Friday, October 23, 2015


This Will Be Your Church - The Archdiocese of Apuron

It is your choice.  You must do something!

Apuron is not a shepherd as he does not lead his flock.  The Sexual Abuse Policy is an example.  I made four attempts to meet with the Archbishop, and non were met, not even a phone call.  All I received was a threatening letter to not attempt to another appointment.  This is not a shepherd.

In July, he had a California attorney threatening me to cease and desist.  My response was that I would not.

Archbishop, it's been over two months, and I'm still waiting.  Sue me!  We will not allow you to do this to Our Church.

John C. Ada Toves TYPHOON


  1. Typhoon, come to my birthday party. Bring a gift. Bye.

  2. There is shifting of perspective when it comes to living on Guam vs living on the Mainland. John Toves cannot just hop on a plane to come to such frivolous event. One who makes a big deal of his 70th birthday is a perpetually demanding unhappy kid. At any rate, John has a real job and he is most probably busy putting food on his table through honest work. He has more important work than fawn over an immature needy person who thinks he is loved by his constituents. Apuron, who lives on Guam has nothing better to do except raise funds for his first class travels, his incessant demands and cursory cameo appearances. He can't even drive himself to events but had to rely on a decent-looking priest-chauffeur who feeds him with adulation.

    This $200.00 a plate event is up there with total jackass attitude and disconnect. At the end of the day it is not the satisfaction of lavished attention. Thanksgiving for a life well-lived? Hardly. An image of a laughing hyena comes to mind, slopping remnants of meat and licking off his hide of leftover dinner. If ever, this birthday celebration that comes at the threshold of All Souls' Day observance should give pause to a reflection on the brevity of human life. Is there really reason to celebrate when one is confronted by both loud and muffled voices of protest in the background? The answer to this is the real measure of a soul who will one day face the Creator and Judge of life to make an account of his life..

    1. Fr. Matthew BlockleyOctober 23, 2015 at 7:36 PM

      Thank you 3.22pm. This is really a beautiful reflection. Older we get most of us are reminded of the shortness of our life on earth and the need to really help others. As a young priest on the islands I got caught in that mentality where a birthday of a priest or his anniversary had to be seen as a fundraiser. As I look back so many things that priests learn on those islands from their bishops much of it is stupidity. No one celebrates every birthday with the intention of making money. What about humility. Many of us did not become priest's to enrich ourselves. We became priest's to serve and to bring the love and compassion of the Lord to others. If we focus on our ministry formal or informal the Lord will never see us without a meal. As some of our readers know I don't have a formal ministry in the church and nor do I take a formal salary from the church since 2000. I simply have an informal ministry which feeds hundreds of children each month. I have no status or position all that I do is from my own inner well of love. So when I sit and watch the life of Tony and this drama of making money for himself on his 70th birthday I find it rather sickening to say the least. It shows no humility, no love for the poor, he just feeds himself with prestigious Cars, fine meals, business class travel, five star hotels, the best that life offers. For Tony everything is about himself. How can I enrich myself . Yes it's my 70th I will throw a bash make money and travel. How revolting can you get? Can you honestly fly business class drinking you're Bloody Mary's on the flight, as I'm told, knowing the little old ladies of Guam have sacrificed their $20 between the power bill and supermarket for you. They did not give for you to live a high life. I think for your 70th there needs to be a life style check on you and this posted on JW and forwarded to the Secretary of State. You have become so disgusting people come here to read about you. I hope I contribute to the world interest in Guam's bishop of bling.

