I received the following comment in Italian from a "goooood morning Econe!"
It is a neo-manufactured news item that I have already addressed. However, thanks to this Italian kiko-kook, I am once again afforded the opportunity to demonstrate what a bunch of kaka-drunk fools these kiko-kooks are. Here is the comment in Italian:
It is a neo-manufactured news item that I have already addressed. However, thanks to this Italian kiko-kook, I am once again afforded the opportunity to demonstrate what a bunch of kaka-drunk fools these kiko-kooks are. Here is the comment in Italian:
goooood morning Econe! has left a new comment on your post "VATICAN CITY GETS SCHOOLED BY FRENCHIE ON KIKO AND...":La pace del Signore regni nei vostri cuori.Già da qualche giorno abbiamo in mente l'intenzione di comunicarvi un avvenimento di somma importanza per la nostra Chiesa Dominicana. Qualcosa che ci ha consolato e rallegrato profondamente.Vi raccontiamo i fatti cosi come sono avvenuti: il giorno 23 di giugno, di sera, essendo in piena convivenza di itineranti, si presenta all'improvviso l'Arcivescovo Emerito di Santo Domingo, Mons. Ramon de la Rosa y Carpio. Veniva espressamente da Santiago, in mezzo ad un violento acquazzone, per comunicarci di persona ciò che segue: "Poco tempo fa abbiamo celebrato la visita AD LIMINA noi vescovi dominicani. Il Santo Padre ci ha ricevuto cambiando il protocollo: prima ci riceveva uno ad uno durante un quarto d'ora e concludeva con un breve messaggio comune. Questa volta ha cambiato il protocollo ricevendoci tutti assieme e discorrendo paternalmente per più di un'ora e mezza. Il motivo della mia presenza qui è perché vi voglio raccontare dettagliatamente qualcosa di molto importante che si è detto in quell'udienza. II Santo Padre, quando Monsignor Fausto parlò dell'esistenza in Repubblica Dominicana di un seminario Inter-diocesano e di due seminari Redemptoris Mater, focalizzó il suo dialogo parlando del Cammino Neocatecumenale. Vidi che l'argomento era ditale importanza che in questo momento tirai fuori il quaderno degli appunti e mi misi a scrivere tutto ciò che disse. Centrò il suo discorso su questi 7 punti:1. Di Kiko Arguello si sono dette e si possono dire molte cose. Ciò di cui non c'è dubbio è che è un SANTO.2. Il Cammino Neocatecumenale è un DONO dello Spirito Santo alla Chiesa.3. Pertanto, vi esorto vivamente affinché sosteniate, incoraggiate e diate seguito a questa Iniziazione cristiana.4. Valuto molto positivamente la dimensione missionaria delle Comunità. Quest'anno ho appena inviato pii di cento famiglie in paesi in cui non esiste o è scarsa la presenza della Chiesa.5. Riguardo ai Seminari Redemptoris Mater, dico il seguente: che cosa sarebbe la diocesi di Roma senza di loro? Ho appena ordinato 16 sacerdoti e 13 erano del Cammino Neocatecumenale. Traetene voi le conclusioni.6. Il cammino Neocatecumenale ha restaurato nella Chiesa la Notte Pasquale, che è il centro della vita cristiana ... (Sono testimone di questo: personalmente fin dal 1994 celebro la Vigilia Pasquale tutta la notte con le comunità...)7. l I Cammino Neocatecumenale è chi più ne sa sull'Iniziazione Cristiana. Consultate e, se necessario, correggete i catechisti, le comunità... (perché correggere è amare)... pero correggete con gli Statuti in mano!"Mons. De La Rosa, una volta concluso il suo intervento, ci diede la sua benedizione e tornò a Santiago in mezzo all'acquazzone. Aveva percorso 300 chilometri solo per comunicarci di persona l'immenso amore che il Papa ha per noi. Che Dio lo benedica e gli paghi tutto il bene che le sue parole ci hanno fatto!!Da Santo Domingo vi salutano con affetto P. Alonso e Bruno
Here is the translation:
The peace of God rule in your hearts.For several days we have in mind the intention to announce an event of great importance for our Dominican Church. Something that comforted us and cheered deeply.We will tell you the facts as occurred: on June 23rd, in the evening, in the the Itinerant Convivence, the retired archbishop of Santo Domingo, Msgr. Ramon de la Rosa y Carpio suddenly appeared. He came directly from Santiago, in the middle of a downpour to tell us in person the following:"Not long ago the Dominican bishops celebrated the Ad Limina visit [with the Pope]. The Holy Father has been changing the protocol: [usually] he first received us one by one during a quarter of an hour and ended with a brief joint statement. This time has changed the protocol receiving us all together and paternally talking for over an hour and a half. The reason I am here is because I want to tell in detail something very important that was said in that hearing. The Holy Father, when Monsignor Fausto spoke of the existence of a inter-diocesan workshop in the Dominican Republic and the two Redemptoris Mater seminaries, focused his dialogue talking about the Neocatechumenal Way. I saw that this topic was important so that at this time I took out a notebook and began to write down everything he said. He centered his his speech on these 7 points:Many things have been said of Kiko Arguello and you can say many more things, but what no doubt is that he is a HOLY man.The Neocatechumenal Way is a GIFT of the Holy Spirit to the Church.Therefore, I strongly urge you to ensure that you support, encourage this Christian initiation.I think very positively the missionary dimension of the Community. This year I just sent 100 pious to countries where the the Church is scarse or non-existent.With regard to seminaries Redemptoris Mater, I say the following: what would be the diocese of Rome without them? I just ordained 16 priests and 13 were of the Neocatechumenal Way. Draw your own conclusions.The Neocatechumenal Way has restored the Easter Vigil in the Church, which is the center of Christian life ... (I am a witness to this: since 1994 personally celebrate the Easter Vigil all night with the community ...)The Neocatechumenal Way knows more about Christian initiation. Consult them and, if necessary, correct the catechists, communities ... (because to correct is to love) ... but correct with the Statutes in hand! "When Msgr. De La Rosa, once concluded his speech, he gave us his blessing and returned to Santiago in the middle at the shower. He had traveled 300 kilometers just to tell us in person the immense love that the Pope has for us. May God bless him and pay all the good that his words made us !!From Santo Domingo greet with affection P. Alonso and Bruno
And here is how I replied (original post here):
Let's reread this part:
"...on June 23, in the afternoon, in the middle of the Itinerant’s Convivence, His Excellency Ramón de la Rosa y Carpio, Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago, Dominican Republic, showed up unexpectedly. He came directly from Santiago, in the middle of a powerful rain storm, in order to personally tell us: A short time ago, we had the AD LIMINA visit of all bishops from Santo Domingo."
