Why then is the neo's mass (oops, I mean celebration) different than the Church's? Why do they not call it a mass like the rest of the Church? Why do they not kneel AT ALL like the rest of the Church? Why do they sit when they consume the Body of Christ? Is this the teaching of the Church? If the NCW is supposed to follow the Church's teachings, what's the reason for them changing the mass in the first place?


      AnonymousAugust 25, 2014 at 4:51 PM

      Anon.3:36 As emphasize, the NCW is force upon anyone. As Contract Priest under Archbishop Apuron your under oath to obey!

    2. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says in 883:

      "The college or body of bishops has no authority unless united with the Roman Pontiff, Peer's successor, as its head." As such, this college has "supreme and full authority over the universal Church; but his power cannot be exercised without the agreement of the Roman Pontiff."
