1987. Arrived on Guam. Came to Guam as a school teacher.
1987 to present. Contributing as a minister of music at Sunday Mass.
1987 to present. Contributing as a minister of music at Sunday Mass.
1987 to present. Contributed many articles and letters to local papers upholding and defending the Catholic faith as well as many appearances on TV and radio.
1998 - 2000. Wrote a weekly column (View from the Pew) for the Pacific Voice, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Agana.
2003. Helped cofound the local Catholic Evidence Guild to help stem the tide of Catholics departing from the faith.
2004. Cofounded Veritas Books to make Catholic books available to the Catholics of Guam, visiting churches every Sunday and making the books available for purchase after Masses.
2005. Opened John Paul the Great Book and Gift Shop to make the Catholic faith more visible and accessible in the market place.
2005 to present. Began the Catholic Adult Study Group, a group which meets weekly to study the Catechism if the Catholic Church and to study apologetics.
2008. Co-founded The Esperansa Project, a project dedicated to advancing pro-life legislation wherever legally possible and to raising awareness about Guam's status as the most dangerous place in America for the unborn. (Compared to the rest of the U.S. in an AUL study, Guam had the fewest legal protections relative to regulation of the abortion industry.)
2008. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, supported, and lobbied for a ban on partial birth abortion. Bill 374-29 Partial Birth Abortion Ban (signed into law)
2008. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce and supported a bill requiring informed consent for abortion. Bill 405-29 Informed Consent for Abortion (failed)
2009. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill requiring informed consent for abortion. Bill 54-30 Informed Consent for Abortion (failed after a two year fight)
2009. Began GuamOpenGovernment.org to expose the pro-abortion conspiracy in the Guam Legislature and to hold elected officials more accountable on all levels.
2009 With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill requiring normal medical care for children who survive a failed abortion. Bill 309-30 Born Alive Act (failed after a two year fight)
2009. Defended the Archbishop for his opposition to a bill which would legalize same-sex civil unions in public hearings, townhalls, public debates, and many times in the media. (Ultimately the bill was withdrawn)
2009-2010. Defended the Archbishop in public hearings, when he was the target of legislation relative to child sex abuse. (The bill was modified to not include a specific mention of 'Archbishop")
2009-2010. Defended the Archbishop when "windows legislation" was introduced which would have held the entire Catholic Church in Guam liable in a sexual molestation suit. (The bill was modified to hold only persons, not organizations, responsible.)
2011 - 2013. Wrote a weekly column (View from the Pew) for the U Matuna, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Agana.
2011. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill prohibiting abortion after twenty weeks on the basis that children of that gestational age can feel pain. Bill 51-31 Pain capable abortion ban (failed)
2011. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill requiring informed consent for abortion. Bill 52-31 Informed consent for abortion (passed with conditions on implementation after a two year fight)
2011. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill requiring parental consent for abortion. Bill 323-31 Parental consent for abortion (passed after a long battle)
2011. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill requiring the harm or killing of an unborn child as a result of a violent attack on the mother to be treated as a second criminal act. Bill 409-31 Unborn Victims of Violence Act (failed after a long fight)
2013. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill lifting the limitations on the implementation on the informed consent for abortion law. Bill 193-32
2013 - 2014. Author of the JungleWatch blog, chronicling the serious problems in the Archdiocese of Agana and essentially providing the only public venue for these problems to be heard.
2014. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill requiring normal medical care for a child which survives a failed abortion. Bill 195-32 A child's right to live act (passed after a long battle)
2014. With The Esperansa Project, helped introduce, support, and lobby for a bill requiring gestational age to be included in all abortion reports already required by law. Bill 412-32 (passed)
1987 to present. With my wife, raised and raising eleven beautiful Catholic children many thousands of miles from our homes of origin and our nearest relatives.
Most common question asked: What is your motivation for doing the JungleWatch blog?
My answer: I hate bullies.
Second most common question: When do you sleep?
My answer: Sleep?