    2. Fr. Matthew Blockley.October 23, 2015 at 10:28 PM

      Thank you 4.07pm these are real issues that you bring to our attention. A simple reading of social problems of Guam inform me that there is a growing homeless problem on Guam. I often meet members of Guam business community for breakfast here in Manila and also members of the justice and political system. All tell me of a growing homeless sleeping on the streets. These are not Micronesians but sons and daughters of Guam. I am also aware of the wonderful work accomplished by sister Bridget Perez RSM for her work with the homeless. A religious woman who has my greatest admiration as does her congregation. Now I read of a homeless woman living in a bus shelter near Archbishops long leafy drive leading to the Episcopal Palace. Most bishop's today chose to live in rectories or small apartments. Not Tony he operates between his palace and a beautiful spacious privately owned house of his own. There is certainly no simple living here. Back to the homeless woman in the shelter. Honestly, as he drives out in his prestigious Car how much is his car worth around $60,000, I doubt he even sees this poor woman. Even if he did see her he would not stop to take her McDonald's for a sandwich and coffee. oh no that would be beneath him. He wants to be with his rich friends not homeless that's beneath him. This is the reality of your bishop and I hope you will soon see what he has been doing all these years. Fooling the people of Guam. just look at that stupid jubilee book. Have you ever seen such a pompous ass portray himself in that book as he does. The painting of him is really ridiculous to,say the least. I mean in all honesty he looked like a queen dressed up in drag. Have you ever seen a respected Roman Catholic Bishop portraying himself like that.No. Ridiculous . Do you think Archbishop Krebs or Archbishop Gallagher would dress like a queen. No they are men who are real bishops. The people of Guam have been so fooled they now think Tony is the example of a Catholic Bishop. He certainly is not. He does not represent the nearly Four thousand Roman Catholic Bishops of our church who are real bishops. Guam you need to wake up and stop letting him fool you. I really want to encourage everyone in the coming days from all over the world to come to this blog and tell us your story your experience of Tony. In the meantime please if you see tony in person encourage him for the good of the Roman Catholic Church to give his resignation to the Holy Father. Go to his office and ask him to kindly resign for the good of the church.

    3. Fr. Blockley, one of the archbishop's closest friends is John Quitugua who currently lives in San Francisco. John is not rich, maybe not even employed. The archbishop goes to stay with John Quitugua and his family every chance he gets. So it is not true that the archbishop wants only to be with his rich friends.

    4. True. The archbishop really doesn't have any rich friends, at least not real ones, and certainly not anymore. If he did, it was only because he was in a position to sell them favors. The question is why does the archbishop go "to stay with John Quitugua and his family every chance he gets"? By the way, maybe you can see to it that he visits again soon, and stays there. He will soon need a place to hide.

    5. Blockley, DONT come to my Brthday party which is soon. Bye


    7. Fr. Matthew Blockley.October 24, 2015 at 12:04 PM

      Thankyou Agnes . I am so happy we have a new name on the blog sharing insights with our readers. The name John Quitugua has come up in various dinner conversations. I have attended. I understand he was an altar server and a very powerful one to say the least. People tell me as an altar server he would be very rude insulting to tony in the sacristy before Mass. Tony would not stop him from being insulting to him. Question on my mind is why would Tony allow an altar server to insult him. Back to the rich people. When I was a student on Guam I remember tony saying he wanted to go to a birthday party of a lady because he wanted money from her. I was really shocked. Her name was char calvo. Years later Mr. Gerry Calvo became my neighbor on the street where I live in Manila. So you see I can only gather information gather facts and study them. I am not the story I am the journalist who gathers the details .Let me tell you a secret. He tried to social climb his way into society of Manila's rich. It came to a rather abrupt ending.

    8. Fr. Matthew BlockleyOctober 24, 2015 at 6:06 PM

      Thank you 11.27am. If Tony invited me to his birthday I would attend. I have been trying to meet with him for 23 years but he has avoided me. He did attend my ordination but after the Ordination he ran away so I was unable to talk to him. In 23 years I made endless phone calls every time he was out. I did call his cell but when I said my name the line got cut. So if he invites me to his birthday I really welcome it and I would attend. But he would need to call me to invite me himself. But I really don't think he would be happy to see me.

    9. Blockley called me Tony. No, can't come to my birthday party. My presbyters who are supposed to be in Rome studying stayed after convivence just for my birthday. It is very soon at the Hyatt. They don't have to pay for their plate. Bye.

    10. 3:22 cheer up! It's almost my birthday. We are going to play a party game. What's four letters, what's four numbers. It will be fun. C'mon. Bye.

