Wednesday, May 20, 2015


What a sick megalomaniac narcissistic sad little man this Kiko is. "Sufferings and persecutions"????? WTH? Tell that to the Christians who are being nailed to crosses and burned alive by ISIS.

ZENIT: What meaning for you does this recognition from the Catholic University of America have with this conferral of the doctorate in Theology honoris causa upon you and Carmen Hernández?

Argüello: Well, after many sufferings – we have always been persecuted because it is difficult to accept a charism from lay people - it is consolation that the Lord has given us.


  1. suffering? what does he know about suffering?! for sure he's egocentric, not Christocentric. his icons even betray that! tragically, he drags his followers down with him.

  2. sufferings, aka, still having to fly commercial aircraft to go on worldly tours, vs having our own private jet like the president.

    1. The brothers are robbed of their mileage too. Learned from Brother Tony.

  3. This doctorate is very important because basically it is an endorsement of the Way by the Conference of the US Bishops because this University is under the Episcopal Conference.

    1. Right. You mean the same U.S. Bishops that advocated theological dissent from Humanae Vitae:

      "So, the bishops did approve of limited dissent from papal teaching in faith and morals."

      No thanks. Bishops only have authority insofar as they are in complete communion with the full Magisterium of the Church including the whole deposit of faith on the matters of faith and morals. Outside of that, their opinions can be discarded.

  4. Sufferings - when the lobster and cigars are just not up to scratch

  5. Yup, saw Pizza Pie and friends at Hilton many times. Yum, yum. Good friends, good food. That's the way!!

    1. What are the charitable undertakings of the brothers. Can we have an U Matuna display? That doesn't include car washes for your own pilgrimages.. Anyone see the seminarians breaking a sweat for typhoon recovery?? Why don't they open hotel for homeless after storm. Let's hear the defense.

  6. Q. - What has been the response of the rabbis?

    R. - Fantastic! Fantastic! Rabbi Brodman, one of the most important rabbis, said: "This is an event that shows that the Messiah is coming." Then they said wonderful things: they loved the beauty of Domus Galilaeae that welcomed them ... then the songs. We danced, because these days it recurred the end of Lag Ba'omer, is a time of mourning commemorating the sacrifice of Rabbi Akiva. There is a moment, when it ends the Lag Ba'omer, in which they do a great fire in all the synagogues and dance. We did it here, dancing together: cardinals, bishops, and all rabbis. It 'was exciting! They could not believe their eyes to what was going on. It's really an historical fact. So they want to continue this relationship with us. One thing that most impressed them was the passage of the faith to new generations, because they have many problems on this. Young people, in fact, become secularized. We screened a video that explained how the passage of faith is done in the Way. They were impressed on how parents can explain to their children the Word; how they ask them: what does this Word say to you today in your life? They remained so impressed and want us to help them in this.

    The director of Domus Galilaeae, the center of the Neocatechumenal Way in Galilee, Don Rino Rossi, one of the organizers of the event, explains the highlights of this historic 'meeting.

    1. What is this??? Diana the know it all said Domus does not belong to NCW. How can it be the center. And how is it Israel allowed this expansive land purchase? It is extremely difficult with red tape to build on Holy sites....more corruption??? $$$$$$$$$ Diana, liar liar hair on fire.

    2. Fantastic!! Magic word of Pius and seminarians who emulate him. Fanthasthik. Not.

    3. Each neo community on guam has their own bank account.

    4. Idk where you get that information Tim but ok.

    5. Well since you probably don't even know where to find a copy of the statute - since the official ncw website actually hides it - permitting only the obsolete 2002 version to be accessed - it looks like I'll have to help:

      Art. 4 § 2 of the NCW statute permits the bishop to erect an NCW autonomous diocesan foundation, with juridical personality, regulated by its own statutes, recognized by civil authorities, and through which money and property may be channelled.

      However, in addition to this, individual communities have established their own bank accounts.

  7. No, Tim, we who walk do not have anything. It is not allowed by statutes. No Bank accounts.

    1. Have you ever read your statute? Obviously not.

    2. Doesn't pay to be civil to Rorh!

    3. I see. So you can't answer the question so now you throw stones. Sad. Your statute in fact does permit the NCW to acquire, hold, and distribute material goods, so you obviously haven't read it. By the way, learn to spell my name. That would be a start at being civil. maybe use yours. Civil. LOL

    4. @2:56PM, "WE who walk do not have bank accounts...not allowed by statute." Do the "WE" include the doctors, lawyers and Indian Chiefs who walk in the NCW?

    5. No bank accounts, just unmarked trash bags.

    6. learn to spell your name??? satan, adversary, the devil walks like a roaring lion,seeking whom he may devour.'' 1 peter 5:8 loving you Tim }:-<>

    7. Just out of curiosity, if the Archbishop joined the NCW and is in a community, who is his catechist? What is puzzling, is, after so many years of formation he needs a lay person to show him the way? So confusing..may as well have the catechist say the Saturday celebration...all for one and one for all.

      Hope kimchee doesn't see the picture if it is truly the Arch taking a dip...

    8. Uhhhh, ohhhhhh. Tough girl.
