...was concelebrated with Fr. Jeff San Nicolas, Msgr. Arroyo, and Fr. Mike Crisostomo. Msgr. Arroyo concelebrated as an official act of welcome since he is the pastor, but the other two priests were there to show support to Msgr. James. I guess Fr. Jeff and Fr. Mike are next on the chopping block. No worries, Archbishop Apuron has Harold in the boys waiting in the wings. But something tells me that all hell will break loose if he goes after these two.
Reverend MISTER Harold!
ReplyDeleteHe is off limits in our Parish! NO,NO,NO!
Deletemay God bless and protect our priests. i still consider st anthony my "home" parish, and i probably always will, even though i don't live on guam anymore. if there's anything positive to say about the situation, the cathedral's loss is st anthony parish's gain.
ReplyDeleteit's also an encouraging metaphor to me that the very altar shown in the picture is the rebuilt altar that replaced the previous one, which was destroyed in the 1990s by the earthquake.
You are most certainly right! Hell will break loose! We are ready to protect the one Priest who isn't afraid to stand for truth and justice. Like the military would say.."All hands on deck!"
ReplyDeleteI also noticed that there were quite a few parishioners from the Immaculate Heart of Mary present for the Mass. So this should say something!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (August 11, 2014 at 1:28 PM), did you also notice that, besides the parishioners from IHOM, there were people from all over the island at Msgr. James' first Mass at SASVCC? Someone pointed out that members from Agana Cathedral-Basilica were seated in the front rows. Many people stated said they felt that they "had to be there" for the Mass.
DeleteThe last time I attended a Mass that was SRO was last year's 5 PM Mass on 8 September 2013 at SBCC when Fr. Paul Gofigan was finally able to celebrate his first public Mass after being removed as Pastor on 16 July. One lady at that 2013 Mass said it was her third Mass that day, but she just had to be present to see Fr. Paul back in the sanctuary and at the altar.
Out of curiosity I checked out the online video of the Archbishop's 9:30 Mass from the same morning — the stark difference between attendance at Msgr. James' Mass and that of the Archbishop's 9:30 Mass cannot be missed!
Maybe the new administration of the Cathedral-Basilica needs to consider moving the 9:30 Mass to the St. Therese Chapel as was done to the 6 PM Vigil Mass several years ago due to low attendance, if this trend continues.
...and what makes AAA think that all hell isn't going to break loose with Jimmy's case. Oh Tim, the work you do...will be rewarded in due time.
ReplyDeleteAnother one? First Father Paul, then Msgr., then Father Wadesson, then now Jimmy! Who is Jimmy?
DeleteOH! OH! OH! AAA will then be in deep deep kimchee! SAD!
Delete2:21. Do not put Fr. Wadeson into the same category. Fr. Paul and Msgr. James (Jimmy) were invalidly removed from their positions by the Archbishop. These are the good guys. Wadeson was removed after we exposed the Archbishop for hiding Fr. Wadeson's history. Search for his name on this blog (top left corner search box) to learn more.
DeleteBishop listen to St. John Vianney: "These days a great percentage of priests do not appreciate their duty in shaping their flock into holiness and developing in each soul a deep spirituality. Instead, they have allowed themselves to be formed in secularism - weakening their flock and themselves in a distorted attempt to 'fit in' with society."
ReplyDelete"The call to the priesthood is a call to an ever deepening spirituality. Within this call is the necessity to be detached from the world. The focus of the holy priesthood is bringing the sacraments to the people and instructing the people on personal holiness through a sacramental life."
"Priests are not called to be social directors or fundraisers or even to be popular. There should be no love of money or ambitious designs in their hearts."
"Jesus uses the holy priests to save many souls. Priests must learn to examine their conscience each night just like everyone else. They must root out pride and live only to serve others. This unselfish service is the hallmark of a holy priest."
If the archbishop, or vicar general, or chancellor messes with Fr. Jeff at FDMS, there will be a revolt from the FD family(alumni, students, parents, staff, teachers, supporters, friends, and family) that will be explosive!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Everyone at FD loves Fr. Jeff
DeleteFortes In Fide
As an alumni, I echo 2:40. An explosive revolt is an understatement if anyone messes with the Friars. /s/ G. Taitano, FDMS Class of 1967.
DeleteDon't forget Gerald Taitano, that Pale' Mike is also a Friar! Brothers need to stick together.
DeleteWe usually attended the Tamuning 11am Mass and it was beautiful. We also often attend the cathedral at various times when possible. Thank you Monsignor Bibi for opening up your parish. We have much respect for you. Btw we saw most of the main Choir members, senior alter servers as well as well-respected families from the Cathedral Parish at Tamuning Sunday. This says a lot about the wrong that is happening with our Archbishop and his group of leaders. And really shows how they feel. Imagine if these choir members join Tamuning parish even more peoplw at the Cathedral will be moving. I'm actually surprise the others decided to stay there maybe that Duenas lady wants to sing at every Mass at the Cathedral! Lol can someone tell her she is not that good. I think she used to be Neo? Maybe she is a sympathizer or they cut her a sweet deal?
ReplyDeleteGlad you mentioned this. We attended Mass and also notice alter servers and choir members not there. I guess they are also upset at this whole situation. The cathedral didn't feel the same last week. Lots of empty seats. It didn't seam like the new Rector was around too? I didn't see him. Is he the taller priest?
