Tuesday, August 19, 2014


UPDATE: Latest is that he is still at the rectory but unsure as to his future. Continue to keep him in your prayers. Our faith was brought to this island by a Jesuit priest, and Fr. Tom, as far as I know, is the only Jesuit priest still here in Guam. He has served our Catholic community and our military communities quietly and well for many years.


This morning I posted the following on my FB page:

Word is that Fr. Tom McGrath is no longer living at the Cathedral rectory. We don't know if he was forced out for signing the letter or decided to go on his own knowing the grief he was about to get. We've heard he is greatly distressed. Pray for him.

Here are some of the comments:

• yes my prayers are with him.!!! so sad how something like this can happen... what happened to the faith they say they believe in?? SO SO SAD!!! MAY GOD BE WITH HIM ALWAYS !!! it seems that the bishop tries hard to preach but he's not doing what god has chosen him to do...

• A good man .

• praying

• Oh wow prayers for him

• Many of us have forgotten the message in the warnings of Fatima. Did we ever imagine that the spiritual warfare would begin unravelling right here on our own beloved island. We have only one chance to choose truth from evil but we will need to heed the call to respond in prayers in sufficient numbers. There IS a deadline.

• As a hospital chaplain, Fr McGrath has prayed for many of us and our families in our time of need. It is only right and proper that we all do the same for him in his.

• Fathers Mike, Jeff, Patrick, Gus included. Their necks are on the line for disobeying a big lie....

• Fr. Tom visited me with the Holy Eucharist when I was hospitalized, will be praying for him and the other 4/5 who signed that letter, I have a feeling that their lives will be made hard by David, Adrain and the Archbishop.

• and that will be the order of Kiko and Pius.

• will it EVER end?!!??! Just keeps getting worse and worse. Prayers to all these priests....most I know personally


  1. Tim,

    I have room in my home, should Father Tom need a place to stay. Please relay to him if you can.

  2. Please keep us posted on Fr. Tom’s well-being.

    There is no lesser than either evils, if Fr. Tom were forced to move out of his home at the
    Cathedral or that he left on his own accord.

    If forced to leave, we all know why this is bad. So there is no real need to comment about that.

    But if he decided to go on his own, is even worse. He has served the Parishioners of Agana, as well as the patients and families of GMH, Naval Hospital, and other hospice facilities. He has been home, at the Cathedral for numerous years. The children love him at the 7:30 a.m. Children’s Liturgy.

    He is the most humble of men, caring and sincere, especially to our children. He may have been compelled to leave what is no longer a place he can call home--where he knows, because he is personally involved, that the house is run by perjurers and clergy that continue to mutilate the very fabric of the Church made up of the Parishioners that he loves; for he also believes that to stay means to allow for these injustices to push forth and continue.

    You have taught us that prayer is powerful, Fr. Tom. Your concise but wise, beyond explanation, preaching at your homilies are etched in our hearts and minds. We stand with you and pray with you. Along with the other Virtuous Clergy that have taken the higher road. You have spent 50 years of your life, in the priesthood, as you have also just recently celebrated your anniversary. It was an honor to be present at your beautiful and humble celebration. Surely, your life has reflected the fruits that you have sown as a priest and you will continue to so, for my faith tells me so.

    May God bless all of us and we love you, Fr. Tom!

    1. Maybe this is why the Three-on-the-Hill didn't attend Fr. Tom's 50th anniversary of priesthood-because they were already planning his departure. Any priest who isn't NCW is expendable to them. The Three-on-the-Hill don't care about being like Jesus. They care about being like Kiko.

  3. Father Tom was a simple man with a big heart! He never bothered anyone. He went about his business from serving masses at the Cathedral and ministering at Naval Hospital. No matter what time of day it is, when you are in need he will be there for you!

    I pray for him. God Bless you Father Tom!

    1. Reliable source told me Fr. Tom mass schedule is only for Saturday Vigil & 730 Sunday. He is no longer assign for weekday evening masses. I guess they don't want to give him more stipend. It's sad!