A heartfelt Si Yuus Maasi to you Tim. Keep up the fight for Mother Church.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding us of all these. Not that it would have mattered to me. If you just have Junglewatch to your name, that would have been enough for me. Truth is an end to itself. But I know how important it is for those who keep bashing you. If only they open their eyes and see that you don't criticize just for the sake of criticizing. And if I may add. I don't know now when it started but you forgot the weekly Bible study that you afforded us. The discussion of the Theology of the Body that taught me a little about Pope JPll. The discussion of how to defend our faith (how to defend Mary against attacks, etc.) And this is why you were, along with other deserving people, conferred the Sepulcher of Jerusalem (sorry I don't know exactly the honor conferred to you but I know you were honored with one and which they unsuccessfully tried to take away from you using your blog against you.) Lest people think you are a bully yourself. Thank you, Mr. Rohr.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder about the study group. I added it. Fight on.
Deletego home it'snot your island
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm just here visiting my kids. 10 of them were born here.
DeleteAnonymous 3:37am - I'm sure you were referring to that jerk assigned to Chalan Pago church who enjoys taking pictures of OUR Chamorro teenage girls. That's right...it's that Brazilian dirt who hides behind the alter and thinks he's Mr. GQ.
DeleteSo sad that Tim has stand up for your people. 3:37, it's not your island either. You gave her up when you betrayed her. Go follow your false prophet.
And if your one of the foreigners who act like you run this island, fake priests, who think we have dry bones...leave our island, go to hell.
He is HOME and is family! Maybe YOU who won't even reveal your name should leave...maybe you could use a prayer or two to clear your clouded mind and bitter heart. May the Lord have mercy on your soul.
Delete3:37 jerk.
DeleteThank you Tim for all that you do and all the sacrifices you make. I also was not born here but have lived here more than 20 years and my children were all born here. Like you - this is my home. Like you, I have also been bullied but remain here because this is my home and this is the home of my children. I admire your courage. When I feel really depressed because of the bullying I turn to your blog for the inspiration I need to just keep my head up and keep moving forward and you give me the strength to do so. God Bless you.
ReplyDeleteThat is all you got 3:37? No one falls for that "not your island" stuff anymore. We are a melting pot of multiple backgrounds. Tim and his family have earned the right to be here more than you can ever conceive in your warped mind. The influx of other cultures has enriched this island, and improved the caliber and quality of life for Guam. Unfortunately the NCW transplant which insists on making Europeans out of the Islanders has been destructive. And oh, what have you done for "your" island lately anyway?
ReplyDeleteCan't thank you enough for all you have done and continue to do, Tim! Keep fighting those bullies!
ReplyDeleteThe big message I got from this resume is this: Time loves God and loves his neighbor. He's a fighter: for the Truth, for the defenseless, for those who have not found their voice. (Thank you for fighting so hard to protect the unborn.) He's also a teacher of the faith and has helped so many become more faithful Catholics. Whatever side of the fence you are on, Tim will not "go home" as directed by some on this thread. His roots are firmly planted because I feel he's one of those seeds that have grown on good ground.
Deleteand I met you & Leona shortly after your arrival when I requested your help with the Lytico/Bodig Telethon. You and she came to my home for a short visit and information on what exactly I was getting you into :-). I believe you had two beautiful daughters at the time, at least that's what I remember. Your assistance was and still is very much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteSince then I have been aware of the continued service/assistance you both provided without expectations of recognition or personal gain, all from the goodness of your hearts.
I could continue but I would need quite a bit of space to list all that you & yours have given to our entire island community. I must add your lovely wife makes some of the most "heavenly" pastries & those cakes that have passed through mine & my entire family's mouths still brings me joy! I don't believe I've ever thanked her for treats our taste buds celebrated, please allow me to do that now by my words here and will thank her again upon our next meeting.
