Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Earlier I was mocked for not really accomplishing anything, for just "having views", etc. 

I replied that I had accomplished quite a lot and then listed those accomplishments, but forgot to include my biggest accomplishment - exposing the annual lie that this archdiocese told to the Catholic Extension Society (CES) so it could soak it for a quarter of a million dollars every year and steal money away from truly needy dioceses. 

My exposition of this lie has caused the CES to dry up the funds to our money hungry chancery, and by next year, the full quarter of a million it got every year will be GONE. ZIP. ZERO. NADA.

But though it was I who wrote the CES with extensive documentation proving that the Archbishop of Agana was bilking poor people across the country out of millions over decades by faking a missionary status for his diocese, the real credit goes to Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron.

You see, once his RMS ruse was exposed, Archbishop Apuron knew he had to do something to appease the natives, so he started another "ruse", the JP2 seminary. But ruse or not, the move was death to the quarter million bucks he sucked out of the CES each year because one of the essential criterion for qualifying as a mission diocese and getting those big grants was evidence of the inability of this diocese to support itself. 

In creating a second seminary, Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron not only showed that the Archdiocese of Agana is more than able to support itself, he showed that we are even able to support two seminaries, one of which is actually a missionary seminary which imports and pays to educate more seminarians per capita than any other diocese in the United States. 

In my Jan 03, 2014 letter to CES president, Fr. Jack Wall, I argued that the Archdiocese of Agana could not be both a mission diocese (in need of outside assistance) and host a burgeoning seaside palace of a missionary seminary at the same time. 

It appeared they agreed, and CES funding has been cut, and by next year, will be cut to nothing. Of course we never knew what they did with all that money either. 

• Read my first exposition of the "mission diocese" ruse here: NO LONGER A MISSION DIOCESE

• Read my letter to the CES president here: LETTER TO CATHOLIC EXTENSION SOCIETY This letter contained 104 pages of exhibits. 

Now before you get all hostile about taking your money away, remember it was Archbishop Apuron who bragged to the pope about how great Guam was doing and how we are doing so well that we can even support two seminaries. So to take that money when we really did not qualify was lying and stealing. In the real world, executives like Apuron would go to jail for that kind of thing. Meanwhile, cold and hungry children on Indian reservations in the Dakotas will have a little more to eat today. 

It really is amazing what you can accomplish just by telling the truth, isn't it. 


  1. Still is nothing Tim.

    1. LOL. Check Sr. Marian to see if it is nothing.

    2. 9:50pm - $250k is chump change to you? wow, a millionaire in our midst! Or maybe you are one of those who benefit from the trashcan collections or from the scrutiny diaries confession.

      $250k could have built my parish CCD classrooms or fixed our leaky roof or renovate our bathrooms, but that's nothing to you people.

      Esta, nothing to talk about cuz its GONE!

  2. Really, Tim? A quarter of a million dollars every year? For how long? No wonder why they hate you so much! When I first read this post I was about to get peeved at you, but then as I read further, and especially after I read your re-post, NO LONGER A MISSION DIOCESE, I became angry alright. That is, even angrier at the real culprit- the Archbishop himself! You have really exposed this man as one of the biggest liars Guam has ever known. Now we can even call him a thief, robbing from Peter to pay Paul. Basta! No mas! Esta taya' salappe' para hamyu.

    1. It should read "robbing Peter to pay Pius"

  3. Oooh, Sr. Marian must be angry!

  4. Awesome job Tim! The archdeceiver is lucky the CES is not demanding that he return the money he fraudulently received. Please continue to expose AAA for who he truly is.

  5. That is good to know, but I am rather embarrassed for my island at the same time. I didn't know we collected that kind of money. It would have been nice to have used those funds to evangelize or reach out to the Catholic minorities in the Micronesia area (Chuuk, Palau, Marshalls, etc.) How about scholarships to Catholic schools for needy families? I could keep going on, but it would be rather depressing.

    If I donated to CES for the intent of reaching out to the poor and needy, I would be livid to know that my funds were going to a place like Guam. Ugh, I'm still mortified at the thought!

  6. Hurrah for you, Tim! The arch should be made to pay back all that money. Shame on him and his lying and deceitful ways. The anti-Christ is among us. Is this going to be in the media? I sure hope so. Bet the money went to his puppet masters.
    Eileen Benavente-Blad

    1. I heard that all the money went to pay salaries of staff at the Chancery. Can anyone verify if any of it went for a real cause, or just payroll?
      Inquiring minds would like to know.

  7. Will that hurt or affect the efforts of the Cappuchin friars who are here on Guam?

    1. No. Capuchins received none of that money.

    2. Tim, how would you know when you said, "It appeared they agreed, and CES funding has been cut, and by next year, will be cut to nothing. Of course we never knew what they did with all that money either?"

    3. LOL. You expect me to tell you my source? LOL.

  8. This was a comment from the post on my letter to the CES:

    correct. Over 600,000 USD a year is paid from parishes into the archdiocese of Agana chancery office. An archdiocese receiving that amount from parishes does not need to apply for funding to train seminarians. This money is used for some ministries yes, but has been largely used to pay salaries, and you will find archbishop, and other chancery priests have been accepting huge salaries. The archbishop should give a full accounting of every year he has served as archbishop of Guam. Then we will see the truth.

    1. Is there any truth to the rumor that the Archbishop has been very generous lately? Has he turned over a new leaf? Is he seeking to reconcile with the catholic faithful with quiet acts of generosity?

