Thursday, September 11, 2014


Okay, since this person wants his/her own post, I'll give it to him/her, and reply.

  1. Tim, nobody is forced to join the NCW. They NCW Is not for everyone, of you don't like it, then leave. Maybe the reason for the other reacting the way she did was because she felt that she would her daughter. Tell me Tim, if one of your kids decides to Join the NCW, how would you react? Please make this a post :)

My reply:

You are correct, Anonymous. The NCW is not for everyone. That's the point. The Catholic Faith IS. The Catholic Faith IS for EVERYONE. In fact, that's why it's called "Catholic" from the Greek KATA HOLOS, meaning "with respect to the whole", or more simply "universal". This adjective was applied to the young Christian Church to clarify that whereas once there was only a "chosen people" (the Jews), now, in Christ, there was no more "gentile or Jew". It was for EVERYONE. 

It is instructive to note that there is a profound, albeit pseudo recreation, of a certain Jewish aesthetic in the Neocatechumenal Way. Perhaps it is because Kiko wants to recreate (in his own image) the idea of a new "chosen people"? You certainly act that way. 

How would I react if one of my "kids decides to join the NCW"? I would respond in the same way as if they were thinking of joining any other church other than the Catholic Church. If they are living in my house, they don't get that choice. If not, I would challenge their thinking and point out that "joining" the NCW is like going back to has been demonstrated on this blog for the past year. Fortunately for me my children are no longer interested in kindergarten. I suggest you graduate and get on with real life.

By the way, for the real Catholics reading this, I wrote the book WHY I'M CATHOLIC as an apologia for my children: an explanation of the Catholic faith and why their father was a Catholic and why they should remain in the Church. I was motivated to write after hearing so many parents lament over their children and grandchildren no longer practicing the faith.

I believe the primary reason for this phenomenon is due to parents being sold on the idea to turn their kids over to a CCD program. Religious education was meant to occur in the home, between parent and child. This is GOD'S PLAN. Take your kids out of CCD and put yourself in it. Then go home and teach your children, brining them up "in the way they should go. If my book to my children helps, you can get a free electronic copy here.


  1. Replies
    1. So what? If one discovers that monastic life "is not for them" they are not catholic? or if one realizes the call to the priesthood "is not for them", not their vocation they are not catholic? If one feels being a Franciscan "is not for them" and becomes Jesuit, they are not catholic? Come on, can we get past your hatred and narrow mindedness? You don't like the Way, don't go, don't send your children. The fact still remains some are helped, you may be one. Come and listen if you like and if not no problem! None of the Sunday Masses are being cancelled or the doors of the church being locked over people learning more about their faith, reading the Scriptures and falling head over heals in love with Jesus Christ. 'if they're not against us, they are with us" So, you who are so against....who is is being devisive? You seperate yourselves from us because we choose this Way for ourselves. Sorry you are so offended by that.

    2. Why are you bothering to come to this blog if you are so satisfied with the Way? After all, we are the Judases that Kiko speaks of. We are necessary for your persecution. Give thanks. And offended? Offended by a kindergarten coward? Relax, man. Didn't Pius tell you that this blog is an occasion of sin? Stay away. Stop disobeying your catechist.

  2. Hi Tim, thank you for your response. I agree with you, the education of our children in our Catholic Faith should take place at the home front. This is most indicative of what is happening in our Public AND Private school systems. The responsibility is "dumped" to the Church and to the Schools. It is as if they are being used to "reform" their kids. PARENTS, THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! If you don't do it, someone else like the NEOCATS will!...Don't doubt it for a second.

    I agree with you 100%. Our Faith and the passing of our beliefs rest upon the shoulders of not just the parents, but those in the household who are older (eldest). They also, like parents, MUST LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Thank you for sharing your e-copy and will look forward to sharing it with my children. Thank you...Senot G.

    1. It's not the parents fault. The parishes have been twisting the arms of parents for years essentially holding the sacraments as ransom unless they send little Johnny to CCD, etc. No parent is required to send their child to any parish or diocesan sponsored program in order to get any sacrament. Sorry, I know this will offend some. But taking children from their parents to educate them in the faith in isolation from the family is WRONG. Send the kids home and begin to educate the parents. The pulpit would be a good place to start.

    2. Yes, from the pulpit is a good start. We would not have ever needed NCW if priests prayed and prepared homilies. NO PREPARATION shows and has a cumulative effect. Weak evangelization. The Neo priesst are NOT a huge improvement; hardly.