We have not always agreed on certain issues but that fact did not change our mutual respect for one another, I find you to be an honorable man with strong family values you not only believe but practice as well..Like I stated earlier I could go on for much longer but instead I will state these facts as I see them: You, Leona & your family are an honor to have known, I can not thank you all enough for being exactly who you all are; kind, respectful and of great integrity. Please know that you are each appreciated and loved by many. We are honored to call you our friend and consider you all a part of our family. Sincerely, Debbie, Cory & family
Tim, on his own time and for no compensation, holds weekly Monday gatherings for those wishing to learn more about our faith. We have been reviewing Catechism and an honest exchange of any issues any of us bring up. His motive? Just want to assist those who want to be better educated in our faith a forum to discuss.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the resume? Defending yourself Tim...get real. You're the last person who needs to defend yourself, your family, or your damn controversial blog. You've been the closest friend to Apuron when he needed you most and lifted more weight in defending our Church than Adrian Cristobal and David Quitugua combined.
ReplyDeleteAnon at 9:20 AM, you must have missed the part when Apuron did not stand up for Tim's son when others suggested (as a cover up) that Tim's son was to take the blame for not replaying the broadcast of Apuron's rant. It was Apuron who betrayed the friendship with Tim. You see, betrayal is nothing new to Apuron when it comes to his ambitions and to cover his pompous ass.
DeleteThanks, Anon at 9:20AM. No, no need to defend myself. There was a reason I posted this which I will explain in a post tonight.
DeleteThank you Tim, and may God's blessings be abundant upon you and your family! You are in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteCoward 3:37. You go home!! Tim is home and my prayer is that he never leaves. People who call Guam home don't sell their soul to the devil. Please follow your devil Kiko and go back to his home. Which if you don't get my drift is hell.
ReplyDeleteTim, has for several years given free instructional time for all of those who wanted to increase their knowledge the Faith. I have been attending his sessions and found it very rewarding. In spite of his large family, Tim has taken the time to provide others with the opportunity to be more versed in Faith. This is the kind of individual Tim is.
ReplyDeleteI never met Tim Rohr but his example as a dedicated catholic working for the cause of truth and justice in the pacific is something that won my admiration. His personal witness to Our Lord, Holy Mother Church, and to the Catholic Faith, is an example to every catholic on Guam. Above all Tim Rohr has served Jesus Christ lloving in the Priesthood. When you care for priests as Tim Rohr has done, Our Lord will bless him and his family a thousand times over. One day Guam will honor this outstanding catholic layman.
Inspiring resume of commitment and devotion, thank you Tim for sharing and being a prayerful example!
ReplyDeleteI want to post my resume!
ReplyDeleteJohn C. Toves
October 2014 - Present Great Admirer of Tim Rohr!
Tim, you fight the good fight. Bless you always. You are my brother.
ReplyDeleteBut for Tim, NONE of the pro-life legislation which came into law in the last 10 years would exist today. This is not to say that others did not also help, including many who gave excellent testimony in support of legislation before the Legislature and others who contributed time and/or money to the effort. But Tim was the impetus behind every piece of legislation. Moreover, I have not known Tim to be self-aggrandizing. Indeed, his strength lies in part in the fact that he doesn't particularly care about what people think of him.
ReplyDelete~Shane Intihar
"Si Yuuse Maase Chelu!" "Si Yu'us un binendise"
ReplyDelete3:37, this is Tim's island...we've all adopted him and his family. Our culture always embraces those who stand and walk side by side with us and show great respect, He's earned his stay because he is real, truthful and doesn't care for liars.
ReplyDeleteSi Yuus in fan man bendisi hao chelu. Hu guiaya hao pot todu bidamu para I man katoliku guini gi tano Guahan. Biba Santa Marian Kamalin!!
giya yigo.
I would like to recommend to the 33rd Guam Legislators to adopt a RESOLUTION of COMMENDATION to ALL who are part of this grassroots movements of GUAM! TIM, CHUCK, And others to name a few. I called it. Let see who will introduce it. I hope it's VICE SPEAKER CRUZ!!!! And, when we people learn hiw to be decent human beings? I sit. I pray. I hope. I believe. Latga' HAMYO!!!
ReplyDeleteOi! The last thing we need (all due respect to the 33rd) is legislative intervention! Ha!