Thursday, October 9, 2014



As per our Voter Guide No. 1, we were able to examine the voting records of current and past senators to get beyond what they say to what they actually DO legislatively when dealing with the issue of abortion.

For candidates without a voting record, we must rely on what they tell us. Fortunately, the organization Vote Smart Guam has already done most of the work for us. The group’s Facebook Page can be found here and its website here.


  1. Espaldon, Ada and Barnes are all very much pro-abortion. Ada cried when the informed consent legislation was passed in spite of his vote against it.

    1. I'm grateful to read what others know about the stand these senator-wanna-bees take when it comes to the obvious mutilating and butchering of God's beautiful unborn babies. If these people can ignore all the evidence pointing to the unborn as being bonifide human beings and still argue in favor of despicable laws that make destruction of defenseless, innocent human life, not even out of the womb yet, perfectly acceptable to allow on our island, can you imagine the kinds of laws they will support, based on whatever their beliefs are, for those of us already born, in spite of whatever evidence is produced?

    2. Good evening Senators.

      I know for a fact that word of mouth is a powerful thing. Going against the grain of Pro-Creation will lead to these so called Leaders of our Legislative regime to fall on their faces. I will NOT vote for those who are Pro-Abortion. Is there a hidden agenda behind their stance? Do they have a beef with the Catholic Faith that they truly want to retaliate through legislation?

      Before trying to help someone clean their house, how about you so called Senators clean yours? Mr. Ada, you know what I am talking about. ALL of you seem to find it convenient to come to funeral masses. Is it to pray for the dead or is it also politics. We know the answer. It is self preservation politics at its peak during election year.

      You Senators who come to these funerals to show your condolences need not worry about those who have already died, their fate is with God. How about those who are being aborted? How about that? Can't you take the stance of saving a life instead of praying for one that is already have passed away and not have your hidden polital agenda be at the forefront. I guess just as you see fit your election to office is partly or wholly a "survival of the fittest", those being aborted have nothing to help them survive other than the decision of the Mother and those mandated by law.

      Lets be real and show your true colors. Esperanza is going to show them either way. Your call Senator and those who are running for their first time. I pray you make the best faithful decision when voting. How appalling you all appear before the Catholic Faithfuls. Not judging by person, more so by your voting actions.

  2. On a side note - Jumping back to Fr. Adrian's celebration - I wonder if his boyfriend from Maina attended. I know the cool Fr. Pat was not invited because he is not one of them. Just curious!

    1. The boyfriend comment is low-blow gossip talk. Stick to facts and stop dragging people through the mud with gossip and hearsay.

  3. "Low-blow gossip talk" from Anonymous 12:07. If you are always factual, then why don't you print you NAME! Pendejo, you might just be angry because your boyfriend wasn't invited either. Or was he? I'm sticking with anonymous just because I like the sound of it. You got a problem?
