Dear Apostolic Visitors,
Please pay close attention to the following:
On December 6, 2011, the Archdiocesan Finance Council (AFC: Richard J. Untalan, Joseph E. Rivera, Msgr. James Benavente, Sister Stephen Torres, and Msgr. David C. Quitugua) was scheduled to have a meeting.
They never met. In fact, they were never to meet again.
On the agenda for December 6 was Item #5.
Item #5 was to be another discussion about Archbishop Apuron's wish to assign the title or control of the Yona Property (the old Accion Hotel) to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary (RMS).
An earlier request to transfer the title to RMS had already been denied by 4 of the 5 members of the AFC, with Msgr. Quitugua, the Vicar General and a member of the Neocatechumenal Way, being the only one in favor.
The problem was that Articles IX & X of the RMS Articles of Incorporation placed 75% of the control of the seminary in the hands of people outside the Archdiocese of Agana and inside high levels of the Neocatechumenal Way.
And, as the archdiocesan legal counsel would later opine, assigning the title or giving control of the property to RMS in any way, could pave the way for these stateside-based members of the neocatechumenal hierarchy to eventually lay claim to an asset valued between 40 and 75 million dollars. *
And, as the archdiocesan legal counsel would later opine, assigning the title or giving control of the property to RMS in any way, could pave the way for these stateside-based members of the neocatechumenal hierarchy to eventually lay claim to an asset valued between 40 and 75 million dollars. *
Upon hearing of the agenda a few days before the meeting, Archbishop Apuron, who was off-island at the time, wrote to instruct Mr. Untalan to take Item #5 off the agenda. Mr. Untalan complied.
However, even though Mr. Untalan had complied and removed Item 5, the Vicar General, Msgr. David C. Quitugua, on the morning of December 6, 2011, the day the AFC was to meet, sent an email to Mr. Untalan accusing him and the other members of the AFC as follows:
To deny the Archbishop this right (being present for the scheduled discussion), on the one hand, breaks communion with him and, on the other hand, represents a "vulnus" towards the Archbishop insinuating a form of disrespect towards his person.
Later that day, Archbishop Apuron sent a separate email to Mr. Untalan wherein he berated Mr. Untalan, saying he was "appalled" at Mr. Untalan's disobedience and demanding that the issue was not to"be discussed until I come home", and to "stop this nonsense."
Mr. Untalan, who had served the archbishop faithfully for many years, did not understand the viciousness of Archbishop Apuron's email and responded: "I am deeply hurt that you would accuse me of disobeying you and that I was creating nonsense..."
Remember, all this happened on December 6, 2011.
And now we see the incredible LIE that all this was.
All this berating and threatening by the Archbishop and the Vicar General of Mr. Untalan. All this saying that the issue was not to be discussed "until I come home". All this bull-crap from the Vicar General about their meeting being a "vulnus" against the bishop.
All this berating and threatening by the Archbishop and the Vicar General of Mr. Untalan. All this saying that the issue was not to be discussed "until I come home". All this bull-crap from the Vicar General about their meeting being a "vulnus" against the bishop.
It was all an incredible lie and pure evil that was dumped on Mr. Untalan, because on November 22, 2011, two weeks before their mutual berating and bullying of Mr. Untalan, and unbeknownst to Mr. Untalan...
Archbishop Apuron had already assigned the old Accion Hotel property to RMS.
Archbishop Apuron had already assigned the old Accion Hotel property to RMS.
In a DECREE OF DESIGNATION, notarized on November 22, 2011 and recorded at Land Management the same day, Archbishop Apuron decreed the following:
Note that Archbishop Apuron gives control of the 40 to 75 million dollar property to an entity controlled by the leadership of the Neocatechumenal Way for PERPETUAL USE. This means that the Archdiocese of Agana, that's us, has lost this valuable asset forever.
Even though the title remains under the Archdiocese of Agana, it can never be used for anything other than a seminary for the Neocatechumenal Way. And not only can it never be used for anything else, but because control of the property is assigned "in perpetuity" to a corporate entity which is NOT the Archdiocese of Agana, it can never be used even as collateral or accounted among the archdiocese's assets.
So while schools struggle to stay open and churches have to do bake sales to fix leaky roofs and Msgr. James gets dragged through the mud for owing a few bucks on a loan, Archbishop Apuron hands over a deca-million dollar portion of our patrimony to his neo-masters for-freaking-ever and for-freaking-NOTHING.
Thank you, Archbishop Apuron and Msgr. David C. Quitugua.
