Wednesday, April 15, 2015


What for? Rome already told him he couldn't sue. Hush money? For the Camacho thing? Heard Cashee was all tapped out. Mommy and Daddy saying no more cashee? That means no more cashee in envelopees. JPII Malojloj ready to crashee. Don't think Cashee will bail it out-ee like RMS-ee.


  1. Tim, tough girl going to get you. GOOD EEEE.

  2. Anymore for one more SAGEEE?

  3. Saturday night Bingo coming soon to a parish near you!

    1. 3-cock derby at the Chancery. Texas hold 'em and dice table on the side. Yes! Let's do it!!

    2. Let's do it at the Accion Hotel drinks by the Olympic pool !!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  4. Been missing bingo. B- 9,, bring it on....along with same sex marriage, casinos and all the other stuff Archie could give a sh-t about now!!! Boomtown.


    1. Cashee's cashee is in Louis Vuitton bageeeee! No insulteee.

  6. Right, so instead of dealing with important issues such as this same sex marriage thing, he's still trying to exonerate his beloved ncw.
    HOW SAD AAA! The flock has gone run rampant and you do nothing! All on your watch!


  7. Where is cashee cashee. Not seen today?

    1. Japan. Seeing about bringing in a cool 7 million for Apuron.

    2. Cashee upset! People bothering Archbishop. Don't bother him!! He is Archbishop, not you!

    3. Buying up Dededo properties. Passive cashee. Busy, busy cashee, cashee.

    4. Now I wonder why Apuronee wants cashee cashee to bring in several million ee ?

  8. What exactly is the relationship between cashee cashee & friend?

  9. Archbishop? Cashee all over small island bragging. Bet you are sorry. Maybe not. Sorry doesn't seem to be part of your make up.


  10. Cashee cashee talks it is all over Guam .

  11. Cashee, cashee, no teachee, teachee, Archee, Archee, to playee, playee, kimchee, kimchee bakabaka?

  12. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR$TUVWXYZ = The alphabet according to AAA!

  13. Archie loves the cashee from the trashee baggee every time the NEOS have a Saturday night partee! Everybody clap clap and throw the cashee in the baggee for Archie and his cronies!

  14. I don't get it. Who is "cashee"?

    1. Cashee, cashee, givee, givee, to many, many, projects. She knowee, knowee, how to controleetrollee the churchee, churchee. How MARILEE, MARILEE, SHE ROLLS AROUND. SOGEE ANYONE.


    2. Cashee cashee...... Knows private cell line.......Apuronee......talkee talkee .

  15. Cashee is Kimchee!!

  16. Is this like the song, O Maria...? Like Maria in Hong Kong but Korean. Maria Hong Kong minus the Kong.

  17. I dont get it either who is kimchee and cashee????

    1. AAA's Sugar Momma. Sorry, can't use her name here. But lots of cash from her to AAA, or so she likes to tell everybody.

    2. @8:04AM. why don't you ask the two STUDS who accompanied AAA to Korea to see the Pope?


    4. @3:44 pm How right you are! No free Casheeee!!!!!! Plenteee talkeee!

  18. Hey Archee?!? How you know like use Japan make car no more? Before you verrry happy with LEXUS SUV...oooo big one car. Always make a nephew drive before. Now you only like Korea car from Suga Momma. Makee sure you include in report where you get biiiiggggg lushury vehicle Hyundai Equus....with masaaggee feature in back seat. And you makee sure to remove those towels make a you car look very ugly. I like to see monthyl payment booklet cause there is none...all casheee.

  19. Dear Archbishop, the blogs from this posting reflects, not only extreme frustration, but a clear expression of the degree anger vented by your flock, whom you abandoned and ignored. These voices is a clarion that echo’s their wish for you to step down so stability and healing can replace the chaos, embarrassment and division that exists in our Church. Rome, so far has been deaf to our cries and this has been most frustrating to us. You can remedy this situation by stepping down immediately. You can once again begin to bring peace and healing to your abandoned and disappointed flock. Please pray for The Holy Spirit guidance and counsel. You may earn back some of the respect that has been lost.

    The problem is not with the Neocatechumenal Way, for they have been here and co-existed on Guam for 30 years. The problem is by your action to be an active member of the NCW Movement while you abandoned the rest of us. You have allowed the Way into leadership within our parishes. Your further gifted what belonged to the Church and gave it for the perpetual and exclusive use for the formation of Neo clerics.

    The most appalling to me however, is that there is a dastradly master plan to TRY to convert (not going to happen) Guam Catholics to the Way. I must admit it was ingenious, because we are a very trusting people and would have no ever have imagined that you, our spiritual leader would do anything that will compromise our faith. However, once the plot was exposed, the “scales” fell from our eyes and lo and behold, we see 8 parishes taken over by Neo clergy, and the rest will soon follow unless we say “no mas”. You have 44 Neo seminarian presently under formation for Guam, in a few short years, all of our parishes will have presbyters, I am grateful for Junglewatch for exposing this devious scheme. We would have seen as surprised as Rip Wan Winkle waking up from a deep sleep to find out that conversion happened under our noses, because someone we trusted engineered it.

