Monday, April 27, 2015


It is time to begin showing our faces. 

Join others tomorrow in front of the chancery gate at 7:45am for a combination of prayer, picketing, and protest. 

Be not afraid! 


  1. There is a joke that goes around the communities of The Way. Kiko is on his deathbed and a group of his followers visit him to tell him that a Pantheon is being built in Israel to bury him like a Patriarch. Kiko sits up, smiles sarcastically and answers, ‘Don’t complicate life, brothers; for the three days that I’m going to be dead?’

    1. I love that joke, although I think kiko would love to top three days...he will rise just after two days. Scary thought really, but ncw will devour that news without doubt or question.
      Seriously, history has proven that they all fall. Dictators get their wish after much destruction but never get to the end goal...they die horrible deaths unloved and detested.

  2. A refreshing thought is that Kiko's death must see great changes in the working and influence of the movement. But he looks dreadfully healthy at the moment. The picture of him that the El Pais website carried with the article suggests a powerful and charismatic personality. I'm reminded of Hitler by it all.

  3. Why don't you guys pray in the chapel instead outside?

    1. Because it is the "great mission" :)

    2. TIM JONES }:-< ======== don't drink the Kool Aid, don't be afraid!!!

    3. Fr. R. Can't sleep. Skeletons making too much noise in the closet.

    4. Fr. R spent lots of nights in Jonestown Tamuning, didn't he? He says so that he could be closer to the hospital. LOL. The woman with lots of lemon trees. Squeeze and pucker!

    5. Who is Fr. R?

    6. Readers concerned over Fr.R. Pray children are safe from possible danger.

    7. Nah. He likes older women.

    8. Is that the widow in Jonestown with lemon trees and Japanese grass?

    9. used to work for pretty bank.

    10. I really think many of you need to worry a little less about the Archbishop and what is happening to the church and more about yourselves and your souls. The comments above are terrible and irrelevant. Wake up people!! Tim is no better than Kiko. He's a smart man who knows history. The best way to the top is to divide and conquer. He may not be the cause of the division, but he sure is making sure it is alive and well. You don't agree? Read through the comments...if his goal was to protect the church and his faith, he wouldn't allow such nonsense.

    11. If that were true then I wouldn't have published yours, now, would I? What you're saying is that the people on this blog are too stupid to think for themselves and they're all just following my lead. LOL. Funny, you probably had nothing to say about the division that was going on in the diocese for 20 years before I said something. You probably had nothing to say about Fr. Paul being illegally and immorally kicked out of his parish. You probably had nothing to say about Apuron speaking filth about Fr. Paul to his other priests. You probably had nothing to say about the division in the church caused by Apuron's immoral ouster of Msgr. James. Right. You have nothing to say.

    12. I am supporting the truth as I know for sure. This I do for the sake of my soul and its eternal life.

    13. Anon Apr 28 at 2:31pm There is only One Truth and you do not get to make your own interpretation and definition of what is The Truth, as you feel you know it. Will pray for your soul.

    14. 11.11am of he likes older women so be it. But if we discover he is a danger to children another issue. SNAP

    15. so this is all about Fr. Paul and Msgr.james Right????????

    16. Where did you get that idea. Nothing was said about Fr. Paul and Msgr. James. This is about Apuron.

    17. @1218, I assure you we ARE awake, and we can think for ourselves; unlike you Neo's that are told what to think, what to say, what to do, or else. How pathetic. And what you say about Tim, you know that you really mean Kiko right.

  4. My fear is the man is evil incarnate and will not perish from the earth and, perhaps has been around since the beginning of time.....

  5. Everyone should read the article. It's really scary. We are witnessing the devil in action. I guess we had Adolf Hitler in the 20th Century and now Kiko Arguello in the 21st Century. We all really need to pray more!

  6. Yes. Show your faces so everyone knows who should be excommunicated.

    1. Really. Excommunicated? That's kinda strong word there. Excommunicated because of what if I may ask.

    2. Oh boy. Another psuedo-Catholic shows their contempt for the "persecution" they face and ignorance to the reasons for the cause under the dreaded name "Anonymous".


    3. Yes. Gaze upon the face of your Vindicators right before we cast you out into the darkness where there will be wailing, gnashing of teeth, and guitars and tambourines...

      LOTS of guitar and tambourines.

    4. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."- Inigo Montoya

  7. Some of us need to be at work by 8. We will see you at the rally! Do you have flyers we can tape to our cars? If not, we will make our own banner.

  8. Shut up Adrian! You fool! You love that word excommunicated, don't you? You just wait, your time will come. You'll see.

  9. @ 9:03...excommunicated? By who? Apuron/Kiko/Satan? Hahaha, better that than to knowingly follow the evil works of AAA and his puppet masters, so that in the end we may hear God say..."Welcome home my good and faithful servant".


  10. Any photos of this mornings rally for international readers.

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaApril 28, 2015 at 4:31 PM

      Anonymous (April 28, 2015 at 11:06 AM), here you go …

      Just click on the link and you will see a small but determined Army of CHURCH MILITANT who made their presence known today. I hope they will be present again on Sunday 3 May at the Cathedral-Basilica.