  4. I am so saddened to hear of the news that Fr. Tom no longer resides at the Cathedral possibly because of his honesty. He was in residence at the Cathedral longer than any priest has been assigned there. If it was because of honesty that he is no longer there, I definitely have no respect for the Archbishop, Msgr. David and Fr. Adrian, all of whom I have served for many years at the Cathedral. God bless Fr. Tom. He is truly a man of God who loved his people, especially the children. God help us all! My prayers and thanks to Fr. Tom who served the people of God at the Cathedral for decades.

  5. I really find this disheartening. Father Tom is such a gentle soul. After decades of celebrating the 6pm Saturday Mass and the 7:30am Sunday Mass, who's gonna take his place presuming that he is no longer needed in Agana? I guess decades of service doesn't even protect anyone from what is going on these days with the church. I commend him and the other priests for standing up for what is right. It's amazing how the ones that are speaking the truth are affected negatively than the ones that support the LIE. Why hasn't Apuron said anything lately? Speak up man (Apuron) before there are more casualties. There is a saying...silence = consent.

    1. Of course Father Tom is needed in CB! He'll be there. Along with the Rector and the Vice-Rector. Oh, I meant the interim Rector. What was I thinking? A place holder waiting for HAROLD.

    2. Many at Naval Hospital like his 9 am mass. Too bad the Chapel is small.

  6. Shaking my head at this news. Such shameful actions on a gentle soul. My family will be praying for you and the others who showed courage in standing up to tyranny.

  7. Father Tom has my utmost respect and admiration because he conducts himself as a true follower of Christ in his chosen vocation. He is the most prayerful and most thoughtful priest I've encountered. Let us show our gratitude and support for Father Tom by including him in our prayers, and to be vocal about how we feel about what's happening to him now. Knowing that he is hurting hurts many of us as well. God bless you Father Tom!

  8. Fr. Tom is a favorite priest for relate-able homily, welcoming spirit and thoughtfulness to his youngest mass-goers. Always happy for his Masses and his blessing as we would leave church. Hope he surfaces soon at a happy, loving parish.

    Can't find the sense or rationale behind this disease crippling and consuming my home parish, but the voice of granma in my ear, 'just pray.'

    Abaddon. Unholy.

  9. Father Tom, hang in there and hold your head up high. Others are behind you. God Bless

  10. Fr. Tom, God Bless you for taking a stand for the truth. You are a true man of God.

  11. Father Tom is the most kindest priest. He is there to celebrate the mass with all the sick and the families at St. Dominic's, SNU and Naval Hospital. God Bless you and thank you so very much for all you do for us. He truly is an example of Christ.

  12. Time for us to start stepping forward. Being Anonymous gives us something to hide behind. As was stated "be a victim no more"! Father Tom needs to know who is supporting him, as well as Tim, Chuck, and all the priest who signed the letter. Real names will start to get these people taking notice. To borrow a phrase "just saying".

    1. Joe Santos (August 20, 2014 at 9:19 AM), thank you for supporting Tim's call for people to stop hiding behind that Veil of Anonymity by using real names. If people are still afraid to use their names, I suggest using their Confirmation name or their patron/favorite saint's name so that the Anonymous label can be reserved for the Kikos/Kikobots exclusively.

      I've noticed more names appearing in the "Sea of Anonymous" and I applaud the COURAGE of these individuals. I hope people take your message to heart and do as you've suggested.

    2. I understand that the Neocaechumenal Way takes its inspiration from the catechumenate of the early Catholic Church, but even the early Christians did not attempt to overthrow the Jewish Temple. But then again, the High Priest at that time was not Christian. Now, our high priest is the Top Neo. I tend to look at the bright side of things so I'm glad that we don't have a Coliseum and a Circus Maximus, or else we'll all end up there with Fr. Paul, Msgr. James, Fr. Tom and everyone Non-Neo.

    3. Gerald, our physical bodies may not be in a Coliseum or Circus Maximus, but I, along with numerous others, feel that we are spiritually in "the pit" surrounded by lions because they are attacking my spirituality in a very deep level.

      I may not die from all of these but my soul aches and is weary for all that the Archbishop, frs. Adrian and Pius and msgr. David have done.

      Would you agree?

  13. Mary Lou, you are one brave woman, cane or not! It will be for your own good to have it, in case you may have to use it (if you know what I mean). From the jokes and even threats to your well-being, I pray that you remain strong, and I pray even more that God continue to protect you!