    To continue passivity means agreeing to the removal of Diocesan and Franciscans parish priests. Please inform Kiko and his cohorts that Our Faith is based on the teaching and practices of the True Church and nothing you or he and his movement could do can ever change it. Send him this message in the strongest terms that we Catholics are resolved to do whatever is necessary to retain our Catholic Faith it has existed unchanged for two thousand years and will not ever be changed.

    The battle to rid our Church of the intrusion of the Neo teachings is a battle that we are committed to fight for how long it may take. Build your own churches, staff them with your own clerics, teach your faith, but stay out of ours. We have co-existed with other religions because they worship in their own churches. One more thing, the seminary that was gifted to you by the Archbishop please return it. It belongs to the Catholics of Guam for the training and formation of our own clergies.

    Archbishop the preverbal ball is in your court. I pray that you do what is right for you,

    1. Excellent message!! Praying that sanity will return to our archdiocese. Thank you Thomas for writing this!

    2. He will never quit NCW. Never.


  20. Excellent comment 10.56am. Frustration turns to anger. Not good for the church.


  21. Ironic , Diana preaches respect for Fr.John Waseson but at same time shows no resect towards Fr. Paul or Msgr. James.

    1. NEOs are indoctrinated to believe that either your in or out of their community circle, and if your outside that you are predestined to be their Judas. They don't care for Judas, but find them useful and will say anything convenient to keep them placated. Bottom line, don't trust what NEOs say, rather what they actually do.

  22. Yes, better to return Yona property now, not later. To be used IN PERPETUITY by the archdiocese. Remember, Archbishop, you will not be here on earth in perpetuity. But your evil deed will be!

  23. It seems to me, thus far, that all these pleas and requests to AAA to do "what's right" has fallen on death ears. The old goat WILL NOT budge! So then the question becomes what can we do, ourselves, to get past AAA and his plan to take over our parishes and replace our beloved priests with NEO presbyters? Can we not get the authentic, non-NEO priests to celebrate the Eucharist (mass) at a new time, different than the regularly scheduled masses? Let's just not attend those masses and have our own. We can bring our own bread & wine and everything else needed. Of course them locking the church doors will be a problem, but what's the worst that can happen should we show up for a separate mass? Will our beloved priests be stripped of all faculties; will they be stoned/flogged? I don't know, but something's got to be done ... AND SOON! Lots of energy wasted on trying to talk sense to the donkey's a$$. As if he's going to lend us his ear! I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I REFUSE TO KOWTOW TO THE MAN CALLED TONY ANY LONGER!

  24. Thomas Tanaka April 16, 2015 at 10:56 AM Tom, my friend, I can't thank you enough for sorting out the chatter and jabs on this page and defining what it really is and what it exists. I think AAA needs to come to grips that a position, power, and title necessarily bring respect. He is a living example of how not to destroy a position, power, and title to become a thing of ridicule. It is sad, hurtful, and, perhaps more importantly, brings despair and disillusion. I can think of little more that would lower him in the eyes of his "constituents" (can't use the word flock any more, we are, for the most part, gone)

  25. I apologize to Mr Delgado but informed my family not to vote for him because all of winnings will end up to the archdiocese of agana.....meaning the AAA...nope sorry can't do it!!!!

    1. hmmm, i thought guam's archdiocese was no longer viewed as an underserved, overseas mission since there was obviously enough money to fund two seminaries....and so the catholic extension was no longer going to provide funding to guam. or am i mistaken about this? in any case, i am also wondering about this award, seems like a rigorous enough process but then is it truly based on which finalist receives the most internet votes in the end? like american idol or something like that? i'm sorry, i don't see the merit of that kind of award. i,too, am wary of this archdiocese reaping the benefits of mr delgado's heartfelt and hard work for the church...must be another way to award or recognize this gentleman for his efforts.

    2. My understanding is that the $10,000 that finalists win are considered "restricted funds" because they go directly to and are to be used specifically for the program that Mr. Delgado was
      nominated for. He does extraordinary work with the youth and this money would allow him to focus on more programs and activities for the kids and less on bake sales and car washes to fund future programs. Support his efforts. I understand your concern, but it would be a shame to let the good guys suffer because we want to teach the bad guys a lesson. He has my vote.

    3. I admit that Mr. Delgado has done much with the youth of Sta. Teresita, however the fact that he is godfather for over 400 of them, makes a mockery of the role of godPARENT. I mean seriously, that is the same as having 400 children! It further saddens me that the pastors of this parish have never said anything about it. We as a people need to take this role more seriously, perhaps then we won't have so many "catholics" supporting same sex marriage,abortion and the like.

  26. 3-cock derby...all the RMS Seminarians will be in the front row salivating. Lol...for sure, for sure!!!

    1. David was supposed to be the referee but his asthma has been bothering him. Larry was the bet caller. Adrian was supposed to fight first but pulled out when Larry was motionong to him and yelling "side short".

  27. I'ver received a lot of comments about Kevin Delgado and his nomination, both pro and con. It has turned into a distraction and I won't be posting them.
