Wednesday, March 18, 2015


That means he'll be doing neo-only eucharists. Are you seeing this, Rome?

More to come.


  1. Wadeson. One in the same.

  2. He will now disappear into the NCW underworld.

  3. Where's Luis hiding?

    1. Check Tumon. The neocat is out of the bag and he's out there partying and hiding in plain sight. Call me Luis.

  4. Luis is probably sharing rooms with Wadeson at the RMS seminary. AAA should have suspended his faculties instead of merely restricting them. Also should have fired him instead of accepting his resignation. Again, a NEO coverup. I'm really concerned about Luis still ministering within the NEO communities. I have nieces and nephews in those communities.

  5. I suspect that at some point we'll here that the media attention to this incident is "persecution".

  6. He was "doing" a neo-only "faculty" at the beach, at the back seat of a vehicle!
    Yes, graphic detail, but so very true!!!

    Shows you the fruits of these neos and the product of RMS! Demons!

  7. DIANA IN DEPTH: " A few misguided priests does not represent the entire Catholic Church. There are many good priests in the Catholic Church. It is the same with the Way. One priest do not represent the entire NCW. There are many more good priests in the NCW. Furthermore, I am glad that Father Luis resigned. He did the right thing.". Waited all day for this. Worth it. ESL who wrote this Alberto?

    1. That is really the problem Diana. These seminarians are misguided by Pius, AAA, Adrian, David, Carmen and all the neo leadership. Luis' brother, Ashton, etc who provide their testimony are all proud of how drunk they are and all the many woman they have been with.

    2. Been repeating on this blog for two years. MORATORIUM ON ORDINATIONS FROM RMS. How com father Pablo Rector never takes any heat? Because he is a puppet, too?

  8. Wadeson was the "Formater"? Nuff said!

  9. They're neo. No need to pay any price or give to Caesar what belongs to Ceasar. Just echo and all is forgiven. F that. Crucify him! And make him an example for all the rest of those playboy presbyters.

    1. He doesn't have to be good. GOD LOVE HIM JUST AS HE IS. LET US PRAYERS.

  10. Luis will be on mission to San Francisco. More girl clubs for him there I guess.

  11. Zero tolerance huh? What does that mean in our Archdiocese...NOTHING when it come to Neo Priests.

  12. The parents of the minor that Fr. Luis had sex with should file criminal charges against Fr. Luis. If they do not take action to show their daughter that what happened was wrong and should be punished accordingly, and instead let it go, their daughter will think that what happened was okay except that they got caught. This is bad.

  13. Tim,

    We understand that the minor girl and their parents are all in the Neo. Wow. Fr. Luis Camacho must have been catechizing them, with extra attention on the daughter! This is horrible. I guarantee that the Neo powers will put pressure on this family to accept what happened as God's will and that this is part of their history, as I have heard many times when I was walking. This is such bullshit! Fr. Luis had a choice and he freely decided to destroy the life of this minor girl. This has nothing to do with God's will. God does not condone evil, although he would allow it as we have free will. Fr. Luis chose to use his position to take advantage of this girl. I mean, he was caught performing cunnilingus on the minor girl! Good God, is that what they were teaching him at the Neo Seminary in Yona? What else are they teaching there because it is surely not getting a bachelor's degree, let alone a Master in Theology. The archbishop is at fault for allowing the RMS to ordain men that are not prepared and ready for priesthood! What a disaster for Guam!

    1. What did he do to destroy her life? I'm stuck wondering if the was actual sexual contact.

    2. "he was caught performing cunnilingus on the minor girl!"....He learned that from OJ, in the "sucking the juice" part of OJ's talk.

      Seriously though, AAA doesn't "flog" this priest (or should I even call him a priest), or drags his name and his family out in public, humiliating them as like he did with Fr. Paul or Msgr. James??? Really???? SMH. I guess it's business as usual for the NEOs.

    3. Anon 7:33, In the famous quote from B. Clinton...."I did not have sex with that woman".....Sure, he didn't have sex. :P What would you call it when you see a man and a woman, half clothed in a vehicle....Home Study? Please..........

      Call a spade a spade.

    4. @7:33 AM The mere fact that this episode happened whether it was sexual or not can be very humiliating for anyone. Put yourself in this teen's place. How would you react towards friends? How would friends react towards you? Merizo is a small village and everyone who is anyone is related.

    5. @ &:33 AM. Reliable sources say that this is not the first time that Fr. Luis took the minor girl out. There are a lot of remote beaches down South!

  14. Wasn't the Archbishop showing off the fact that Fr. Luis Camacho is the first Chamorro priest coming out of his beloved Neo RMS? Something is wrong here.

    1. Edivaldo, step it up. Tell your torrid story. Don't let Luis hang out to dry. He's your brother.

  15. Can a priest resign from the archdiocese? Is he still a priest? He is a danger to children. What else is doing on at RMS? How about the others? We all need to watch to see who Neo priest are treated compared to non neo priest.

  16. Did Fr. Luis Camacho really "resign"? Or, was he was just "reassigned"? Where's the punishment for the crime?

    1. Resigned? Re-assigned? What about excardination? Obviously this person has not taken his vows to heart. It's all about personal intention and clearly he can no longer be accepted as Persona Christi in this or any community.

  17. It will be unfortunate if the NEOs Pius AAA etc pressure the parents not to press charges. Our island is invaded with evil

  18. Will somebody comment on the comment here in the blog that Fr. Luis had been in the seminary for 10 years. He is just 28 years old. I thought it takes only a few years to graduate from RMS.

    1. Mill has been accelerated. More, more, more. Convert China!!

    2. 10 years of privileged lifestyle when everything was thrust to him like royalty. All at the expense of Guam Catholics. Let these seminarians earn their keep by working for their education and lifestyle. Not even community service we hear about but constant free global travel, compliments of apuron and his lavish lifestyle. What a terrible waste of resources. No support for this questionable annual appeal until he gives proper accounting of our charitable giving.

  19. The big question is not what AAA will do, but what and how would Guiseppe do about the issue?
    a. itinerancy off island
    b. join the mission families
    c. move him to the seminary in and off the island

  20. Move him elsewhere so that he can violate other children at other parts of the world?

    Guam shall be known as the "pedophile priests mill" where sexual predators from all over and Guam can receive a white collar to make it even easier to victimize underage parishioners! Gives a whole new spin on "Buy Local"

    Additionally, the parents of the girl will not press charges? Because children are idols and should not be worshiped according to the Neos. This translates to me, a regular Catholic, that children are worth nothing to the Neos! Crazy!!!

  21. AAA will never fire a neo presbyter. He's only out there to rid of this island of Catholics.

  22. Bonk away in a car ............ Restricted faculties.
    question Apuron................ Remove faculties.

    Do you see the problem? Apuron is not a nice guy.

  23. Most sex scandals Apuron covers.. But now harder to do so die to social media connections.
    The man is a scandal to the International church.