    The main reason why people remain anonymous is that these Neos ARE fre*king crazy! They stalk people's children (as diana did with Tim's own daughter). They treat INNOCENT people like criminals (as what they did to Msgr. James and staff during their move out of the rectory/office of the Cathedral, when they went through personal boxes and stole personal items out of them, as well).

    They are all over the place, maybe only 500 in number here on Guam, but all it takes is for one of them to physically harm one of us. Their displays through their comments and how they practically damn us for not being Neos show that they may be more than capable to inflict physical pain to those we care about.

    From your posts, I feel that you understand this and we thank you for your bravery. We are standing beside you, as well. You will not be alone, when this fight gets going. Trust me!

    1. Anonymous (August 20, 2014 at 5:47 PM), I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comment. I was truly moved by your what you wrote and I thank you very much for your words of encouragement and advice as well as for your reassurance that I am not alone.

      As you can tell, I am passionate about preserving the AUTHENTIC One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church for the sake of future generations — in my case, for my Grandchildren. It has been disturbing to read comments from the militant members of the NCW — those I call the Kikos/Kikobots — which mention me by name along with references to my physical challenge because it is an indication that they have identified me as their prey while I do not know who my predators are. But I refuse to let their insults and threats stop me from speaking out. In the meantime, it has been encouraging to see more people submit comments, using their names — and with more frequently than I have been able to do — while the majority of the Kikos/Kikobots continue to hurl their insults and threats under the Shroud of Anonymity.

      I may not know who you are, but I will trust in your word that you are standing beside me — in spirit and perhaps even physically, since you have not revealed your identity — and that I will not be alone when the fight gets going, as we know it will. Already the parishioners of St. Francis Church have taken a stance in protecting their parish from being taken over by the NCW since the Archbishop stated that he has no intention of “imposing” the NCW on anyone. The Kikos/Kikobots are getting angrier and may become more vile and venomous in their comments, but that will not stop those who are throwing off their Veils of Anonymity and standing proud as Members of the Church Militant to fight for our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!

      Again, thank you for your kind words. God bless you.

  14. Should father Tom be removed from cathedral, I will no longer attend the mass there. I will never, never, never attend a mass celebrated by kiko's priests, neo cancer robotic and liars.

    1. Claire you might as well not be Catholic with that attitude

  15. Father Tom is at the Cathedral Basilica.

    1. And according to those close to him he is being pressured to leave.

  16. Can he get a housing at naval hospital since he is the chaplain there?

    1. I am almost certain that good post there is a contract between the archdiocese and the military. A room there is not possible.

  17. Thank you Tim for the excellent explanation .. I used to think it was me taking it personally when my friends entered the way, and then they ignored me or gave me the feeling that I wasn't good for them. Not all of them treated me that way, but the ones who did, still do, and this explains why. It wasn't personal anymore, it was something more evil then I could imagine. I still call these people my friends & I pray more earnestly for them as I do all sinners, be it in the way or in this world. I am thankful for your passion and wisdom of our faith, please know there are many of us who support & pray for you and all you do in his name. May the God of us all bring peace & joy back to our island & it's people, may our faith be stronger

  18. I'm pleased and grateful to report that Fr. Tom celebrated the 6 PM Vigil Mass as usual in the St. ThèrĂ©se Chapel on 23 August during which Mrs. Lulu Duenas had to multi-task as commentator, lector and cantor. I noticed that, in addition to the missing “ministers,” many of the long-time "regulars" were absent for the second week in a row.

    I don't know who chose the Post-Communion song while the basket was being passed around for the second collection, but it was an excellent choice. When Mrs. Duenas announced that we would be singing "Let There Be Peace on Earth," there was a discernible change in the air. Whether it was because it was a familiar piece or because the congregation was aware of the stress that Fr. Tom had been under or because the congregation was using the song to relieve their own stress over the events that began with the removal of Fr. Paul Gofigan on 16 July 2013 — possibly all three reasons (and more) — the chapel reverberated with voices passionately raised in song, providing a cathartic release!

    Let us continue to keep Fr. Tom McGrath — along with Fathers Jeff San Nicolas, Mike Crisostomo, Patrick Castro and Gus Gumataotao — in our prayers.