    2. Anon at 12:45 PM, the Archbishop needs to publicly come out and say so if he is truly trying to turn over a new leaf as you put it, otherwise the rumor that he has been generous lately false short of an apology and true remorse for all the anguish he has caused by his words and misdeeds. At this point I will call his so-called generosity a charade to make Rome stop breathing down his neck.

    3. Generosity takes many forms -- if in words and deeds, it's not really apparent at all. If monetary in nature, we should be concerned with the sources of funds and if it's occurring at the expense of other needs of the archdiocese.

  9. We want to know what is Sr. Marian's salary.

    1. And what ministries? I don't see any worthwhile programs coming out of the Chancery. I think the best thing they have done, if they did indeed do it, is bring Steve Ray out to Guam. We need more of that.

    2. what your salary TIM ? getting any free cemetery plots

    3. Not quarter million... But this will blow out her paycheck.


    4. Imagine her salary is between 36k to 40k yearly. Salaries paid to chancery staff substantial above US Californian dioceses.

    5. Like politicians, the salary is only a fraction of the story. It's the funds they control. Translation, their expense account.

    6. I noticed this little nun takes many trips to us conferences even leaving to one in march . Flys first class, stays in hotels, and even purchases business suits and shoes for religious conferences. Perhaps even these expenses re imbursed. At the same time diocesan seminarians and priests of the archdiocese are suffering. Shocking reality of Guam today.

    7. her salary is $24,000

  10. Tim, I know you don't care what the Neo's think, so justifying your actions to them is needless. As the Aussies would say "good on you" for all you have done, so far. Much left to do. To the "brave" Anon 2/24 9:50, shut up! Go find $250,000! The gravy train is leaving. Now your kind need to deceive the faithful to figure how to bilk, that means steal, that amount to remain in the lifestyle they are so used to. So they all of sudden force people to attend the 9:30 Mass and force us listen to someone, who could have been cured by Alcoholics Anonymous, call God crazy and pass the collection basket. Shame on you and your kind. Follow the 10 Commandments and you will not need to be Neo any longer. Thou shall not steal! After the money from the CES is stolen, does the Archbishop just go to the other Neo fake priest for pretend confession and think that he and all who have stolen the CES money are forgiven? You need to be truly sorry and repent before you are forgiven. The RMS is not a missionary Seminary! One of the priest they sent off has been back on Guam so long he forgot where the airport is. Talking to you, I am sure, is like talking to a wall. However, your ignorance or your ignorance by choice really gets my goat. Oh wait did you steal my goat too? So do us a great favor and leave the island. Take all your kind with you. I pray to Blessed Diego every time for that to happen.

    1. "Did you steal my goat?"

      That's awesome. I think a T-shirt with one of Kiko's scribbles and this emblazoned underneath would make an excellent gift

    2. If they stole your goat it's because they are being led by a goatherd instead of a shepherd. Perhaps an artist can do a painting of Kiko leading a herd of goats over the cliff.

  11. Sound of Music..Sound of Neos....with the Neo caught and Trapped family with songs like “Apuron’s favorite things”, “AAAlies”, “How do you solve a problem like AAA”, “Do, Re, Me myself and I”, “The Hill is alive with The Sound of Neos”, “2 million views Going on 3 million”.... I just can’t wait for “So Long, Farewell”

    1. Let us pray that when Pope Francis returns from his retreat he will address the issues/problems presented by the NCW in the Catholic Church. Praying that the Holy Spirit continue to inspire and guide our pope, that St. Michael give him the strength to battle and conquer the diabolical movements that threaten to destroy the Catholic Church.

    2. Very witty. Like it.

  12. The Church headed by Jesus is the One, True, Apostolic Faith which supports the Tradition of Faith handed down through the true lineage of popes. It is not compromised to please certain dissident groups. It is a faith which accepts the seven sacraments wholeheartedly, and firmly believes in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. It is loyal to the Pope.
    The church of compromise accepts only certain points of truth and compromises other points. They may choose names like the 'New American Catholic Church' or 'FutureChurch' or others. Compromise of the truth is from Satan--always. The problem lies in the fact that the dissident 'catholics' do not leave the Church; instead, they continue to call themselves 'Catholic' and try to change the truth from within.
    The average lay person must be forewarned then. Whole dioceses--even Chancery offices--have been taken over by Satan.* So then, when a well-meaning person calls for an official Church opinion about some matter, he may be given the truth or Satan's lies.
    You must open your eyes to see what is condoned within a certain diocese. Is the practice of New Age, occult practices, encouraged? Is money and power at the center of hearts, or is God's Law of Love?
    ~St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!



    1. Well said 10. 19am. Develop this point in your own ecclesial reflections.

  14. I understand that some of that money went to fund the Pastoral Ministries division of the Chancery. I guess the rest went to the RMS. Whew! What a racket!

  15. THEFT BY DECEPTION. See the criminal statutes of Guam.

  16. I feel sorry for the bishop who will succeed Apuron. He will be inheriting a financial, organizational, social, and spiritual mess the likes that Guam has never seen.


    1. Whoever inherits Our Archdiocese will have ten to twenty years to clean it up. Infact major operation begins after the present bishop.

  17. this is messed up. it gives guam a bad name. after shedding the "islas de los ladrones" label long ago, we all now have to deal with this.

    the fact is that the leadership of the archdiocese of agaña, whether we like it or not, represent our church in external dealings. what does it do to the reputation of the guam church when its leaders misrepresent us? we all suffer the damage.

    1. I think the Archbishop has brought embarrassment upon himself and it is HIS reputation that's badly tarnished, not ours. Praying for his removal.