Thank you for crapping on us.
On January 11, 2012, Mr. Untalan and the other three members of the AFC who opposed the transfer (or assignment) of the property (Msgr. James Benavente, Joseph E. Rivera, and Sr. Stephen Torres), received a letter from the Arch-Deceiver, terminating their positions on the AFC.
Thank you Richard J. Untalan, Msgr. James Benavente, Joseph E. Rivera, and Sister Stephen. Thank you for standing up to this evil though it resulted in false accusations against you and dirty, ugly remarks from the Archbishop and his Vicar General. Thank you for doing what was right.
For Joseph Rivera and Richard Untalan, it was simply back to their private sector lives and on with work and life. For Sister Stephen, it was simply a quiet return to her convent and life as a nun. But for Msgr. James Benavente, the HELL for his opposition to Apuron's evil betrayal was just beginning.
And on July 25, 2014, it would come.
And on July 25, 2014, it would come.
And so our dear Visitors, today's news story in the Pacific Daily News says: Vatican officials to hear concerns.
Will you? Will you hear our concerns? Will you take us seriously? Because if you will not hear them, if you will not HEAR US, then you will READ about them in the papers for a long time to come.
Will you? Will you hear our concerns? Will you take us seriously? Because if you will not hear them, if you will not HEAR US, then you will READ about them in the papers for a long time to come.
* On November 27, 2011, the archdiocesan legal counsel, not knowing himself that control of the property had already been deeded away, opined to the AFC: "...'alienation' and 'assignment' are words of distinction without a difference. Any documents containing these words would place a huge cloud on title to real property which would result in a protracted litigation and prohibitive cost to remove such cloud. Do you really want to risk title to the property conservatively valued at 75 million dollars?"
This is astonishing! The question now is: Is the deeding of the property a "done deal?" Is it irrevocable? Or is it null and void because it was done without the advice and consent of the finance council and legal counsel? If it is irrevocable, does the local church (We the People) have any recourse? There is a big problem if we continue acting like sheep with the actions of current shepherds.
ReplyDeleteCivilly it's legal. Nothing can be done...yet. I can smell a class action suit, however.
DeleteThe Archbishop has betrayed us over and over again and caused so much division in our church. He must be removed for the sake of peace and for the good of the church. There is no turning back.
ReplyDeleteHow can they look at themselves in the mirror and still wear the collar. Is lying not a sin anymore. I guess not. Just remove all Holy days of obligation and there will no longer be any sins. No lessons learned from the story of selling your soul to the devil? Is the visit from Rome also a farce? It's starting to look that way. If those who oppose these charlatans cannot get equal time and an equally open mind then we may have to celebrate the real Mass in catacombs again. The Pharisees are in power. Hypocrites who know the law but do what they want to anyway. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church? Not anymore. So Neos, do you know now why we oppose you. Your leaders can look you in the eye and lie. But you don't care. Class action law suit sounds like a great idea. Time for silent protest to end.
ReplyDeleteThis is a poor shame but more poorer are the Catholics on Guam who have been ripped off of this gift to their Diocese. The smoking gun held in hand by none other than AAA. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteIt would be interesting to find out what "sales talk" was used to solicit donations for the Yona Seminary from corporate sponsors. Were the prospects told in so many words that it was for the good of Guam or for the good of the NCW?
ReplyDeleteWere these corporate sponsors made a fool of by Apuron? Or, in other words, DEFRAUDED by Apuron? Was Apuron soliciting donations for the Yona Seminary under false pretenses?
These sponsors should call Apuron and ask, nay DEMAND, an explanation! An explanation that can refute the Land Management documents.
This terrible situation could be fixed if Rome were to suspend ordinations at some or all Redemptoris Mater seminaries until the Deed of Restriction here was legally withdrawn. I see that phrase "in perpetual use" but there is no escape clause making that perpetual use dependent upon Vatican makes one think that they are setting up their own church.
ReplyDeleteWhat is "see" of Redemptoris etc....
DeleteThe term "see" normally refers to the area of a bishop's jurisdiction. However, the use of it in this deed seems weird. To give a seminary its own "See"?? But then again, this would fit if in fact the NCW is its own church, which we now know that it is. So stop giving money to it.
DeleteRepeatedly, Tony Apuron has shown the people of Guam that he is evil, dishonest, and criminal to the core. How can he claim to serve our God and our Catholic Church when his actions only prove that he serves Satan. When this black -hearted man leaves his life, he will answer for his sins and our Lord will cast him down to his evil master. Until then, we can pray for our Catholic Church and our people.