    3. Do you know of any parish that does not require a CCD program?

    4. No parish can require you. I will explain more in an upcoming post.

    5. Wow, thanks Tim!!! Good work, great job, your wonderful, your the best! I can't wait for your next book! What's the title again? How To Be Catholic Without A Pope Or A Bishop! Any child would be impressed that their father was the kind of man who could attack and slander an Archbishop with conviction and facts(though your facts are your own opinions) In time the truth will be revealed. I pray you will be like Peter and not like Judas. God loves us sinners as we are.

    6. Hey, Coward, thanks for reading. But no, my next book will be titled HOW TO STAY CATHOLIC WHEN YOUR BISHOP ISN’T. I’ll be looking forward to another one of your promotional plugs.

    7. At 1:23 p.m. Archbishop! What are you doing in the Jungle? Shouldn't you be packing for your next fishing expedition to Porto San Giorgio??? Yes, we believe you; the truth will soon be known.

  3. Thank you again. I too believe we as parents need to understand and teach our children right from wrong, good and bad, about our faith in God and our respect to others and our world. This is the problem with our island now. We deal with crime, violence, drugs, and now religion? Wow things are not getting any better on this island. As much as what our leaders say, the picture is much different.

    1. The problem is that we are now almost two generations removed from the faith of our ancestors. So depending on parents to do the right thing is mostly not possible...since most of those parents came through the I'm okay you're okay Catholicism of the 60's and 70's. The only answer at this point is to get yourself a Catechism of the Catholic Church and start to study the faith on your own. It would be great if we could depend on a solid priest, and there are a few. However, we can't always be sure. Recently a divorced friend was told by a priest that she could not receive communion. She protested that she was not remarried nor was she co-habitating and was a practicing Catholic. When he insisted that she not receive communion she told him that she studies the Catechism and knows her faith and that merely being civilly divorced did not place her in a state of mortal sin. He backed off and told her to go see the Archbishop.

    2. Addendum to the above...and I've heard worse, personally.

  4. The NCW is Catholic

    1. Okay, let's do this again. The NCW is Catholic only insofar as it conforms to your statute. And at every single celebration of the Eucharist, at the most sacred of moments, you violate that statute and place yourselves outside the Catholic Church. Period. And so far your only defense has been that you're getting away with it.

    2. This is only a claim said by a layman.

    3. GOOD ONE TIM!!!

    4. Tim, please do something concrete. Blogging is getting old.

    5. I only blog to give out of work people like you something to do. I don't blog about what I really do.

    6. Thats if you even do anything.

    7. @ 10:43, blog is not getting old. You are getting old, I am sorry to say.

    8. The people who support this blog are old.

    9. @4:53, your line of thinking is getting old, for sure.

  5. Back to the NCW is not for everyone, it is true that we do have a choice to join the NCW or not, however, once you are in it, you are pretty much like what Fr. O.J. said in so many words, your juices will be sucked out (Yes, how sick can that part of his catechesis is!).

    Tim, As for the Church twisting our arms to get our kids into a CCD program, etc., I believe it is a rites of passage but there are some programs that really are doing some good for the young adults and children. Life Teen, Edge, Lectio Divina Sessions, etc. are good programs, IF the program is properly explained to the "involved" parents. There are MANY parents who don't want to get involved but just send their kids to CCD. Yes, they believe that the sacraments are truly important but the program is not going to succeed unless the parents get involved and guide their children as well.

    I do study the CCC amongst MANY other Catholic and non-catholic textbooks, eBooks, etc. I can honestly say I am somewhat literate of The Order of the Mass, what we should do to prepare for the mass (yes, reviewing the readings, most importantly, the Gospel reading and its commentaries) and self preparation to receive the Body of Christ. Not sure how the NEOCATS are doing this and passing this along to their children but I pray they stay consistent to Church Doctrines and Statutes (doubtful at this point)...Senot G.

  6. I guess you get what you ask for in the Jungle.

    1. Yup, he opened up another can of worms. Keep it coming morons...hahaha

  7. With all the damning information available about Kiko I don't see how anyone in his/her right mind still gets lured into the NCW snare. I will pray for those who are victims of the NCW.

  8. Another interesting article:

    The psychological mechanisms of mental conditioning inside the neocatechumenate community

    "The organization called The Neocatechumenal Way has given rise to doubts, perplexities, and opposing opinions within the Catholic Church for many years. Some people, whether they are lay or ecclesiastical, see the Way as being a blessing of the Spirit. Other individuals, of likewise importance, consider the Way to be dangerous in doctrine and methodology; they have compared it to a sect, having come to call it "a church within the Church".

    Entire article:

  9. Check out what is reported about Kiko and the NCW @ ENLIGHTENED CATHOLICISM (google it) where the NCW is likened to facism.

  10. Like going to Kindergarten with unqualified instructors.
