Monday, August 24, 2015


After at least four years of walking in the Way, two years after their first scrutiny, and on the eve of their second Scrutiny, Kiko and his catechists still treat their community members as if they are infested with demons.



  1. Come, now, Brother Tone, have you been brutally honest with you community? You know, about your past life, the demons , and all.??? Hmmmm? Why do we doubt it.? Or is it just me? Anthony, the proud. Somewhere along the line the truth will be known. What will your catechist say? Or does he already know? Your responsible? How many of the "brother" know? The sorry truth. Anthony Sablan Apuron walking in the way. Something is seriously wrong here.

    1. Honesty was never a strong character trait for Tony. The grave mistake was the faithful not speaking out and exposing him early on before he was made bishop.

    2. Seriously wrong . Yes. Lived double life.

  2. So the second screwtheeny is rigged to make one believe that ONLY the Way makes it possible for a person to receive God's graces, that anything else before the Way doesn't count. Try telling this to the saints and and martyrs in heaven who are there before the NCW was formed. Ha!
    Oh, and let's not forget that they are digging deeper into people's pockets at this stage. FOOLS and SCOUNDRELS!!

  3. Thanks for the work you do to keep us informed, Chuck and Tim.

    Is there any other lay formation program that goes through similar procedures with its members? Or is the NCW unique in this method? I can't imagine Rome approving of this unless it was presented in a different way. I wonder if Rome really knows what is going on. I guess that is the problem - give Rome one version of your activities and do whatever you want the rest of the time. When visitors arrive be on your best behavior, when they leave go back to things as usual. I wish Rome whole examine what the NCW does, not just what it says it does.

    1. Rome cannot police the Church worldwide. This is why bishops and cardinals are given so much power and leeway. We are experiencing problems on Guam because we have a shepherd who abuses his power and allows the NCW cult to take root here while Rome fiddles. Rome may step in if something really drastic happens to embarrass the Catholic Church.

    2. Our archbishop has already embarrassed the Catholic Church by bowing down to Kiko and his cult and falsely accusing our local priests. What worries me right now is that the archbishop will put out a statement saying that our Lady of Kamalen was stolen again under his watch during the CB renovation. The Catholics of the island need to stand up and take ownership of our faith and pray. May God bless Guam and May God bless you. In Jesus Holy name.

      James T.

  4. Sounds like this scrutiny is leading to the process of exorcism.

  5. The Neocatechumenal Way exercises its most egregious examples of psychological leveraging and sectarian techniques at it's Scrutiny Convivences and the rites following the Second Scrutiny. Click here to see links to other posts on these Scrutinies.

  6. A new apuronic scam is afoot! A Catechetical-Liturgical Conference on September 05! Another coerced "archdiocescam activity" costing $30.00 per participant. Another questionable event to feed his lust for fundraising money!

  7. Another of Kiko’s tactic of instilling fear into the hearts of the vulnerable and then springs his deceitful scheme to drain all the demons from these poor people’s bank accounts. Lets compare what Kiko teaches against what God says in Sacred Scripture:

    Kiko: “In fact we have many burrows within us where demons are squatting and hiding.”
    Scripture: "sin is a demon lurking at your door, his urge is towards you, yet you can be its master." Gen 4:7
    Kiko: “We silenced them with the Word, with the songs, and with the Gospel. We have rendered them inoperative…We want to get to those dens and throw them out, we want to flush out demons.”

    Scripture Says: “Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.” Eph. 6:11
    “In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. “Eph 6:17
    Kiko like his protestant (Lutheran) predecessors teaches that man is 0+sin, with no special dignity.
    Scripture tells us quite the opposite: You belong to God children, and you have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 Jn 4:4

    Kiko seems to place a lot of emphasis on “We (NCW)” as being the source of power to cast out devils, scripture on the other hand tells us that it is by the power of God, that we can do these things.
    Why should we believe the teaching of Kiko over Sacred Scripture ?????

    1. Because AAA and his weak leadership at the CB do? Pathetic!

    2. Next thing that we're going to hear is Kiko was born to preach the gospel to the poor (you will be poor if you keep giving him your money), laying his hands on the sick so they can get healthy and even raise the dead. Who the heck does this man think he is? The Son of Man? More like the son of Spanish immigrants. He's just trying to reform the biggest church in the world for his own personal agenda and beliefs. Let God speak to you when you read His Word and don't let a simple man interpret it for you. The Bible is the Living Word of God. Kiko's interpretations are NOT!! May God bless all of you that read this and may He also open your eyes and ears to finally realize that He never forgot about you. Peace.

      James T.


  8. God help our church our island home.

  9. discerning faithfulAugust 25, 2015 at 4:37 PM

    Faithful of Guam, we CANNOT BUDGE from carrying out our NON-SUPPORT and NON-ATTENDANCE approach as our response to this so-called “catechetical conference” scheduled in September! We cannot compromise nor budge because our war cry and message to the Archbishop, Fr Pius and Kiko (founder of the neo church) needs to be loud, consistent, unwavering and unhesitating!

    That message is this: we will not conform nor acquiesce to any neo-catechetical religion or practices nor a neo reinterpretation of authentic Catholic teachings. You can also be sure, Archbishop and Fr. Pius, that we will not fall for your covert initiatives, deceptions or underhanded endeavors; nor will we continue our financial support or attendance of any and all archdiocesan events and celebrations until such time that we are assured (and it is transparent to us beyond any doubt) that our authentic Catholic Faith and Church in our Archdiocese will not be bamboozled into the ncw church and ways, and that our Catholic parishes will not be forced into a neo take-over!

    We take a strong position in the midst of this war and division within our archdiocese because we are bent on preserving our Catholic Faith and our Catholic Church, as we know it today. All other practices which not only deviate from The Teachings of Christ, but has origins in other than Jesus Christ are not authentic Catholicism and most of all, are NOT in the Fullness of the Truth which is found only in the authentic Catholic Faith Teachings.

    Faithful of Guam, this is but one battle (among many coming our way) in this war. By not attending this Catechetical Conference, by not promoting nor supporting it and most especially, by not forking out our $30 toward it we spotlight our unwavering and steadfast opposition to a sly neo take-over of our Catholic Church and Faith on Guam which is pressured and forced upon us by Kiko, carried out in docile servitude by Fr. Pius and kowtowed by Archbishop Apuron!

    1. The Archbishop isn't even going to be on island for the Catechetical Conference. He has his own conference in Jerusalem with the 50th celebration of the NCW.

    2. I asked the archbishop today if he will be off-island for the liturgical/catechetical conference next Saturday, Sept. 5th. He says he will attend and participate in the conference.

    3. Melinda, I wonder what made him change his mind. Probably going to be at the opening ceremony then skip out and away he goes.

  10. Sadly the Archdioses of Agana is forced to foot the bill for NEO Cult Presbyter Apuron's NEO cult related travels. So sad...