DeleteCorrect 7.35am. For over a year posts comments in Junglewatch simply have shown the pure evil of what is happening. Evil which has allowed disunity to take over our church.
I have to wonder how the other RM seminaries were obtained. Is the obtaining of seminaries left solely to the NCW or is Rome endorsing dioceses to give up property for these seminaries? Just wondering and I admit I am to the point of having little trust in anyone.
ReplyDeleteThe problem we have with our RMS is the Board of Guarantors who are empowered to have full control of the seminary. Other RMS's don't have one. Apuron was warned by his legal counsel NOT to include a Board of Guarantors for the very reason we are seeing played out now. Apuron insisted on the Guarantors because the Gennarini's insisted. The Gennarini's insisted because they knew they could control Apuron. So far I haven't found a similar corporate set up like our RMS in other RMS's. Their bishops are too smart for that. However, that doesn't keep the same 3 crooks from inserting themselves into the control of all the seminaries one way or another. Here's the structure of the RMS in Miami:
DeleteHow do you know that the other RMS seminaries don't have one?
DeleteArticles of Incorporation for any U.S. corporation are public documents.
ReplyDeleteWords fail me. Apuron no more trust in you.
This is a very odd instrument which uses very odd language. Clearly, AAA tried to convey the property away in a way that would not be perceived as a conveyance. That being said, it includes the word "assign" which may be legally sufficient to effect a fee simple conveyance of the property to the Neos. I would have to see the entire document to say for sure. As for a lawsuit, I think any Catholic registered in a parish in the Archdiocese of Agana would have standing to bring suit. But you'd better hurry. There may be an SOL that is running.
ReplyDeleteThe entire document is available at the posted link or go here:
DeleteWhat is SOL?
DeleteIf the archdiocesan legal counsel did not draw up this document, who did? Didn't Archbishop Balvo tell Archbishop Apuron this was not legal? That approval from the Holy See is also required in addition to that of the archdiocesan finance council because of the value of the property? How can this be a legal document if the required approvals are not in place?
DeleteOr did our Archbishop just play us ALL, selliing the Archdiocese down the river and setting up his own empire, thumbing his nose at us, singing "Ha! Ha! Nanny nanny booboo, nothing you can doooo"?
Whatever happened to the investigation initiated by Archbishop Balvo? As successor, does Archbishop Krebs have any answers?
And, many local Catholics will probably adopt this attitude believing wholeheartedly "God has allowed all this, who am I to oppose the will of God? It's like trying to stop a tidal wave. It can't be done. Best to get to higher ground and pray for your life.". Most local Catholics, especially the elders, truly believe it is a grave sin to speak ill of any priest, much less the archbishop, regardless of what they have done, that our duty is to pray for them and to be family to them for they have left everything behind for the sake of Christ and the Gospel and we need them in order to have the Eucharist. Chamorro Catholics have seen many scandals take place within the local church through the years, all of them covered up, apparently silence can be bought, and our contributions to our churches have paid for them all... Until now. Time for God's people to rise up, put on the armor of God, wielding the weapons of prayer, knowledge and righteousness. Saint Michael, defend us in battle...
at 9:39. SOL means Statute of Limitations or Sh_t out of Luck, which can be one and the same.
DeleteTo Anon at 8:33am. You sure sound like you know well what you are talking about, from a legal perspective. You must be either an attorney versed in real estate, a paralegal, or perhaps higher! Research the link that Mr. Rohr has provided you, and then tell us - do we (Catholics of Guam) have a chance for a class action suit? And then tell us how to file one! When would the statute of limitation (SOL) run out on us? Would you be willing to take up the case? How much would you charge? Contact Mr. Rohr through this website. I'll be watching this particular stream on his blog.
DeleteWe will be creating a separate post dedicated to legal observations on this issue. Thank you for your input.
DeleteTo the apostolic visitors from Rome - do not betray the people of Guam the way your entrusted shepherd has! The faithful of this island need you to take action AGAINST this Archbishop or there will be even more controversy and division! People have left the Catholic Church because of his dishonesty and lies and more continue to leave. How many more will we lose? What more do you need to see?
ReplyDeleteThis document is stunningly bad. I wonder whether this is incompetence by clever design (like the intentional violation of RAP in Body Heat) or just authentic garden-variety incompetence?
ReplyDeleteGarden Variety Incompetance nurtured and pruned becomes Clever Design incompetance. Good practice makes perfect. In my opinion this is beyond what Apuron can think of, It is clearly a design in the making by some organized expert deceivers in the NCW Heirchy..