DeleteAnonymous 3:10 pm, you are petty and mean-spirited. Mrs. Duenas did not sing at the cathedral's 9:30 a.m. Sunday mass. She lectored. She often lectors or sings or otherwise serves at two or more masses if there aren't enough ministers to cover the masses. She and her husband are very devoted to the cathedral parish and were very loyal to Msgr. Benavente but I'm sure she and her husband will do their best to serve and please Msgr. Quitugua. Mrs. Duenas DOES have a good singing voice. Having just returned from being off-island I was depressed and reluctant to attend this past Sunday's 9:30 a.m. mass due to Msgr. Benavente's ouster. Mrs. Duenas was the first person to come up and welcome me back to the cathedral before mass even began.
DeleteMsgr James and fathers paul mike Jeff. All locals. All tolerated the many many years of the favoritism towards the neo priests. Coincidentally they are also ALL LOVED and FAVORED by the rest of the 100,000 NONneo Catholics on Guam. Threats to the C&K (Carmen and kiko) reign. I am so proud of these fine, brave, fierce, and loyal priests.
ReplyDeleteSo sad to see two monsignors and two priest celebrate mass in Tamuning yet over here in
ReplyDeleteInarajan we were told that our mass times have to change because we have an administrator
for inarajan who is also the parish priest for Malojloj and he had to flex the time to make sure he can say mass at two villages. Why can't Father Paul or Monsignor Benavente be assigned
to Inarajan. We were told that our priest is in the P.I. stuck awaiting a VISA and he is NEO. We
have been waiting over three years for his return. We will take ANY priest available or if not possible, just close down Inarajan Church....
Father Francesco can be transferred to Inalahan. Then he can change your custom and culture down there. I am sure Father Crystal no Balls can handle Barrigada. Piece of cake for him. Not unless he is just as lazy as Father Alberto when he was at Barrigada.
DeleteDear Inarajan Parishioner,
DeleteIts time for you to check your Parish/Finance Council. They complained to the Archbishop every time he assigned a Priest to your Parish, just saying, and I heard this from one of your own ministers down there, not from the chancery. I also heard from a parishioner that Father Mike Crisostomo was offered Inarajan but has yet to give Archbishop a decision. I hope Father Mike Crisostomo will take up the assignment to Inarajan, that way the neos dont build up down there. They already are rising in Merizo and Umatac by the numbers, Fr. Luis is probably doing a good job. Just check your council though, they know the history of why a priest hasnt been assigned.
Little Father Francesco cannot be a pastor. Otherwise, he would have been announced at his ordination. Just like Father Michael Jucatan was assigned vice Rector of the Cathedral 10 minutes after ordination. Nope, not going to happen. Inalahan will will have to struggle on with their culture unenlightened by Francesco.
Delete3:09AM Nah you can't have Pale' Mike. I am sure Harold after ordination. He is so macho about the NCW. I am sure you will have another Hilter down south. He will probably hand out the NCW emblems to sew on your shirts/and or blouses to identify who is and who is not.
DeleteWith Fr. Paul and Monsignor James Benavente both now in St. Anthony's, perhaps the interested public can get a schedule of their masses in advance? Sta. Barbara has their schedule for each month posted on a board for all to see.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (August 11, 2014 at 8:58 PM), for many years SASVCC used to publish the name of the celebrant for each Mass, along with the intentions. While the Mass intentions are still published, the celebrants have not been included for quite a while now.
DeleteI'm guessing they don't want people to plan their Mass attendance based on the celebrant, which is bound to happen now that both Msgr. James and Fr. Paul are at SASVCC!
Their mass schedule is published on a weekly bases.
DeleteAnonymous (August 12, 2014 at 10:55 AM), the Mass schedule of SASVCC is published on a weekly basis BUT Anonymous at 8:58 PM wondered if it would be possible to "get a schedule of their [Fr. Paul's and Msgr. James'] masses in advance."
DeleteSASVCC no longer publishes the names of the celebrants — unless it has changed recently. SBCC continues to publish the Presiders Schedule online at sbparish.org; I believe that is what Anonymous at 8:58 PM was hoping to see at SASVCC, too.
INARAJAN! Stand UP Speak UP, St. Joseph was not a NEO, don't let them shove a NEO priest into St. Joseph church.
DeleteSo what are Archbishop and Reverend Mister Harold talking about as they Roll along the roads of Guam the the sleak black car with the slashes tires? Nothing?
ReplyDeleteWow @ Anonymous 1:46. It's comments like yours that confirm the extent of Jungle followers. No wonder people fear the result of Rohr's "$500 award". If destruction of property (which is a crime) resulted from Rohr's call for action against our Archbishop, what will happen with money as the incentive?? I shudder. This borders cyber terrorism and extremist acts.
DeleteThe slashed tires were another lie of the archbishop's. That's why they pulled the first printing of the U Matuna. The archbishop knew that he would not be able to lie on the stand. He was just fine with this lie in print at 4:08pm, Friday. He was NOT OKAY with it at 4:09pm. It's kind of hard to be made a cardinal when you're in jail. You have no idea.
DeleteNOTE: I am not allowing any more comments about "Mrs. Duenas."