    11. Agnes at 10:01,
      John Quitigua is Archie's Pare, same guy that came to be Archie's body guard, while John Toves was on island trying to meet with Apuron. another misrepresentation that Apuron cares for the poor. He only cares for himself.. Nice try though.

    12. Fr. Matthew BlockleyOctober 25, 2015 at 9:29 AM

      Ok 9.29pm I guess with all those Presbyters from Rome there there will not be a spare seat for me at the party. Really wanted to play those party games put on the hat blow the whistle . For sure for sure Bye!

    13. Anonymous Oct. 24, 10:55 I never said John Quitugua is poor. But he certainly isn't rich. You are determined to see only what you want to see. For years the archbishop gave rides to an elderly woman to and from mass if he saw her because she had no car and lived just below his chancery. She was dirt poor and would have had to walk up that steep hill. She passed away last year from cancer. Most of what is said here on the blog is true but it doesn't help our cause to twist the truth.

    14. Agnes,
      How about the fact that this poor woman with Cancer lived just a short distance from wher Apuron lived, He knew she had Cancer because she attended mass daily at the chapel, the sad reality is Apuron never visited that poor woman until she died. We are talking about the shepherd of the flock here, who should be teaching us all by his example. I am inclined to say that He took her to mass because she asked him to, not because he was generous. Archie has never demonstrated that type of compassion, he doesn't turn from a saint to a person who abandons his flock overnight. Wake up and open your eyes...

  3. a very short distance down the hill from where Archbishop lives is a open bus shelter that's occupied by a homeless women who has been living there for quite awhile. I've wondered if ever Archbishop stop by to visit and assist this lady.

    1. 4:07 PM, it is an excellent question that we all have to ask ourselves, not just the bishop. I do agree, however, that it would be a nice neighborly gesture from an archbishop to a person who had fallen on hard times. How hard is it for him to do so? How hard is it for us to do likewise? This story is found in the Tale of the Good Samaritan and in the ongoing tale of our lives.

      Yes, the poor and the homeless are among us while most opt to ignore them and keep them at arms' length as pariah, as invisible members of society. How many indeed have stopped to give a doughnut or a piece of fruit from our heavily-tinted and airconditioned vehicles? The relevance of your question reminds us vividly that the local church is so caught up with the division and unanswered ethical questions that assail our beloved Catholic Church today. Our hands are so tied up when we can instead make better use our resources and energy to help the government alleviate the social needs of our island community. We are too busy defending our positions and exposing each others' failings that we forget what keeps us together in our crusade to bring Christ to the world.

      I hope we can start by treating each other the way we want to be treated. People deserve honest answers and deserve respect. These are basic to a renewed hope in the power of the Church to bring he Good News to fruition. I respect this blog because it expresses many noble sentiments, the desire to go beyond an uneasy status quo and super credible documentation of fact.

    2. Are we kidding ourselves? As a shepherd, his vistis to his flock in the parishes is every 12 years, and that is due to the ongoinh pressure of the crisis in the church, I have received comments from many church ministry groups, that he does not even pay visit to these volunteers to acknowledge this selfless time and efforts, he just presents them with his photo. I have to say that Archie is too focused on himself, likes the limelight and attention and excludes all others. Apparently he is getting all the attention in the NCW community, this is where he thrives.

    3. I'll inviter her to my birthday party. It's almost time. Bye.

    4. My birthday party is soon. I won't thank anyone for your gift; because I never thank anyone. BYE

    5. Because you owe me. So my birthday is very soon. Hyatt. $200.00 cough it up. Bye.

    6. Fr. Matthew BlockleyOctober 24, 2015 at 9:28 PM

      11.29 . I read every comment posted I generally know if it is true or not.
      This comment is very true. People are only his friends as long as they give him money and expensive gifts. I observed you're right he never ever thanks people for a gift. He lives by a philosophy of " entitlement" He honestly believes that because he was appointed a bishop he is entitled to money and expensive gifts from the people. I know many gave him gifts. But notice after a time of sucking money out of people he dumps them. I mean this poor kimchee woman. Look at that poor old soul. She must have given thousands now she was dumped. If you are a rich man or woman on Guam today my advise to you don't show your bank account. If he had not become a priest he would have gone into mineing Gold. Everything is mine, mine, mine, it's all me me me. look at me. This is Guam's bishop of bling. No need to help the poor just give me money to be an " airport bishop" money money money just give me money november 1st. People not important go and eat cake, all I want is money. BYE.