DeleteWhat perfect timing ..I'm glad it made the papers during the visitor's presence in Guam..If anything, this exposure will point out to all those catholic faithful who are doubtful all that is happening at the Chancery. Thanks to Apuron, David Quitugua and Adrian Cristobal, Larry Clarios and Dominic Kim for giving away the store house of the Guam Catholic Church to foreigners. Job Well done...
ReplyDeleteThis is a close call. The document is sloppy, meandering and confusing. However, under Guam law, no magic words of conveyance are required to transfer real property; and fee simple title is presumed to be intended to pass by a grant of real property, unless it appears from the grant that a lesser estate was intended. 21 GCA 4202. Moreover, in spite of its title ("Declaration of Deed of Restriction"), the document includes by incorporation of the Decree of Designation language of conveyance. This may be just enough for a court to find that the document qualifies as an instrument of conveyance and that fee simple title passed to the Neo entity upon its execution by AAA. Of course, this transfer may still be subject to defeasance if it can be shown that AAA acted without requisite authority. Also, there may be fraud charges available against AAA and the Neos. It's definitely high time to bring suit.
ReplyDeleteListen to Fr. Pius Sammut talk about obedience again, but this time remembering the screwy actions and machinations described above. The Chancery is under the spell of this "obedience" and its officials were just doing what their catechist - Giuseppe Gennarini (Pius's boss) told them to do. Kiko says, "Catechumens are to listen!"
ReplyDeleteThank you chuck. Pius built his kingdom on Guam based on fear and threats. Breakdown of obedience is because of the abuse of obedience in the archdiocese. Guam priests and people are obedient and loyal but not when leaders abuse religious obedience. Let us be clear on the obedience issue.
ReplyDeleteClass action suite creates war. Our church deserves help by the visitors not contributing to war.
The visitors can discipline or remove Apuron, but they cannot undo a civil action such as a deed. Apuron would have to undo it. If he doesn't, then we sue. It would be the only way to get the property back, if at all. I will copy here the legal counsel's warning at the time this was done:
Delete.'alienation' and 'assignment' are words of distinction without a difference. Any documents containing these words would place a huge cloud on title to real property which would result in a protracted litigation and prohibitive cost to remove such cloud. Do you really want to risk title to the property conservatively valued at 75 million dollars?
And what special plans do you have mind IF you get this property back? You gonna buy it? Do you have interest in it?
DeleteProperty must remain in the complete control of the Archdiocese, iit's bishop and finance council. Can law is in place to protect everyone and prevent men like Apuron from doing what he did.
DeleteIf the instrument of conveyance is legally sufficient and conveyed fee simple to the Neo entity then neither AAA nor any subsequent archbishop can do anything now about the disposition of the property. The only chance would be to unwind the transaction through some manner of quiet title, conversion and/or fraud claim.
DeleteAt 6:23pm. That's a good question. How about turning part of it into a retirement home for retired priests and nuns? How about turning another part of it into a shelter for the homeless, abused, and endangered? How about turning another part of it into a real institute open to anyone who wants to study there? How about using part of it for a real seminary instead of the broken down digs down in Malojloj? How about using it for a retreat center for all of Guam's Catholics?
DeleteIn fact there is precedent for this. Back in the 80s when I was attending Loyola Los Angeles, the Jesuit seminary was moved from its palatial digs high up in the Santa Barbara mountains down into the Los Angeles inner city. The idea was that men wanting to work as priests amongst God' s people should be formed amongst them as well.
So instead of palatial digs and getting waited on hand and foot at the cafeteria, like the RMS guys do, the Jesuits-to-be lived humbly in the inner city, and often ate in nearby soup kitchens and homeless shelters.
The former palatial digs in the Santa Barbara mountains became a retreat center.
But the real deal is that RMS is Apuron’s and Quitugua’s personal retreat center, or shall we call it “hideaway”?
At 9:17. No, the title was not conveyed. The use of the property was restricted to use by the Neocatechumenal Way in perpetuity.
DeleteAnonymous (January 6, 2015 at 6:23 PM), it sure sounds as though you have been drinking a lot of the KAKA (Kiko ArgĂĽello's Kool Aid) that is served on "The Dianas" blog. Your questions regarding the property — You gonna buy it? and Do you have interest in it? — could have been a "cut and paste" from one of many rants of "The Dianas" about Tim Rohr and his role as a realtor.
DeleteAs you can see from his response — IF you bothered to read it! — Tim Rohr has absolutely no personal stake in what to do with the property.