One would think that the pope declaring Kiko a saint would be news that would travel a bit faster - especially given the kikos insatiable hunger for papal validation. Such news - if it were true - would have been immediately sent to all the world and certainly would have been promptly carried by the kiko-controlled Zenit news organization. (It wasn't. The news was received a month after the fact.)
Yet, we are to believe that this important news - a whole 7 points from the pope declaring their founder a saint and a reported hour and a half papal validation of the Neocatechumenal Way - only became known at a particular convivence, via an itinerant, who heard it from a retired bishop, who showed up in the middle of a rain storm, and the whole thing is penned as a p.s. by the same people who got Apuron to squirrel away a 40 million dollar piece of property from the faithful of the Archdiocese of Agana, and we poor islanders are only able to learn of it from a blog operated by a pseudonym!
This is better than fiction. LOL!
First there is the matter that the AD LIMINA visit for the bishops from the Dominican Republic was on May 28, 2015. So we are to believe that this "good news" from the pope about the Neocatechumenal Way was so good that the retired bishop kept it to himself for a whole month before finding the time to scurry over to a convivence in the middle of a rainstorm. And we are also to believe that, even though their country has two Redemptoris Mater Seminaries - meaning that the NCW has significant episcopal support - that NONE of the other bishops released said "good news"? That the whole world had to wait for this significant papal message via a postscript from the Gennarini's??? LOL!
Next there is the matter of this breathless report that the pope broke "protocol". LOL. The intent here is to make us all feel that the pope was so anxious to canonize Kiko and the Neocatechumenal Way that he did away with the normal protocol and invited them all in to slobber on about Kiko. What a joke.
The news from Dominican Today reports:
Francis will receive the prelates jointly and then in individual audiences for each bishop afterwards. The Pope will receive a report "in voce" of the Catholic Church situation in the country.
Sorry Gennarini's and wet-your-pants kikos, this is standard.
Third, the AD LIMINA visits are of such importance to the entire Church that the common address to each group of bishops is always published. Here is the text of the pope's address to the bishops where he "receives the prelates jointly". There is no mention of Kiko Arguello or even the Neocatechumenal Way. And the link is to the kiko-controlled Zenit, which, if there was even a hint of truth to what the Gennarini's said, would have been most certainly reported.
Sadly, the post of the P.S. from the Gennarini's once again evinces the clandestine, cultic, and even gnostic (secret knowledge) methods that are standard practice in the Neocatechumenal Way. But more sadly, it exposes the voracious need for "strokes" from the pope. Catholics who truly live the lives they are called to are not constantly running to Rome for a pat on the head. Yet this is a constant theme from the kikos.
That should tell us everything...especially about the Gennarini's.
And here's my own P.S.: Dear Rome, our archdiocese is run by a bishop who is a slave to these clowns. Do you see the problem? Or did Kiko buy you too?
And here's my own P.S.: Dear Rome, our archdiocese is run by a bishop who is a slave to these clowns. Do you see the problem? Or did Kiko buy you too?
Typical self-promoting, horn tootin' Kikobots. Always looking for "strokes" for themselves and their Master and Mistress.
ReplyDeleteSome anonymous kikozombie posted on Crux Sancta the exact same "News" some months ago, and we came up with the same conclusions, Tim. Apparently there's no limit to neo-bs, and what amazes many people is the fact that they have no problem putting in the Pope's mouth words that never came out of him. And of course, brainwashed kikozombies will never doubt all this crap, being the self centered mesianic cult they are.
ReplyDeleteOh, and one more thing, about what the Holy father supposedly said about the RMS in Rome, that's more bullshit. Anyone can access the stats about ordained priests in Rome and the numbers don't add up. Sorry I don't have the link, but I am almost certain there haven't been16 ordained priests in the roman RMS IN THE LAST DECADE! I could be wrong, though, but the point is these people have no trouble lying and thinking nobody is going to doubt anything they say.
ReplyDeleteA man named "Giuseppe Gennarini" writes news articles for Zenit. See for yourself. Tim is correct - this "news" would certainly have appeared prominently on Zenit if it were true.
ReplyDeleteAs an aside, perhaps Kiko made a financial investment in Zenit after the Legion of Christ (who supposedly run the operation) ran into financial trouble.
this letter is false, on April 26 in Rome Pope Francis ordered 19 priests and only 9 were from rms