    7. Wait a minute. I know what surprise for my birthday is! A dancing lady with lots of feathers. I know what my surprise is. I know what my surprise is. I know what my surprise is. Clap, clap, clap. Bye.

    8. Perhaps I am naĂŻve, perhaps I am ignorant, but what does a 70-year-old bishop need with a lot of money? Some of us have children to worry about when we pass. Some of us have to worry about housing, transportation, health care, food, etc. as we age and cannot work, but I am I wrong to assume that a bishop will have his health care and basic necessities paid for by the diocese after he retires, that is if he stays in the diocese.

      One cannot take money to heaven, hell, or purgatory. I would think most bishops would leave their worldly possessions upon death to the Church or one of its charities or organizations.

      I guess I just don’t see why a bishop needs to amass a lot of money. I can see some bishops could equate money with comfort, status and power, but at 70 isn’t it is time to be thinking of other people and what legacy we want to leave on this earth? Usually as we age, our priorities change.

    9. for; RYaeger October 25, 2015 at 3:47 AM

      for a normal 70 yr old, you're correct but this is tony
      I remember a comment awhile back, regarding kiko's death, the punchline was
      why all the fuss, I'll only be gone three (3) days

      our tony believes in kiko, so normal does not apply, he believes in the punchline...
      this is what our tony sees and believes his future to be like....

      tony, who has been faithful to God his whole life, is visited by an angel one night.
      The angel says, "God sent me to let you know that you're going to die in two days.
      But don't worry; you are certainly welcome in heaven."
      tony says, "That's great.

      But listen, I know God has this rule that we can't take anything with us, but do you think he could bend it for me?
      I'd really like to take something with me."
      The angel says, "Well, I'll ask, but I can't promise anything."

      The next night, the angel returns and says, "God told me to tell you that he'll allow you to bring a single black plastic bag, with whatever you want to bring along inside of it."

      tony is excited, but can't decide what to bring.
      He thinks of bringing along all of his money, but he's not sure what kind of currency they take in Heaven. He decides instead to trade all of his money in for gold, since gold is good anywhere.

      So he buys a whole bunch of bars of gold with all of his money, sticks it in the black plastic bag, and the next day he dies and finds himself before the Pearly Gates with the black plastic bag by his side.
      Saint Peter stops him and says, "Sorry, but you can't bring anything in here."

      tony says, "An angel told me that God said it was okay."

      Peter says, "Well, if it's okay with God, then go ahead through.
      But out of curiosity, what do you have in there?"

      tony lays down the black plastic bag and opens it up, showing Saint Peter all of the bars of gold.

      Peter gives tony a funny look and says, "That's what you brought? Pavement?"

    10. Fr. Blockley, what do you mean "the kimchee woman was dumped?" Does that mean the archbishop refuses to meet with her?

    11. Kimchee flying in for my Birthday. Cashee, Cashee in envelopeeee! Almost time. Bye.

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, John is about to get a "NUT" on your dime when Tony goes down. Bring it 4:48.

      Larry P.

    2. Is that all you have @ 1:57...Lol.

      Larry P.

    3. Anonymous @ 1:57 AM: Did you mean to say Father Louis likes pussy?

    4. 1:57 AM meant that exactly, "Louis into pussy." That was the position he was found in by the law enforcers, his face buried deep in OJ of an underage parishioner. An afternoon snack perhaps? It might seem a crass description but it is the truth! He roams free around the globe without so much as an investigation by the Archdiocese of Agana. Wow, the leadership of this Archdiocese really have lost the will to enforce basic decency and discipline within their ranks. No wonder people have lost confidence in the ability of the Chancery Office to inspire trust. Can we really blame those who are exiting the Church in droves? How can you entrust your very soul to church leaders when their personal lives and their church governance are so messed up that they are the ones that needed to be rescued first? Take the splinter out of your eye first!