In a recent PDN story, Tim was quoted as saying that the restriction of the use of the property as a seminary "makes the land valueless to the Archdiocese of Agana since it now can never be mortgaged, sold, or used for any other purpose." That statement was refashioned by "The Dianas" in a recent post as "Oh is about money again. Oh my.......Tim Rohr is thinking about mortgage, selling the property, or using it for other purposes???" implying that Tim Rohr was waiting to snatch the property for his personal gain.
No, Anonymous at 6:23 PM, contrary to the mindless and baseless claims by “The Dianas” the only “interest” Tim Rohr has in that property is to ensure that it is returned to the members of the AUTHENTIC Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Agana, away from the control of the NCW.
Yah, the Diana's are mentally crippled.
DeleteHi Tim. I saw the notification for the prayer walk. There are also two other prayer vigils that are being organized. Both will be held on Friday, January 9. The first vigil will be at 2PM at the St. Anthony Spiritual Center and the second will be held at 4:30PM at the Carmelite Monastery. Hope this helps to spread the word.
ReplyDeletewhen's the prayer walk?
ReplyDeleteI came across this when I was researching some of the posts/articles about RMS. Here's something Diana/Edivaldo/Holly wrote at that time:
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous Neo in Tamuning,
Aaron doesn't have to be an RSM-priest. He can join the Saint John Paul II Archdiocesan Seminary. There is one other seminarian there - Junee Valencia. The only reason Junee Valencia is the only one there is because he chose not to associate himself with the Neocatechumenal Way.
And there you have it folks! Straight from a neo's mouth - Junee (at the time) was the only one there because he chose not to associate himself with the Neocatechumenal Way.
WOW! And so Apostolic Visitors - what are you going to do about the FAKE JPII Seminary? About forcing local men to be neo educated in order to become priests? What are you going to do for men like Aaron Quitugua and Junee Valencia who want a real diocesan formation? Will Apuron be allowed to continue treating NON-NEOS this way? Will this injustice continue for our local men?
As Sharon O'Mallan said, "Please help us." And please help these men and perhaps, women who also want to seek a religious vocation, but are unable to unless they become neo and venture to New Jersey. Our people deserve priests who are formed and educated properly. Our local men deserve a better seminary education than what is being offered on this island.
This is utter bullshit. Apuron is a liar and a deceiver and the people of Guam are tired of it. He's worse than an evil politician. Archbishop? Really? At what point are you going to realize that you're no longer able to shepherd us. You sold your Apuron. You sold your soul to foreigners. For what and for how much? All to fulfill your self-gratifying manifestation as supreme leader of no one else but yourself. Your house, your properties, your car, your trips, your pizza night, your travel gifts, your watches, your shoes - this will not matter when you're hopefully removed from power and sent to the furnace of humiliation. We begged you. We pleaded with you. Save us. Save yourself. Save the church. Save our people. You'd rather turn your check. Lie to us. And force us to fend and defend ourselves. Enjoy these moments. You may last. But you will not last for long.
ReplyDeleteHi Nino! Remember when you let me drive your Lincoln even thought I didn't have a license yet. That was super fun. Can you just come and stay with us in San Francisco. That would be way better especially with everything that's going on. This stupid blog has a tracker but I'm not sure if it'll catch that I'm in California or San Francisco. Anyways dad is in Guam still and he better be helping you. Love you Nino!
ReplyDeleteHe's is on his way, Boy.
DeleteThe notary public who signed/witnessed the signatories on the deed, Aurora Martinez, is Neo (Barrigada community). This cult has every base covered, eh?!
ReplyDeleteMs Martinez NEO? Silly me, of course she is.
DeleteIf Guam Catholics file a class-action lawsuit against the personal assets of this apuron, we might have a chance at recovering illegally conveyed church property. It seems that he is solely motivated in amassing earthly wealth, and nothing else will bring him out of his stupor than the threat of his nest egg dwindling away and into the hands of the Mother Church. What a sorry excuse of ordination for all the unnecessary problems he created on Guam in order to placate total strangers. Shame, for shame indeed!
ReplyDeleteLooking back on old posts is good to do from time to time. You can see issues with 20/20 hindsight. You can view the issue from a different perspective. You can stare evil in the face with some objectivity.
ReplyDeleteIf we are not at "rock bottom" yet we are close. Then there is no where else to go but up! May each step in the picket line bring us closer to the day when we can say, "Thank you, Lord, for your guidance and strength. Bless us with much needed rest."