Sunday, September 7, 2014


Only allows the newest comment to be posted at the bottom instead of the replies to individual comments. If you want to reply to a comment you will need to reference the comment in yours. Time and date is the usual way to reference since most are posted as anonymous. Rather than anonymous, try using a pseudonym for easier reference.

Ok. Never mind. Old format wins out. I don't think blogger was designed to handle so many comments.


  1. Is this a new format for all bloggers? Diana seems to have the same thing!

  2. Something is very wrong here. I sent a message asking if this format is new for bloggers seeing the Diana has the same format. Within minutes Diana goes back to to the old format. Wondering now if there is a spy in your group

  3. To be honest Tim, this format is more confusing. We were always able to see the referenced comment if people just used the reply for that trail, instead of replying at the very bottom.

    Now we have to connect more pieces of the puzzle. Only a few complained about the old format because they didn't get it, but now the majority that were used to it will have to deal with a bigger.

    The old was really simple. Just look for the date and time above each line break, for each trail, in reference to the last comments you read. It was so easy.

    I'll give this one a try, but I believe it's technically more mental effort to connect the dots.

  4. Hi Tim, I believe what has been tried and is true with the comments should stay the same. Truly, it was confusing for me. We can still use the old format just continue to first reference Posting Name and Date/Time. This is much, much easier. Thank you for switching back!

    1. I was the one who suggested the new format. After hearing the difficulty because there is not just one or two replies, I also believe to use the old format. Mea culpa.

  5. I prefer the original comment system. It would be much easier to track comments if new comments were delineated in bold or in color.

    This is common on standard forum software. Does blogger have this feature?

  6. I, too, prefer the "old format" since it's easier to follow a discussion and chime in, if desired. The format which placed the newest comment at the bottom made it more difficult for me to follow the train of thought as I kept scrolling up to find which of the seemingly interminable string of "Anonymous" posts the comment referred to.

    BTW: While some of the writers have explained that they must remain "Anonymous" to maintain peace in the family or working relations, is it really too much trouble for them to use a Pseudonym? In the past I have suggested using one's confirmation name or a saint's name but really, even a fictional superhero's name is preferable to seeing all the Anonymous labels.

    BTW2: One of my personal favorite pseudonyms is "Glad to be back in Holy Mother Church" — I always look forward to reading that person's comment!

    SUGGESTION: To the writer who began with "I am not Neo; but, I am Catholic" why not post as "Not Neo Catholic" or "Catholic Not Neo" instead of as "Anonymous"? If you do that it would be easier to follow your train of thought … and the one who shared a similar POV could then become "Not Neo Catholic 2" or just "NNC2" and so on …

    The Blogger developers probably never anticipated the volume of comments that a single post could generate. But then again JungleWatch is unlike any of the other blogs I follow in terms of the level of interaction among the readers — very few have more than 15 comments posted; most actually have no comments.

    God bless you, Tim, for all you do to keep the Light of Truth shining in The Jungle!

    1. The old format should be up but let me know.

  7. "OBEY! OBEY!
    OBEY! OBEY! . Understand that word!" Wow, Holly, is it (edited)? Calm down, girl.