    5. No my friends, You only get forgiveness and absolution for all yours personal offenses, and the treatment of being sent on vacation without any type of investigation if you are walking in the RIGHT and Only WAY. If this was committed by a priest not walking in the way, for sure, for sure, there will be an immediate investigation, the person will be fired, and his name plastered throughout all media, and made an example of.

      How do we know? Of Course, Of Course, Look at the examples of Fr. Paul and Monsignor James. Apuron will only forgive and show mercy to those who are walking in his cult. John Wadeson and Cunnilingus Louie are exhibit A.

      Apuron should read the DECREE CONCERNING THE PASTORAL OFFICE OF BISHOPS IN THE CHURCH - CHRISTUS DOMINUS so that he can learn how to be a father to his priests, however his actions are clearly partial to those walking in the Way.

      He was given a specific task by God to be chief shepherd of the flock in Guam, the primary responsibility of take of God’s sheep, and who may we ask are God’s sheep? In Apuron’s mind those who walk in the Way…

  5. I encourage you all to PROTEST in front of the Hyatt Hotel! Let's make big signs that say $200.00 for what? This will definitely rub it all in their faces!

    1. For what???? $200.00 for what??? For me, you fool. It almost my birthday. At the Hyatt. Fool. For what. Bye.

  6. Watch new Bahrain Cathedral....first in arabica peninsula.....

    1. Your point Anon at 2.22????

    2. Hello Frenchie,

      I think Anon’s post might relate to
      And the post should have been under the Qatar post perhaps.

      The Bahrain cathedral looks very Kiko-ish. Perhaps Chuck can comment.

    3. It is a Kiko-building. Look who's the architect: Mattia Del Prete.

  7. Tony Tony, sat on the wall. Tony Tony, will have a ''BIG'' fall. All th Kiko Bosses and all them NEO friends won't even lift a finger when CCOG sues him and brings him down to the end.

    I predict that when this all starts to go through the court systems all them anonymous brave kiko big mouths will disappear. Poof.

    You know in some ways Apuron reminds me of the fr. Ray Cepeda. He had a lot of enemies from Dededo because of his attitude towards people that when he got accused of that sexual problem thing no one gave a craps, they were all glad he was let go.......ummm,
    Your next AA.

    Flo B.

    1. Hey, Apostolic Delegate, not Nuncio. Just Apostolic Delegate. Don't bother to spend all that money for flight to Guam. I'll send you signed copy of the big book. C.O.D. Bye.

    2. Fr. Matthew BlockleyOctober 25, 2015 at 9:53 AM

      I would like to see the Guest list and the seating arrangement for this Hyatt bash.
      Who will be on his Top table right and left who knows?
      Who will be the MC for the Evening?
      Hope we will all know the chosen few soon.
      By the way I don't think Anyone from the Vatican is flying in for this bash.
      But yes you got it he sent out invitations!
      Even a few in Manila have been invited.
      I have not received invite yet but I would be a little embarrassed to eat a meal costing $200 about p 9,000 pesos when that could feed a family basic meals in the Philippines for about three months. Besides this point it's like a buffet . Not only expensive but it's impossible for most of us to even consume that amount of food in one meal. It's really gross when you think of it . Living in a world of so much poverty and Guam's bishop holds such an event.

  8. The following comment was edited to delete some of the more graphic language. You can fill in the blank. I need to hold back a bit for the sake of those who find some of this over the top yet still support our cause:

    What is the SARC of the Archdiocese going to do about this? Lois was caught ___ diving by the authorities and it was also aired in the media. Of course, of course, for sure, for sure he was innocent of all the charges because he walks in The Way and that's the only way to prove that he's innocent because he's confessed it openly that he likes ___ and that's okay, for sure, for sure.

    1. What is wrong with eating punket pie? For sure for sure it is almost Thanksgiving. Plenty punket for presbyters to eat.

    2. Variety of dessert is good. There will also be Pungket Rolls, Pungket pastet (turnovers) Pungket buchibuchi, Pungket crunch cake, etc.

  9. This goes back to the top please.
